Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 442 Where to go (4)

In the backyard, there is a small thatched pavilion.

Lu Chen was drinking tea, the fat monk was drinking wine, Jie Yin Toutuo was drinking medicine... Jimana was drinking the northwest wind.

At night, Kommana abides by the ascetic precepts of his lineage and will not touch a drop of water or a grain of rice.

Therefore, I can only drink the northwest wind and quietly listen to Jie Yin Toutuo's narration.

These days, when Lu Qian was rescuing Moonlight Monk and causing huge chaos in Wanhua Gate, Jie Yin Toutuo and several senior officials of Mahakala who were equal to him in status and strength were also working intensively.

In Yuanlingtian, there is a scenic spot called Xijianchi, which is a vast lake that stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles.

There are countless legends about this place.

But the most exciting legend is that 30,000 years ago, the monks with Yuan Lingtian defeated the invaders of the Supreme Holy Heaven's cultivation world, and the 'Tai Shang' who almost chopped the Holy Spirit of Heaven and Earth to pieces with one sword... He It was beside the sword-washing pool that he placed his life and soul on it, spent countless efforts and material resources to forge a sword embryo, and tempered it, thus obtaining the most lethal Houtian Spirit Sword in Yuan Lingtian's history.

On the day when the sword was completed, right next to the sword-washing pool, the Supreme Master slaughtered hundreds of millions with a single sword.

It was rumored that the hundreds of millions of invading Supreme Holy Heaven monks, together with the countless lackeys they had subdued in Yuanlingtian, were killed by the Supreme Leader, leaving corpses strewn across the field, and the entire Sword Washing Pond turned into a sea of ​​blood.

There is a senior from the Supreme Holy Heavenly Buddhist Sect who, at the time of extinction, absorbed the wronged souls and blood essence of hundreds of millions of living beings, and forcibly opened up a realm to contain the treasures of countless monks who died in battle, leaving them for future generations.

In the past few thousand years, I, Mahakala, have exhausted all my energy and finally found the portal to that world.

Jie Yin Tou Tuo drooped his eyelids and poured the dark soup into his belly one mouthful at a time. This dark, foul-smelling decoction was extremely powerful. He watched as the ragged wounds on his body continued to grow and heal bit by bit.

Wisps of death air, corpse air, and all kinds of gloomy evil spirits continued to turn into white smoke rising from his head. Kamana used his magical power on the side, and six black sky yakshas turned into the size of a palm, circling around the head of Jie Yin Tutuo, and Swallow all the evil spirits in one big gulp.

This time, Fahai, you went to rescue the Moonlight Monk. This is exactly what we old monks have decided to do. It is the best time to open the portal to that world and find the legendary Buddhist treasure 'receiving the treasure ship'.

Lu Qian squinted his eyes and looked at Jie Yin Toutuo: Jie Yin Treasure Ship? What is the meaning of this name...?

Jieyin Toutuo took a deep look at Lu Yi: The Jieyin treasure ship is not something from this world... It is said that 30,000 years ago, monks from Jishengtian and Yuanlingtian joined forces to destroy Wanmiaotian and seize Wanmiaotian. The luck and fortune of Miaotian Realm... Later, the Supreme Holy Heaven Buddhist Sect acted as a vanguard and invaded Yuanlingtian, almost destroying the descendants of Yuanlingtian monks...

The Supreme Holy Heavenly Buddhism took away half of the creation and destiny of the Wanmiao Heaven that the Yuanlingtian Cultivation Sect received, and used it to offer sacrifices to the upper world. This won the joy of the upper world's Buddhist power, and the upper world Buddhism power came down. A Buddhist treasure.

This treasure... is similar to the legendary Supreme Immortal Order. It can guide my Buddhist disciples to ascend to the upper world without any surprises.

Jie Yin Toutuo looked at Lu Qian and said seriously: Even an ordinary native dog, as long as it can board the Jie Yin treasure ship, it will be able to ascend to bliss, set foot in the pure land, and cultivate a body that is free from disasters and tribulations.

Lu Qian's eyes widened in shock.

Is there such a thing?

Well, the last abbot of Dafanjingshi Sect did not mention this matter in his last words.

Such a treasure... you have found the entrance to that world. Lu Qian looked at Jie Yin Toutuo.

Jie Yin Tu Tuo nodded and sighed softly: Because of the great war 30,000 years ago, the sects and families of Yuanlingtian have deep-seated hostility towards my Buddhist sect. Even if my Buddhist disciples have completed cultivation, Even in the wonderful realm of heaven and man, one cannot ascend to the upper realm.”

And the treasure ship that receives the treasure is a 'reward treasure' sent down by the great power of Buddhism in the upper realm. Any Buddhist disciple who has made enough meritorious deeds in the battle between Wanmiao Tian and Yuan Ling Tian 30,000 years ago, regardless of Anyone who has reached the realm of cultivation can board the treasure ship and use this shortcut to ascend to the upper realm.

However, the magical powers are not as good as those of heaven. Who would have thought that the 'Supreme Supreme' could turn the world around with one person's power? Our great cause of Buddhism fell short, and the treasure ship was buried deep in the temporarily opened cave world. It has been 30,000 years.

Jie Yin Toutuo looked at Lu Qian and said seriously: If we can get the Jie Yin treasure ship, my disciples of Mahakala can escape Yuan Ling Tian, ​​ascend to the upper world, and enjoy endless freedom.

Are you sure? Lu Qian asked Jie Yin Toutuo.

Old monk, sure. Jieyin Tutuo drank the last sip of the soup in Dahai's bowl, and then poured a large bowl of dark potion from the pot next to it that made a gurgling sound. He was not afraid of the hot potion. He took a sip in his mouth.

It's just that I made a mistake. I didn't expect Fahai to be so able to provoke Karma... Actually, actually...

Jieyin Tutuo said dryly: We have just opened the portal to that world, and countless masters from all directions have joined forces to attack. If we didn't have a few good treasures to protect our bodies, we would have been beaten to pieces.

Even so, we were also seriously injured... The scene when we opened the portal must have been discovered by those who were ambushing... For a long time in the future, we are afraid that we will never have the opportunity to approach the Sword Washing Pond again.

Jie Yin Tu Tuo sighed: So, several senior brothers blame you very much... However, I think it's not your fault. Why didn't we explain it clearly to you? You saved so many Hanyue Temple true disciples, and why? I have transformed into so many demons and ghosts, which greatly enhanced my Buddhist background...

The old face twitched fiercely, then looked at Lu Qian and sighed.

Yes, this time, what Lu Qian did was to make Mahakala's foundation soar a lot, but the soaring foundation belongs to Lu Qian alone.

But he, and several other old monks, were actually plotted, ambushed, pinned to the ground and beaten violently.

This loss...

Fortunately, those senior brothers were also very skilled in Buddhism. Even though they were seriously injured, they were not in the mood to trouble Lu Qian... Otherwise, hey, how should this matter end?

It's really strange that those people were able to plot against us old monks through the involvement of cause and effect, and ambush us in the sword washing pool in advance... And Fahai, you are the origin of all cause and effect, how come you are... safe and sound? Woolen cloth?

Lu Qian blinked and looked at Jie Yin Toutuo.

He doesn't know about this either.

He doesn't quite understand things like cause and effect, heavenly secrets, mediating fortune, chaotic heavenly secrets, etc.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Qian said softly: Perhaps it's because I just borrowed money from others and didn't do it myself? Then, there was the old man upside down who confuses the secrets and reverses the destiny for me, so that those trackers can't trace me...

Lu Qian pointed to the Moonlight Monk who was sitting aside and listening silently.

However, they couldn't figure me out, but they were able to roughly calculate that this matter was related to Buddhism through Junior Brother Yueguang and Hanyue Temple's true disciples. By following this line, they were able to figure out who you are, Master?

Lu Qian secretly calculated that the reason why he had not been plotted by those who were following him crazily all over the world was probably because he was suppressed by the 'Qing Ning Heart Lamp'.

After all, he is the most sacred treasure of the Supreme Holy Heavenly Buddhism, and he has the Qingning Heart Lamp with him. If he wants to plot against him... even ordinary heavenly beings are completely impossible to do it.

Are there any heavenly beings in Yuanlingtian today?

Even if there is, will any heavenly being waste his energy to pursue Lu Qian because of this matter?

Even if he was willing to do this, it would be difficult for him to break through the suppressive power of Qing Ning's heart lamp and plot against Lu Qian.

But Jieyin Toutuo and the others are different. They will definitely not find a better treasure than the Qingning Heart Lamp.

The Moonlight Monk and the Hanyue Temple monks are missing. With such an obvious clue, regardless of whether these monks are responsible for the Wanhuamen case, there are probably some powerful sects, and they will have to track it down.

Then, some real powers took action.

You don’t know until you take action, but once they take action, they are surprised to find that the secret shows that Yuan Lingtian actually has so many bald heads hiding so deeply? Moreover, what do they seem to be planning?

So Jie Yin Toutuo and the others ran into a pit prepared by others, and their heads were badly bruised.

This explanation is very reasonable.

The first thing Jie Yin Toutuo said when he saw Lu Qian was 'cause and effect, cause and effect'... Lu Qian avoided the cause he created... but the fruit he brewed was allowed to be tasted by Jie Yin Toutuo and the others!

Lu Qian coughed lightly: What happened this time is actually not necessarily my fault.

Jimana, the fat monk, and Jieyin Toutuo looked at Lu Qian at the same time.

Huh? Jieyin Toutuo took a sip of medicine.

Lu Qian said calmly, One possibility is that for thirty thousand years, someone in Yuan Lingtian's sect has been keeping an eye on the sword-washing pool... This is possible.

Jieyin Toutuo was silent for a while and nodded.

After all, it was the place where the 'Supreme' once rose, so it was only reasonable for someone to keep an eye on it.

The second possibility is that Mahakala's whereabouts have been missed a long time ago. You were ambushed this time, but they just followed the trend... The matter of Wanhuamen and Hanyue Temple was just thrown out to confuse the ears and eyes.

Jie Yin Toutuo frowned, picked up the sea bowl, drank it all in one gulp, and then poured himself a large bowl of concoction.

However, he shook his head again.

Mahakala may have some clues that someone is eyeing, but the matter of guiding the treasure ship is spread among him and several other senior brothers, and it is impossible for outsiders to know... And the Buddhist practice of those senior brothers is extremely profound. They are loyal to Buddhism, and it is impossible to get the news from them!

There are three possibilities. There are omens for the emergence of a strange treasure... Since the treasure boat can support my Buddhist disciples to ascend to the upper world, it is obviously impossible for us to get such an important treasure easily without experiencing any disasters.

Jie Yin Toutuo was startled for a moment, and then laughed: That's the truth. I once sacrificed the good fortune and luck of the world of Wanmiao Tian, ​​so that the upper world lowered the Jie Yin treasure ship... Now I want to get this treasure again. , Hehe, it’s not that easy.”

Jie Yin Toutuo took a deep breath: Fahai, your methods in this case of Wan Hua Gate are amazing... How do you think we can get hold of this Jie Yin treasure ship?

Lu Qian picked up the teacup and drank the tea slowly without saying a word.

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