Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 446: Eliminate the root of the disaster (4)

The Jianmen monks were stunned, and the famous masters from various sects in the water pavilion stood up one after another and looked at Lu Qian in shock.

Around the waterside pavilion, dozens of sword cultivators from the Sword Sect appeared one after another, with cold and stern expressions on their faces. Their swords were flying in the air. The cold air destroyed all the flowers and trees everywhere, and countless branches, leaves, petals, etc. were scattered all over the ground. yes.

In the Sword Washing Pond, there are faint ripples on the water, and large groups of fish are frantically moving away from here.

In the high-altitude clouds, a floating mountain peak smashed into the clouds, revealing half of the mountain. Amidst the sound of swords, powerful soul waves shrouded the head, adding a bit of bone-chilling chill to this area out of thin air.

How many years have passed since 30,000 years ago, when the Supreme Master used his sword to defeat the invading monks from the Supreme Holy Heaven, and saved a trace of the lifeblood of Yuan Lingtian's cultivation world in the sea of ​​​​blood on the Corpse Mountain, the Sword Sect has been rising all the way. , becoming the supreme first sect in Yuan Lingtian.

For 30,000 years, wherever the white robe of the sword cultivator of Jianmen passed by, the heroes bowed their heads, and no one dared to stand up to his sharp edge.

Even if he is an independent demon giant like Wu Gonggong, who does not establish a sect, but carves out a territory to rule and live a happy life, he still has to face the ordinary disciples of Jianmen. Give me some face.

In front of so many people and so many other sect masters, the master of the Sword Sect was beaten until he vomited blood...

This kind of thing really hasn't happened for too many years.

In the waterside pavilion, the two elders of Jianmen were in a trance. Ever since the supreme leader saved the entire Yuanlingtian cultivation world from the brink of annihilation...how many years have the disciples of Jianmen not been in such a mess?

Over the years, whether the disciples of the Sword Sect are performing chivalrous acts or subjugating demons, all the demons have been killed by the light of their swords. As a result, the disciples of the Sword Sect have developed a bastard temperament of only attacking but not defending, and only advancing but never retreating!

In fact, in the huge Yuan Lingtian, when the monks saw the sword light of the Jianmen sword cultivator, heard the harsh sword cry, and felt the murderous sword intent, they would basically just run away in confusion and dare not resist. The sword cultivators of the Sword Sect have spent too many years and have no need to defend or dodge.

But today...

The two Jianmen elders were about to shout loudly and question Lu Qian's origins. Bai Yuan was already stroking his hands and laughing: Wonderful, he is indeed a majestic hero. Brother Yin, he is worthy of being your follower.

The two Jianmen elders looked at me and I looked at you and closed their mouths at the same time.

The atmosphere in the waterside pavilion suddenly relaxed, and a group of famous sects smiled one after another - your Jianmen disciples were beaten, and you, the Jianmen sect's young sect, looked so happy and joyful, so what do these outsiders worry about?

In this way, under the complicated and messy gazes of all the sword cultivators, Lu Qian walked into the waterside pavilion with his head held high, and cupped his hands towards Bai Yuan: This girl has the appearance of a dragon and a phoenix, and she has a divine appearance. I think she is. Is this the most noble and glorious young master of Jianmen Sect in Jiancheng these days?

The white turtle looked up to the sky and laughed.

This flattery was well photographed and she liked it very much.

Lu Qian raised his hand towards Yinyuan again: Young master, I fell in love with you the moment I met you. Do you dare to ask me your name? I can see that you are also a heroic and generous person, not the stingy people outside the door who use a small hand. A bastard who wants to stab someone with a knife.”

Yinyuan grinned so hard that the corners of his mouth twitched.

The great sword cultivator of the Jianmen Zhao Void Realm, in your mouth, turns into a bastard who stabs people with a small knife?


How should he answer this?

Didn’t you see that the sword masters in the water pavilion and the sword cultivators outside the water pavilion all looked wrong?

Although, their flying swords are indeed a bit smaller, haha!

Yinyuan clasped his fists towards Lu Yi and said with a smile on his face: I am Yin Yuan. I was born in a mountain cultivator. Somehow, I hit it off with my brother at first sight, and I knew that I would be able to talk to him... So I took the liberty of asking someone to invite me. May I ask, brother?

Yin turtle?

Lu Qian's eyes widened.

When Yinyuan announced his name, he drew two strokes in the air and drew out his own name. The yin in the cloudy sky, the turtle in the big turtle... the pronunciation of his original name is similar, but is this word...

Yin turtle?

An old turtle hiding in the gutter?

What nonsense are these names?

However, this name actually collides with the name of Bai Yuan, the young master of Jianmen... Maybe this is the main reason why Bai Yuan and this guy got together? Serious person, who would use this word as a name?

Lu Qian raised his head, his eyes flashed with a cold light, he patted his chest carelessly, and said in a deep voice: A certain family's surname is Lu, and their name is Luda. Because he was reckless since he was a child, he was given the name by the elders in the family. 'Zhishen', Brother Yin, you can also call me Lu Zhishen!

Luda, Lu Zhishen!

Yinyuan's expression was a bit subtle, bastard, why is the name you gave yourself so charming, and the name you gave yourself in a hurry, when you think about it afterwards, it's just like this... bastard?

He is worthy of being the ‘Wen Zong’ of Dayin!

Yinyuan coughed lightly and said loudly: Lu Da, Lu Zhishen, it is indeed a good name. Come here, serve wine, serve good wine, serve the best spirits. Today I have a sword, and I have to meet Brother Lu like this again. You man, you really have a great time in your life, come on, have a drink!

Bai Yu hurriedly clapped his hands at the side: Serve wine, serve good wine, serve strong wine, the strongest wine, not the soft, sweet stuff that only women drink. Today, Brother Yin and I , and this Mr. Lu, he won’t come back until he’s drunk!”

The maids, who were also dressed in men's clothing, hurriedly took out a jar of Tanjian City's famous aged wine 'Qianjian' brewed with the extremely cold water taken out of the Xijianchi's heart from the treasures they carried with them. kill'!

As the name suggests, this wine is extremely strong. It is so strong that when you drink it, your whole body feels like being struck by sword after sword. It is extremely stimulating. It is the strongest and strongest wine that can be found around Sword City.

Yinyuan and Lu Qian were like a pair of heroes who really hit it off. They were in a bold and uninhibited state, toasting each other with large bowls of wine and pouring wine.

Bai You didn't know what was going on between the two of them, and sincerely thought that Yinyuan and Lu Qian were good guys who met each other and fell in love at first sight. She cheered and cheered, poured wine for the two of them, and accompanied them to drink bowl after bowl of wine.

Lu Qian's drinking posture was extremely bold. He would always raise the wine bowl, one or two feet away from his mouth, and then tilt it, letting the wine flow down.

So, half of the drink went into my belly, and half of it spilled all over my body.

Bai Yu clapped and laughed more and more, saying that she had read countless legendary and strange novels since she was a child, and all the heroes in them were like Lu Qian. She smiled extremely cheerfully, and Lu Qian received countless labels such as righteous and generous and heroic and powerful.

All the famous sects on the side couldn't help but frequently look at the two Jianmen elders present.

Is it possible that the young master of your family is missing something in his head?

Fortunately, wherever she goes, there is a large group of swordsman masters accompanying her. Otherwise, with her character, she would be sold and still have to help people pay for it?

The two Jianmen elders looked around awkwardly, not daring to look at these old friends.

Bai Yu's performance is really... But her status is too special. How dare the two Jianmen elders dare or want to interfere in her business?

Not to mention that she was drinking and joking with Yinyuan and Lu Qian. Even if she went to Sword City to kill people and set fires when she was drunk, wouldn't they, the members of the Sword Sect, have to help her pass knives and spread kerosene?

Feeling depressed, the two Jianmen elders also began to call their friends and drink 'Thousand Swords Kill'.

A group of famous sect members smiled, drank and laughed, admiring the scenery of the Sword Washing Pond.

A maid from Bai Yu took the disciples of the Sword Sect and Yu Jian went to the depths of the Sword Washing Pond. From the extremely deep waters, she hunted a large fish that was more than one foot long, and dug up two or three feet of white shrimp as thick as an arm. From the long lotus roots, a large number of fresh lotus seeds and water chestnuts were taken, and a large number of fresh and tender loaches and eels were dug out from the mud at the bottom of the water...

He was accompanied by a master chef who was proficient in cooking. These lake delicacies were cooked on site, and the rich flavor of the lake floated far away in the wind.

Mr. Tianshu mingled among the crowd, smiling, and his somewhat mischievous eyes glanced to the left and right, as if he had just touched a few small wallets, lest he catch the three hands that came to the door.

He just casually glanced at Lu Qian's head.

He was too lazy to waste his energy on predicting a person he had just met and had no grievances. He just used the most common qi-gazing technique to check Lu Qian's luck.

Good guy!

A large piece of golden-purple luck rolled over Lu Qian's head, covering a hundred acres in area. It had already condensed into an almost substantial Qingyun. There were several layers of Qingyun crowns forming on top, some of which could only be found by those with extremely high destiny and great luck. Yes, various golden bells, silver bells and other fortune-telling phenomena are also faintly taking shape!

Mr. Tianshu was shocked.

Such luck and momentum show that this ‘Lu Zhishen’ has an extraordinary background. Even if he was born as a casual cultivator, he must be from a very well-established family among the casual cultivators to be able to cultivate such a monster.

Or perhaps, he will have great fortune in the future, and with such luck, he will at least be halfway to the future of a heavenly being... If his luck is a little better, heavenly beings will have hope.

Even... Mr. Tianshu looked at Bai Yu.

If he really has a good relationship with Bai Yu, I am afraid that Lu Zhishen can also get one of the legendary Supreme Immortal Order that is being kept by Jianmen? In this way, it is the future of being able to realize the Tao and become a flying immortal!

No wonder the luck is so strong and so luxurious!

Mr. Tianshu clicked his lips.

This kind of person with extraordinary luck...you must stay away from him.

After telling people's lives and predicting fortunes for so many years, Mr. Tianshu knows one thing - the more powerful a person's luck is, the more terrifying the troubles they will encounter.

Just like a few days ago, the old thieves were besieged by dozens of sect masters.

The leader among them, the old thief Tutu who claimed to be Jie Yin Toutuo, his luck was not slightly weaker than that of Lu Zhishen in front of him. What was the result? He was beaten as badly as a sieve and fled!

Mr. Tianshu picked up a glass of sweet-scented osmanthus wine, clinked the glass with Master Huoyuan with a smile, and drank it all in one gulp.

Bai Yu happened to see Mr. Tianshu clinking glasses with other people's 'Thousand Swordsman' using sweet-scented osmanthus wine. She curled her lips and gave a strange laugh: Hey, you're an old woman!

Mr. Tianshu's face twitched and he turned his head, pretending that he didn't hear Bai Yu's words.

A huge plate of steamed fish heads was served. Yinyuan offered a bowl of wine to Lu Qian diligently, and then asked with a smile: Brother Lu, you and I hit it off at first sight. We are really no different from brothers.

Are you coming to Sword City for the Sword Fate Festival? If you have any requests, just tell me... There is absolutely no problem for your sister-in-law to do anything that I, Yin Yuan, cannot do!

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