Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1001 Tarsal Maggots (3)

At the south gate of the Heavenly Court, outside the Suzaku Star Formation.

The first group of civilians who were innocently involved have been escorted away by the Yaksha, Rakshasa, and Asura sent by Lu Ren.

The second batch, the relatives of Linghu's servants and maids, were also sent away.

The third batch, Linghu's ordinary servants, maids, unimportant gardeners, coachmen, cooks, cooks, maids who do menial work, etc., have also been sent away.

The fourth batch is those members of the Linghu clan, those ordinary clansmen, those members of the Linghu clan who are from the same clan and the same house as Linghu Juan and several other noble ladies of the Linghu clan, but who are not very close relatives, together with them The in-laws, relatives, etc. were sent away.

The fifth batch was sent away by clan members who were relatively close to Linghu Juan and others, such as their distant cousins ​​and my mother’s cousins...

The sixth batch...

The seventh batch...

The eighth batch...

Then, Lu Qian suddenly realized that he had nothing to explain. In fact, he didn't know much about Qing Sha, about Lu Sanqi, about the small organization they formed, the so-called Lingshan, the so-called Da Leiyin Temple - after all, he and Qing After chatting for a while, with the help of Qi Sanqi, he slaughtered a group of masters from the Four Halls of Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning, and condensed the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit.

Lu Qian was just a peripheral member of Qingsha's small organization - he was recommended by Lu Min because of nepotism and bloodline privileges!

Therefore, on the huge 'execution ground' arranged by the Qing Emperor, hundreds of millions of unlucky people were originally sent away, but Yinyuan, Bai You, Linghu Juan, and several of Linghu Juan's good sisters, their Parents, their direct elders, some of the younger generations with whom they have the closest blood relationship, etc... There are not many people, just a thousand or so people, as well as their most intimate and personal maids, confidants, etc., these people plus There were probably about five or six thousand people, who were still tightly imprisoned on the high-temperature green wood, and were still being burned bit by bit by the high temperature, and squeezed bit by bit, slowly melting all their spirits and lives. It is fat, melted into flames, and squeezed clean bit by bit.

Lu Qian stood quietly in mid-air, looking at Qingdi helplessly.

Qingdi looked at Lu Qian with a smile, and chuckled: That's all? You know, that's all? Well, you don't even know, what they call the 'hub' discovered from Moren Zhitian , what exactly is that 'lifeline', and what is its shape!

So, what exactly is it?

A tome?

A sacred artifact?

Or is it a... person who has received a special inheritance and holds special authority in this world?

Qingdi put his hands in front of him, covered his mouth, and let out a chuckle from between his fingers: Lu Qian, Lu Qian, I didn't mean to make things difficult for you... I can see it, you You are innocent, you and those evil traitors who are unwilling to give up are not the same person... You are a good boy who knows the current affairs and is very well-behaved.

Lu Qian had a gloomy face and said nothing.

‘Good boy’?

This comment left him wondering how to respond.

‘Good boy’?

A previous life, maybe. In this life, or is it? Because of these three words, Lu Qian fell into a trance for a while. Countless thoughts came and went in his mind. He was asking himself what kind of person he was. After tearing off all the heavy packaging bags brought by the so-called 'morality', 'ethics', 'rules', 'secular views' and other foreign things, I What kind of bastard is he!

Well, Lu Qian's definition of himself has been extended to 'son of a bitch'.

But, it's not enough. Qing Emperor smiled brightly: It's not enough, Lu Qian... If this is a card game, my bet is a hundred times, a thousand times more than your bet... The chips you throw out are not enough for me to return Yinyuan and the others to you...

Lu Qian sighed lightly: But they were innocently involved in this matter. I have told you everything you want to know and what I know.

Qingdi shook his head slightly and laughed softly: But that's not what he said.

He pondered for a moment and said faintly: No matter whether they are innocent or not, whether they are involved or not...the matter is now at this point, do they have any choice? Do they have any chance to resist? No!

This is the tragedy of the weak.

This is the reality of the universe.

I am strong, so I am... I am strong, so I stand, and you can only kneel down, prostrate, and worship! Qing Emperor sighed and said softly: Countless years, countless wars have been recorded in my blood. The glorious, spectacular and magnificent war history of China all illustrates the correctness of what I just said!

Qingdi looked at Lu Yi with a smile: You have confessed a lot. But you have not confessed enough. Although you and I know that what you confessed is all you know. However, it is impossible for me to confide because of you. With such a small amount of money, I can hand over so many valuable people to you so easily!

What if! Qingdi's eyes, which were no different from those of normal people, suddenly turned into compound eyes like those of his alien descendants. In the dark, deep compound eyes composed of countless tiny grid-shaped eyes, a gloomy, solemn, cold, and ruthless light flickered, staring straight at Lu Qian, Qing Di said in a deep voice: Kneel down. !”

Lu Qian raised his head suddenly.

He gritted his teeth and looked at Qingdi.

Qing Emperor gently waved his right hand and said with a smile: Look, you have no more bets, and I still have a big bet in my hand... So, when you can't continue to bet, if I want you to kneel down, what do you think?”

Lu Qian stared at Qingdi, he was silent for a while, and said in a deep voice: Very good, if this is a card game, I have no bets in my hand... My kneeling can also be regarded as As a bet... I kneel down, how much can you give me?

Qingdi hesitated for a moment and nodded slowly: I think if you kneel in front of me, kneeling very upright, well-behaved, and with graceful posture, I can let all of Yinyuan's daughters... give them to you. .”

Lu Qian coughed slightly: All my nieces?

Qingdi nodded.

He grinned.

All of Yinyuan's daughters - Qingdi deeply understand this world, certain ethical and secular concepts of the 'human race'... Even in a giant clan like the Linghu clan, the status of women is not as good as A man's...Yinyuan's lifeline, his life gate, are his sons.

As for my daughter...just hand it over. What if these daughters of Yinyuan could become little whips for taming animals, making Lu Qian kneel down obediently... even just once? There are only one thing like kneeling down for the first time and countless times. There is no such thing as just once.

If Lu Qian can kneel once for daughters like Yinyuan who are not very important, why can't he kneel more?

Kneel once, kneel twice, kneel more times... Kneel, kneel, just get used to it.

Back then, Taichu, Taiqu, and Taiyi, weren't they just like this? Kneeling, kneeling, kneeling, you got used to it? In the end, they actively maintained their kneeling posture and even forgot how to stand up.

Qing Emperor looked at Lu Qian with a smile: All your nieces. Hey, your sworn brother's daughter.

Green light floated around him, and there was a cruel scene in which the nine unlucky Linghu clan members were manipulated by him, grafted onto the Hydra, and almost completed the Dunlon ceremony with several male Hydras.

Qingdi said softly: They are women. They fall into my hands, but they are... more miserable than their brothers. After all, some methods are better used on women, right? Well, you don't want it either. My nieces and nephews are all born in one litter, and the heads of each litter are all different, right?

This is very cruel.

Lu Qian took a deep breath, took two steps back, retreated far away, and then knelt down towards Qing Emperor.

No choice.

Yinyuan and others are still in Qingdi's hands.

Lu Qian had already confessed everything he knew, but Emperor Qing used various excuses and reasons to forcefully detain the most important group of people... What could Lu Qian do? The lives of these people depended on Qingdi's thought... Lu Qian weighed it in his heart for a long time, with countless thoughts rising and falling, and finally made a decision.

Kneel down!

For the sake of Yinyuan's young daughters.

If it wasn't them, but people like Linghu Juan and the parents of several noble daughters of the Linghu family... Lu Qian might have given up. Let these people die. Lu Qian will avenge them if he has the chance afterwards.

However, Yinyuan’s daughters, and several of them have just learned to walk...

Lu Qian knelt down towards Qing Emperor upright from a long distance away.

Qingdi's eyes widened, and he laughed in a low voice: This is the feeling, this is the feeling... Hey, the Sanguang Buddha in the Landa Holy Land was also concocted by me in this way. He was also because of these insignificant things. The ants were besieged by countless of my sons, they exhausted their last bit of mana, and were crushed to death by the golden body of the Buddha!

Hey, you guys are just too soft-hearted. Qing Emperor smiled brightly: If it were us, if it were my clansmen, even if they were from the same 'mother body' as me, the so-called 'brothers' would die in my life. In front of me, I will only happily accept his inheritance and tear his enemies to pieces to avenge him. How could I put myself in a passive situation because of him?

It is not advisable to lose even one of your nails for the sake of outsiders. Qingdi murmured to himself.

Lu Qian heard Qingdi talking to himself clearly, and he sneered: So, this is the difference between 'human' and 'animal'.

Qingdi glanced at Lu Yi noncommittally.

Lu Qian called him a 'cattle', but Qing Di didn't feel much about it. He whispered: 'Animal'? Oh, back then... they were often 'evils', 'monsters', and 'monsters' who were 'rebellious and unethical'. That’s it, but aren’t we the ones who win in the end?”

Qingdi waved his hand.

Behind him, densely packed, overlapping, and tightly packed together, it turned into a thick city of flesh and blood. The alien army without any gaps slowly opened up layer by layer. Several aliens carried out the chickens like chickens. Several girls were tortured to the point where their faces were pale and pale, and they were already in a state of semi-convulsion. However, because of some special pharmaceutical ingredients injected into their bodies by Qingdi, they maintained a strangely excited state.

These girls, the two oldest among them, are very familiar with Lu Qian. He knew that this was the closest sworn brother to his parents, and he had acted coquettishly, naughtily, made trouble, and made trouble in front of Lu Qian before.

Lu Qian is extremely far away at the moment, but after condensing the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit and achieving the position of the Great Emperor, Lu Qian's existence itself is a 'behemoth' that cannot be ignored in the world of this dimension, let alone ignored. No matter how far away they were, several little girls could still 'see' Lu Yi at a glance... In other words, the 'concept' of Lu Yi's 'existence' suddenly hit their eyes, allowing them to directly 'perceive' it. own existence.

Second uncle! the two little girls cried.

The aliens holding them grinned and rolled up their mouthparts, revealing the soft and slippery small tentacles inside, as well as the sharp and shining teeth. They were about to scare these little girls, when suddenly Qing Emperor shouted angrily... The aliens felt a light touch in their hands, and the little girls had disappeared without a trace.

Looking again, Lu Qian was already standing far away from where he knelt down with a few little girls.

Wisps of thick and warm Buddha light rippled out from Lu Qian's hands. He protected the minds of several little girls, stabilized their almost disintegrated souls, quickly repaired the physical damage caused by the high temperature on their bodies, and at the same time took out the The great elixirs were poured out one after another and poured into their mouths.

Several little girls escaped from the disaster. Now when they saw Lu Qian, they were like several frightened koalas, clinging to his majestic and huge body.

Lu Qian briefly checked the injuries of several little girls and took a deep breath.

He nodded to Qingdi and said: As you wish, I will kneel down and take them away... Just give me your conditions. How can I take away Yinyuan and the others... First of all, I will not Maybe I can help you deal with Qing Sha, Lu Sanqi and the others... First, I can't find them. Second, I owe them a debt of gratitude.

Qingdi looked at the aliens who were carrying little girls just now with a faint look.

Among these alien races, there is a 'first-generation' descendant whose cultivation has reached the level of the Great Emperor, directly belonging to the Qing Emperor... This was carefully prepared by him, spending countless resources, and using the foundation and methods of the underworld. The most successful 'first-generation sub-body' created over the years, in Qingdi's test, the combat effectiveness of this sub-body was astonishing.

If there were three or five people from this generation who joined forces, even Tai Chu, Tai Qu, and Tai Zhen, Qingdi would be somewhat sure to take care of them.

However, such an absolutely strengthened elite body could not see Lu Qian's movements clearly, and Lu Qian directly rescued several little girls with almost no cultivation from his hands!

Qing Emperor couldn't help but cursed in his heart - Speed ​​Dao Fruit is really like the avenue of space and time, a hateful existence that is almost incomprehensible... However, Qing Emperor doesn't have a Dao Fruit that can condense space and time. Facing Lu Qian, he was really helpless and powerless.

This feeling of embarrassment, sadness and anger is like a white-haired scumbag and playboy, and in front of him is a beautiful little beauty who is so beautiful that she is so tender that her juices will flow when she pinches her... However, when he reaches his age, No matter how hard he tries, the little loach can never turn into a big dragon...

This kind of grief and anger, this kind of shame and annoyance, who can understand the mood of Qing Emperor at this moment?

As for the first-generation son who had the little girl snatched away from his hands by Lu Qian without any reaction, he was full of doubts about life. His two huge compound eyes stared straight at him. Two empty hands, head shaking to the left and right in a funny way...

It has always been carefully prepared by Qing Emperor in his own lair. This is the first time it has appeared. It is the first time that this generation of children has followed Qing Emperor to get involved in major events in this world. It was depressed by Lu Qian's ghostly and miraculous speed. His head was short-circuited, and he fell into an extremely weird state of ignorance and confusion.

With his fighting instinct and blood inheritance, this kind of thing is impossible to happen.

But this kind of thing happened...

That is to say, this guy's brain is simple enough - when Qingdi prepared him, he didn't give him enough brains and IQ, otherwise this guy might fall into the trap of 'who am I', 'where am I', ' The philosophical trap of Where did I come from and Where do I go to may lead to people directly putting down the butcher's knife and becoming a psycho immediately.

Qingdi let out a long and sharp roar.

Several foreigners who were snatched away by Lu Qian with terrifying speed shivered and woke up from their chaotic and confused state. Their heads seemed to have been 'restarted', all distracting thoughts were swept away, and the fighting instinct and fighting intuition returned to them again, taking control of their bodies and souls.

That's right, that's right. Qingdi smiled and pointed at the alien flesh-and-blood city that densely covered the entire void and enveloped the entire sky. Fortunately, I have a countermeasure, otherwise, with the With your speed, I don’t know if you actually rescued someone, I don’t know anything about it.”

Without waiting for Lu Qian to answer, Qingdi asked in a deep voice: Do you want to exchange more people?

Lu Qian took a deep breath: Think!

Qing Di said coldly: But you don't want to help me deal with Qing Sha, Lu Sanqi and the others... You have already knelt down, and there is no point in kneeling down a second time... So be it, I won't embarrass you. Yinyuan and the others will be well fed and fed by me, and I promise not to do anything interesting to them.

And you, help me track down the truth about the so-called Supreme Beginning, the lifeline of heaven and earth, and the hub of heaven and earth.

If you can find out anything useful...something valuable to me, I can pack them all up and return them to you at once, how about that?

Lu Qian looked at Qingdi: Is this a deal?

Qingdi nodded seriously: This is a deal.

Lu Qian said in a deep voice: Then, the transaction requires a deposit. We have paid off everything before...Now, I need a little deposit...one that is sincere enough.

Qingdi hesitated and smiled.

He waved his hand, and the overlapping aliens slowly separated. After a while, an alien came out holding the bruised Yinyuan.

A little green light condensed on Qingdi's fingertips.

There was a flash of green light, and accompanied by Yinyuan's shrill howl, the green light pierced into his heart, where it turned into a phantom of an insect that was more than half a foot long and covered in green.

This is my secret method, the tarsal maggot.

I will hand over your first target, Yin Yuan, your sworn brother, directly to you... Is this enough to prove my sincerity?

However, with this tarsal maggot in my body, I can always grasp his location, his movements, and his every word and action.

Obviously, if you do anything bad to me, I can strangle his life at any time... So, you go ahead... Let's leave it like this for now.

Qingdi smiled kindly: Go and work hard, help me find the truth, help me find the treasure that Qingsha and the others have been looking for for several years... No matter what it is, bring it to me.

Of course, during this process, I will consider your efforts and your achievements and give you a little sweetness from time to time... For example, I will return one or two of Yinyuan's wives, children, and children to you?

Qingdi smiled brightly.

So what if you condensed the Speed ​​Path Fruit?

Don't you still want to be a sharp knife in your hand, to harvest this world for yourself?

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