Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 450 Sword City Blood (2)

The suona sounded, and Jiancheng was shocked.

Seeing that with Hanli Tower and Haohanzhuang Yiyi as the center, the various sword-making fields, sword-making pavilions, sword-making towers and other facilities in Sword City were completely enveloped by layers of rapidly lighting up forbidden formations.

A series of fierce and astonishing sword intentions shot up into the sky, and a powerful person who was half a step into the realm of celestial beings shouted sternly: How dare you dare to come to Sword City to cause trouble? Do you think the sword in someone's hand is bad?

Following the scolding, there was a man in a white robe with long hair, who looked to be only about thirty years old. There were large yellow sycamore leaves flying around him, and each leaf exuded a fierce sword intent as it whirled. Just like that Appearing in the sky out of thin air.

Sword City is an important stronghold of Jianmen.

Not to mention how many Sword Sect disciples there were, the flying sword in their hands was made by the swordsmiths of Sword City. Just talk about every Sword City grand event. How many training resources can Jian Sect earn from the various flying swords sold?

The cost of one forging material is about 3,000 to 5,000. The flying swords of Canghai Jue and Bao Guangjue of the Void Realm can easily be sold for a high price of 100,000 to 200,000 as long as they are labeled as produced by a certain master. .

And some top-quality flying swords that are truly made by masters, the kind of good things that cost more than 100,000 Canghaijue and Baoguangjue, just need to be sent to the auction and arrange a few shills... These flying swords can be Easily a premium of thirty to fifty times!

As for better things, they cannot be exchanged for ordinary cultivation resources.

You have to agree to some conditions of the Sword Sect, give up some benefits, and reach some tacit understanding before you can obtain a true magic weapon that is better than those masters at auction.

In every Jian Yuan event, Jian Sect is able to spare ten or eight members of such a magical weapon that cannot be measured in terms of training resources, which brings huge benefits to Jian Sect.

Precisely because Sword City is so important, Jianmen has a permanent resident here who is a master of swordsmanship and has reached the half-step heavenly realm. He is here to guard against someone causing trouble in Sword City, destroying the Sword Fate Festival, and destroying the Sword City. A grand ceremony for Jianmen to make money.

In the past hundred years, the person who has been in charge of Jiancheng is ‘Senior Wutong’, one of the Supreme Elders of Jianmen.

He entered the Tao by looking at the sycamore tree, and there was a rhythm of the wood's wither and glory in his flying sword. It is said that the sword's power was extended to the extreme, and it could condense a trace of the legendary fire of Phoenix Nirvana, which could break all laws in the world.

The yellow leaves were flying around the old man Wutong. He held a dagger less than two feet in his hand. He bent his right hand and flicked the sword lightly. Suddenly the sword sounded Clang Clang, and the terrifying sword intent swept across the void and filled the sky. The sound of the suona was swept away.

Ahu snorted, his hands holding the suona trembling slightly. His breath was interrupted by Wutongsou's sword intention, and he could no longer make any sound.

The two eldest young men in the photo studio screamed with strange spirits, and hurriedly got back into their physical bodies. Then they vomited blood, hurriedly took out the healing and life-saving elixir, and stuffed it into their mouths for free.

More than a dozen photo studio killers gasped and stood in front of the two young masters in shock. Their pupils shrank to the size of pinpoints and stared at Ahu fiercely.

Sword City was in chaos, but under the pressure of the Sword Sect disciples everywhere, as high-pitched sword sounds rose into the sky, the chaos quickly calmed down.

Except for the fact that countless unlucky guys with low cultivation levels fell in various corners, and the souls were slightly shaken, there were no serious problems.

Groups of white-robed Sword Sect disciples rose into the air and stared at Ahu and his group with unkind eyes.

Wutongsou had a gloomy face, flew slowly towards Ahu, and shouted sternly: You dare to disturb my Sword City Grand Ceremony, where are you from? What are you doing? If you don't have a reasonable excuse, you...

Wutongsou snorted coldly. He didn't need to finish the rest of his words. Everyone would figure out how the Sword Sect would punish these unlucky people who dared to disturb the Sword City event.

The second young master of the photo studio sneered: Sir, you know that we are the big patrons of your Sword City...not to mention how many good swords we will buy from your Sword City at every Sword Fate Festival. In normal times, in which year did we purchase less than 10,000 flying swords from your Sword City?

We have been regular customers of your Sword City for many years... We were assassinated by a group of crazy evil heretics on the territory of your Sword City, using evil magic weapons... Your Sword Sect needs to give us an explanation.

The second young master of the photo studio stared at the suona in A Hu's hand with sharp eyes.

This suona, he felt, fit very well with his temperament. If he could use it to refine his own magic weapon, it would be an extremely beautiful thing.

Think about it, in the future, his second young master will lead countless photo studio killers to perform tasks. When the suona sounds, the whole house will be dead. How charming, how elegant and extraordinary?

The second young master has even made plans. He is going to spend a lot of money to hire a few top-notch brothel girls, and let them teach him how to play music, and learn how to play the suona better!

The third young master of the photo studio jumped to his feet and yelled: Isn't that right? You Jianmen must be reasonable. We are your big customers. We were on your territory and our souls were almost stolen away. You can't turn a blind eye. ...Those three little ladies, you took the first step and captured them alive for us, and we will explain the rest later!

Wutongsou looked at the two eldest young men in the photo studio, his pupils slightly condensed.

Of course he couldn't hide the origins of these two guys... Just as the two young masters said, the photo studio behind them was one of Sword City's most important customers!

What kind of business does the photo studio do?

The business of getting paid to kill people.

Since they are paid to kill people, they themselves may also be killed in return.

Therefore, the annual killer consumption rate of the photo studio is also a huge number. If the killer is lost, it must be supplemented. The photo studio has an extremely large reserve killer training system, and these reserve killers have great demands for murder instruments.

Every year, the photo studio does purchase a large number of flying swords from Sword City to equip those new killers.

At the same time, for every Sword Fate event, the photo studio does have to purchase a large number of 'masterpieces' of extraordinary quality to arm the newly promoted 'senior killers'.

Even some of the old killers in the photo studio have become more and more advanced, and they also need more powerful killing weapons. The photo studio will also bid heavily for some real master works from the auction of the Sword Edge Festival to improve those old killers. The killer's background.

Wutongsou also knew that several real sword masters in Sword City had inexplicable connections with the elders of the photo studio. The old killers of the elder group often privately order some sharp weapons for killing and stealing from them.

The photo studio is really a big customer of Jian City... Especially, Wutongsou and some elders of Jian Sect also know it very well. Even among their official disciples of Jian Sect, there are also people who secretly work part-time in the photo studio to make extra money. activities!

For example, a certain direct grandson of Wutongsou who is under the seventh generation seems to have won the title of gold medal killer in the killer sequence of the photo studio. Making one order every three to five years is enough to live a very nourishing life and practice. There is no shortage of resources at all.

Numerous thoughts flashed through Wutongsou's mind. He stared at Ahu and his party, and said coldly: Are the words of these two little Taoist friends true? Well, the suona in your hand is filled with evil spirits. It's obviously nothing. Good route.”

Wutongsou strode towards Ah Hu, stretched out his right hand and said coldly: Hand over this thing. If such a vicious thing dares to attack in our Sword City, it should be suppressed and banned by our Sword Sect.

In all directions, many monks who had recovered their breath rose into the air, staring at the suona in Ahu's hand with twinkling eyes.

What an evil, strange, and shockingly lethal secret treasure capable of large-scale destruction.

It's a pity that Mr. Wutong is eyeing it, and it may be impossible to get it.

A thin old man wearing a black robe, with a pale face and unattractive face, and lips as red as if they were smeared with blood, quietly appeared next to the two young masters in the photo studio.

He is a powerful elder in the photo studio, specializing in liaising with Sword City, purchasing various swords, etc.

'Arms procurement' has always been the most lucrative business. Therefore, this powerful elder named 'White Scorpion' is the direct confidant of the current photo studio owner and a real die-hard party member.

The two young masters in front of them are the biological sons of the current photo studio owner.

Although these two precious young masters are not very successful, their identities are here. They are not the kind of concubines who can be looked down upon. They are the children of the real wife of the photo studio owner. The direct descendant of the principal wife.

At this Sword Marriage Festival, two precious young masters clamored to come to Sword City to experience it and at the same time get themselves a real good sword.

Unexpectedly, it would cause such trouble.

However, has the photo studio ever been afraid of trouble?

Bai Xie asked a few questions in a low voice, and after learning the ins and outs of the incident from the two eldest young masters' accompanying guards, he immediately sneered, his body swayed, and turned into an afterimage, suddenly appearing next to Wutong Old Man.

The corners of Wutongsou's eyes twitched slightly.

Bai Scorpion's cultivation level was three small realms behind him, and he was only at the level of the Lighting Void Realm for the first time. However, Bai Scorpion's escape method was so amazing that his spiritual thoughts could only barely capture an afterimage of Bai Scorpion. He actually invaded within ten feet of himself!

Resisting the urge to kill Bai Xie with a sword, Wutongsou nodded towards Bai Xie: Mr. Bai.

Bai Xie bowed to Wutong Old Man: Supreme Elder, these juniors...

Turning his eyes, Bai Xie accused the three Qingyou girls of an extremely dirty crime: They took advantage of the situation and wanted to kidnap two young masters of my family who are delicate and rich, and take them back to collect supplements to make them into furnaces. Do whatever you want... This is so dirty, simply filthy, obscene, and unsightly... How can a place like Sword City allow these evil witches to wreak havoc?

Wutongsou's face twitched.

He looked at the two young masters of the photo studio with sinister looks on their faces and sinister auras all over their bodies, and then at the three Qingyou girls who were surrounded by pure aura and an extremely pure and upright sword intent. He was speechless for a moment. .

Such a strange person from the Three Flowers Immortal Palace has evil intentions towards your two stinky young masters?


Well, for the sake of the big purchases made by the studio every year.

Wutongsou pointed at Qingyou, Ahu and others: Where are the law enforcement disciples? Capture these monsters alive and be careful about his suona!

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