Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 998: Lao Na...cough, I surrender (2)

A terrible tragedy is about to take place.

Yinyuan screamed angrily, but all the members of the Linghu clan shut up in unison, each one as silent as a quail struck by lightning... They were frightened by Qing Emperor's cruel methods, and all the thoughts in their hearts Courage, courage, family affection, and pride were all crushed to pieces by Qingdi's methods.

They dare not move or speak out, fearing that such a cruel fate will happen to them and their relatives.

Only Yinyuan roared angrily and greeted Qing Emperor's elders cordially in front of countless people.

Qingdi smiled and looked at Yinyuan, whose face was purple with anger and his eyes were bleeding. He sighed with satisfaction: You are greeting my father, my mother, my grandparents... Ha, it's really interesting.

I don't know what it means. Uninformed indigenous barbarians cannot understand my life style at all.


This word, this concept, means nothing to me.

It's like you are shouting at an eternal star - are you a man? What a ridiculous statement. Of course, a star that shines forever cannot be a man. So, you What’s the point of scolding?”

You want to have a physical interaction with my eighteenth-generation female ancestor that goes beyond friendship, is illegal, is between men and women, and is passive, forced, and completely against her will?

Uh, my eighteenth generation female ancestor?

Eighteenth generation? Female? Qingdi smiled contemptuously, and whispered to himself: It's so interesting, these words sound so ridiculous, so ridiculous. Ouch, my belly hurts from laughing.

The hydra spewing venom shook its body, getting closer and closer to the Linghu family. The nine people, old and young, replaced the intelligent...'same kind'... On its body, the terrible mutation belonging to the male creature was like this It was so bright and dazzling that wherever it walked, the ground was rubbed with a clearly visible deep mark.

Mucus is splashing everywhere and venom is spraying out. This male hydra has fallen into a state of madness. It tried its best to stretch its neck forward, and the scarlet eyes on its nine heads were staring straight at the 'little beauty' in front of it who exuded a seductive aura that drove it crazy.

Although the head of the 'little beauty' looks a bit strange, it doesn't matter. Compared to its huge and graceful body, the size of its nine heads is minuscule. Most of its body is still beautiful and graceful... This is enough!

Asshole, what can you do? Come at me! Yinyuan howled hysterically: Don't be so dirty and attack them...

Yinyuan roared.

Qingdi looked at him thoughtfully: Are you sure? Do you really think so? Is this method aimed at you? Do you want this big guy to have a good time with you overnight? Well, I can If I can do it, I can transplant a head of this big guy into a strong enough man...

But are you sure that you are going to come here in front of all your wives and concubines?

Qingdi smiled brightly: Also, there are so many of your sons and daughters. Many of them are old enough and sensible enough... You want them to see that their father is like a weak female. Like a beast, being toyed with in public by some strong enough male?

Qingdi's words became more and more cruel.

There are some words that cannot be said by 'intelligent creatures' or 'compassionate and moral beings'.

In his words, Yinyuan and everyone present were no longer human. They are just consumables for experiments, just consumables... They have no 'human rights' at all... The Qing Emperor, from the perspective of another alien race with higher power in dimension and existence, a superior alien race, overlooks them and crushes them. Press them...

Crush their bodies, their souls, their self-esteem, and their rights!

Furthermore, destroy everything about them...including their 'humanity'!

Qingdi smiled.

Yinyuan cursed and roared crazily.

The members of the Linghu clan all shut up, fearing that Qing Emperor would notice them and let the same horrific fate befall them - the unlucky ones who have now been made into the nine heads of Hydra, but It was the old man who was leading the group who spoke a little harshly and said something offensive to Emperor Qing, and he was made to look like this.

Although, for the most part, the Linghu clan members present could not escape the fate concocted by the Qing Emperor.

But what if you let your family members die first so that you can live a little longer...even if you only live three to five years longer than others? There are millions of Linghu clan members present, and it will take a long, long time to process them one by one, right?

Shut up, pretend to be a grandson, and live longer than others!

Including several former elders of the Linghu clan, they all shut their mouths tightly and looked at Yinyuan's crazy and hysterical greetings to Qing Emperor with twinkling eyes... Qing Emperor was smiling all over his face. , as if listening to the song and dance of the oiran, the whole body is filled with a relaxing, joyful and ecstatic atmosphere.

Countless stars flashed crazily in the void, just like the south gate of the heaven. The star array transformed into the image of a Suzaku felt Yinyuan's anger, and was about to burst into anger, waving its claws to kill the Qing Emperor...

It's just that this formation is the formation that guards the gates of heaven!

Emperor Taichu couldn't hide, and the formation was not activated.

What makes people feel strange... Although this grand formation is not activated, the 120 million stars that make up the grand formation seem to have some kind of terrifying creatures awakening and squirming inside, and each star trembles slightly. As he stood, the light emitted by the stars was a little more angular and a little more restless than usual.

The hydra was getting closer.

Gradually approaching the large female snake made up of the heads of the nine Linghu clan members...

Qingdi laughed almost crazy.

The aliens around them also showed weird smiles - if cracking their mouths to reveal the tiny tentacles and sharp teeth inside, and the smooth carapace on their face squirming randomly, could be considered a smile, then they were really laughing.

A few more aliens flew over and kicked hard on the male snake that had taken the secret medicine, urging it to move faster... and more violently...

Qingdi stretched out his hand and shook it gently: Yinyuan, be quiet... let me quietly enjoy the next drama... You should also watch carefully... Well, if you yell again, I will choose One of your sons, let him take your place and enjoy this wonderful experience in advance that others will never enjoy in their lifetime.

Yinyuan closed his mouth.

He himself is not very afraid of death... Even if he is manipulated by the Qing Emperor, he has a bachelor's arrogance in his heart, but he actually doesn't care very much... It's just a matter of closing his eyes!

But he really couldn't handle this kind of thing when it happened to his children.

He gritted his teeth, biting his lip tightly, and a stream of blood continued to flow from the corner of his mouth. He looked at Bai Yuan, looked at Linghu Juan, looked at several noble daughters of the Linghu family, and his group of elders who were already married, but the young ones were still toddling, and now they all had distorted faces. It was obvious that Terrified children.

In his mind, he suddenly flashed back to the beautiful days when he was young, being served by Yu Changle, running in the back garden of Dayin Hojing Palace, chasing butterflies, smashing swimming fish, burning bird's nests, and digging the foundation of the palace... …The days of waiting will be so happy!

Well, before I knew it, I already had so many wives, concubines, and children at my age?

Yinyuan began to examine his life!

Inexplicably, he began to look back and examine his life with an extremely strict, even harsh standard - did he live a meaningful life? Is he living happily?

Very quickly, he deleted the word happy from his life standards.

His life should have nothing to do with 'happiness'.

No relationship.

His life should not be a 'happy' life, but a 'meaningful' life... This seems to be a matter of course, something that is destined by nature?

Yinyuan's heart was beating violently, and his blood was like fire. He tried not to speak, but his body was struggling crazily. And those thin vines tied to his body, through tiny transparent barbs, continuously inject all kinds of strange viscous juices, mixed with various strange ingredients, into his body.

Itching, severe pain, soreness...all kinds of unbearable negative physiological feelings came like a flood.

And these physical pains only stimulated Yinyuan even more.

He gasped silently.

The frequency of his breathing was inexplicably matched with the flickering frequency of the 120 million stars that formed the Suzaku Star Array. It fit perfectly and blended perfectly.

As the anger in his heart grew stronger, and as his analysis and reflection on his life became more and more profound, the blood in Yinyuan's body surged faster and faster, and in all directions, the stars twinkled faster and harder. big.

The stars are like 'eggs' that have been dormant for countless years. The creatures inside are alarmed. They are preparing to break out of their shells and prepare to face the void, the world, and this dimensional space. Let out your craziest roar!

Inside Yinyuan's body, every aperture burned brightly, lighting up with brilliant starlight.

His magic power is dissipating.

His soul gradually merged with his own surging blood.

His blood, his plasma, and his blood are rushing crazily in the body. Under the smelting of the starlight that gradually lights up in the acupoint, they gradually turn into strands that are more viscous, heavier, and pure, like mercury, Like gold liquid, like chalcedony and jade paste, every strand contains a strange substance of majestic power and immeasurable vitality.

It's not just the star array shaped like a red bird at the south gate of the heaven.

The other 480 million stars in the east gate, north gate, west gate, and four portals of the heaven all experienced strange vibrations today, and the brightness and frequency of starlight flashes increased strangely.

But these days, some of the heavenly soldiers and generals who are responsible for guarding these stars have been transferred away by the commanders of the patrolling forbidden gods, and have gone to attack Yuncha Ridge... The large army has not returned yet.

And a large number of the heavenly soldiers and generals who were left to guard these stars were killed during the internal inspection of the heavenly court. Regardless of whether you are guilty or not, as long as they are involved in the leakage of the royal treasures of the Tianji Secret Pavilion and the defection of Yuan Shu, a large number of them have been killed... Therefore, the heavenly soldiers and generals who are now guarding these star formations are either powerful or powerful. He is humble, his status is not high, his ability to sense and control the formation is extremely limited, or he is cautious and would rather not do anything than make a mistake.

Therefore, the star formations of the four gates were undergoing subtle changes, but none of these heavenly soldiers and generals reported it to the superiors.

And Emperor Taichu, Lord Tianshu, Lord Dafang, etc. who should have noticed the change in the formation long ago, but their attention was all attracted by Emperor Qing's cruel and tyrannical methods. How could they have noticed this 'Golden Soup'? Like a city, the star array that has guarded the heaven for countless years has changed slightly?

Besides, outsiders say that this star formation was arranged by Emperor Taichu himself...

But only Emperor Taichu and a few close ministers knew that this square star array was a natural treasure. Heavenly Court just took over and arranged a little bit of this natural formation, that's all... Therefore, this formation occasionally has some malfunctions, some strange internal events occur, etc.... these are all An ordinary drama, nothing to be surprised about.

Therefore, no one noticed, or noticed but did not care about the changes in these stars.

Yinyuan was covered in sweat, and veins bulged under his skin. Under his fair skin, blurry starlight surged rapidly. He struggled silently, using his arms and legs to struggle against the thin vines, pulling them like tight strings, making a very slight 'buzzing' sound.

Yinyuan is at this moment.

In his mind, he seemed to be split into two people.

He was as calm as an iceberg, reviewing all the experiences in his life bit by bit, ruthlessly criticizing and rating all his affairs, all the past, and all the things in the past.

He is as blazing as fire. Endless anger is burning and beating. He was like an emperor wearing a white dragon fish suit and traveling in casual clothes. He was surrounded by a group of ruffians on the street... He was so angry that he wanted to draw his sword and kill!

Confiscating the family and exterminating the clan.

Guaman ransacked the house.

Kill your nine tribes!

No, ten clans!

Yinyuan's eyes bulged, and a very thin gap slowly opened between his eyebrows. A shining eyeball like a star diamond slowly appeared. Wisps of sharp starlight shot out, hundreds or thousands of feet away, fiercely. It cut hard on the big snake that was about to move.

With a chichi sound, the thick scales on the hydra were cut open by the starlight ejected from the center of Yinyuan's eyebrows. The broken parts of the scales were extremely smooth, just like tofu brains that had been cut by a magic weapon. There are no burrs at all.

The starlight penetrated deeply into the Hydra's body, directly cutting through the thick skin under its scales, and the thick flesh and blood cut into its bones. With a 'puff' sound, it penetrated directly. As Yin Yuan's head moved slightly, With one swing, the big thing was cut into more than a dozen pieces, and with a dull impact, it hit the ground heavily.

The nine heads of the Hydra were open, and its hideous and ugly face was full of bewildered panic and confusion... It didn't even feel any pain, and its vitality had been completely annihilated.

Its body was completely devoid of the twitching and rolling that a snake's nerves would naturally react to after being killed... Its body was like a zombie that had been dead for tens of thousands of years, without any heat or firepower. The moment Yinyuan's eyes tore open its body, it had completely killed all its vitality and drained all the life energy from its body.

The level of cultivation of this Hydra, converted into a human monk, is equivalent to a powerful master who has opened more than 300 million acupoints... Because of its huge body, the talent of its race, and its life energy. , and is a thousand times, even ten thousand times more majestic than the 'small' 'human monk'.

However, such a huge amount of life energy was taken away by Yinyuan's gaze and directly absorbed into himself.

The integration of this energy did not even cause any ripples in Yinyuan's body... It just swirled slightly, making Yinyuan's body slightly warm, and then it had no impact.

It's like a giant with a height of thousands of feet accidentally swallowed a mosquito... Will he feel 'stuffed' because of this mosquito?

Endless heat flows from the void and pours into Yinyuan's acupoints out of thin air. His acupuncture points burned more and more fiercely. In the lingering starlight, his blood, plasma and blood vessels were changing faster and faster, and the efficiency of condensation was getting higher and higher. The kind of cream that was condensed like marrow was condensed. The strange substances are getting denser and more viscous...

However, this change is extremely secretive and obscure.

There is no fluctuation of mana, no energy leakage. This is completely a mutation of the physical body, and has nothing to do with mana, magical powers, spells, or souls.

Therefore, Emperor Qing was very close and did not notice such changes in Yinyuan.

On the contrary, he felt as if he had found a treasure, and looked at Yinyuan's brows with radiant eyes in a fuss: Oh? This eyeball of yours actually broke free from my imprisonment? Not bad, not bad, as expected. The man Bai Niu likes, your blood talent is really extraordinary!

This supreme Supreme Heaven, ever since Taichu, Taihu, and Taiyi joined forces to refine the avenues, restrict the laws, and formulate the heavenly rules and commandments of this world, all the bloodlines of the indigenous people have been locked up.

There are very few people who can spontaneously 'enlighten their spirits' and master the original and proper bloodline magical powers on their own.

But once someone is able to open the 'eyes of the sky' that they should have under the suppression of the shackles of heaven and earth, and master the innate magical powers and secrets, once such a person is discovered by the guards in the heavens everywhere, they will be reported immediately and paid to the heavens for vigorous training!

Their bloodline is extremely outstanding, their talents are extremely powerful, and they are all the best 'weapon embryos'... With just a little time and a little resources, their cultivation progress is incredibly fast.

However, they are only able to 'enlighten their spirits' on their own under the constraints of the shackles of heaven and earth that permeate the void.

And you were imprisoned and suppressed by my personal blessings... How could you, under my suppression and confinement, open this eye and kill such a person with a cultivation level so different from your own? Not big, but an alien whose body is even a hundred times more powerful than your own?

Your talent is so strong!

Qing Emperor smiled and applauded: That's great, that's great. You are such a talented person and can be called a monster. Even if you are not involved in this incident, once I find you, I will not let you go. your.

Oh, oh, your body and your blood are so valuable.

And these sons and daughters of yours... oh, that's great!

Qingdi stared at Yinyuan with a stern look. As he waved his hand, the skin of the green wood where Yinyuan was sitting squirmed, and finger-thick vines with countless black and red barbs stretched out, binding them with a 'swishy' sound. On Yinyuan's body.

The three-inch-long translucent barbs penetrated deeply into Yinyuan's body, continuously injecting strands of sticky foreign matter into his body.

Yinyuan's tense body quickly softened. He became weak and the vertical eyes between his eyebrows slowly closed.

Qingdi looked at Yinyuan with a smile: Just wait, your potential is really amazing... I will slowly develop you... I have decided, even if your sworn brother Lu Qian really comes to kneel down and beg for mercy. , I will never let you go... Hee, you are too valuable... I will never let you go, and your children.

But don't worry, your life will never be in any danger. Instead, I will collect for you beauties from all races, all kinds of weird and weird females, and let you and them, or them, or them, Constantly making peace, constantly multiplying all kinds of descendants...

I will test all my whims on your descendants.

As for you, you just have to conceive and reproduce day and night, and enjoy it to your heart's content... All the pain and all the fear will be borne by your descendants... All you have to do is enjoy your happiness.

Qingdi smiled extremely brightly.

He took a deep look at Yinyuan and reiterated his decision firmly: Even if that kid Lu Qian came here in person and knelt down to beg for mercy, confessed everything he knew, and even didn't hesitate to be my dog... I won’t let you go either. Hee.”

Yinyuan opened his mouth weakly, wanting to say something.

The anger in his heart became even more intense, while the other half of him, who was as cold as a glacier, exuded an even stronger chill. There were two layers of ice and fire in his body. His acupuncture points were burning more and more fiercely, and the speed of his body's changes became more and more intense and violent...

The sound of scales rubbing against each other was heard.

Several tall and thin aliens grabbed the thunder chains and led three more powerful male Hydras, which were more than twice as big as the Hydras killed by Yinyuan, and strode over.

The three-headed hydra has obviously also been injected with the secret medicine. At this moment, its scales are spread out, and wisps of heat are emitting from the whole body. Saliva spurts out from the corners of its mouth. Countless poisonous slurries are sprayed by the snake Xinzi. Under the body, there is something indecent. It swelled, rubbed against the ground, and pulled out three rather dazzling ditches.

The Qing Emperor smiled and looked at the limp Yinyuan: It's useless if you kill one of these little insects...I can take out a hundred thousand or a million of them whenever necessary...the nine of them Their fate has been decided, no one can save them!

Qingdi slowly stood up and stood in front of the throne, overlooking the countless imprisoned Linghu clan members below, and said with a smile: A similar fate is waiting for you... I have endless wonderful methods waiting for you. Try one by one... If you have hatred or resentment, go to Yinyuan and his sworn brother Lu Qian!

Chi, chi chi! Qing Emperor laughed a few times, looked at Yinyuan, whose eyes were bloodshot and almost jumped out of his sockets, and asked softly: Do you think, if I let them go now, will they... Tear you alive?

Without waiting for Yinyuan to answer, Emperor Qing waved his hand, and several foreigners released their chains.

The three nearly exploded Hydras rushed towards the Hydra transformed by nine Linghu clan members.

The nine Linghu clan members let out pitiful howls at the same time, and they controlled their huge and gaunt bodies to dodge.

But unlike the real Hydra, their nine heads sent nine different thoughts to this body at the same time... The huge body swayed from side to side, squirmed, twitched crazily, and coiled up in a ball on the spot. But I can't move it away...


In the void, a very thin light was traveling rapidly.

The so-called rapid speed can also be called 'extreme speed'. It is a speed that people on the stars, land masses, cities, and checkpoints along the way cannot see clearly.

Even some of the generals guarding the heaven who were close to the emperor's position just felt that something was passing by in front of their eyes... But when they looked carefully, there was nothing... and this ray of light had already gone away. I don’t know how many trillions of miles!

The dim light flashes and jumps rapidly. Even if ordinary Heavenly Lord or Great Heavenly Lord-level existences have mastered the slightest bit of space magical power and can tear apart the void and teleport, there is no such 'ordinary' gliding through the sky as this ray of dim light. Come quickly.

It's so fast that words can't describe it.

Passing through a square star field, passing through a square field of heaven, without permission, forcibly passing through the star gate passages erected in the heaven...

In this way, in a very short period of time, the dim light suddenly converged in the void, and Lu Qian revealed his figure.

Ahead, 300 million miles away, is the edge of the red bird-shaped star array at the south gate of heaven... But these 300 million miles are no longer accessible to Lu Qian!

No matter how fast he is, the concept of 'speed' ultimately requires 'space to display'.

Lu Qian needs the space to 'move and twist' in order to give full play to his terrifying speed.

And in front, up and down, in all directions, as far as the naked eye can see, the void is filled with crouched aliens. You are next to me, I am squeezing you, and the whole thing turns into an 'alien dam', blocking all the passages.

The Taoist charm lingers on their bodies, and the Taoist charms of countless foreign races are densely intertwined, perfectly integrated into one, without any flaws or gaps...

Even Lu Qian has mastered the magical power of space.

But he has not condensed the Space Avenue into the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit... Therefore, his attainments on the Space Avenue are not enough to allow him to break through the void, break through the alien Taoist charm that pervades this void, and pass through this space. A completely blocked space.

And Speed ​​Avenue...

The other party was crowded with people and pushed against each other, leaving not even a single gap for him, and he was also unable to pass through!

Lu Qian stopped.

The few huddled aliens in front suddenly opened their eyes, their huge compound eyes flashing with blurry light, and Lu Qian's figure was printed in each of the tiny compound eyes. These aliens slowly stretched their bodies and ‘stood up straight’ in the void. They looked Lu Qian up and down, swaying their arms slightly, and at the same time let out a low and hoarse laugh: Lu Qian, you are here!

A foreigner took two steps forward, looked back and looked at the billions of miles of void that was filled so tightly by his own people that even a drop of water could not pass through. He smiled triumphantly: The Qing Emperor is supreme, scare, scare, scare, Your speed is amazing...but if we don't even leave a crack for you, no matter how fast you are, what can you do?

There is no invincible Tao in the world... The alien race spat out light green juice from his mouth and smiled crazily: Only my race is invincible... Because there is no invincible Tao in the world, and all Taos are invincible. They can be destroyed by us, devoured by us, and used for our own purposes... Therefore, we are invincible!

Lu Qian looked at this alien who kept repeating that he was invincible. He always felt that this guy's cerebellum might be too developed and had replaced his own brain. However, the original group structure of these aliens was like insects. Their The lower-class ethnic group uses group consciousness and group wisdom to form a unified consciousness that covers the entire ethnic group... It is very natural that their individual wisdom is somewhat lacking.

Too lazy to chat with such a little guy, Lu Qian said in a deep voice: Tell Emperor Qing that I'm coming!

The next moment, the aura of this alien spitting mucus changed.

From a restless, frivolous and manic little guy, he turned into a deep, deep, and daunting 'big man behind the scenes' with unique terrifying aura... This guy's compound eyes suddenly turned dark green, with tiny little The compound eyes were shining with bright and blurry light like stars, and their gaze fell on Lu Qian, giving people a substantial and painful feeling of being cut wildly by a blade.

Qing Emperor's consciousness descended and replaced this little guy's self-consciousness, facing Lu Qian face to face.

You're here? Qingdi looked at Lu Yi for a long time and chuckled: How should I put it? I'm really surprised...actually a little disappointed...why are you here? And, it seems... …Let me guess, what do you do here?”

Lu Chen raised his hands and said sincerely to the possessed Qing Emperor: Old monk...ah, I, I, I'm here to surrender...Give me your conditions, what are you going to do to release Yinyuan? , and his kin.”

Qingdi closed his mouth and remained silent for a long time.

After a long, long time, Qingdi murmured: Surrender? This shouldn't be done!

Qingdi said softly: In my calculation, you can condense the Speed ​​Fruit, you can control the four pillars of heaven, and you have even walked outside in the form of a monk for a period of time... You should be the remnant of Buddhism in this world. ...You may even be reincarnated by the thief Tutu from Landa Ancient Temple.

Why did you surrender? You should have fought me to the death.

Lu Qian looked at Qingdi sincerely: The remnants of Landa Holy Land? Maybe there are. That's my father. In his previous life, he was Qingsha's great uncle... Well, Qingsha, do you know? One of your sons !”

Qingdi's body suddenly twitched, and he stared at Lu Yi with a fierce look: My son? Impossible, absolutely impossible... You mean, one of my descendants got rid of my genetic shackles and escaped from me. Bloodline control...

Lu Chen spread his hands and looked at Qingdi with a smile: I will come, I surrender, as long as you are willing to safeguard the safety of Yinyuan and all his relatives... I will cooperate with all your requests. Whatever you want to know, as long as I know, I'll tell you everything...

There is no need for me to put my sworn brother and his family in catastrophe just to keep secrets for Qingsha and the others. Isn't that the truth?

Although Qingsha and the others are nice to me, and out of consideration for my father in 'this life', they even helped me gather the Speed ​​Dao Fruit... But, so what? In my heart, their After all, status cannot replace my sworn brother!

The figures of Yinyuan, Yu Changle, and the group of young eunuchs flashed in Lu Qian's mind.

Well, he was firm in his decision.

Linghu Juan, these noble daughters of the Linghu clan, just die... Judging from what they did in the lower world, we know that they are not good people, they are just a group of scourges... If you die, just die!

But Yinyuan, Yu Changle, those little eunuchs... and even Bai Yu, the sworn sister-in-law!

Their status in Lu Qian's heart was very important.

In fact, it is much, much heavier than Lu Min, the 'blood biological father of this life'.

It is true that Lu Min is his father in this life...but what has this father done?

He did nothing.

When Lu Qian was still unable to stand on his own, Lu Min abandoned his son and followed his master to dig ancient tombs in order to pursue immortality... There was only the feeling of procreation, not the kindness of nurturing...

Even after arriving in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, Lu Min gave the ‘Landa Buddha Fruit’ to Lu Qian.

In Lu Qian's mind, the meaning of this 'landa buddha', for Lu Min, may be - to end some cause and effect!

'I will give you the Landa Buddha Fruit, and the relationship between father and son will be explained.'... 'From now on, I will be the Buddha of the Landa Holy Land, and the relationship between father and son will be forgotten'!

From now on, Lu Min will avenge the former Landa Holy Land, or restore the Landa Holy Land. Only he knows all the goals, but do those things have anything to do with Lu Qian?

Instead, the Landa Buddha Fruit, a seemingly wonderful thing, fell into the hands of Lu Qian... It was not only the reward for terminating the cause and effect... but also 'burying the deeper cause and effect'... the 'introduction'!

If Lu Min succeeds in this life and the Landa Holy Land is rebuilt, he, Lu Min, will still be a powerful Buddha.

If Lu Min fails, he will be forced to commit reincarnation again in this life... With Lu Min, the 'blood son' who has inherited Landa Buddha's fruition, there will be more and endless possibilities in the future!

Lu Qian is a person who values ​​friendship!

He inherited the Landa Buddha. If he knew that Lu Min was trapped in reincarnation and could not extricate himself, would he still ignore Lu Min after many years when Lu Qian had achieved success?

If the 'landa buddha' is 'clean', then Lu Yi will accept Lu Min's love, and he will value this 'father-son love' ten thousand times or a million times more!

But the 'Landa Buddha Fruit' actually involves Emperor Qing, Emperor Taichu, Emperor Taiyu, and Emperor Tai Zhen, and is involved in those life-threatening events many years ago... 'Landa Buddha Fruit' is a disaster. !

The hot potato was stuffed into his mouth by his own father, and he couldn't even spit it out.

This 'father-son love' has deteriorated a little, and has changed a little... Lu Qian still values ​​it, but not so much!

Over the years, there are only a few people who are really good to Lu Qian!

Yinyuan, Yu Changle, those little eunuchs... plus a heartless Bai Yu who is also 'covetous for men'...

Just a few people!

Lu Qian took their life and death very seriously.

Especially if you fall into the hands of the Qing Emperor, it will be difficult for you to die...or you will not be clean after death...

Therefore, after weighing many factors, Lu Yi came.

He told Emperor Qing neatly that he was willing to surrender...

He raised his hands and made the most disdainful gesture in his previous life - I surrender, but Yinyuan and the others have to live!

You know what I want. Qing Emperor looked Lu Yi up and down: Qing Sha? Is he the leader of their little gang? He is actually my son? Wow, it's so interesting... How did he break through me? How do you break through the genetic shackles controlled by my bloodline?

Lu Qian shook his head cleanly and rolled his eyes at Qingdi: You ask me, who should I ask? My friendship with him is that we met once and chatted for a few words. For the sake of my father's love in this life, As a matter of fact, he took action to help me gather the Speed ​​Dao Fruit... That's all... I'm not his biological son, and I'm not married to his biological daughter... I don't know him any better than you do!

Qing Emperor stared at Lu Qian deeply.

Beside him, a faint light flickered, and the void was torn apart. Emperor Taichu, Emperor Taiyu, Emperor Taiyi, and the White Snake stepped out at the same time.

Farther away in the void, strange lights flashed, and visions emerged.

There are terrifying existences of the same level, spying on what's going on here through various methods.

In this regard, Qingdi did not comment, he did not threaten, let alone drive him away... He just looked at Lu Qian, looking up and down. After a long, long time, he slowly nodded: What you said, I Xin... Qingsha, Qingsha? Qingsha? Haha, does he want to kill me?

In the void, a ray of heavenly law began to beat and surge rapidly.

A trace of strange Buddhist rhyme rippled out, and this Buddhist rhyme suddenly came out of Qingdi's body - he actually used the Buddhist power of cause and effect and began to divine the cause and effect between him and Qing Sha.

Before, Emperor Qing didn't seem to know the existence of 'Qing Sha'.

He had no idea that he had a direct bloodline that escaped his control...

However, because of Lu Qian's words, the traces of Qingsha's existence were exposed. Through his own bloodline, he was involved in the most profound causal relationship between heaven and earth. Qingdi began to calculate various matters related to Qingsha.

But it is obvious that the Qing Emperor's family does not have the inheritance of such magical powers of karma and divination.

Therefore, Qingdi's deductions and calculations actually used Buddhist causal powers.

Moreover, judging from the intensity of the overflowing Buddhist rhyme, Qingdi's attainments in this Buddhist cause-and-effect magical power are extremely powerful and terrifying, and he has definitely reached the level of an emperor!

In other words, regardless of other means, Qingdi’s attainments in Buddhist techniques alone are enough to be called a ‘Buddha’!

But, should a Buddha like him be regarded as a ‘Devil Buddha’?

The Buddhist rhyme surges and spreads in all directions.

But suddenly, a strange Taoist rhyme flashed through the void, and the Qing Emperor's body shook. The alien he possessed made a 'puff' sound, and the whole body exploded into a ball of dark green plasma, and then quickly turned into a mass of dark green blood. Putrid blood splattered everywhere.

Someone saw through the Qing Emperor's derivation, and even used his great supernatural power to directly counterattack. The power of the counterattack directly obliterated this unfortunate little foreigner.


A cold snort came from the mouths of countless foreigners in front of Lu Qian.

The next moment, an alien exuding the aura of the Great Emperor strode out from the queue of countless aliens. He stood in front of Lu Yi and glanced at Lu Yi. The aura on his body suddenly changed and turned into the deep, deep, sinister and terrifying aura of Qing Emperor.

The possessed minion is too weak to withstand the mighty power of the Qing Emperor, and it is also unable to withstand the backlash of all great powers. Therefore, Qingdi directly transferred an emperor-level being from a foreign race to serve as a vehicle for possession.

Sure enough, I have an escaped heir. Qingdi's tone was serious, with a hint of extremely vague uneasiness: However, I believe that he cannot analyze the mystery of my bloodline, and cannot analyze the true mystery of my clan... Otherwise, Why has he been hiding outside for so many years and not dared to face me?

The Qing Emperor smiled, and the energy around him floated, causing the void to faintly shake.

He looked at Lu Ren and said in a deep voice: Tell me everything you know about Qing Sha and the others...especially why Yuan Fu defected? What did they do back then? Or, they What did you find?

Qing Di said deeply: You know, if they hadn't leaked too many traces about Loulan Ancient City, even the three losers wouldn't know that there were actually things inside Tianting, Taihutian, and Taiyitian. There are so many traitors lurking!

I also didn't know that in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, there are actually remnants of the Buddhist sect, trying to subvert the current rules of heaven and earth, and subvert the current rules and commandments of heaven... This is very bad!

Qingdi smiled and said: I am a very direct person. I like to find the enemy, stand face to face in front of the enemy, and then eat the enemy, or be eaten by the enemy... use my brain, use conspiracy, this method... At least it's not the choice I should have at this stage.

At this stage, I am still... Qingdi suddenly closed his mouth.

Obviously, his words just now, unintentionally or intentionally revealed some great secrets related to his clan...

'The Qing Emperor at this stage'... prefers to use force instead of various behind-the-scenes calculations?

‘At this stage’?

In other words, Qingdi will have a further stage?

Will he become stronger?

Has he even found a way to become stronger?

What's even more frightening is - is it possible that a path leading directly to a higher stage, to the other side, has been clearly carved in his bloodline?

A simple sentence, unintentionally, or intentionally... The expressions of the three great emperors Taichu, Taihu, and Taiyi standing next to Qingdi, as well as the expressions of White Snake, have become extremely... indescribable at the same time.

Lu Qian looked at Qingdi: I want to ensure the safety of Yinyuan and the others!

Qing Emperor smiled and nodded slowly: Then, it depends on how important the things you bring out are... For example, where is Qing Sha? Now, right away, right away, I want to know where he is!

Lu Qian exhaled and immediately told the coordinates of the specific heaven where Lingshan Great Leiyin Temple was located.

Later, he added: When I came, they were still there. But now...I can't guarantee...

Beside Qingdi, the void collapsed, and a large group of foreign races roared in like a flood that broke a dam.

After a moment, the alien possessed by Qing Emperor opened his eyes, with a trace of fatigue in his eyes: It ran so fast... But, yes, I felt something familiar... something familiar...

Qing Emperor's face twitched, and a trace of fear appeared uncontrollably on his face.

Back then, we still didn't wipe them all out!

We must hunt him down to the end... we must leave no one behind... not even a scrap can be left behind!

Qingdi's voice suddenly changed its tune.

It was as if an old ghost had awakened from the core of Qing Emperor's consciousness, and spoke these cold and heartless words with the help of the body of the emperor-level alien in front of him.

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