Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 423: Ten Thousand Flowers Gate, Hanyue Temple (4)

Mahakala, this name doesn't sound very serious, and has a bit of a demonic heretic vibe.

In the main altar of Mahakala, what spurts out from the black lotuses in the big lake are not only Buddhist magical powers, but also many demonic techniques that can, in the words of Jie Yin Tu Tuo, ‘transform the Buddha from demons’.

These demonic techniques, or supernatural powers, secret techniques, etc., were then introduced to Lu Qian by Tutuo, saying that the ancestors of Mahakala suppressed many demons and then used the supreme Buddha's method to save these demons.

The demons who were reborn wept with gratitude and voluntarily and voluntarily left their fundamental inheritance to Mahakala, and then they happily lifted the clouds and transformed into rainbows, ascended to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and became Buddhas. Bodhisattva' went.

What Lu Qian was using at this moment was the demonic magical power 'Ghost Mother's Cry', which he had learned from the black lotus in the Mahakala Temple.

The ghost mother calls her son, and thousands of miles of souls collapse, this is the power of the ghost mother's cry.

As long as the breath is locked, as long as the cultivation level is enough, even if they are hundreds of millions of miles apart, they can still cry and make the target's soul fly away and the body and soul be destroyed. What's even more vicious is that the target killed by the 'Ghost Mother's Cry' will turn all its essence and blood into a 'demon baby' that is 'muddled' and 'without self-awareness'. Li Fei escaped and returned.

This demonic baby can be used to make elixirs, weapons, or directly swallowed as a tonic. It can even be used as a real baby and grown up in the belly of a woman with advanced cultivation to refine it into a demonic baby. The supreme 'living demon'.

At this moment, Lu Qian was using the magical power of the Ghost Mother's Cry in public, and a sneer rose into the sky, piercing the ears of everyone within hundreds of miles.

Demonic magical powers are mysterious and can change at will... In terms of 'weird changes', demonic magical powers are often several times or dozens of times more sophisticated than those of Taoism and Buddhism.

Those mortals who heard Lu Qian's laughter thought it was just an ordinary sneer and had no sense at all.

Practitioners with low cultivation levels feel that the sound is a bit harsh, as if a childhood friend yelled in their ears. It is a bit scary and their eardrums hurt a bit, but it does not cause much harm.

As for the monks with medium-level cultivation in the Fiery Realm and the Golden Lotus Realm, they only felt their brains boiling, the stars flashing in front of their eyes, and everything was dark. He closed his ears and screamed subconsciously.

And those monks who were in the realm of Golden Lotus and Condensing Dao Fruit felt the real lethality of the Ghost Mother's Cry.

His internal organs were on fire, his soul was about to burst, and the essence, blood, and mana in his body were collapsing and shattering bit by bit. His body seemed to be soaked in burning concentrated sulfuric acid, and everything from the skin to the bone marrow was being dissolved and annihilated bit by bit.

Dozens of extremely terrifying breaths shot straight into the sky.

There are powerful monks who have reached the Great Perfection of Condensing Dao Fruit and are half-stepping into the Lighting Void. Among them, there are six old monsters who have actually stepped into the Realm of Lighting the Void. A group of old monsters who were alarmed by Lu Qian's abrupt behavior turned their soul power into various strange phenomena and crushed Lu Qian fiercely.

Lu Qian sneered again.

The lines of the bloody mouth of the bloody glutton appeared between his eyebrows. This bloody mouth suddenly opened its mouth, and the dozens of tyrannical soul powers that hit the head were like swallows that had fallen into a trap, and were suddenly sucked in by the big mouth. Go in.

There were exclamations all around, and an old monster from Zhao Void Realm yelled angrily: Junior...which family are you from? Why are you so arrogant and bold?

The Blood Gluttonous Cauldron made a low roar, and dozens of divine soul powers were swallowed by him in one gulp, and then quickly refined and transformed. Under the control of Lu Qian's thoughts, a line of blood with rising blood and evil energy was condensed in the cauldron. Mahamudra.

Lu Qian sneered: I dare to tell you my origin, but do you dare to listen?

Around the White Goose Pond, countless monks who had been affected by Lu Chen's ghost mother's cries looked at him angrily, but no one among the old monsters in the Zhaoxu Realm, including Mu Chuoxin and Xue Lizi, spoke for a while.

The older one is in the arena, the less courageous he becomes.

In particular, regardless of identity and status, the old monster who came to Qianhong City at this time is obviously not a serious good bird.

They are willing to come to Qianhong City to enjoy themselves, which shows that they are immersed in luxury and desire and cannot extricate themselves.

The more such people enjoy, the more timid and life-saving they are.

The Ghost Mother's Cry that Lu Qian had just used was clearly an extremely advanced demonic power, and the strange, ruthless and ruthless aspects of it made all the old monsters feel a little frightened.

It's not about how strong Lu Qian's cultivation is, but that his magical powers are amazing in terms of grade and mystery.

This guy, being so unscrupulous, shows that he has a big backing!

Therefore, the old monster who asked just now fell silent. The atmosphere around Baietan suddenly became extremely strange. It was quiet everywhere. Only the injured Blood River Sect and Barbarian King Palace disciples were bleeding from their wounds. Come, 'ding-ding-dong-dong', it fell into the White Goose Pond below, making a loud sound like a boulder falling.

Quack strange laughter sounded.

Ahu, Yudianhu and others were shirtless, carrying wine jars, lamb legs, and big pig hooves, and soared into the sky one by one in the strong wind.

These burly men were all over one foot and two feet tall. They all had sinister faces and sinister aura. At first glance, they were not good people, and they were definitely not serious people.

A group of one hundred and forty-four of them gathered in front of the Baiyu Tower where Lu Qian was. They stood in the air with their feet on the floating clouds. They all bowed their hands to Lu Qian and saluted: Young Master, it seems that someone provoked you just now. Do you want to find him? The sect and family behind him... shall we cut off his roots?

Ahu touched the beard on his face and shouted carelessly: You have always taught us that we should do things to the extreme, and to cut the weeds, we must remove the roots...

All around, countless monks looked at this side with wide eyes.

Ahu and the others released their auras unscrupulously. After Lu Qian came out of the Mahakala Temple, he also used the technique of initiation to teach Ahu and the others a magic technique called 'The White Bone Body of Ten Thousand Tribulations'.

This is a demonic body-building technique. Ahu and the others have spent a lot of training resources and have already mastered it in just a few days.

What they are operating at this moment is the White Bone Body of Ten Thousand Tribulations.

Their skin turned pale, and there was a heavy death aura lingering all over their bodies. Beside them, the shadows of small white bone peaks slowly emerged, and the low and low cries of the wronged souls were vague. The wind spread far away, far away...

A group of extremely vicious demon masters.

The cultivation level of the Half-step Condensation Fruit Realm, no matter where in Yuanlingtian, which sect, which force is placed, it will belong to the absolute high-level backbone level existence... even in super sects such as Canghai Tower and Baoguang Pavilion. , and enough to sit in the main hall of a top dynasty and control the inflow and outflow of billions of resources.

There are one hundred and forty-four such masters.

Moreover, he is not a big figure who separates one party or controls one party, but is just the bodyguard of Lu Qian, the 'gongzi brother'.

Lu Qian clasped his hands behind his back and shook his head towards A Hu and the others: That's all, it's time to eat, drink, and enjoy yourself...I've kept you in the mountains for these years, I'm afraid you've already suffered from suffocation. ?”

Before you go out, remember what the old man said? You should value peace, be kind to others, be calm, learn to be a good person, and don't fight and kill all day long.

Fairy Yaoying is holding a conference here. You have made a river of blood. Are you worthy of the fairy?

Fairy Yao Ying's watery eyes were staring straight at Lu Qian like a fly that had smelled a bad smell.

Such a tall and burly man, with such exquisite magical powers, and so many accompanying guards with powerful cultivation... These are just accompanying guards. According to common sense, when such a distinguished and extraordinary young master travels, there must be several people around him. A protector.

Ordinary personal guards are all masters of half-step Dao Condensation Fruit, so how can the guardian's cultivation be any different?

As for the strength and power that Lu Qian is showing now, it is no worse than the ordinary mid-level sects of Yuan Lingtian... And what kind of existence is the old man he talks about?

There are a huge number of Yuanlingtian sects. The top 100 sects are all powerful. They occupy a vast territory, control hundreds of millions of people, and have tens of millions of monks under their sects. There are even more senior masters who are at the bottom of the box. .

But Yuan Lingtian also has some more terrifying and difficult old monsters. They don't want to be implicated by the sect, so they occupy a mountain on their own and call themselves the ancestors of the sect behind closed doors. They pursue stronger strength and greater success wholeheartedly. Daoguo, seeking the final opportunity to ascend...

Each of these old monsters has terrifying unique skills. Ordinary sect monks would never dare to provoke them easily.

And under their sect, there are occasionally some favored juniors who go out to the mountains to see the world... These guys often cause big troubles. In the history of Yuan Lingtian, there are nearly twenty powerful ones who once ranked in the top 100. Sects are in trouble because of the troubles caused by the descendants of these giants, or because of the decline of the sect. Some sects are even wiped out and their inheritance is cut off.

Thinking of some secret records in Wanhua Gate, Fairy Yaoying smiled brightly. She swayed her slender water snake waist and walked toward Lu Qian step by step.

This young master is right. Fighting and killing people would hurt the atmosphere too much.

Hehe, everyone is a distinguished guest of my Wanhua Sect. Give me a little thin noodles from Wanhua Sect. Everyone thinks harmony is the most important thing... Hehe, this is really a good saying. Harmony is the most important thing...

Oh, sir, may I ask your name? Where do you come from and where are you going?

Lu Qian operated the fundamental method of the infinite return to the ruins body, and based on this, he silently operated the supreme magic power 'True Demon Treasure' from Mahakala. His eyes turned pure, lusterless, pitch black like black holes.

At the same time, behind him, an ever-changing figure seemed to be filled with all the evil in the world and the shadow of all original sin slowly emerged. The light in the void and the lights on countless pavilions and boats were dimmed.

Young Gua Nao... Oh, no, Sister Fairy, please come in quickly. I'll drink three hundred cups with my little brother before we talk about anything else.

Lu Qian's cold and ruthless eyes stared straight at Fairy Yao Ying, whose expression changed slightly, and he reached out to grab her wrist.

Fairy Yao Ying hesitated for a very short moment, and then took the initiative to put her wrist into Lu Qian's big hand.

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