
Chapter 61

I was stunned when I killed someone, and so was the young man. We both looked at the middle-aged man on the ground and twitched for a while, until we didn't move anymore before we started to look at each other.

The young man suddenly remembered something, and his mouth screamed and stabbed with a spear. His martial arts are inferior to that middle-aged man, how can he be my opponent. I raised my knife to block it, and the barrel of his gun slid against the surface of my knife. Then I flipped my hand and pushed, and the tip of the knife climbed up the barrel of the gun, and I saw his neck.

He also wanted to fight back with a gun, but I shouted, "Don't move!" and I stepped forward and grabbed the tip of my knife against the flesh on his neck.

The young man opened his mouth wide, as if he didn't even dare to breathe. I motioned for him to throw away the gun and led him to sit down by the grave.

I asked him, "What are you doing, which sect and sect, why do you want to kill a nest of thieves when you see it

?" The young man had a difficult face and said in a low voice: "Before leaving, Master instructed that if he missed, he could not report his family, and it would insult his reputation......"

"What about insulting his reputation?"

The young man's eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "If you annoy Master, you will kill someone!"

I raised my hand and pretended to fight, but the young man hurriedly covered his head.

"If you annoy me, won't you kill anyone?!"

the young man swallowed as he looked around at the corpses of the bandits by the grave with trepidation.

"Are these people all heroes, did you kill them?, are you from the Sword God's sect?"

I rushed over and picked him up and was about to beat him, so frightened that he begged for mercy again and again.

I grabbed the clothes around his neck and asked, "Look at what Lao Tzu is holding in his hand, don't you have a brain?"

The young man flinched: "I thought you were strong in martial arts, and you were tired of using swordsmanship before changing the sword." "

I'm a man, I'm very soft-hearted, and my ears are softer. Listening to him praise me for my strong martial arts, I don't know why he is so pleasing to the eye. I put him down, and I took him to straighten his messy clothes. Pat him on the shoulder, and from then on brothers were commensurate.

I asked him, "I said, brother, where is the sword god you just talked about? Your master must sound like a god, right?"

The young man's mouth was very sweet, and he even said a little frightened: "Isn't it?

Maybe I'm a native myself, and I haven't heard of these fashionable martial arts legends. The

young man also gloomed: "Oh, it turns out that the growth environment is not good. But it doesn't matter, these acquired factors can be changed.

I saw that his eyes were shining with an inopportune essence and hurriedly interrupted him: "Tell me about your master! Who is the sword god, and what does it have to do with your master?"

Alas, it's so good to be blind in martial arts - the sword god is not someone else, it is Li Yan, a person from our state, and my master and Li Jin, the assassin of Jiaozhou, and the madman Huang Haitang who uses a knife are called the four masters of the world. "

I regretted it when I heard it, I know the names of these people, I made a special trip to ask Lu Bu to inquire before I came out, and Lu Bu told me about 1510, but it's a pity that I don't remember anything about this pig's brain, and I let people look down on me in vain. I said that these four masters were something, and I cherished me like a family, but it left a bad impression that I didn't know a dirt bun. In order to make a name for myself, I even started to look at the dead man's pit to see if I would bury this kid together for a while.

I pondered for a while, and slapped my thigh violently: "Your master is Tong Yuan?"

The young man hurriedly stood up, looked around and around, and then sat down again, and quietly said to me: "What are you shouting so loudly for? My master's old man's name is not something we can call directly! You have to at least call him 'Gun King' or 'Old Ancestor', and you can't mix it up, if you call him 'Old Gun King', Master and his old man will still kill people if he is in a bad mood!"

"I-, your master is sick, who is you, the emperor Laozi, who fights this and kills that at every turn, isn't it better in martial arts, and not as a member of the court, why are you so pompous! At best, he is a martial artist and a cloth cloth, how can he put on such a score!"

The young man looks at me like a fool, and I look at him like a fool.

After a while, the young man sighed and asked me: "Since you know my master's name, how can you not know the background relationship between my master and his old man? Not to mention that the Jiaozhou assassin has to let my master be honored as the king of the gun, and even the military attache of the Manchu Dynasty does not want to be my master's disciple? With my master's name and protection, you can go to Luoyang to be an official without even the recommendation of a local official! You still don't admit that you are a local bun!"

Such a big deal?" I

thought to myself, no wonder this old guy shouted and shouted to kill, I didn't expect the relationship background to be so arrogant. I asked him again: "Then let me ask you, since your master is so high and powerful, why did he send you hairy boys all day long to destroy the village, is it to help the country relieve its worries

?" The young man was stunned: "What is the difficulty of eliminating worries?" "

You have all been killed by the thieves on the mountain, aren't you thinking about protecting your family and defending the country and eradicating these lawless bandits for the imperial court?"

The young man laughed out loud when he heard this, and shook his head again and again: "What does it have to do with us whether the court suppresses bandits or not, my master scolds the emperor at home every day for being mediocre and incompetent, how many times the court has recruited him and the old man does not go, how can he do such a nonsense thing - besides, today the people are everywhere, and my master has told his disciples more than once that if he has great ambitions, he should join the Yellow Turban Army and fight for the people of the world." Don't be willing to degenerate and go to the court to be an official, and turn around and harm the people. "

I heard it half pleasing to the ear and half unpleasant.

"How can serving the imperial court be willing to degenerate? In the past year, we have fought in the south and the north, suppressed bandits in Pingshan, how much effort and how much sweat we have spilled, there is no more yellow turban chaos in the area of Bingzhou, and the few people in the border area are integrated, isn't it all because of us people who resist the pressure in the front without eating or drinking

, so that you have nothing to do in the rear to learn from the teacher!" The young man was surprised: "Hero, it turns out that you are a member of the imperial court, no wonder you are so magnificent!"

I don't know why the nameless evil fire I just rushed up suddenly went out again. I am also a little disappointed, just like the feeling that we have done many things for the people, but the people have turned around and said that we are shameless.

When the young man saw that I was depressed, he comforted me and said: "But my master said that although Ding Jianyang in the Bingzhou area is not a good thing, but the uncle surnamed Lu under his command is a character, and he can still manage Bingzhou in an orderly manner under the pressure of Ding Jianyang.

He should praise Feng Xian'er, if he wants to say the same thing, Feng Xian'er is the kind of official who is old and confused, look at me I have to settle accounts with him!" The

young man held back his laughter: "Daxia, you should save the province, you can also clean up the two of us, the most unsuccessful senior brothers, not to mention my master and his old man, you can't even reach the top few junior brothers."

"What the hell, what a brother, isn't it just the two of you, how many

more?" The young man said exaggeratedly: "How many more?" I said that it is really strange that you have seen and heard the hero, you obviously know the name of my master, but you don't know the background power of his old man, and I don't know how many peerless warriors there are under his old man's family

After I thought about it, it was Lu Bu who told me that it was true, but I seemed to have missed a lot of ears in and out of one ear, so I didn't take many irrelevant things to heart. For example, the apprentices of the old gun king are famous and where are the highest, I thought to myself that I couldn't remember it when I came to see it, so I didn't listen carefully, and now that people are talking like this, if I admit that it was Feng Xian'er who taught me, it seems that Feng Xian'er has a short knowledge.

"Ah, naturally, it's all hearsay. By the way, your master doesn't sound too young, why can't he be called 'Old Gun King', as if he is tormented by him. The

young man smiled: "You don't know this, this 'old gun king' title was originally the nickname of Han Qiong Han Jizi in Hebei, who called himself 'sword and gun', since this person didn't know the depth and looked for my master to fight alone, even my master didn't catch the three shots and ran away, since then my master has been ashamed to be on the same page as this person, so the word 'old gun king' is never dared to mention in front of my master." "

I thought to myself that Lu Bu had told me about this episode, and I also made a special trip to write their names on the bamboo slips and carry them with me. I touched my waist, the bamboo slips were still there, but I forgot the names of the people.

I put on an old look and nodded: "I have also heard of this, it is true that Han Qiong is not self-sufficient, and he has no bearing when he loses, and it is not unreasonable for your master to hate him." It's just that you haven't told me yet, why are you killing one mountain after another, don't you know that some of the mountains are filled with people who have taken refuge in the mountains?"

We really don't know this, before we came out, we just took the orders of the master and his old man, and challenged the three mountains and five mountains with the marksmanship we learned, and if we passed, we could be the official disciples of the master and his old man. "

Are you saying that all this is the entrance exam of your sect?"

I stood up and pointed to the dead people in the courtyard, although they were vicious bastards with cannibalistic Xi, but in the first few mountains, there may not be villagers who fled into the mountains to avoid taxes, and the old woman also specially asked me to bring clothes to give to his son in the mountains, but because of this Tong Yuan's words, a large number of people went into the mountains to kill indiscriminately without asking, so angry that I was a little incoherent.

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