Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 396 Escape

In the Dajinshan Temple, Lu Qian felt his whole body feel heavy and light, and was suddenly thrown back.

He looked around, stamped his feet, and cursed secretly in annoyance.

The bald man... used his face, in front of so many people, to kill Jin Keng, and the blame was firmly sealed.


how to explain?

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and Lu Qian quickly analyzed how he would react to Jinkeng's death if he were a senior executive of Canghai Tower, if he were the emperor of the Xuanyan Immortal Dynasty.

In just one or two breaths, Lu Qian shook his head gently: That's it, this black pot is strong enough.

In the alliance between the two sects, Jinkeng is the core direct descendant of Baoguang Pavilion.

And what about Lu Qian?

He was just a guest invited by Xuan Qi, and he was the kind of guest who could be discarded and sacrificed at any time... If Lu Qian had half a level of cultivation in the Heavenly Realm, perhaps the higher-ups at Canghai Tower would consider his importance to Jinkeng. , but if it were replaced by Lu Qian now, the result would be obvious.

Of course, if Lu Qian really had half-step to the realm of heaven and earth, Jinkeng would not come to send Lu Qian away with such a small amount of money, and naturally Lu Qian would not be blamed.

With a sigh, Lu Qian whistled.

Teams of Taoist monks lined up neatly and quickly ran towards Lu Qian.

The Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain was suspended above the head, and golden light fell down, swallowing up these Taoist monks. Lu Chen has made some achievements in practicing the inherited skills of the Great Brahma Jingshi Sect. The world space of the dojo in the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain has increased, and the absorption power has also increased a lot. It only took a short cup of tea to release the external energy. All Taoist monks took them back.

Ahu and Yudianhu also ran back with their people.

Ahu looked at Lu Qian's extremely ugly face and said in a deep voice: Brother Qian, what's wrong? Someone comes to look for trouble? Do you want to...

Ahu skillfully made a neck-cutting gesture.

Lu Qian waved his hand: That's all, we can't do anything about this person for the time being. He has been framed and there is no way to tell... Brothers, you have to live a hard life with me. Tsk tsk.

Lu Qian could imagine that what he was about to face next was the joint pursuit of Canghai Tower and Baoguang Pavilion.

This little day... was definitely bloody and interesting.

It's a pity that this dojo was built with great difficulty.

‘Hey’, the huge Dajinshan Temple, which was built with the enthusiastic support of so many abbots and abbots of famous mountain temples...Hey, what a pity!

Lu Qian stepped on a golden cloud and rushed straight into the sky.

In the distance, a group of officials and tens of thousands of garrison elites were marching towards the Dajinshan Temple in a mighty manner. The leading officials were still shouting nonsense like 'find your way back when you've lost your way'.

Ahu, Dianhu, lead people to charge at them, don't let them get too proud. Well, take those tens of thousands of garrison elites for me... especially their Xuanyan crossbows and Xuanyu arrows, keep them all.

Lu Qian looked at the tens of thousands of elite garrison troops with a faint light flickering in his eyes.

Seventy-eight percent of them are experts in the Fire Realm, and the rest are all at the peak of the Furnace Realm. This is an absolute elite team. After all, they had already made enemies, so Lu Qian had nothing to feel guilty about by refining them into Taoist monks.

I don't know whose son you are, whose father you are... Oh, but it doesn't matter. The poor monk came from the Holy Heaven and came to your land just to do evil things. Lu Qian sighed softly. With a sound, a Buddha's light shone down from his right hand, blessing A Hu, Yu Dianhu and more than a hundred tiger masters, as well as thirty-six former divine generals, with a powerful Vajra Zen method.

Ah Hu and the others roared in unison, their joints crackling, and their bodies suddenly rose more than two feet taller. Their strength soared more than ten times under the blessing of Lu Qian's Buddhist teachings.

Their whole bodies were surrounded by golden light, as if they were wearing heavy armor and holding heavy Zen staffs. They also rose up from the clouds and rushed towards the officials and garrison troops.

More than a hundred people were like more than a hundred fierce tigers, roaring and bursting into the opponent's formation.

Before anyone could react, Ahu and the others started yelling. Their magical powers and secret techniques were all infused by Lu Qian using Daigo initiation. Everything was ready-made, and they did not need to work hard to understand it themselves.

They also used the Tianlongyin magical power of Daitianlong Temple quite skillfully.

More than a hundred people shouted at the top of their lungs, and tens of thousands of garrison elites fell from the sky like dumplings. They rolled their eyes and fainted one by one.

Lu Qian pointed his hands towards the Dajinshan Temple below, and from all directions, five-color clouds rolled in, turning into a huge palm and pushing through the air. The ground shook slightly. Lu Qian gathered the power of the mountain-protecting Buddhist formation, turned the essence of the five elements into a magical palm, and slapped a group of officials leading the army with a palm from the air.

The cultivation level of these officials is all above the Golden Lotus Kai, they have good family backgrounds, high cultivation level, and their inherited skills are really good.

However, facing Lu Qian and the power of heaven and earth gathered from the huge formation covering hundreds of miles in radius, their strength was still too weak.

There was a muffled sound, and a giant multicolored palm was slapped on the head. Officials from several nearby prefectures and counties vomited blood, like flies swatted by a fly swatter. They were pinned to the ground and unable to move, and all their cultivation was suppressed.

A local official who was familiar with Lu Qian shouted hoarsely: Master Fa Hai, don't make a mistake...it's not too late to find your way back after you've lost your way!

Seeing the blinking eyes and confused eyes of the official who was shouting, Lu Qian sighed softly: I would like to return from my lost ways... I am even willing to pay for the funeral expenses of Jinkeng, but you don't give me a chance. ah!

Will it? No!

Lu Qian glanced around: What a pity for my comfortable Dajinshan Temple. Hey, there are so many good things.

With his right hand, he pointed towards the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, and suddenly the hill with a radius of one foot turned into a thousand-foot-high mountain, soaring into the sky thousands of feet into the sky. The whole body emitted immeasurable golden light, covering the entire Dajinshan Temple.

In the temple, those pilgrims and believers who still didn't know what happened were tumbling and thrown hundreds of miles away by the golden light. The earth roared violently. The huge Dajinshan Temple, together with thousands of novice monks and monks in the temple, were thrown away. Together, the little nuns suddenly left the earth, and were enveloped by the golden light, flying into the air little by little.

In the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, there are tens of millions of Taoist monks that Lu Qian forcibly conquered from Qingyun Kingdom and Yanchao.

The cultivation levels of these Taoist monks vary from high to low, but the trickle-down flow gathers into a sea, and the magic power of tens of millions of people is integrated into one and added to the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain. This is a magnificent force that can move mountains and seas.

The Dajinshan Temple with a radius of hundreds of miles was forcibly uprooted, and then compressed to a radius of several feet with the Buddhist power in the palm of the hand, and incorporated bit by bit into the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain.

Lu Qian gritted his teeth and became ruthless. He did nothing and never stopped. He did not care about the concept of sustainable development. In line with the purpose of robbers crossing the border and not even a blade of grass growing, he used his great magical power to mediate the fate of nature. Mount Sumeru has locked onto dozens of large and small earth veins gathered beneath the Dajinshan Temple.

The sound of high-pitched dragon roars could be heard endlessly, and the earth veins in the underground that were full of inspiration and powerful Taoism turned into giant dragons that could be clearly seen by ordinary people with their naked eyes. They were rolled and forcibly extracted from the ground by Lu Qian.

These ground veins were created when the Dajinshan Temple was established. Xuanzang asked people to help him select the best ground veins from several nearby mountains and forcibly moved and gathered them together.

It is the existence of these earth veins that makes the Dajinshan Temple one of the best caves in Yuzhou and an excellent place for cultivation.

Lu Qian used the method of drying up the lake to fish to forcefully pull out these earth veins that stretched for tens of thousands of miles or hundreds of thousands of miles from the ground. The earth veins themselves were struggling fiercely. Within tens of thousands of miles nearby, the mountain peaks collapsed, the mountains were twisted, and the earth was violently violent. A moderately severe earthquake quickly swept through half of Yuzhou.

The structure of the heaven and earth in Yuan Lingtian is stable, as is the void, and so is the earth's veins.

After all, Lu Qian's magical power was only at the Golden Lotus level... He forcibly extracted the earth veins. Even with the help of Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain and tens of millions of Taoist monks, he only extracted thousands of miles of underground earth veins. It broke suddenly, and the remaining earth veins quickly rushed back to the depths of the earth. What was finally swallowed up by the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain were only dozens of earth veins that were thousands of miles long, and finally condensed into the shape of a dragon that was more than a thousand feet long.

However, it's enough.

These veins were swallowed up by the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain and quickly integrated into the mountain. The Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, the treasure of the Great Vajra Temple, immediately emitted immeasurable light, and its power and power quickly soared dozens of times, and there was a faint sense of weight. A sign of returning to the ancient peak state.

At least when Lu Qian sensed the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, he could clearly feel that he was more closely connected with the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain. The power that a mana could mobilize was at least ten times higher than before.

The small Vajra Sumeru Mountain in the past was like an old man who has been lingering on his sick bed all year round. The skeleton is still there, but inside and outside, it is withered and exhausted - after all, it was the long spiritual structure of heaven and earth that collapsed in the Holy Heaven. Made it through the years.

But now, the dying old patient has turned into a energetic old man.

Walking like wind, coughing and panting with greater strength than before, I am in good spirits.

If this kind of plundering method is used hundreds of times again, is it possible that the little Vajrasumi Mountain will be able to return to the strong man it once was?

Lu Qian's eyes flickered and he secretly made up his mind.

Five-colored rays of light rushed over.

Rhubarb, green snake, parrot, snapping turtle and rabbit, the five uncles quickly returned to Lu Qian.

The big parrot trembled its wings nervously: What's the matter? An enemy came to the door? Or, a little lady with a big belly came to look for a bride? Why did the house even move?

Lu Qian looked at the big parrot. Where did this guy learn these messy things?

A little lady with a big belly?

Is he, Lu Qian, such a person?

The enemy is here... Tsk, the deadly enemy fell out of thin air... We have to sleep in the open and struggle to escape!

Lu Qian let out a long sigh and rolled his sleeves towards the garrison elite who fainted and fell to the ground.

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