Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 432: Daring to Act (4)

Mrs. Wu Tan is an extremely cold and charming woman. At first glance, she looks like a twenty-eight-year-old girl. A coldness seeps out from the bone marrow, and a layer of frost hangs on her beautiful little face. This made the dozens of disciples following her tremble. Even Mrs. Gelsemium felt a little uneasy when she saw her cold face.

The clothing style is very different from other disciples of Wanhua Sect.

Mrs. Wu Tan's clothing is extremely conservative, a bit like an old concubine who has been widowed for hundreds of years in the palace after the emperor's husband died.

Her long hair was spread neatly behind her back, and she was wearing a thick black palace skirt. The collar was raised high, almost covering her entire long neck. The wide sleeves of the robe are hanging down, and the fluttering sleeves of the robe almost fall to the ground.

All over her body, except for a small snow-white face exposed, Mrs. Wu Tan didn't even show any of her fingers.

Moreover, unlike other disciples of the Wanhua Sect, her whole body seemed to be marinated in spices. There was no miscellaneous smell like sachets or sachets on her body, only the coldness of a winter glacier.

Mrs. Gelsemium smiled brightly.

Mrs. Wu Tan glanced at her coldly and shook her head slightly: Yao Ying, there is no need to worry too much... You are such a big person, your own cultivation is sufficient, and there are a few old maids following you. What could happen?

The Fallen Angel Whip is not moving at all?

Is there any noise underground?

Are those bald thieves in the back mountain still honest? Is there anyone who can't bear the inner demons and turns to our sect?

Before Mrs. Gelsemium could recover, Mrs. Wutan asked herself again: The ancestors are still a little interested in these thieves... The inner demon tribulation will continue, but there is no need to suffer too much. In any case, give Hanyue Temple Leave some seeds, but don’t let them get too free.”

In short, you have to grasp the sense of proportion here.

Mrs. Gelsemium responded obediently and accompanied Mrs. Wu Tan to her residence to have a rest and wash away the dust.

Mrs. Wu Tan shook her head and said calmly: There is no time to rest. How many disciples are there in Hanyue Temple now?

Mrs. Gelsemium was stunned: Sister, are you asking?

Mrs. Wu Tan lowered her eyelids and glanced at a group of handsome monks in the distance who were peeping and sneaking around. She said calmly: How many of the little thief Bald in Hanyue Temple are above the golden lotus cultivation level?

Mrs. Gelsemium blinked her eyes and replied cautiously: I don't know the specific number, but probably...a hundred years ago, there were tens of millions of Hanyue Temple disciples. But, as you know, senior sister, the cultivation level of these young monks is sometimes high. Sometimes it's low... some young monks who had already reached the Golden Lotus Blooming and Condensing Dao Realm were treated a little too harshly by their disciples, and their cultivation level dropped again. There are many cases like this.

After a dry laugh, Mrs. Gelsemium murmured in a low voice: How many types of disciples above the Golden Lotus realm do they have now? Millions of them? Probably some...

Mrs. Wu Tan snorted coldly: Pick the disciples of Hanyue Temple who are above 300,000 kinds of golden lotus, and then select one million inner disciples from the disciples of this sect... We join forces with the second wave of the Man King Palace's fleet to expedition to the extreme Holy Heaven.”

A faint light flashed in her eyes, and Mrs. Wutan said calmly: Just choose from the disciples who have been staying at Hanyue Temple these days. Please explain your words to them more clearly... about fighting to the death, let those rough guys in the Barbarian King's Palace Let’s go and fight… My disciples should be smarter.”

The news coming back from the Extreme Holy Heaven is very bad. The first wave of disciples sent out by the twelve sects together suffered heavy casualties. The Blood God Old Man and the others also lost several clones... I really don't know what they are. What the hell are you doing? They are just a bunch of old losers.

However, it's okay. If they knock down the Holy Heaven, there will be no chance for our sect to reap benefits... You should explain clearly to the selected disciples that the benefits are necessary, but... your own life It’s important. I don’t need to teach you how to get benefits from those stupid men, right?”

Mrs. Gelsemium smiled sweetly and nodded gently.

Mrs. Wu Tan snorted softly, and a dark cloud surged under her feet, turning into a dark night-bloom. She carried her straight up into the sky, parted the pink evil cloud, and went straight to the core of the evil cloud formed by the energy of desire. .

The Fallen Angel Whip was suspended here quietly, slowly swallowing evil clouds. On the exquisite whip body, strange pink lines were looming. As soon as Mrs. Wu Tan approached, these lines suddenly released large rays of light. Among them, countless indescribable figures of men and women intertwined like grass snakes fighting suddenly emerged.

The terrifying evil force silently enveloped the land for several miles around. Mrs. Wu Tan was involved in the evil force. A large red cloud suddenly appeared on her cold and serious face like an iceberg, and a thick red glow suddenly oozed from her cold and ruthless eyes. steam.

Her body swayed, a mouthful of blood spurted out from her mouth, and more than 30% of her blood essence was lost in an instant.

A master who has half-stepped into the void realm, his blood essence is extremely strong. Compared with ordinary mortals, the concentration is more than a thousand times, ten thousand times, or even a hundred thousand times more?

Thirty percent of the essence and blood evaporated out of thin air, Mrs. Wu Tan's face turned pale, and her two red lips shriveled up.

Madam Wu Tan gritted her teeth, spoke a command spell, formed a seal with her hands, and slowly grabbed the Fallen Angel Whip.

From her ten fingers, she sprayed out wisps of strange light that shook people's hearts and haunted their souls. She grasped the Fallen Angel's Whip with both hands extremely firmly. The Fallen Angel's Whip flashed again, and a large area of ​​light exploded between Madam Wu Tan's hands and the Fallen Angel's Whip. Circles of evil energy rolled around, and Madam Wu Tan's ten fingers were broken at the same time.

Mrs. Wu Tan grunted in pain, with a fierce look in her cold eyes: You have enjoyed the support of our sect for so many years, and you are still so unruly, what use do you have? If you are really my sect, there is nothing I can do to you?

The light all over the Fallen Angel Whip suddenly dimmed, and then another bright light flashed through.

Mrs. Wu Tan did not forcefully resist this time. She took two steps back, and a sharp ghost cry came out from her sleeves. A body was pale, only the size of a fist, but a pair of sharp black horns were about a foot long, emitting a monstrous The ferocious goat skull flew out of his sleeves, opened his mouth, and dozens of black lightning fell on the fallen angel whip.

The Fallen Angel Whip exploded into countless strange human body illusions, and black electric light swirled around the Fallen Angel Whip.

A low hissing sound came from the body of the Fallen Angel's Whip. Its light suddenly converged, and all external signs disappeared. Mrs. Wu Tan snorted coldly, and carefully grabbed the Fallen Angel's Whip with both hands.

A pink divine light gushed out from the Fallen Angel's Whip, constantly washing over Mrs. Wu Tan's hands.

Her broken fingers healed quickly, and her lost energy quickly recovered.

The surrounding evil clouds were continuously absorbed by the Fallen Angel's Whip, turning into strands of ambiguous warm air that injected into Mrs. Wu Tan's body. Mrs. Wu Tan let out a low groan and nodded with satisfaction: That's good, very good...if you follow this sect, you will naturally have endless blessings. I'm afraid that the seven emotions and six desires inspired by so many female disciples in our sect can't satisfy you. ?”

Except for my Wanhua Sect and the great Yuan Lingtian, where else is there a sect that is so compatible with you?

The pale goat skull flew back to Madam Wu Tan's sleeve, and the Fallen Angel's Whip flashed with a glint of water without hesitation, allowing Madam Wu Tan to carry it and slowly descend from the cloud of evil.

Lady Gelsemium was still standing there waiting.

Seeing the Fallen Angel Whip in Mrs. Wutan's hand, Mrs. Gelsemium exclaimed: As expected of the head sister, you still have to do it yourself... Hey, my little sister has been in Hanyue Temple for so many years, and she has also tried to communicate with him. As a result, countless energy and blood were lost, and a lot of practice was wasted... Tsk!

Mrs. Wu Tan smiled indifferently and said quietly: So, in their secular world, those emperors and generals like to say a saying - those with divine weapons live in those who are virtuous and talented... It makes sense.

Mrs. Gelsemium opened her mouth, looked at the grumbling Mrs. Wu Tan, and nodded repeatedly with a dry smile: Senior Sister, what you said couldn't be more reasonable... Of all our sisters, you, Senior Sister, are the most precious about this treasure. Virtue and talent match each other!”

Mrs. Wu Tan stopped talking, and headed straight for the mountain behind Hanyue Temple with dozens of accompanying disciples.

Then, they saw the empty wooden houses and thatched cottages in the back mountain.

Where are the people? Mrs. Wu Tan's eyes widened: Where are those little thief Bald? Why aren't any of them here? Didn't I tell you, even if it means delaying their practice and torturing their Zen mind... don't do it That’s too much!”

Where is this person? Is it possible that he was summoned by those little girls to do coolies? Mrs. Gelsemium looked at the empty forest with a dazed expression, turned around suddenly, and hissed at the group of female disciples who were following behind her. He yelled and scolded them and ordered them to find someone quickly.

No one believed that all the handyman monks in Hanyue Temple had run away.

They only thought that some female disciples had called these unlucky monks out to do hard labor again.

However, after all, the ancestors of their Wanhua Sect had an oath with the old abbot of Hanyue Temple, and the true inheritance of Hanyue Temple cannot be destroyed... Even if they call on the handyman monks to do their work on weekdays, in this mountain forest There are always a group of monks staying here to meditate, chant sutras and make offerings to the Buddha, so they won’t take away all the people!

These disciples are getting worse and worse... They are too coddled. We should pick out a few unlucky ones, kill them for posterity, and punish them severely. Mrs. Wu Tan looked at them expressionlessly. Mrs. Gelsemium: Before we leave for the Holy Heaven, we should sort out the rules in the house. Otherwise, if we take them out, we will be in trouble again if we offend some old monsters.

Mrs. Gelsemium responded obediently.

The two of them stopped talking and just stood there quietly waiting for the news.

After a long time, a group of female steward disciples ran back panting, their eyes widened, and they reported back to Madam Wu Tan with a pale face: Master, we have used countless disciples to search the front and back mountains... Those handyman monks... handyman monks...

Everyone is gone! A female disciple in charge trembled and suddenly knelt on the ground.

She is responsible for supervising these handyman monks, and she handles the tests of the inner demon tribulation and other tests given to the handyman monks every day.

The handyman monks disappeared.

She has to shoulder the blame!

Mrs. Wu Tan looked at the disciple in charge who was kneeling on the ground expressionlessly, and gave Mrs. Gelsemium a sideways glance: After thorough investigation, if you can't find anyone, go and explain to the ancestor yourself. You passed on the true story of her old friend. All the disciples played to death...

As she spoke, Mrs. Wu Tan raised her whip and whipped it down, smashing the kneeling female disciple to pieces, leaving only a pink soul floating in the air.

Take it with you and search for the soul!

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