Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 994 The reason for that year (2)

White Snake and Emperor Taihu fought until they disappeared.

The twelve emperor-level Holy Spirit clan and the twelve emperor-level Chinese clan also got into a fight.

The countless Holy Spirit clan and the Chinese clan whose number was more than ten times theirs also filled this area of ​​the sky. The sky was full of swords and sword shadows, and blood rained everywhere.

That terrible battle seemed to have nothing to do with Emperor Taiyi. With his hands behind his back and a smile on his face, he walked step by step in front of Lu Qian and Lu Sanqi, and nodded to Lu Sanqi: So, you are the girl of the Tailu family... Well, you are still the one who was lucky enough to escape. The lucky girl that Qu Tian is chasing...

Emperor Taiyi sighed: You have made a good start. After you, there are several girls and boys from the Tailu family who are just like you. I don't know what they discovered or what they awakened. In short, , all thinking about defecting from Taihutian... However, those girls and boys were killed by the Holy Spirit clan even though I was helping them from behind.

Shaking his head, Emperor Taiyi sighed: At that time, I was still a good friend with Taiyi. After many years of friendship, I was embarrassed to break up and openly take action... Therefore, the help was not enough, and those few interesting girls and boys were just... …”

After pondering for a moment, Emperor Taiyi smiled at the twelve emperor-level Holy Spirits who were fighting behind him: We can't say that they will definitely fall... The Holy Spirits are weird, those few defecting girls, Boy, among ordinary brothers and sisters, it is probably the ones with the most evil qualifications who can get rid of the weird forbidden methods of Tai Qu in their blood.

So, maybe they are not dead? But, who knows? Emperor Taiyi shook his head, and then smiled at Lu Qian: The things here have nothing to do with you, right?

Lu Qian looked at Emperor Tai Zhen with a smile.

These old immortal guys.

Don't talk about favors, don't talk about friendship, don't talk about such cheap things like feelings - White Snake and Emperor Taigu disappeared after fighting, and Emperor Taiyi came directly to threaten... Haha, look, one One to one, one is not too many, the other is not enough, there is Tai Qu over there, and there is a White Snake over here, and then twelve emperor-level emperors' sons and daughters are dispatched to fight randomly, but one Taiyi Emperor is missed!

Hey, it seems like we are torn apart, but also like we are disconnected from each other.

However, Emperor Taiyi, or in other words, White Snake, did this, after all, gave Yinyuan enough face, right? Emperor Taiyi did not attack Lu Qian directly, which was a great honor.

In the distance, the huge blood-colored eyes, the white bone lamp, the sapphire-colored fingers on the long river of lava, and the masters of many visions, all stopped all movements and quietly suspended in the sky, using their own methods to look at each other. Watch the movement here.

Lu Qian looked at the calm and calm Emperor Tai Zhen and sighed: I owe you a favor.

Emperor Taiyi immediately smiled and said: Heavenly Court, a group of masters from the Four Halls of Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning have disappeared inexplicably... Their destiny talismans, the jade tablets, have all been shattered... Are they all dead? And you, at this time, Condensed Speed ​​Dao Fruit, haha!

Sighing, Emperor Taiyi raised his voice: Taichu, Taichu, he has been slacking off in these years. He can't always clean up the cockroaches and rats in his house... Is this what you call owed a favor?

Before Lu Qian could speak, Emperor Taiyi said seriously: As long as you step away and don't interfere in the affairs here. I will pay back the favors you owe... For example, this girl can live... As long as she cooperates, she can survive.

Emperor Taiyi raised a finger: Her life, no matter how many favors you owe her, is enough to repay...but no more, it won't be enough.

Emperor Taiyi looked at Lu Qian with a deep look: This is also because of Yinyuan's affection. I can make an exception and show kindness, but it is impossible to do more.

Lu Qian wanted to say something.

Emperor Taiyi waved his finger, and an invisible force was used. Before Lu Qian could say anything, he was blocked back. Emperor Tai Zhen said to Lu Qian seriously: If you want to intervene in this matter just for such a small favor, it would be unwise and even extremely stupid.

Many years ago...we here refer not only to Taichu, Taihu, and me, but also include Yunchaling, Guixu, and many others who can be on equal footing with Tianting, Taihutian, and Taiyitian. Big force.

We noticed that someone within us was making small moves.

However, the method was very clever and the traces were almost minimal. Moreover, they did not do anything that would be too lethal or damaging to us... We all misjudged this small move. We thought it was just a group of people. Children are busy fighting for power.

This kind of thing is easy to understand, isn't it?

None of the sons and daughters of Taichu are economical. They always want to get more power, more territory, and more benefits from Taichu... Several of the emperor's sons and daughters of Taihu, The same is true... My side is better, King Chunlan, can suppress his younger brothers and sisters...

So, we don't take these little fights seriously.

But this time it seems that something is wrong.

Someone is digging deep holes and hoarding food within us. It is not just a struggle for power among a group of little guys, but a knife pointed directly at us - they want to poke our hearts and lungs... ...'Take advantage of the power that belongs to us and we are not ready to hand it over'!

Emperor Taiyi sighed: It's scary to think about it carefully!

Yuan Fu, the nephew whom Taichu valued more than his own son, is a traitor.

King Qiu Gui, my real son... is a traitor.

Taihu...hehe, this girl, Taihu's biological daughter...is a traitor!

In Taichu's Tianji Secret Pavilion, all his royal treasures can be leaked out, one after another... Even the patrolling forbidden gods he uses to monitor the world, maintain the laws and disciplines of heaven, and correct the rules and precepts of heaven and earth, he finally A confidant, the most personal sharp knife, can be mobilized by an 'outsider', and the blade is pointed at the important ministers of the four great halls of heaven, wind, rain, thunder and lightning!

It's scary to think about it carefully. Emperor Taiyi said quietly: So, taking these things together, I think, do they have the ability to threaten our lives? Is it possible that they will How can we overthrow it from our current position? Or even, are they able to overturn the current order of Supreme Taichu Heaven?

Emperor Tai Zhen looked at Lu Qian with a smile: So, it's okay if they don't show up. Let's look for them slowly, check them slowly, clean them up bit by bit, and we can always dig them out.

Dig it out and crush it to death, then the world will be at peace.

Emperor Tai Zhen smiled and said: But, they are actually targeting you again... Lu Qian, either he is saying the truth, or he is more direct, more utilitarian, and more dirty... Yinyuan's sworn brother!

Emperor Taiyi stared at Lu Qian with a faint look: They, including my emperor's son, even Taihu's children, even Taichu's nephew, and the godson of the old black bear in Yunchaling, are all theirs. Man...what is your identity and origin, is it worth their efforts to win you over? Worth it for them to reveal some of their secret relationships in the Sky Patrol Forbidden God Guard, to help you kill the masters and important ministers of the Four Halls of Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning, and to help you gather speed. The Imperial Seal of the Great Dao?

If they have such means, why don't they use it on their own people?

Emperor Taiyi sighed: This is hard to hear, but you have to listen carefully and think carefully... The reason why they treat you so kindly and treat you so generously may be just because you are Yinyuan's Become sworn brothers?

Through you, I can influence Yinyuan.

Through Yinyuan, you can influence my true self... Emperor Taiyi shook his head in distress: A woman! It's such a troublesome thing... So, it's a fluke that my true self molded me into a man... …If I were a woman, hey, hey, my head would be really big!”

Smiling slightly, Emperor Taiyi stretched out his hand and pressed Lu Qian's shoulder: So, I say so many truths, and I also mean it sincerely. I want to maintain the friendship between you and Yinyuan... You, you have to understand, You have to understand, you have to know how awesome it is!”

This woman, because of the friendship between you and Yinyuan, and because of the favor you owe her, as long as she cooperates with me and tells us what we want to know, she can survive. !”

Lu Qian pursed his lips.

The words of Emperor Taiyi are so real...it's hard to hear, but very real.

As Emperor Taiyi, from his standpoint, what he said is correct.

But, what people are afraid of is the word ‘but’!

In fact, Lu Qian was about to be convinced by Emperor Tai Zhen - yes, he and Lu Sanqi actually had no friendship, even if Lu Min was Qing Sha's uncle in his previous life, and even if Qing Sha was Lu Sanqi's eldest brother now, Even though there are strong traces of the Landa Holy Land behind their small organization...

However, if all this is really to be considered from Lu Qian's true heart - as long as he and his relatives and friends can be safe and happy, Lu Qian does not have the spirit and impulse of a 'savior' in his heart.

As long as you give him a piece of paradise so that he can indulge in life, as long as you don't do all the evil things, some unconscionable and rebellious things in front of him, Lu In fact, I am very happy to live a peaceful and happy life in a house with a small bridge and flowing water, and with green grass on a creek with low eaves!

Just as Emperor Tai Zhen said, Qing Sha, Lu Sanqi and the others indeed helped Lu Qian condense the Speed ​​Path Fruit.

But is the condensation of Speed ​​Dao Fruit really the result of Qing Sha and Lu Sanqi?

Therefore, Emperor Taiyi even promised to spare Lu Sanqi's life!

This promise is enough.

No matter how many favors Lu Qian owed to Qi Sanqi, it was enough to repay... Therefore, Lu Qian wanted to turn around and leave with the three Qingyou girls, and then take his group of old guys and Baihutang's Those tiger masters took their surviving Buddhist disciples who had followed them all the way up from the lower world, and took Zhou Laodao and others who they met in the Supreme Taichu Heaven to find a quiet paradise away from disputes. , happily closing the door and living their own little life.

Wife and children are on the hot bed, trying hard to live first for a thousand years, then ten thousand years, and then, heading straight for a life span of a hundred thousand or a million years, a big family with hundreds of children and grandchildren working hard to survive.

What kind of struggle for hegemony, what kind of conspiracy, what kind of conflicts between the emperor and his son, what kind of restoration of the Buddhist heritage in Landa Holy Land, etc., does it have anything to do with Lu Qian?

Therefore, Lu Qian's body has already moved.

He was prepared to let Emperor Tai Zhen face Lu Sanqi directly, and let Emperor Tai Zhen directly question Lu Sanqi - after all, Lu Sanqi was not a helpless little woman, she also had terrifying strength. An emperor-level existence!

Lu Qian didn't want to get involved in their disputes and grudges.

Here comes the ‘but’.

The 'but' that Lu Qian was most afraid of suddenly appeared.

In the void, there was the buzzing sound of an angry swarm of wasps dancing in the air... In the harsh buzzing, the bloody eyes, the bone lamp, the lava river, and several other strange phenomena all seemed like The timid little girl was walking on a country road at night when she suddenly saw a lonely ghost who ran away without a trace.

The void is much quieter.

Large green patches that looked like mold appeared in the void. From those patches, one by one squirmed, like octopus tentacles, but with thick insect-like carapace, but looking at the luster, it seemed to be made of wisteria. The green, slender thing shining with pale green fluorescence gradually emerged from the plaque.

These long 'tentacles', or 'vines', appear to be slow, but are actually winding through the void extremely quickly.

Huge tumors gush out from these huge long strips, and the sound of explosions is endless, and the sky is filled with dark green viscous slurry exploding, which contains countless weird little spores. It was sprinkled on the Holy Spirit clan and the Chinese clan who were fighting fiercely.

These warriors of the Holy Spirit Clan and the Chinese Clan immediately let out shrill howls, and their bodies touched the dark green juice slightly. No matter how cultivated they were, even if there were masters at the level of Heavenly Lord or Great Heavenly Lord among them, They all melted into balls of viscous juice amidst the shrill cries.

Moreover, Lu Qian noticed that these dissolved warriors of the two races, their true spirits, and their core existence imprints were all swallowed up...or in other words, were forcibly dissolved in this dark green juice... ...Wisps of tiny green light visible to the naked eye are like parasites, crazily burrowing into the core of the devoured true spirit...

A terrible change occurred. The dissolved warriors of the two tribes were transformed. In the juice that contained the nutrients gathered by all the energy and spirit in their bodies, small translucent meat eggs emerged one after another. come out.

One after another, light green, translucent 'eggs' with a large number of flesh-red meridians wrapped around the surface are suspended in the void, frantically devouring the 'nutrient solution' that has been transformed by the dissolved warriors of the two races... These 'nutrient solutions', Obviously it cannot meet the growth needs of these 'eggs'.

As a result, the long 'tentacles' quickly moved towards the stars, continents, floating cities, and even the stars that originally belonged to the Linghu clan in this star field. The living space where countless living beings gather in the caves, heavens, and caves in the void, large and small caves, and the like, has expanded.

The huge 'sun' with a diameter of billions of miles or tens of billions of miles was shattered with one blow.

Stars with diameters ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands or millions of miles, inhabited by countless people, were shattered with one blow.

The floating landmass, which was hundreds of millions of miles long and wide, suspended flat in the void, and inhabited by countless intelligent groups, was shattered with one blow.

Those cities, those empty markets and neighborhoods, those large and small cave heavens, and those cave dimensional worlds were instantly shattered by the slightest touch of the huge dark green tentacles that shined with thick fluorescence.

These stars, continents, cities, caves, and caves were like frogs entangled by poisonous snakes. They were beaten to pieces in an instant, and then were frantically extracted by tentacles to extract the Taoist charm and inspiration contained in them, including the most basic soil, sand and gravel. , all turned into puddles of sticky juice under the pressure of these tentacles.

Huge amounts of 'nutrient solution' swept in from all directions.

The entire core ancestral land of the Linghu clan, a huge sky with more than a hundred million stars and countless creatures, was completely shattered in just two or three breaths under the attack of these winding tentacles. ,destroy.

The three girls Lu Qian, Lu Sanqi, and Qingyou, as well as the warriors from the Holy Spirit clan and the Chinese clan who had stopped and were dodging the dark green juice sprayed from the tentacles, all looked horrified. Look at these tentacles raging everywhere and blooming everywhere.

Countless dark green spots spread out in the void, and countless tentacles snaked in the void.

The terrifying aura filled the entire void, and the powerful suppressive aura made Lu Qian's whole body stiff. Even his ability to think was suppressed for a while... Lu Qian's soul turned into a golden Buddha in his mind, constantly emitting strong warning waves. ——This terrifying aura is the absolute 'enemy of Buddha'... The origin of this aura comes entirely from the terrifying and powerful enemy that has slaughtered countless Buddhist monks!

In the secular world, if there is a butcher who kills too many creatures of a certain kind, he will have an extremely mysterious 'evil energy' that is specifically targeted at this group of creatures. As soon as this evil aura comes out, the creatures of other races may just feel a coldness all over their body, but for that specific race of creatures, it may be like a thunder blow, and even all the consciousness of resistance and struggle is deprived of them.

The aura that fills the void at this moment is clearly the terrifying existence that has slaughtered countless Buddhist monks... He has condensed an evil aura similar to that of a 'butcher', and his energy has just been emitted. Lu Qian, who majored in Buddhist techniques, At the same time, Qingyou Sannu, who was also a major practitioner of Buddhism in her previous life, and Qi Sanqi, who also practiced Buddhism intensively in this life, all felt that their minds were blank, their bodies were stiff, and they could not move at all.

Under such circumstances, Lu Qian and others could only watch helplessly as the dark green patches spread rapidly in the void, easily destroying an area of ​​the sky in a few breaths, and even killing unknown people. How many warriors from the Holy Spirit clan and the Chinese clan.

A subtle sound broke through the air.

Twelve great emperors of the Holy Spirit Clan and twelve great emperors of the Chinese Clan left the battle at the same time. Twelve great emperors of the Holy Spirit Clan with black wings on their backs screamed in unison, transformed into blurred black mist, merged into the void, and disappeared without a trace. trace.

Twelve handsome men and beauties of the Chinese race, with frightened expressions on their faces, hurriedly rushed behind Emperor Tai Zhen, looking at the ferocious scene spreading everywhere with twisted faces.

The large and small 'meat eggs' floating in the slurry have grown to more than one foot tall.

Accompanied by a loud 'puff' sound, countless 'meat eggs' exploded together. One by one, they were the same as the green locusts and other aliens that Lu Qian had seen before, but their aura was much weaker. It flapped its membrane wings and flew out.

The number of these guys is more than ten times greater than the previous armies of the Holy Spirit Clan and the Chinese Clan combined.

After all, they have devoured countless living beings on hundreds of millions of stars, and after completely devouring the stars themselves, they consumed an incomparable amount of material and energy, and finally spawned alien species.

Their numbers are huge, and... the alien race with the weakest cultivation level has an aura comparable to that of a peak perfection-level heavenly general!

Even if they nominally control the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven, there won't be many elites of this level.

And here, at a glance, it is all.

What is even more frightening is that each of the elite heavenly soldiers and generals in heaven has his own independent thoughts and ideas. Even if they form a military formation, they are still composed of countless independent individuals forming a huge military formation.

And the auras, qi, and soul fluctuations emanating from these alien races in front of them are almost exactly the same!

They are a group of greedy, crazy, and bloodthirsty 'insect-like creatures'!

They are composed of countless 'subtle' individuals, forming an extremely large 'collective consciousness', and this consciousness mobilizes every move of every subtle individual... If they form a military formation, they will face the most elite heavenly soldiers and generals in heaven. , can easily break ten with one!

An extremely thick tentacle, long enough to easily string tens of thousands of giant suns into a necklace, rushed towards this side as fast as lightning.

There were still thousands of miles away from Lu Qian and others. The front end of this tentacle opened with a 'snap' sound, and a large amount of dark green viscous juice splashed out with a pungent smell mixed with the smell of blood and vegetation. From the crack, In the middle of the nine huge fleshy membrane-shaped 'petals' that opened, a giant throne made of flesh and blood but with the texture of crystal stone was slowly surrounded by thousands of tiny tentacles and slowly poked out.

Compared to when he was at Yunchaling, the Qing Emperor with an extra hole in his chest was sitting cross-legged on the throne, his eyelids drooped, a ray of light looming through the gaps in his eyelids, staring straight at Lu Qian and his party.

That old bear, damn it. The Qing Emperor's voice rang out from the mouths of countless aliens from all directions who were shaking their membrane wings crazily and making constant 'buzzing' sounds. Trillions of alien races, the weakest in cultivation and at the peak of Heavenly General Consummation, chanted their magic power in unison and roared with all their strength. The result was a huge sound wave, like a hundred million suns exploding at the same time, and the sound wave was surging. The void ripped open countless black cracks that annihilated everything in the sky.

A terrifying sound came, and with a localized 'boom', the supreme Buddhist formation where Lu Qian's four heavenly pillars gathered, the world of mortals, was violently shaken. A mouthful of blood spurted out immediately, turning into a blood mist and spraying far away.

That is to say, Lu Qian condensed the Speed ​​Dao Fruit. In the process of condensing the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit, his physical body was refined and strengthened by the power of the Dao. His physical body strength at this moment was far a hundred times stronger than before, and only then could he withstand it. This wave of massive backlash.

Before switching to the Condensed Speed ​​Dao Fruit, the Qing Emperor suddenly used such a little trick. Even with the protection of the four heavenly pillars, Lu Qian was already wiped out.

Beside Emperor Taiyi, colorful flowers bloomed slowly, and the fragrant fragrance lingered in all directions, protecting the twelve proud sons and daughters of the emperor behind him. He looked at Qing Emperor helplessly and sighed quietly: It's so easy to train good children, do you want to kill them?

With a sigh, Emperor Taiyi lowered his head and looked at his ten white, pink and delicate fingers: Don't forget, to a certain extent, they are also your children!

Lu Qian's eyes widened.

Sword intent was rippling around their bodies, and countless mysteries of swordsmanship surged in their minds. The three Qingyou girls, who had no time to think about other issues, couldn't help but widen their eyes - they were three little girls after all. No matter who they were in their previous lives, they would, after all, be in this life. Just three greedy, fun-loving, little grown-up little girls.

This kind of gossip...even if it temporarily stops me from comprehending the supreme swordsmanship in my previous life, I must listen to it to the end!

Among all the people, only Lu Sanqi was the most calm and composed.

A Buddha's light banner hung above her head rolled down. The top of the banner was as clear as a fist and was crystal clear. The Buddha bead relics, entwined by eighteen golden dragons, slowly emitted a dazzling brilliance like the sun. The strange aura emitted by Qingdi was mostly offset by this secret treasure, and the huge sound that shattered time and space was completely resolved by this secret treasure.

Hearing Emperor Taiyi's faint sigh, Lu Sanqi suddenly laughed: Emperor Taiyi, the bloodlines of your sons and daughters seem to be a bit mixed!

Swearing without using curse words!

Lu Qian glanced at Qu Sanqi.

Emperor Taiyi didn't say a word. He was surrounded by colorful stars and led the emperor's sons and daughters behind him as he retreated step by step. He passed by countless Chinese warriors who were lucky enough not to be sprayed by the dark green slurry that was splashing all over the sky, and allowed those giant wriggling tentacles to hunt down these subordinates who were scurrying around like headless flies...

He quickly withdrew from Laoyuan, Laoyuan with the twelve sons and daughters of the emperor.

He spread his hands and said with a smile: The proposal I just made is invalid... Lu Qian, even if you are Yinyuan's sworn brother, it is impossible for me to fall out with Qingdi because of you.

So, this girl is doomed...what will be your fate! Emperor Taiyi suddenly showed an extremely mysterious expression. He looked Lu Qian up and down, and said quietly: If you were turned into a woman by Emperor Qing, , perhaps, we can try to combine our bloodlines to produce more outstanding heirs?

Lu Qian shuddered all over, and a chill came out of his heart, almost knocking him over!

He suddenly woke up - the Taiyi Emperor in front of him was a ray of essence and blood from the White Snake. After being processed by the Qing Emperor's secret method, he became a male... Gender and the like, in his heart, maybe there really was nothing. significance!

What a suggestion! Qingdi smiled softly: The Avenue of Speed ​​actually has an owner! Haha, haha... I had to leave the old black bear behind and run over to see what happened in person. thing!

Hey... Can anyone explain to me clearly what this is...

Before Qingdi finished his sentence, Lu Yi let out a loud roar, and with the Buddha's light lingering around him, he grabbed Lu Sanqi and the three girls Qingyou, and ran away as fast as he could at the moment!

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