Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 398 Escape (3)

The Wuzhi Mountain was thrown out, and the five-color rays of light illuminated the heaven and the earth. The five-color rays of light gathered from all directions, entangled around the Wuzhi Mountain, and turned into five-color chains that were clearly visible to the naked eye.

With a dull roar, Wuzhishan slowly fell towards Xuan Xi and others.

The magic power in Xuan Xi and others' bodies stagnated, their breaths suddenly stiffened, their whole bodies stiffened, and their limbs seemed to have been frozen by molten iron, and they could no longer move at all.

They could only watch as Wuzhi Mountain turned into a height of three to four hundred feet and a radius of seven or eight miles, and was covered with colorful rays of light in the sky and pressed down little by little.

The terrifying force of suppression swept through the body, and even the soul was blank and blank, and could no longer think of any resistance.

They seemed to see a pair of eyes full of compassion looking at them in the void, and there seemed to be a kind and warm voice constantly whispering to them, something like 'the sea of ​​suffering is endless' and 'it is never too late to know when you have lost your way'. '...

The chants of urging people to do good came from the depths of their souls, and Xuan Qi and the others felt that they were really sinners and sinners with unpardonable sins.

They gave up all thoughts of resistance, obediently put away all their magical powers, held their heads in their hands, and allowed the Five Fingers Mountain to smash down from the head. With a 'bang', everyone hit the ground heavily.

Everyone's body was not injured at all, but their magic power and soul could no longer be mobilized. Everyone was suppressed on the ground like zombies, panting, and could only watch Lu Qian walk away slowly.

Buddha is merciful, this magical power of Wuzhishan...has great potential. Lu Qian smiled brightly.

This magical power of suppressing the Wuzhishan is a Buddhist magical power that he has just realized. In the Buddhist inheritance of Jishengtian, there has never been such a mysterious magical power.

But what makes Lu Qian extraordinary?

What is the origin of this supernatural power...

Monkey, tsk tsk! Lu Qian's smile became brighter and brighter: It's a pity that there is no such a handsome female monkey. Your Highness Xuanyi, hey... I actually don't want to be in trouble with you!

With a thought of escape, he ran very fast, and a county town appeared below Lu Qian.

Lu Qian's body swayed, and the Dream Bubble Bead he had used in the Holy Heaven unfolded. He turned into the bald man who blocked the road and killed Jin Keng. He fell straight from the sky and broke the defense restrictions of the county government treasury with one punch. open.

Lu Qian didn't touch the food, cotton and other things that were related to people's livelihood.

But those related to cultivation, all kinds of elixirs, all kinds of elixirs, all kinds of spiritual crystals, all kinds of rare metals, and all kinds of valuable things, you can take them all away with a roll of your sleeves.

How many cultivation resources can be found in the public treasury of a mere county town?

Lu Qian laughed haha and shouted something about Hei Tian comes to the world to save all sentient beings and the slogan Xuan Yan has no way, and the sea is open to action. With a thought, he launched his escape technique and rushed forward with one step. After traveling more than a thousand miles, we came to another county.

When Lu Qian chose the location of the Dajinshan Temple before, he carefully searched the entire Yuzhou. He knew the geographical location of the prefecture, county, prefecture and county.

The efficiency of this step of thousands of miles is simply astonishing.

He easily broke into county towns one after another, blasted through public treasuries with one punch, and swept away all the cultivation-related resources inside without leaving any trace behind.

In half an hour, Lu Qian swept through all the counties in Yuzhou, and the cultivation resources he obtained were terrifying.

Xuanzang was suppressed, and the entire Yuzhou was leaderless. Many local officials were a little further away and had no idea what was going on at the Dajinshan Temple. Many local officials had not received any news at all.

Therefore, Lu Qian marched straight in, as if he were entering an uninhabited territory, easily conquering all the county towns, followed by the defenseless prefectures one after another, and then followed by more than a dozen counties and cities under the jurisdiction of Yuzhou.

Lu Qian was too fast and too powerful. With the help of the Taoist monks in the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, with one blow, his power was comparable to that of a powerful person in the Condensing Dao Realm. As for the cities at all levels in the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty's local prefectures and counties, their city defense formations were turned on to their maximum power, and they could only protect against masters of the Condensing Dao Realm.

The great power of the Void Realm is the most unparalleled existence in Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty and Yunluo Ancient Kingdom... They can't do things like sneak attacks on cities because they want to lose face!

The most terrible thing is that officials at all levels in Yuzhou, under Xuan Taiyi's roar and scolding, led the elite garrison troops from each city and went straight to the Dajinshan Temple. Wherever Lu Qian passed, in each city, there were only two or three officials with big cats and kittens left to look after the house, and a group of grassroots soldiers with ordinary cultivation.

Lu Qian always destroyed the city defense hub at the core of the city with one blow, then blasted through the gate of the public treasury with one punch, rushed in and washed it. The whole process only took two or three breaths, and he could leave in one step. .

The officials who stayed behind in several counties and cities did not even understand what happened, and their warehouses were ransacked.

Until Lu Qian ran far away, they still didn't see what the 'robber' looked like. They could only describe the appearance of the bald man based on the oral accounts of the Yamen servants and officials who witnessed it.

The echo of Lu Qian's slogans still lingered in the sky. With a few steps, Lu Qian had already run thousands of miles away.

It must be said that the one-thought escape method of Fangcun Zen Forest is really a very brilliant magical power of Buddhism... At least in the next few counties and cities, officials from the Half-step Condensation Realm realized Lu Qian's actions, and they were furious. He used his magical powers to chase all the way, but he couldn't even touch Lu Qian's exhaust.

Fast, too fast.

It was almost time that Lu Qian had looted all the prefectures, prefectures, and county towns except Yuzhou City, but the news had not yet reached Xuan Taiyi.

When millions of garrison elites gradually gathered near the great pit of the Dajinshan Temple, Xuan Taiyi and others also walked out of the void transfer formation at Princess Tianwu's Mansion.

The most elite members of the Xuan Yan Immortal Dynasty, the Imperial Guards whose average cultivation level was above Golden Lotus were like black floods, constantly pouring out from the Void Movement Formation. The livid-faced Xuan Taiyi and others jumped on Xuan Yan's mount and rushed towards the Dajinshan Temple.

The arrival time of Xuan Taiyi and his party was much delayed.

They changed several void transfer formations in Xuanfeng City, but every time they ran to a new void transfer formation to prepare to teleport to Yuzhou, a bell would ring in the void, abruptly interrupting their teleportation. It also blasted the moving formation to pieces, and the void pressure made Xuan Taiyi and others miserable.

From the time they received the early warning from Jinkeng to the time they finally arrived in Yuzhou, more than half a day had passed.

Jin Can's face looked like that of a dead person, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked as ferocious as a mad dog with rabies - another piece of the jade talisman he carried with him exploded into pieces. The fragmentation of this jade talisman means that the golden pit is completely finished.

His most beloved son, Jinkeng, whose mother was born in the shadow building, was attacked and killed.

Jin Can now wants to kill someone.

Jinkeng just went to the door to mediate a trivial matter.

In Jin Can's view, the innocence of thousands of folk women is indeed a very small matter.

Is there anything wrong with this kind of thing?

Photo studios charge money to do things, and people ask the killers in the photo studios to do this, and pay them enough money. What excuse does the photo studio have to refuse such a relaxing job that does not require killing people, but also allows the killers to vent their energy and have fun?

Moreover, the money they gave me was really quite a lot.

There is no reason why the photo studio should not accept such business.

Of course, I did it a little bit, but this transaction is risk-free and highly profitable, so why not do it?

Moreover, after the incident was detonated, Canghailou and Xuanyan Xianchao didn't say anything, and Xuan Yi didn't say anything either... Anyway, Nafa Pirate Bald didn't suffer any losses!

Moreover, since the two sects have formed an alliance, Baoguang Pavilion is taking care of Xuan Xi's emotions, and is also afraid that Fahai Pirate Bald will twist his lips in front of Xuanyi and say some weird nonsense, which will cause a rift between the two sects!

Jin Can thinks that he has done everything he can to be kind and righteous!

Otherwise, with the character of my wife, Jin Canna, do you dare to expect the daughter of a contemporary photo studio owner to apologize to you?

I have gone to the extreme, and my etiquette is impeccable.

But his son Jin Keng unexpectedly lost his fortune like this.

What a shame!

Jin Can looked at Jin Huang a little worriedly.

When he saw Jin Huang and Jin Lei's faces were so twisted and ferocious, Jin Can was immediately relieved.

My son will not die in vain.

Looking at the almost cannibalistic expressions of Cang Moxuan and Xuan Taiyi, Jin Can felt an inexplicable joy in his heart.

He has lost a son... Is there such a thing as a son? If he dies, he will die. He can still have children... Moreover, does he lack a son?

No shortage!

But Xuanyan Xianchao and Canghailou were slapped in the face this time.

On his own territory, he was forcibly restrained by someone using secret treasures. The contemporary owner of Canghai Building and the reigning Emperor Xuanyan of the Immortal Dynasty were unable to use the void movement formation to reach the place where the accident happened in Jinkeng!

This is like a rich man enjoying life in his own yard, and a poor beggar driving through dozens of buildings carrying a piece of brick covered with dog feces. In the courtyard, he passed through dozens of defense lines with guards on duty, ran directly in front of the big master, and slapped a brick on his face!

The bricks were not very strong, and the old man didn't even scratch a hair.

But the shit on the tiles stained the old man’s face!

Jin Can grinned slightly and showed an extremely gloating sneer - looking at Xuan Taiyi's appearance, he really should have dragged Yun Wusi, the leader of the Yunluo Ancient Kingdom, with him.

If Yun Wusi saw Xuan Taiyi's expression, he would probably have to invite Jin Can to have a party at the best brothel in Yunluo Ancient Country for three years!

And they all have to be accompanied by a servant girl who has not left the palace!

Jin Can thought about it for a moment and nodded slightly.

He just lost a son, and although he was heartbroken... But compared to the face Canghai Tower and Xuan Yanxian Chao lost this time... what was Jinkeng's small life?

A group of people rushed out of Princess Tianwu's Mansion, and the mighty group of people turned into a long black river, flying high in the sky, heading straight for the Dajinshan Temple!

Lu Qian moved the Dajinshan Temple, and naturally the Void Moving Formation inside was no longer in use.

All the big shots had to work hard to make their way on their own.

At this time, Lu Qian had already rushed into the city of Yuzhou. With a cry of heavenly dragon, he directly stunned the officials and soldiers who were left behind in the mansion of the state lord, and kicked open the door of the state treasury.

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