
Chapter 35

Everyone present, including me, didn't hear clearly, and they all looked at Lu Bu with a puzzled expression. Seeing that his face was relaxed, what he said was half-true, and everyone stayed in place for a while, not knowing how to round the field.

Lu Bu summoned the soldiers to bring up some weapons, and there were all kinds of swords, guns, and shields. He picked up one or two pieces and weighed them, but he always felt that it was not very comfortable. Everyone saw that he really wanted to do it, and Liu Bei and the others couldn't help but look a little ugly.

Zhang Liao leaned over and pulled Lu Bu by the hand: "What are you messing around, you spent so much effort to entrap this guy, what a good thing it is to part ways immediately, why do you do it with someone at this juncture?"

Lu Bu stretched out his hand to me: "Let's borrow your big knife and use it." Zhang Liao hurriedly said: "Talking to you!" I

muttered while untying the knife: "My knife is no different from other weapons in the camp, why do you have to use me."

Zhang Liao came over and pressed my hand, and said to Lu Bu: "Now I can cover up the past under the guise of a child, and I can't get into big trouble because of this little thing." "

Only then did I understand that Lu Bu felt that the three brothers of Liu Bei had done something with me before, and I couldn't hold my head up when I returned, so I took this opportunity to vent my anger for me.

I also hurriedly put the knife in my waist: "Forget it, I have a good relationship with Second Brother Guan and Zhang Laosan."

As soon as Lu Bu's long arm stretched out, I didn't even see the knife in my waist and was snatched away by him: "Is that the relationship with the surname Liu is not good?"


then did a few people present understand that when they competed under Kebineng's tent that day, everyone thought that Lu Bu was a weak scholar, but he was just tall, and it turned out to be this meaning when he started today.

Zhang Fei took a step forward: "The master bookkeeper is interested, it is better to let the younger brother play with him, just hope that he will not hurt the harmony." "

I said in my heart that Liu Bei was insidious, and he wouldn't easily express his stance if he didn't figure out the form, and Second Brother Guan was real, I was afraid that he couldn't restrain his anger when he started to do it, and he had to lose Zhang Fei to come out of the round, so that the scene would not be embarrassing.

How do you know that Lu Bu didn't want to fight him, he hugged his hands and said with a smile: "The weapons you make are so long, I think you are only good at horse fighting, and you are not proficient in kung fu on the ground, I don't bully you, how about changing your eldest brother, I really want to see the power of the male and female double-strand sword."

Liu Bei heard him say that he was a master, his face moved slightly, knowing that he couldn't be silent anymore, so he stepped forward in two steps: "Since it's still early, it's not impossible to play."

Zhang Fei retreated, and Second Brother Guan held the dragon knife in front of Liu Bei: "This kind of rough thing will get the boss in any round, if I can't hold on, it's not too late to bother the boss to save

it!" Lu Bu smiled: "It's indeed righteous!"

Liu Bei had the intention to test and observe Lu Bu's ability, so he retreated according to Second Brother Guan's words. Second Brother Guan slammed his big knife to the ground, and when he saw Lu Bu holding my ring head knife, he couldn't bear to say: "Your blade is too short, I won't take advantage of you, let's go with a long pole!"

Lu Bu stepped forward: "I'm not Gao Shun." As he spoke, he picked up and chopped, and Second Brother Guan still kicked on the handle of the knife, and the big knife flew off the ground and bounced, and the two knives were each rounded. Lu Bu smiled: "The knife is very fast." Second Brother Guan didn't answer, as long as he kicked away, he couldn't stop, and after this knife was touched, he immediately took advantage of inertia to cut out the next knife, which was twice as fast as the previous knife in terms of strength and speed.

Lu Bu gave him two knives in succession, and suddenly discovered the special features of Second Brother Guan's knife path, so he tried to touch him, only to hear the two knives collide and make a huge dull sound, Lu Bu relied on his strength to stop Second Brother Guan's acceleration, forcing him to stop under the knife, and had to start dancing from the first knife from the beginning.

Zhang Liao clapped his hands: "It turns out that it's so easy to break his knife technique

!" I easily seized the opportunity to humiliate him, but I couldn't let it go: "It's easy? You go up and try to eat the second brother Guan with a knife? The ribs and bones will be shattered for you!" Zhang

Fei laughed when he heard this, Zhang Wenyuan's face was dull, and he continued to pay attention to the competition between the two on the field.

Second Brother Guan kicked up the knife shaft, the big knife danced again, Lu Bu took a few knives lightly, and found that as long as he didn't force the second brother like just now, his knife would never stop, and one knife was faster than the other, one knife was heavier than the other, and every knife was extremely smooth after the knife was opened, and the originally extremely heavy big knife became lighter and lighter under inertia, and after more than ten rounds, it was already light and fluttering and could not see the strength, and the speed of the move was no less than the wooden spear and long sword, and the sword shadow was heavy, completely covering Lu Bu's tall body。

Lu Bu dodged left and right under the wrapping of the dragon knife, but he didn't retreat a step, which was really dangerous. Zhang Liao stretched his neck in worry and swallowed his saliva. I asked him, "Why don't you take a few steps back, he has such a big step, and he will leave the encirclement of the big knife after a few steps."

As soon as the words came out, I found out that there was a handle, if I was caught by Zhang Liao, I would definitely be scolded again, but he was worried that Lu Bu would not be able to fight with me: "Feng Xian's step is big, then Guan Er's step is not small, and Guan Er's knife is to seal your retreat, and the other person's high knife is waiting for you to retreat by yourself, as soon as you retreat, he will follow you with a knife, and he will be stabbed in vain, like Feng Xian, he will not retreat, Guan Er will be helpless for a while." Saying

that, Zhang Liao couldn't help but praise: "It's really awesome, I figured out Guan Er's knife technique thoroughly after a few hands, Feng Xian is really amazing!"

After more than thirty years of merging, the big knife of the second brother Guan has been used to the extreme, and it is no longer possible to see that it can be accelerated, his whole person and the dragon knife are integrated, and the so-called knife technique has gradually been lost, leaving only the simple person and the knife, flying like a big spinning top. Lu Bu didn't know when he moved, and he was spinning like the footwork of Second Brother Guan, as if the two of them were dancing in the shadow of the sword and sword, and it seemed that they were practicing Xi martial arts in pairs, but everyone present knew that if there was a slight difference between the two of them, someone would have to be doomed, and it really couldn't be described as dangerous.

Lu Bu suddenly shouted: "Sword Ancestor, Feng Xian has served!" We

all thought that Lu Bu had admitted defeat and softened before saying this, and when the second brother Guan unloaded his strength to stop the dragon knife, he saw that the two people who were still spinning at high speed suddenly twisted together, and then they didn't know what happened, and the second brother Guan flew out of the shadow of the knife, and threw himself on the sand on the side far away, with an unknown face, obviously not knowing what was going on.

Looking at Lu Bu in the field again, he unloaded his strength, and the weapon in his hand had long been lost, and he stopped turning with his empty hands before laughing and said: "The knife technique really can't be compared with Guan Lao Er, so I had to steal and use wrestling techniques, I hope Guan Lao Er won't be angry with me."

Lu Bu said this easily, but everyone present had a unique skill, and they all knew that they could stand for a minute and a half in the state of the second brother Guan just now, let alone whether they could stand for a minute and a half in the state of full firepower just now, let alone draw their hands to wrestle and throw the second brother Guan out at the moment of life and death, it was simply unheard of!

Second Brother Guan sat up with a puzzled expression, and Lu Bu reached out to pull him: "You are the ancestor of the sword, if you don't accept it, don't blame me for making small moves!"

Second Brother Guan still didn't understand what was going on, and shook his shoulders: "Let's try wrestling."

Seeing this, Zhang Fei persuaded: "Second brother, you just fought with all your might, why don't you take a break and let the younger brother play two wrestles with the master bookkeeper?"

Both of them were big men like pagodas, and as soon as the two of them joined hands slightly, they began to dismantle their strength, and they saw flying rocks and sand on the ground, and two huge figures rose up one after another, and then fell to the ground with a loud bang, as if someone's granary had collapsed.

After the smoke and dust passed, Lu Bu was on one knee, and Second Brother Guan was lying flat at his feet, obviously after a hand-to-hand fight, Lu Bu had the upper hand again.

Lu Bu pulled the second brother Guan up, and the two clamped each other like a tiger fighting a lion, and after a few more rounds of flying sand and stones, the second brother Guan still couldn't take any advantage, but Ping Pong was thrown several times.

Zhang Fei felt that Second Brother Guan didn't know how to be skillful, so he stepped forward and reached out: "Second brother, you are tired, let the younger brother accompany the master to pass the two hands."

Although Zhang Fei said that he wanted to compete with Lu Bu, but this catch only attracted the attention of the two of them, and after separating Lu Bu Guan Er, Zhang Fei changed his claws into palms, and actually practiced martial arts and practiced against Lu Bu.

Zhang Liao looked at it twice and shouted, "Since you have changed people, how about you also let me have a good time?" As he spoke, he was about to rush into the arena, but was stopped by Lu Bu.

I asked Zhang Liao and said, "The two of them are Laipi, take turns to fight us."

Zhang Liao locked his eyebrows and said: "The key is that this Zhang Fei's kung fu is good, unlike Guan Er, who is reckless and reckless, Zhang Fei's kung fu is very exquisite, you don't see Feng Xian taking ......him for a while and a half."

Zhang Liao forgot the words as he spoke, and saw Zhang Fei and Lu Bu fighting together, all the tricks and postures were equally exquisite, the two were very different in figure, and from a distance, it looked like two birds of prey were dancing and fighting in the air, both fierce and cunning, although they were fighting for their lives, they did not hurt each other at all. Gradually, everyone realized the cleverness of the two people in the field, and there was no previous sense of panic, more like enjoying a wonderful court performance.

But after all, Zhang Fei is not as long as Lu Bu's hands and feet, Lu Bu saw Zhang Fei's false move, and bet on his intuition that his palm would change his moves, so he took a step up and ate this palm, so he caught Zhang Fei's wrong single palm, and threw Zhang Fei out with a trip.

Zhang Fei slightly adjusted his center of gravity in mid-air, flipped over and fell to the ground, although it was indecent, but it was better than falling straight and straight on the ground. Liu Bei saw it and bowed: "Lord Bookkeeper has been hiding it deeply, it turns out that he has such a mastery, I admire and admire it, it was my three brothers who offered ugliness before, and please don't mind Brother Fengxian."

Lu Bu also saluted: "It's easy to say, it's all my own brothers, just for fun."

Geng Yong, who hadn't spoken for a long time, interjected: "I'm afraid you're not reminding us, meaning that even if you Lu Feng comes first, you can get rid of us, right?"

Liu Bei pretended to reprimand angrily, and Geng Yong rolled his eyes: "I'm a straightforward person, don't blame the master bookkeeper."

Lu Bu waved at the soldiers, and the soldiers picked up my ring-headed knife that had been dropped earlier and handed it to Lu Bu.

"Is it next for Brother Xuande?" Lu Bu measured the length and width of the ring head sword, and said with a smile, "Please also ask my brother to be merciful, don't miss your murderous sword." "

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces were not good-looking, after all, you have won Guan Zhang and the two of you in a row, and you can't argue with Liu Bei again. Looking at Liu Bei again, his face was really bad, and he walked into the field silently.

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