Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 20 Coffins are a good business

In the Wu Dynasty of Dayin, there was Honglu Temple, and there was a minister of Honglu Temple, who was responsible for diplomatic relations with the four directions and corresponding court etiquette and other duties.

In the dynasty before Dayin, there were still some exchanges between countries in the world. Missions and caravans from various countries could still appear in Haojing from time to time. At that time, Honglu Temple was still considered an important part of the previous dynasty. yamen.

More than 1,800 years ago, Taizu Dayin overthrew the previous dynasty, established the Ding Dynasty and founded the country. Following the official system of the previous dynasty, Honglu Temple was still a permanent institution of the imperial court. In the following hundreds of years, it was also responsible for welcoming and sending people Diplomatic matters.

For more than a thousand years, the world continued to change, martial arts withered and declined, and the bloodlines of people and various birds and beasts continued to decline. In the past, foreign missions and caravans could easily travel tens of thousands of miles in a day and night, but now they can only travel tens of thousands of miles. It can barely travel more than a thousand miles, or even hundreds of miles.

Since then, diplomatic relations with various countries have been severed, and foreign missions have disappeared. The position of Honglu Temple in the imperial court has gradually become embarrassing, and its importance has continued to decline. Today, Honglu Temple has become a 'service department' with little authority. .

Sijifang in Fengdiaofang, a garden mansion on three streets and five lanes, is the current property of Honglu Temple.

Of course, the Palace Supervisor will not take the current Honglu Temple to heart. He said that he was bullied, and he was bullied. How could Hongluqing, who had no power and power, bang his head on the gate of the Palace Supervisor and die?

But the palace guards are not willing to mess with the people who live in Sijifang.

The Wu Dynasty of Dayin followed the previous dynasty and divided the territory of Dayin into nine major states.

Among them, Haojing is located in the ancestral state of China, which is the core of Kyushu and the place of origin that will never change.

Besides Zuzhou, there are East Shenzhou, West Youzhou, Nanmanzhou, and Beimingzhou.

To the east of the East Shenzhou, there is the Jidong Mingzhou; to the west of the West Youzhou, there is the Jixi Mozhou; to the south of the Nanman State, there is the Jinan Barren State; to the north of the Northern Mingzhou, there is the Jibei Dazhou.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Dayin Wu Dynasty, martial arts were at their peak. The elite legions in Haojing City also had extremely high military training. The huge legions could travel thousands of miles a day. The four major states of Mingzhou, Mozhou, Huangzhou, and Dazhou , and was firmly controlled by the Dayin Wu Dynasty.

Later, martial arts withered and the bottleneck of warriors became increasingly difficult to break, and Hao Jing gradually lost control of the four major states.

With the destruction of the last military city of Dayin on the territory of the Four Great Prefectures eight hundred years ago, and after Haojing was no longer able to dispatch large-scale field legions to the Four Great Prefectures, the local forces in the Four Great Prefectures , took advantage of the situation and announced that he would break away from Dayin's rule, and happily became the king on his own.

Since three hundred years ago, the decline of martial arts in the world has reached an extreme.

Nowadays, Haojing can barely control the ancestral state of the Middle Earth. The other four states in the southeast, northwest, and southeast, nominally still respect the emperor of Haojing as the co-lord of the world, but in fact they have divided themselves into one side, fighting against each other, and joining forces to form alliances. Entered the lively chaos of the Warring States Period.

Once upon a time, Taizu, the founding father of the Wu Dynasty of Dayin, in addition to the ancestral states of China, all states had 800 princes, and the titles from high to low were divided into gong, hou, bo, zi and nan. 'Fifth class.

After three hundred years of chaos, some once-high-ranking 'gong' have been wiped out.

After three hundred years of rise, some 'men' who once had a humble status have become powerful and powerful.

However, since these princes still regard Emperor Haojing as the common master of the world, they have to show some attitude.

For example, a collective tribute is paid once every twelve years.

For example, the princes of princes need to be canonized by the emperor.

For example, let some unimportant sons and daughters serve as protons in Haojing.

There are thousands of garden mansions in the three streets and five lanes of Sijifang, and these are the precious sons and beloved daughters of thousands of princes from the four major states in the southeast and northwest.

What should I say about these people?

All of them are disasters, and few are good things.

Eastern China is the most civilized and elegant region. It is the region with the most complete inheritance of classics and civilizations from all dynasties. The mantra of the sons and daughters of these princes in Eastern China is - 'You barbarians, ah!'!

West Youzhou is extremely rich in products, especially the specialty product 'Golden Sand'. Each of the princes is extremely rich. What the sons and daughters of these princes like to say the most is - 'Haha, you poor people'!

Needless to say, Beiming Prefecture has strong folk customs and strong military force. It is especially rich in glaciers and grasslands and is rich in cavalry. They like to lead a large group of men through the city. They can do things but never speak. Their daily language is -' You are all a bunch of eggless bitches', 'Believe it or not, I will kill your whole family'!

As for Nanman Prefecture, the folk customs cannot be said to be tough, but fierce, evil, ruthless, and cruel. Everyone is born to kill embryos, especially good at various witchcraft and secret arts, and their methods are ruthless and mysterious. A real doer. They are taciturn by nature and will attack immediately if they disagree. They are the biggest security risk in Haojing City.

Just these people turned Sijifang into a huge hornet's nest.

Almost every day, various conflicts break out between them, often affecting the innocent people of Haojing. The major yamen in Haojing City are extremely busy trying to wipe their butts.

But no matter how fierce the conflict between them is, once Ho-kyung officials dare to intervene, they will instinctively join forces to fight.

There was once a murder case that was arrested by Sikotai, and the son of a certain marquis was found guilty.

As a result, more than two dozen Sikotai police officers were beaten to death in broad daylight and their bodies dumped in the street.

The Sikou of this dynasty was furious and ordered Sikootai to dispatch a large number of men to arrest the culprits. As a result, more than a thousand protons from the princes shouted in unison and rang the golden bells and silver drums at the gate of the imperial city. This alarmed the Queen Mother and the Emperor, and even organized tens of thousands of thugs and guards to violently He resisted the law and forcibly made Sikou unable to step down.

This matter was finally solved with the Marquis's hostage being handed over to a worthless slave to take the blame.

After the slave was beheaded by Sikotai, in order to appease the marquis's hostage, the Queen Mother ordered the Minister of Honglu Temple to secretly give the marquis's hostage a 'pension' equivalent to a hundred times the price of the slave!

Lao He rambled on and explained to Lu Qian the special characteristics of Sijifang in Haojing City.

Lu Qian asked Lao He in shock: Is this okay?

Lao He looked around and lowered his voice: Nineteen years ago, the Queen Mother stayed behind the curtain to listen to politics. The princes represented the princes from all over the world, and came up to persuade the Queen Mother to move forward and support the Queen Mother behind the curtain.

If it weren't for the support of the princes from all over the world, how could the Queen Mother...

The topic was too sensitive, and Lao He had a bad breath and did not dare to continue.

Lu Qian understood: So, we cannot touch this Sijifang. Even if Liu Wu is hiding in one of the courtyards?

Lao He stuffed two pieces of cold stinky tofu into his mouth and chewed them.

He looked at Lu Qian and said in a deep voice: Unless someone is caught on the spot, otherwise... Besides, Sijifang is not under the jurisdiction of our team. Hey, in the entire Sijifang, no yamen can take care of them. , those children of princes have always done their own thing.

Then, let's put this aside for now. Lu Qian shook his head helplessly: Since they have started killing people and cleaning up the traces, unless Liu Wu is a pig, he will not show traces easily again.

We can only let the ghosts squat around Sijifang and take a look... try their luck.

But the other fifteen brothers who were killed, especially the brother who was killed the day before yesterday, we can investigate their affairs carefully. Lu Qian murmured: It must be a big fish, it must be the one we fished this time. They tried their best to track down Liu Wu, and they found some other clues, which aroused the most violent reaction from the big fish.

It's just that in Haojing City, who would be so unscrupulous in attacking the palace guards?

According to the information in the notebook, Lu Qian used a charcoal stick to circle on the map the locations where the fifteen supervisors who had been involved in the accident a few days ago were killed.

He traced his fingers lightly on the map and whispered to himself.

They must have accidentally broken something and seen certain people and things. But what could it be?

Especially on that day, the 28th of the twelfth lunar month last year, seven guards were shot to death overnight.

According to the confessions of residents in the city, and the order of the screams and fighting sounds they heard, the first prisoner who was killed was here, then this point, this point, this point...

Someone was killed, there was a noise, and then there were brothers who heard the noise and rushed to investigate.

They happened to collide with the murderer and were caught off guard. They were also killed on the spot.

Then, the murderer's escape direction should be along this line.

The charcoal strip in Lu Qian's hand was drawn on the map, and the spiritual light in his mind rippled slightly. He intuitively drew a circle on the map.

There is a 70% chance that those murderers' lairs are in this area.

Well, it should be this section of Youluzi Street.

Look what kind of shops are these?

Gold shops, silver shops, women's rouge, gouache, ready-made handkerchiefs, hey, these shops are too professional, and the flow of people is too large, and the exposure is too high. Oh, if a group of embryo killers are hidden, then the probability of the secret being revealed Too big.

What kind of store is needed to hide a group of people without arousing suspicion?

There are two coffin shops here!

One specializes in high-end coffins, which are prepared for the nobles of wealthy families. There is also a company that deals in mid- to low-end coffins, prepared for ordinary people.

What a coincidence, the two coffin shops are right next to each other.

Old He, coffins are a good business. Are you afraid?

Lu Qian raised his head and looked at Lao He with a smile.

If you're not afraid, just go with me to these two coffin shops. At this time, let's go and check it out!

The faces of Lao He and the five ghosts twitched violently.

Lao He looked at Lu Qian and said in amusement: After those brothers' accident, we searched these two streets and alleys, but we didn't find any useful information. Lu Qian, don't tell me, just rush to the police station. After tracing this map, you found the murderer?

Lu Qian took out a handful of money and threw it on the square table. He stood up with a smile and said, Come on, let's just treat it as a snack after dinner? Let's go over and have a look. It's okay. But we need to change our clothes. , this palace guard’s white robe is too eye-catching.”

Lao He hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth, nodded, stood up, picked up the drop of money dropped by Lu Qian, and threw it to Lu Qian again.

We come here to eat and give them enough face. Can they still ask for money?

Let's go, let's go, Lu Qian, let me tell you, from now on in our own territory, except for sleeping in those little wives' beds, we can't owe them money for their skin and flesh. We don't have to spend money on other food and drinks!

The palace guard eats them, drinks them, and they still charge money?

It doesn't make sense, it absolutely doesn't make sense!

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