
Chapter 4

I asked Wang Shihao, "Where is the eunuch gate?"

Wang Shihao thought for a while, "Maybe it's from within the imperial court."

Zhang Liao listened, "Yanmen! The wild goose of the wild goose!"

I glanced at Wang Shihao, but I still didn't understand.

Zhang Liao was not annoyed, "That's it, a group of turtles." "

I'll look left and right, a few of us have a big iron knife, and there is everything on the other side, if I directly use the big knife to fight with others, maybe there are more advanced goods over there, and I will chop them in three or two, so I saw that Zhang Liao took a whip and didn't move the hard guy, so it was better for me to take a step back and take a murder without blood." If you miss it, you can still have a chance to explain.

I said to Wu Yanji, "Give me your pickaxe." So

he took my knife and gave me the pickaxe. Weigh it up, this thing is really not suitable for fighting, one end is heavy, the pickaxe handle is not reliable, and the pickaxe can be thrown away if you use a lot of strength. I was afraid that I would smash my second brother to death by mistake, so I stepped on the pickaxe and lifted it off and turned it into a wooden stick.

Zhang Liao asked, "That's it?" "

It's almost enough."

Zhang Liao lifted the whip out of the bucket and dragged it over. The whole village was lit by the bonfire on the ground, and the trees were sharp in the distance, and the neighing of horses and figures were near. Zhang Liao was a head and a half taller than me, and the firelight was much covered as soon as he approached. A horse's face is angular and its eyes are thin and long, like the Arhat Buddha statue offered in the temple.

I couldn't help but show a look of admiration, but I didn't want to admit it, I always had to say hello face-to-face, and the sentence "You're so tall" somehow became "You're so sassy."

Zhang Liao was stunned for a moment, "What did you say?"

Wu Yanji lacked tendons, thinking that I was calling for a battle, so he shouted for me, "He said you are sassy!"

Zhang Liao raised his hand at Wu Yanji, I was afraid that he would hurt Xiao Wu, so I heard the whip whistle, and the whip swam to my feet like a grass snake, and I was dragged to the ground, and the big thorn fell to the ground.

As soon as the whip was dipped away, there was another sound in the air, and I quickly rolled away, only to hear the dead leaves and dirt that I had just been lying on my stomach blown up by the whip, and Saturn flew wildly, splashing my face with pain.

Zhang Liao said, "The response is quite fast."

He didn't speak in a hurry, but the work in his hands increased. This whip is as fast as a whip, at first I can still try my luck to dodge a few times, he noticed that he changed the routine, three false and two real down, sometimes only listen to the whip whistle and not see the whip head, and after a while I was beaten in a basket of clothes.

I can't even make a move, I have a lot of fantasies in my head, and I even want to smash the pickaxe in my hand to destroy half the world, but I can't hand it over. It's different from having practiced and not practicing, and many times I don't even know what people are going to do, and I don't know where to get another guy on my body.

Zhang Liaowu was tired, "Do you know it's wrong?" "I'm wrong

about your mother, you're not my father." My second brother didn't know which blood relationship was on the head, so he pleaded for me and kept saying good things to Zhang Liao. Zhang Liao saw that I didn't say anything, and when he was tired of hearing it, he murdered him, "Don't worry, it's up to you after the fight."

A lieutenant general took advantage of the time to come to Zhang Liao's side and whisper a few words, Zhang Liao nodded, and with a shake of his hand, the whip rolled back into his hand.

"I'm here today. In the future, don't hear it, whether it's big or small, whether it's old or young, or let your general know and beat you once when he sees you. I

said, "You wait, wait, wait," I'm on fire, and if you don't fight, you won't fight, I just have some inspiration. "What's your general's and my son's, who are you, you. "

What, you're still not convinced?"

"I'll obey your mother!" Zhang

Liao smiled and let go of the long whip again, "Then you can't get up if you have to beat you this time." "

I'm not happy," you have the ability to kill me!" said

I didn't hide. What are you hiding, I'm going to learn from Tuxing Sun to escape the land, and I can't avoid his rain-like whip even if all the other shameful appearances are exhausted. I slapped him on the shoulder, and before he could whip it back, I grabbed the stick and threw it at his head.

Zhang Liao raised his arm to block, clicked to give me the stick to fold, he shook off the whip with his other hand, I poked him in the stomach with half a piece of wood, Zhang Liao was startled, and he came to grab my wrist without caring about the whip. I dismantled with him with one hand, froze there, and with the other hand held a wooden thorn to find him the key point, Zhang Liao couldn't free his hand with the whip, and was entangled by me for a while.

When his lieutenant saw it, he was about to come up, and he heard that the guys behind me were also very righteous, and Ho Ho also followed. Zhang Liao shouted, "Don't mix!" So he threw the whip and wrestled with me with both hands.

Now my advantage is gone. Not only was he taller than me, stronger than me, he was better than me, we put our hands together, and I suddenly found that his arms, legs, and feet were also a lot longer than mine, and we were in each other's legs, and I didn't reach him, but he kicked me several steps away.

It's really more damn than people, and goods should be thrown away.

Zhang Liao asked again, "Is it wrong?"

I didn't say anything.

Zhang Liao suddenly asked again, "Are you convinced?"

"I'll serve your mother!"

and then pounced on it and tore it again, this crazy desperate thing is good, that is, when you are with Lian Jiazi, the more cautious you are, the bigger your flaws, the more opportunities and time the other party can play, and the more time you can think, and the shots are all routines and means. But once he is in a hurry, he fights with him in close quarters, and he can't use many tricks, as long as he doesn't make some low-level mistakes in his neck and is grabbed by him with one move, he can stabilize the situation for the time being.

The lieutenant general came to remind again, "General, it's not too early...... Zhang

Liao responded and pushed me away with a flat palm, "Okay, okay, today doesn't matter whether you win or lose, you have to be careful, let's fight another day." "

I saw that he was well-dressed, and he didn't suffer much except that I had some black handprints on his body. Look at me again, my clothes are tattered, my whole body hurts everywhere, blood is oozing in many places, my face is sludge and my hands are dirty, how can I not distinguish between victory and defeat.

My second brother came over to pull me, "You can do it, you! Pick up a dog's life today, hurry up! Don't come here again in the future! General Zhang is letting you today, if he shoots you on the horse, he can kill you!"

I was still not convinced, but I really couldn't beat it, and I suddenly wanted to cry.

Zhang Liao turned over and got on his horse, shouted to the entourage around him to arrange matters, and told me when he was finished, "The stinky boy has average martial arts, and his courage is good." What's your name?"

"Lao Tzu won't tell you!"

Zhang Liao laughed, "Why are you still beaten, I didn't see you hum when it hurt so much just now--I will bring you a message to Qu Shuai when I go back, saying that the Assassin Mansion of the Prefecture has begun to send troops to rebel, and I heard that there is no place where I have passed without surrendering, and I don't know what kind of ghost kung fu has been used." He

said to my second brother again, "Everything in the village has been arranged, right?"

My second brother replied respectfully, "The old and weak have been sent home to listen to the news, leaving our brothers to guard the village." The general is reassured. "

Yes, look after the family, wait for us to come back." I

asked him, "Where are you going?" Zhang

Liao said proudly, "Lao Tzu rode lightly from Yanmen to find out the details of these guys." I

said, "Then don't die."

Zhang Liao smiled, "How the hell is possible, even if a million male soldiers are in front of me, Lao Tzu will not be stunned." "

Come back and keep fighting. He took the horse's belly and rumbled away with twenty or so men. My second brother wanted to tell me something about this and that, and I was so annoyed that I took them back.

On the way, Hao Meng couldn't hold back, and saw that I really didn't know kung fu, so he taught me a few introductory knife techniques. We went back to the camp while rehearsing, but it turned out to be empty, Mr. Tao and his parents and fellow villagers did not leave any of them, and all the guys who ate were gone, leaving only a little scraps of carbon slag, and they had been gone for a while.

Fan Jianghui shouted, "Where did I fuck this person?" Shouldn't it be like that Zhang Liao said that he was arrested by the government?"

Wu Yanji scolded him, "You stupid? The government can arrest people so neatly? This looks like he is packing up his luggage and covering up and leaving!"

Wang Shihao touched the back of his head, "Maybe I heard some news transferred."

Hao Meng complained, "Teacher Tao is too uninteresting, no matter what, I have to leave a message or leave someone to say, it's too uninteresting, I think about his family all day long, whether they are full and unclothed." "

After discussing for a long time, they were hungry and dizzy, and a few people separated to find something to make do with their stomachs to eat, and the next day they discussed for a long time or there was no way out, so they could only go back to Zhang Liao, after all, there was a wall there, and there was a home.

So reluctantly, he went to the east stone cliff again. Seeing that my second brother was really counted down again, I said that this dear is really strange, I don't deal with you a hundred on weekdays, he really has a danger of life and he helps you to help you, a little better and can't look down on you and you this and that, what kind of mentality does this person have?

In the next few days, he chopped wood and carried water, filling the material reserves in the village. When you're new to driving, you have to perform well. In my spare time, I learned knife techniques from Hao Meng, he is not an expert in using knives, but he is more or less than me, but these are also very precious to me, and I can Xi't put it down.

Wang Shihao went out to collect medicine every morning, and the effect was really good for me, and the wound was good in a few days, I praised him again and again, Wang Shihao said modestly, "Actually, it should be fine these days without medicine, I just make a show." "

This day at noon, just after dinner, I saw a puff of green smoke rising from the bottom of the mountain, we haven't figured out what's going on, Zhang Liao with his Yanmen light horse broke in in a chaotic way, while running and shouting, "Close the gate quickly!"

My second brother and they followed closely, and after entering the village, they hurriedly closed the door, and a few of us followed the fire to fight. I saw Zhang Liao hanging up the lottery and asked him what was going on, Zhang Liao couldn't help but scold his mother out of breath.

"The thief's surname is Lu, and there are several powerful ones!".

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