Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 416: Introduction (4)

The finger of reincarnation and calamity is the highest offensive magical power in today's Great Vajra Temple.

Its origin lies in the Great Brahma Jingshi Sect, the former supreme sect of the Supreme Heaven. It is one of the sect’s mountain-holding supernatural powers. It is said that it contains the supreme secret of Buddhism and has immeasurable power.

The mystery of the tribulation of reincarnation lies in its simulation of life, death, eighteen levels of hell, endless hell, and six realms of reincarnation.

The complete form of the Samsara Tribulation Finger can completely simulate the entire process of life and death, turning each level into a 'catastrophe'... Being hit by the Samsara Tribulation Finger once is a life-and-death calamity!

After Lu Qian learned the Reincarnation Tribulation Finger, it was not until today that he came into contact with the true meaning of the Reincarnation Tribulation Finger because he gained insights from those Taoist monks about the various Taoist rhymes they practiced.

This gesture of the Ice Hell Finger embodies all of Lu Qian's understanding of the 'Ice Dao Rhyme' derived from the 'Water Way'. With one finger, it is as if the real Ice Hell has descended on the world, a terrifying and bone-chilling... The low temperature swept through everything, not only freezing the body, but also freezing the soul!

In fact, the ice hell finger is more than a hundred times more harmful to the soul than the threat to the body.

After all...it is only after death that a person's soul will enter the eighteen levels of hell and enjoy all kinds of disasters.

There is a lot of cold air in the surrounding area.

The stones on the ground were frozen so hard that they crackled and cracked into stone powder in an instant.

Due to the rapidly falling cold, the air also turned into light blue ice crystals visible to the naked eye, falling one after another.

Although the thousands of elite soldiers arrayed nearby were protected by the large formation, the cold air that was like coming from hell was extremely strange and unbearable. Even the large formation could not withstand the erosion of the cold air. Thousands of soldiers were killed without even making a sound. It was frozen into an ice sculpture, unable to move in place.

The sound of clicking was endless, and the armors on thousands of soldiers and the weapons in their hands were cracked by the cold, and the metal fragments fell to the ground, making a clear and audible sound.

Wisps of dark blue cold light spurted out from Lu Qian's fingertips.

Yingzhu and Yingmei were hit by the cold light before they had time to dodge.

They yelled and cursed in unison. Out of the instinct of an old killer, they quickly used their skills to escape, and they continuously activated life-saving secret treasures and defensive talismans one after another.

There was a continuous sound of clicking, and layers of spiritual light continued to pour out of the two people, and they were constantly broken by the terrible cold air.

Faced with the terrifying magical power that Lu Qian suddenly displayed, Yingzhu and Yingmei did not hesitate to burn their blood and essence to escape quickly.

However, the surrounding void was tightly sealed by cold air. As soon as the two of them escaped more than ten feet away, thin ice flakes continued to appear on their bodies. The cold air penetrated directly into their internal organs. Their speed became slower and slower, and their reactions became more and more difficult. Getting slower and slower.

As for their souls, it was as if they had been thrown into an ice hell. The terrifying cold air eroded their souls, and the indescribable cold brought boundless pain. Both of them opened their mouths, screamed and wailed.

With a strong wind, thousands of elite soldiers on the ground who were quickly frozen were swept into the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain.

Lu Qian's backhand was to blast out eighteen moves of Ice Hell Fingers one after another. Cold winds suddenly blew up within dozens of miles around. The extremely low temperature combined with the wind that was specially designed to blow out all tangible things roared through the formation. The formation base rolled up two to three hundred thousand elite soldiers and swallowed them into the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain.

On the ground, countless sand, gravel and soil were frozen into ice crystals and scattered.

A large number of large combat tools and large formations were cracked by the extreme low temperature, exploded, and turned into ice crystals that were blown all over the sky.

At first glance, it looked as if hundreds of thousands of soldiers had been frozen into ice crystals and exploded. People who were not in front of them couldn't see clearly what was going on here.

Xuan Taiyi and others watched the ice crystals flying around outside the east city gate, black air rising, and a large number of soldiers suddenly disappeared in the wind and cold air. Several generals of the country shouted in unison: What a ruthless thief!

Cang Buqi's face suddenly darkened: Those two old men were right, the five old friends from Baoguang Pavilion are probably among them... Taiyi, strike hard!

Xuan Taiyi looked at Cang Buqi.

Cang Buqi nodded resolutely: Those two old men, I'm afraid they won't be able to escape... In this case, while they are dragging the thief... let's take a heavy blow. If the thief is allowed to break out of the formation here, , Where can we save our face?”

Jin Huang, Jin Lei and others' hands and feet were trembling slightly.

It seems that the five supreme elders of Baoguang Pavilion are really trapped in Yazhou City.

In this case, we must not let that person escape... Face and other things are empty. Their Baoguang Pavilion is doing business. As businessmen, profits come first, and they don't care about things like face.

But lives matter!

Since this man attacked and killed Jin Keng, he obviously had a grudge against their Baoguang Pavilion. If such a powerful person escaped and sought revenge from Baoguang Pavilion afterwards, would they be able to withstand this person's torment?

Xuan Taiyi raised his right hand high.

High in the sky, a large group of big black swallows screamed in unison. On the twelve floating mountain peaks, dazzling lights flickered.

A suffocating pressure surged out from high in the sky, and on each of the twelve floating peaks, a giant ring with a diameter of about a hundred feet, shining with different colors of lightning, slowly flew up.

Twelve giant rings flew high into the sky, one on top of another, dozens of miles apart from each other, and neatly arranged in the sky to form a large cylinder hundreds of miles high.

The bottom ring shining with cyan lightning locked onto Lu Qian's body, and the other rings slowly rotated. From high to low, the thunder light was like a waterfall, and loud noises continued, from a ring It flows into the next ring.

Storms are rolling in all directions.

The wisdom of heaven and earth is like a tide, constantly being swallowed up by the twelve rings.

Dark clouds covered the void with a radius of thousands of miles. The thick clouds rubbed against each other, stirring up huge thunders thousands of miles away. Countless huge thunders rolled and twisted in the clouds, making loud noises.

Thunder meandered out of the dark clouds, flowing down bit by bit along the top ring.

In the middle of the huge cylindrical space formed by twelve rings, wisps of extremely thin electric light appeared.

Countless strands of electric light turned into complex runes that beat rapidly, and they were quickly pieced together and made a loud 'chila' sound.

Everything sounds like a long time, but in reality, everything is ready in just a few snaps of the fingers... Countless thin electric lights have condensed into an arm-thickness in the middle of the huge cylinder, with a length of more than a dozen. The spear-shaped thunder in.

Yingzhu and Yingmei have been frozen in the ice. Lu Qian took them into the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain and was preparing to cleanse their souls, dig out their memories, and dig out some confidential information related to the photo studio. .

Suddenly, an extremely terrifying aura locked onto his body in the void.

Lu Qian suddenly raised his head, his pupils shrunk to the size of a pinhead, and he stared at the twelve rings above his head that had been wrapped in lightning.

This... is definitely not something created by heaven and earth.

It is not a spiritual treasure of heaven and earth that contains the charm of the great path and infinite mysteries.

This should be a purely artificial artifact.

No matter the cost, no matter the cost, the largest accumulation of rare materials, the largest human resources consumption, the longest time cost, with the supreme belief that man can conquer nature, turned decay into magic, and forged a great weapon of war!

In Lu Qian's mind, strangely shaped mushroom clouds flashed inexplicably.

Those mushroom clouds that can destroy the heaven and the earth are just mortals who are not strong enough to weigh more than three to five hundred kilograms. They understand the wonderful principles of heaven and earth with human wisdom, bury piles of ores deep in the ground, and use various incredible creation methods to create them. It has turned into a weapon with astonishing lethality!

According to Lu Qian’s estimation, comparison, speculation...

Among the mushroom clouds in his memory, the most powerful one was almost as powerful as a single blow from a monk in the middle and late stages of the Condensing Dao Realm.

And that is just the creation of a group of mere mortals.

A group of mortal creatures with weak bodies and a strength of only three to five hundred kilograms. They can be easily killed by ordinary kitchen knives.

But the twelve thunder rings in front of us are behemoths like the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty. They use the wisdom and magical power of the cultivators, consume resources, manpower and time that cannot be rushed, and exhaust the wisdom and understanding of the Yuan Lingtian cultivators. The avenue of thunder in heaven and earth, the ultimate killer weapon produced at no cost!

It’s not a heaven and earth spiritual treasure…

There is no spirituality at all...

The cost is extremely huge...

But once it is used, the destructive power it unleashes, purely in terms of its destructive power on living beings, is far more powerful than those mysterious, spiritual and unpredictable divine power spiritual treasures.

Among Lu Qian's Taoist monks, there were many high-ranking officials from the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty.

Among them are many direct descendants of wealthy families.

In their memories, there are records about these twelve rings - All Life and Death. This is the name of this set of twelve rings. The founder of the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty began planning, designing, and accumulating materials during his reign... Thirty thousand years after the founder of the Xuanyan Dynasty retired, the first phase of refining began.

For countless years that followed, even during the ancient war between Ji Shengtian and Yuan Lingtian, they did not stop casting or refining the great weapon of the country.

No one knows how powerful ‘All Life and Destruction’ is. However, since its initial formation, during the final period of the war between Jishengtian and Yuanlingtian, the emperor of the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty once used it to severely injure three Heavenly and Human Realm powers from Jishengtian with one blow.

Since then, it has been thirty thousand years, and it has been continuously strengthened by sacrifices.

Not to mention anything else, let’s just say that in the past ten thousand years, Wan Sheng Mie has been continuously forging and incorporating materials every year. The money for the materials alone consumes 10% of the Xuan Yan Immortal Dynasty’s total annual tax revenue!

Lu Yi looked up at Wan Sheng Mie and hissed: Yazhou City, don't you want it anymore?

Cang Buqi, Cang Moxuan and others remained silent, but Xuan Taiyi's voice resounded thousands of miles around, and all the soldiers of the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty could hear it clearly.

Yazhou City, unfortunately, was destroyed by a monster monk. What a pain!

There was a loud noise, Wan Sheng Mie trembled slightly, and the electric spear that was more than ten miles long fell straight down, hitting Lu Qian's head directly.

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