Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 461 The Secret Envoy of the Photo Studio (4)

The bright moon was in the sky and the water mist was lingering. The three girls, Lu Qian and Qingyou, arrived at the sword washing pool.

As a distinguished guest of Bai Yu, Yinyuan fell in love with the Brothers Lu Zhishen at first sight. Lu Qian naturally had free access to the huge Jian City. Who dared to meddle in his business?

After walking for a long time along the deep long grass by the water, we reached the end of a peninsula, which was more than two hundred miles deep into the water. At the end of the peninsula, which was as thin as a goat's horn, there was a pavilion for enjoying the scenery. At the moment, there was a hanging hanging outside. There were a few bright lights, illuminating a small area, but there was no one else.

This place is too remote. Even the most interested men and women would not come here to have fun in the middle of the night.

Lu Qian sacrificed the Qingning Heart Lamp.

A circle of warm lights illuminated the land.

Within a few feet, the dust in the air was clearly visible, and all visible and invisible spells and restrictions were illuminated by lights. Within the scope of this light, no spells or magical powers harmful to Lu Qian could be hidden.

Outside the range of a few feet, outsiders cannot see this circle of lights even if they use their magical eyes.

The forbidden method of Buddhism, the most precious treasure to suppress the religion, is so miraculous and slightly idealistic - whoever Lu Qian's heart wants to see the light will naturally see the light; Lu Qian's heart does not want them to see it, They ignored even this area of ​​about ten feet.

Lu Qian pointed with his hand, and the surrounding grass swam deftly, quickly weaving into a grass futon.

He sat cross-legged on the futon, made mudra with his hands, and recited the secret mantra.

To the east of the sword-washing pond, back at the Mi family's mansion in Yanlin, on the fish viewing platform, Hu Tianya and Hu Haijiao's hearts trembled at the same time. They raised their heads and stared dryly at Mi Xi with a smile on his face.

In the souls of the two of them, a Zen light that was as clear as a cold star and as weak as a mayfly dimly lit up. When the Zen light first shines, it is only an insignificant trace, but in the blink of an eye, it is like the rising sun, and the immeasurable morning light spreads across the sky and the earth, illuminating the sky in an instant.

Under the eyes of the two powerful elders of the photo studio, Bai Xie and Hei Zhi, and in front of Mi Xi, the secret leader of the photo studio, the two young masters of the photo studio instantly became completely devoted to Lu Qian. Their feelings for Lu Qian were simply overwhelming. Just like a loyal hound to its master, it is fierce and strong... the guardian Taoist soldiers!

However, Lu Qian Daoxing made great progress and received an extremely advanced Buddhist inheritance in Foyin Hall. The transformation law enforcement he performed at this moment was profound, subtle, and subtle. The expressions of the two young masters did not change at all, and the mana and blood in their bodies did not fluctuate at all. No, their thoughts have completely changed, but they have not lost any memory or consciousness.

Except that their feelings for Lu Yi have changed, and except that they have an unforgettable loyalty to Lu Yi that can be shattered for him, they are still them - even the bad qualities they are born with and in their bones are all gone. Still perfectly preserved.

Three Jiu Xuan Blood Pills... It's hard for us... to make the decision! Hu Tianya tapped his fingers lightly on the table.

Here, at the end of the peninsula, outside the viewing pavilion, Lu Qian laughed.

It really is in the form of a photo studio, and the techniques are weird and unpredictable. The news from Jianmen said that they have run away for hundreds of millions of miles, but they are actually on the opposite side of the Sword Washing Pond.

Amazing, amazing. He even hid it from Jianmen's eyes and ears.

Lu Qian touched his palms and praised.

It can be seen that the disciples of the Sword Sect are too lazy. Qingyou has already condensed the Sword Heart Dao Fruit. A sword heart is clear and ethereal, and naturally derived countless miracles. She smiled lightly and said: I am ashamed of Yuan Lingtian. The reputation of the first sect.”

It's good to slack off, it's good to slack off. Lu Qian stood up and said in a deep voice: If they are all on guard and dedicated to their duties, then what's the point of us coming here? What chance do we have?

With his big sleeves rolled up and holding up the Qingning Heart Lamp, Lu Qian used the Escape Technique and took Qingyou and the three girls with him, and in a row of eighteen steps, he easily crossed the Sword Washing Pond that spanned more than 400,000 miles. Arriving at the east bank of the Sword-washing Pond.

When he first arrived at Yuanlingtian, Lu Qian used the one-thought escape technique, which was only a few hundred miles away. He was already the ultimate in magical power.

In the Foyin Hall, there are 800 small Buddhist Taoist fruits. Each Taoist fruit has brought him thousands of years of mana cultivation. Now, the total amount of his mana can be described as the ancient and the present, which is not very accurate. , I'm afraid it would be more appropriate to use 'crazy' and 'horrifying' as metaphors.

Eighteen steps in a row, spanning more than 400,000 miles, effortlessly, happily and naturally.

If he wasn't afraid that his cultivation level would skyrocket, he wouldn't be able to grasp the scale well, and would go too far with one step, exceeding the position of the two young masters, how could Lu Qian have taken eighteen steps? You can cross this sword washing pool in just one step!

With such magical powers, in terms of the speed of escape techniques alone, except for some Yuan Lingtian who is in the half-step world of heaven and human beings, and who has mastered the power of various escape techniques, I am afraid no one can compare with Lu Qian.

Every step Lu Qian took left a three-foot-deep and extremely clear footprint on the water of the Sword Washing Pool. The other person had already flown past, but the footprints of his feet were deeply embedded in the water of the Sword Washing Pond. They were not dispersed by the wind and rain.

When the first foot print suddenly dissipated after more than ten breaths, traces of water vapor rose from the foot print and slowly merged into a water vapor lotus, swaying in the wind.

When the water vapor lotus rose into the sky, Hu Tianya continued to knock on the table and said calmly: But it doesn't mean that we can't make the decision... But how many people can Captain Mi send out for us?

Mi Xi raised her eyebrows, her pretty face full of joy.

The Jiuxuan Blood Pill is a top-level pill secretly made by the studio. It is difficult to refine, extremely rare, and can conquer the fortunes of heaven and earth. It can transform the universe. It is an extremely cruel and evil pill, but it is also extremely effective.

The wonderful thing about it is that the fate and luck of the tens of thousands of spirits and monks that were used as materials and refined into the elixir. Everything about them was plundered by a single great elixir.

Even a cripple with congenital dementia or disability can achieve the world's top cultivation qualifications and transform from a hundred feet into a peerless monster as long as he takes a Nine-Xuan Lixue Pill.

If a powerful monk like Mi Xi could take one pill, he would be able to make up for all his innate deficiencies, and replenish everything about himself, from his Dao foundation to his fate, from luck to luck, to the most perfect state. .

The huge medicinal power it contains can also help cultivators save a lot of practice time. As long as there is one Jiuxuan Lixue Pill, Mi Xi is sure to break through to the realm of Zhaoxukong within three months, allowing her status in the studio to be improved. The authority has taken another big step forward.

Even in front of the Jianmen elder, Mi Xi no longer had to worry about his housewife who was from a top sect. She could appear in front of him openly and compete for greater benefits and greater convenience.

As for the three Nine-Xuan Lixue Pills, Mi Xishi opened his mouth and wanted to scrape some oil and water out of the two young masters.

If there are really three Nine-Xuan Lixue Pills, Mi Xi is sure that within thirty years, she will be able to upgrade her cultivation to the late stage of the Illuminating Void Realm. Even if it is combined with some rare spiritual pills that increase cultivation, she will be able to improve her cultivation. It is also possible to reach the peak of Great Perfection in the Illuminating Void Realm!

Moreover, with the three great elixirs to enhance his talent and foundation, replenish his destiny and Qi, and forge himself to perfection, it will be a matter of course for him to break through to the half-step heaven and human realm in the future.

As far as Mi Xi knows, in the history of the photo studio, there are only two or three lucky people who are qualified to take three Jiuxuan Blood Pills or even more. However, there are only two or three people with high authority and disciples all over the studio. It's just an old monster who is in charge of the building, the hall, the entrance of the hall, and the rudder.

In Mi Xi's opinion, the old monster Taishang took the Jiuxuan Blood Pill, which was a waste of natural resources.

They have simply reached the limit of their yang life span and are taking the Great Pill simply to replenish their vitality and forcibly prolong their life span. But manpower is limited. At their age, with the terrible hidden injuries they have suffered, how many more years can they live even if they continue to take Jiuxuan Lixue Pill?

Hearing Hu Tianya's suspicious inquiry, Mi Xi suppressed the surprise in her heart and said in a deep voice: Go back to Yanlin, the twenty-three families are all loyal disciples of my studio, the sword-washing branch... Go back to Yanlin, and put aside those outside transactions. The casual cultivators, and all the others who have fixed properties around Huiyan Forest, whether they are wineries, inns, pharmacies, brothels... they are all peripheral disciples of my photography studio's sword-washing branch.

Back here in Yanlin, my disciples from the Xijian branch, together with their relatives and family members, are all peripheral personnel who work and work hard for my photo studio...the total number exceeds 500,000!

This city is the Xijian Branch Rudder built by me, Mi Xi!

Mi Xi looked at Hu Tianya proudly: Second Young Master, do you think that if I help you with such manpower, I can easily clean up Na Lu Zhishen?

Hu Tianya and Hu Haijiao looked at each other.

White Scorpion and Black Scorpion also looked at each other and cursed inwardly.

At this moment, the two of them felt the same hatred.

It takes four to five years to refine such a piece of Jiu Xuan Blood Pill, and how many people are watching it in the photo studio? Those elders who want to extend their lives, those who want to replenish their foundation, those who want to improve their cultivation, those who want to break through bottlenecks, those who have children and grandchildren who are ineffective and want to improve their cultivation qualifications...

Not to mention, those supreme killers, jade medal killers, gold medal killers, etc. who have been on the front line through life and death, have accumulated enough merits, and want to redeem great elixirs to improve themselves...

Some elders were even unlucky. They personally took action on some missions that were too high-paying, and ended up encountering powerful enemies, seriously injured and escaping in embarrassment... They were still waiting for the Great Pill to save their lives!

There are a large group of elders in the photo studio, and every once in a while, one or two unlucky ones will escape with serious injuries and stay on the bed since then. It will take at least hundreds of years to fully heal. And with such a long recovery time, a Jiuxuan Lixue Pill can allow them to quickly recover in just a few months or years!

There are so many people staring up and down.

White scorpions and black larvae don't have the qualifications or luck to get a big pill yet.

If the two young masters really gave Mi Xi three great pills...the two elders felt that they should hold up a wooden sign and go to the entrance of the main hall of the photo studio to find the elders to protest their 'shady affairs'.

Hu Tianya was still banging on the desk.

Mi Xi looked at him with a smile.

She was not in a hurry for this kind of thing... She knew that even the original son of the original poster would not be able to get the three Nine-Xuan Lixue Pills so easily.

But as long as she can talk, she's not in a hurry.

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