Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 444: Eliminate the root of the disaster (2)

Mr. Tianshu is a little embarrassed.

In Yuan Lingtian, he is a master of divine predictions, fortune telling, and even Feng Shui Kanyu, formations, talismans and other Feng Shui skills. I can't say that he is second to none, but he is also a great master who can be ranked in the top three to top five.

Even compared to Mr. Upside Down, who takes the evil path, Mr. Tianshu is more accomplished in grasping the secrets of heaven and analyzing them in detail.

Therefore, after the elders of Jianmen came forward, Mr. Tianshu determined through some trivial clues that the accidents at Wanhuamen and Hanyue Temple were related to Yuanlingtian's Buddhism. Through this analysis, he even predicted the fate of Jieyin Toutuo. The actions of others led a group of sect masters to set up an ambush in the sword-washing pool.

The ambush was a great success. Although not a single thief was left behind, it was severely damaged and their plot in the Sword Washing Pond was foiled.

Because of this, a group of sect high-level officials specially asked Mr. Tianshu to stay in Jiancheng to guard against a few old thieves from Jie Yin Toutuo, or their disciples from making a comeback!

Mr. Tianshu was reluctant to do this.

In order to predict the actions of leading Tutuo and his party, Mr. Tianshu has spent a lot of money, and his energy and spirit have been severely damaged. He has even suffered serious damage to one of his natal spiritual treasures. Without thirty or fifty years of nourishment, it is It is difficult to restore the whole picture.

Although several major sects have given Mr. Tianshu extremely high rewards, how can those external things compare to his own energy and spirit?

Especially for a 'fortune teller' like Mr. Tianshu who is proficient in divination and the art of seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune, cherishing every drop of essence and staying away from all troubles is already an instinct ingrained in their bones!

However, when Jianmen's senior officials came forward to invite him, Mr. Tianshu didn't dare not take action.

A group of senior sect officials warmly invited him to stay in Sword City and take charge, but Mr. Tianshu did not dare not to stay.

And this young master of the Sword Sect...

She actually asked such a question...

Mr. Tianshu looked at Bai You who was dressed in men's clothing but also rouged and powdered. He scolded Bai You and her elders bloody.

What a girl, let’s call her Da Wang Ba. This name is already weird enough, okay?

It is not uncommon to like to dress up in men's clothing. There are many legitimate daughters of wealthy families in Yuan Lingtian who wear men's clothing for the convenience of traveling, or purely out of curiosity... The problem is that since they wear men's clothing, what about their clothes? Dress according to the taste of men. No one wears men's clothes and smeares their mouth as if they just drank blood.

Especially, the white turtle looks like this.

Mr. Tianshu has met the contemporary headmaster of Jianmen, and he is said to be a handsome, majestic person.

As for the white turtle... it has high cheekbones, a short philtrum, peach-shaped eyes, and three white spots... It also has reverse bones on the back of its head, a rugged skull, and sunken eye sockets...

According to Mr. Tianshu, this is a short-lived ghost who is mean and unkind and has a short life span.

However, her family background was too good, and an extremely terrifying force of destiny forcibly suppressed Bai Yu's destiny, forcing her to the position of the Young Sect of Jianmen, and she still sat firmly.

Bai Yu is not very old. Mr. Tianshu looks at her bones, and she is probably less than thirty years old, but her cultivation has reached the Illuminating Void Realm... At this age, such cultivation is simply shocking. Based on Mr. Tianshu's observation of the white turtle's appearance and destiny, how much resources did the elders behind her waste on her?

This shows how pampered this little lady is.

Young Sect of Jianmen!

Mr. Tianshu wants to cry - how could he, Mr. Tianshu, a fortune teller who wanders around the world, fool around about her marriage?

How could Bai You's marriage be decided by herself or by Master Yin next to her?

The white turtle peeled another fruit and fed it to Mr. Yin beside him.

She urged: I've heard about Mr. Tianshu's name for a long time. Please do the math for me and Brother Yin. We must be a match made in heaven. We must be happy, we must have children and grandchildren, and our blessings will last forever.

Before Mr. Tianshu could speak, Bai Yuan smiled again and said: Quickly, please do the math for me first. Will Brother Yin and I's first child be a boy or a girl? When will he be born? His five-element destiny must be excellent. , you should quickly calculate a name for him first!

Well, as the eldest son of Brother Yin and I... Bai Yuan's eyes were gleaming with water, and he glanced at Young Master Yin with endless tenderness: He must be a talented and talented person with unparalleled qualifications. In the future, he will take over the sword sect. It's a matter of course, his destined first wife, quickly figure out who she is from, and who is a girl from which family?

Mr. Tianshu looked at the white turtle blankly. He suddenly wanted to plunge into the sword washing pool outside the water pavilion and drown himself.

What kind of tiger-wolf problem is this?

He was confused and looked pitifully towards the masters and celebrities around him.

It was this group of old guys who forcibly snatched him out of the place where he was hiding from the world and forced him to calculate this and that for them... As a result, he, who had always been good at keeping to himself, spent too much time on his own. He was so energetic that he didn't even calculate that he would meet Bai Yu, a little devil who couldn't be offended in Sword City.

Mr. Yin on the side walked up to the edge, patted Bai Yu's shoulder gently with his right hand, and said with a gentle smile: Mr. Tianshu, how about you calculate the fate of Xiaosheng first? If you speak well, you will be rewarded. !”

Mr. Yin looked at Bai Yu with a smile and said softly: Xiao Bai, don't embarrass Mr. Tianshu too much... You are just too hasty... Our child must be good, the kind that is unique in the world... But why should we know in advance what our children will be like?”

We love the music of the harp and the harp, we want to raise eyebrows together, we want to grow old together, we want to be like a pair of the only mandarin ducks in the world, a family of gods, and be envied by everyone in the world.

We took good care of our little family, lived our little life well, and then, when we were pregnant in October, we quietly looked forward to the birth of our child... Our hearts were full of longing, our hearts were full of curiosity, and we looked forward to it , God will give us a unique treasure!

When everything was revealed, we thanked the heaven with joy, thanking the heaven for giving us such a cute and intelligent baby heart... At that time, I held you in my arms and you held our baby. We looked at each other and smiled. Everyone in the world is so envious that they vomit blood!

How beautiful?

There is no need for Mr. Tianshu to predict us these things here... Because I knew from the first moment I saw you that we must be happy and complete in this life... This is destined by God. Why do we need outsiders to figure things out?

The white turtle is crazy.

She looked at Mr. Yin in a daze, and after a long while, she sighed quietly.

In the waterside pavilion, a group of masters and celebrities from Jianmen and several other top Yuanlingtian sects stared at Mr. Yin in shock. They felt goosebumps all over their bodies like bamboo shoots springing up. It can erase a large area!

No wonder Shaozong Bai was so... so... towards Mr. Yin who appeared out of nowhere...

What is Master Yin's mouth painted with? To put it into words... simply!

Mr. Tianshu glanced at Young Master Yin with endless gratitude. He hurriedly smiled at Bai Yuan and said, Young Master, what Young Master Yin said is absolutely true. Young Master has a noble destiny, and the matter between Young Master Yin and Young Master is not something that I, a stupid old man, should do. One who can judge one’s beak.”

When the topic changed, Mr. Tianshu blinked and looked at Mr. Yin seriously.

He pinched his fingers in his sleeves a few times, unwilling to waste any more energy. He just used the most rudimentary divination skills to roughly calculate Mr. Yin's fortune, and then said in surprise: Wonderful, Mr. Yin. , he actually has the aura of an emperor... his destiny is so noble that it cannot be described!

In the waterside pavilion, a group of famous sect members looked at each other, their eyes flickering.

Emperor's spirit?

Well, the emperor of Yuan Lingtian is worthless. The Immortal Dynasty and the Imperial Dynasty are all vassals of the sect.

However, among the top 100 major sects in Yuan Lingtian, there are also a few that exist under the structure of the supreme divine dynasty. The emperor of the divine dynasty is the sect leader, and the officials of the various ministries are the elders, deacons, etc.

The structures of these divine dynasties are extremely tight, the hierarchy and laws are extremely strict, and the distinction between top and bottom is extremely strict. Therefore, they have extremely strong cohesion and high mobilization power. Among the top 100 sects, these divine dynasties are Not someone anyone wants to mess with.

If Young Master Yin comes from one of these divine dynasties... this emperor's fate would be valuable.

If they were the emperors of these divine dynasties, their status would be worthy of the Young Sect of Jianmen...

A group of people looked at Mr. Yin up and down.

Especially the two elders present at Jianmen stared at Mr. Yin without blinking an eye.

In fact, this Young Master Yin suddenly appeared next to Bai You. Even the senior officials of Jianmen didn't even understand what happened recently. This Young Master Yin was already inseparable from Bai You!

This, this... They are also curious about which family this Young Master Yin comes from!

Among the major dynasties of Yuan Lingtian, none of their royal families have the surname Yin!

Bai Yu held Young Master Yin's hand tenderly: I knew that the man chosen by Bai Yu would be the best in the world, and there is no other man who can compare with him. Brother Yin!

Mr. Yin looked at Bai Yu with the same tenderness: Xiao Bai!

Bai Yu called out affectionately again: Brother Yin!

The almost honey-like tenderness in Mr. Yin's eyes almost swelled out: Xiao Bai!

In the waterside pavilion, a group of masters and celebrities stared dumbfounded at the two things that were supposed to be struck by lightning... but none of them dared to say a word.

Especially Mr. Tianshu, he was hiding aside, hoping in his heart that these two plagued guys could continue to have such a loving relationship... Don't let him do this to these two guys. ,Forget it!

Because of his fear and vigilance towards the white turtle, Mr. Tianshu was always on guard against what kind of mischief she might do, so much so that Mr. Tianshu neglected some perceptions of himself and the outside world.

A painting boat slid across the water a hundred feet away. On the bow of the boat, Lu Qian was holding a wine jar and sipping wine in large gulps, looking unruly and proud.

He immediately saw Mr. Tianshu in the water pavilion, and then...at the second glance, he saw Mr. Yin who was having sex with Bai Yu!


Lu Qian's eyes widened and he almost choked to death on a sip of old wine.

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