Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 465 The Young Master of the Photo Studio (4)

The heart guard shattered, Hu Buwei roared, and the black robe on his body suddenly emitted countless extremely thin rays of light. The rays of light intertwined vertically and horizontally, and piled up one after another in front of the Beiming Sword.

There was a loud noise, and the hilt of the Beiming Sword smashed into the breast mirror. The heavy sword continued to rotate forward half a circle. When the black robe's dim light shone brightly, it happened that the tip of the sword turned around, from top to bottom. A hard chop.

There was no sword light splashing, no divine light lingering, and no mana fluctuations or magical signs. There was just a flash of cold light, and the overlapping and dense light was chopped to pieces by a sword.

The black robe exploded into pieces, revealing a set of black soft armor with fine scales that Hu Buwei wore closely.

Hu Haijiao suddenly jumped to his feet and cursed: The old ghost is biased. I asked him for this set of 'Hyper Dragon Soft Armor' at least a hundred times, just to save my life... What did he say that this is the poster's protective weapon? A treasure cannot be given to others... I didn't expect that it was given to you without saying a word!

In the midst of his busy schedule, Hu Buwei glanced at his jealous third child and thought for a moment that he would be beaten to death, and he would have to lie in bed for at least half a year before he could get up.


The tip of the sword had already scratched, and then it was replaced by the hilt and hit the chest.

Hu Buwei took a deep breath, and activated the 'Xuanmo True Body' cultivated in the Mysterious Demon Sutra with all its strength. There were angular muscle bulges covered with a layer of fine black scales on his body. The light flourished, and the light and shadow of a weird dragon head the size of a fist emerged from the soft armor and screamed towards the hilt of the Beiming Sword that was flying towards it.

The hilt of the sword fell.

The light and shadow of the dragon's head were blown to pieces, and then the sword hilt hit Hu Buwei's chest heavily. The dragon's soft armor let out a shrill wail, and the soft armor dented. Layers of densely packed restrictions were activated, layer by layer, absorbing and counteracting the terrifying power coming from the sword hilt.

In the end, only about 20% of the force actually hit Hu Buwei's chest.

Hu Buwei's face suddenly turned green and white, and he was forced to eat the impact. He stepped lightly on the edge of the fish viewing platform with his feet, and heard a pop sound. Within a hundred feet of the lakeside, he Large swaths of reef covered with countless defensive restrictions all collapsed. When the lake wind blew, stone powder all over the sky flew silently into the mist and disappeared without a trace.

Some tricks!

Lu Qian muttered in a low voice. His body swayed, and a high-pitched, clear, violent, or crazy dragon roar came from his body. The Nine Dragon Zijia transformed into nine groups of light and shadow and rushed out of his body. After circling crazily around his body, bringing up a large area of ​​sea waves of mysterious light, the light group moved toward him, and a complete set of fully enclosed ferocious heavy armor was put on him.

Lu Qian laughed wildly, took a step forward, and the air suddenly exploded. The air within a thousand feet was shaken outward by his rapid charge. There was no air within a thousand feet, and it suddenly turned into an almost pure vacuum. .

Hu Buwei raised his head in shock. His body suddenly rose to one foot, three or four feet, and he raised two thick arms covered with black scales and faced Lu Qian's right palm, which he had slapped on his head.

In this palm, Lu Qian still did not use any magic power. It was pure physical power, the purest and most brutal physical power. But with the high speed brought by the charge just now, and the force of this palm shot, Lu Qian probably felt that there could be about 20,000 things?

He could see that what Hu Buwei practiced was also an extremely profound and mysterious body cultivation technique. Coupled with his extreme cultivation level according to the void, this guy's physical strength should not be underestimated!

Hu Buwei felt the majestic power that was pressing down on his head, like a collapse of the sky. He did not dare to neglect, and forcefully activated all his magic power, using the secret technique of fierce battle of the mysterious demon body, with his arms like pillars holding up the sky. Facing Lu Qian, due to the stimulation of Qi and blood, his palm suddenly swelled to the size of an ordinary Eight Immortals table!

Lu Qian's palms were congested with blood, and the skin almost swelled to the point of transparency. Through the thick blood vessels, dark golden blood could be seen flowing rapidly in the palms.

The sound of blood flowing almost turned into thunder. The blood rushed against the walls of the blood vessels. At the branches and interlaced nodes of the blood vessels, the plasma rolled and turned into tiny whirlpools, among which there were faint golden Buddha seals. Shockingly floating.


Lu Qian's giant palm and Hu Buwei's two palms collided violently.

There was a loud noise, and on the Xijianchi Lake behind Hu Buwei, the water surface with a radius of more than ten miles suddenly sank. The bodies of countless fish, shrimps, turtles, crabs and other aquariums in the lake suddenly deflated, then suddenly expanded, and exploded at the same time. It turned into a ball of blood.

Hu Buwei snorted.

The naked eye could see that the muscles on his arms were vibrating violently like running water. Lu Qian's palm was a hundred or a thousand times heavier than a mountain hitting him. The secret fighting technique used by Hu Buwei was blasted through with a sudden palm, and his hands were filled with energy. The mysterious magic power in the arm was blown to pieces, and every trace of magic power was forced out of the arm and collapsed back into the body.

Without the support of magic power, Hu Buwei's real physical strength is only about 3,600 elephants.

To other monks, the physical strength of the 3,600 elephants is simply like a monster.

Even in the Barbarian King Palace where Yuan Lingtian was famous for his bloodline and body cultivation, only a few supreme elders who were half-step into the heavenly realm could barely compete with Hu Buwei in terms of pure physical strength.


Under Lu Qian's hands, this physical strength is like a seven or eight-year-old child facing a professional wrestler... interesting!

The sound of clicking was heard endlessly. Part of Lu Qian's palm force was offset, but a huge force still crushed him down. All the joints of Hu Buwei's two arms, from fingers to shoulders, were staggered at the same time, and each joint was broken. Dislocated and dislocated, the two arms fell limply and uncontrollably.

However, the mystery of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Mysterious Demon Sutra should not be underestimated. Hu Buwei just dropped his arms, and his body suddenly swayed. The muscles in his body tensed and beat, and with a loud sound like the sound of a bowstring, he All the dislocated and dislocated joints in both arms made a crackling sound and were forced to reset completely.

Two arms covered with dense black scales brought up the evil wind, and three-inch-long sharp nails like daggers suddenly appeared on the ten fingers. Hu Buwei roared, and stabbed Lu Qian's chest and abdomen with both arms. .

Hey, that's interesting! Lu Qian laughed. His palm almost hit the long lightning-rod-like needle on Hu Buwei's head. He suddenly turned his hand and patted Hu Buwei's two penis with both hands. The arms were so beat that they were dislocated and misaligned.

Hu Buwei's body swayed, and the muscles on his two arms jumped. He forcibly reset all the joints of the two arms and stabbed Lu Qian's body with more force.

‘Dong dong’ twice!

Hu Buwei's finger hit Lu Qian's Nine Dragon Armor hard.

The triple thick armor plate lit up with a layer of mysterious light. Hu Buwei screamed strangely and watched as his ten nails were shattered one by one. The terrifying backlash force hit him, like countless large and small whirlpools locking his nails. The palms and arms were surrounded by surging potential energy, and Hu Buwei's two arms were twisted rapidly, and the tendons and bones simultaneously made an overwhelming sound of shattering.

Who are you!

Hu Buwei looked at Lu Qian in horror.

Over the years, he has relied on the Mysterious Demon Realm cultivated by the Mysterious Demon Sutra of Ten Thousand Tribulations. He has received so many spells, endured so many magical powers, and been struck head-on by so many magical flying swords, but he has never suffered such a blow!

Unless he encounters those old ghosts who are half-stepping into the realm of gods, other monks in the same realm cannot do much harm to him at all.

The aura on Lu Qian's body is clearly still in the realm of Condensing Dao Fruit. Although there is a hint of the sublimation of Dao Fruit and the charm of illuminating the void, he has definitely not stepped into the realm of illuminating the void!

He was a whole level shorter than himself, but he actually completely crushed himself in terms of physical strength!

What kind of monster is this?

After going through all the hundreds of sects in Yuanlingtian... let’s not even mention the Wanhua sect, which is full of pretty little ladies who hurt people with their sexual exploits. With their delicate bodies, he can make them cry a thousand times with one punch, okay?

Among the other ninety-nine sects, including the Barbarian King Palace, Hu Buwei never met anyone who could compete with him in terms of physical strength!

Who is this person?

Which sect secretly cultivated this unparalleled genius?

Or some shameless old man who has been hiding for tens of thousands of years and has just been born and walked?

Thirty thousand years ago, Yuan Lingtian's cultivation world was much more glorious and spectacular than it is now. In that era, if there was an old monster who pretended to be dead and escaped from the world, lingering until today to make trouble, it would really be possible to completely crush him in terms of physical strength!

For weird techniques such as Mysterious Demon Sutra of Ten Thousand Tribulations, if someone has to suffer for another twenty or thirty thousand years, his physical strength should be much stronger than his own - if Hu Buwei lives for another twenty or thirty thousand years ...No, even two or three thousand years? After suffering two to three thousand more years of Ling Chi, his physical strength should be able to compete with Lu Qian according to his current annual strength increase!

Hu Buwei's eyes were dark, staring straight at Lu Qian.

Behind Lu Qian, White Scorpion, Black Crab, and Mi Xi simultaneously turned into afterimages and merged into the void. Then countless cold lights flickered and silently crashed down towards Lu Qian. There were even secret talismans, poisonous smoke, yin thunder, and even swaying yin soldiers and ghosts, etc., swarming towards Lu Qian from all directions.

But all the attacks were still dozens of feet away from Lu Qian, and were shattered by three brilliant purple-red sword lights.

Although the three Qingyou girls were unable to do anything to Hu Buwei due to their cultivation, their flying swords were able to restrain the three senior executives of the photo studio.

The cold light shattered, the secret talisman disappeared, the poisonous flames, Yin thunder, Yin soldiers, fierce ghosts, etc. were all burned cleanly in a single spin of the sword light. It didn't even need to be cut by the flying sword itself. It was simply released by the Three Yang Sword. Pure Yang Qi completely eliminated these evil tricks.

There was a muffled groan, and Mi Xi emerged from the void, vomiting blood, and sat down on the ground in an extremely miserable state.

She is only at the Ningdao Fruit Realm, and she is in the same realm as the three Qingyou girls.

But in terms of the inheritance of skills, how can Mi Xi's background be compared with the three Qingyou girls who received the initiation of the extremely holy Buddhist swordsmanship in Foyin Hall? Not to mention, the One Qi Three Yang Sword specializes in breaking evil spells!

Just a moment of intersection, Mi Xi's internal organs were on fire, her soul was burned by the pure Yang energy, and her pretty face like flowers and jade actually gave birth to dense blisters inexplicably, as if someone had poured boiling water on her face, it was so scary. !

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