
Chapter 150

Originally, as I thought, once they were engaged, they would be beaten like chopping melons and vegetables, but when they really met, they found that it was different from what I imagined. Although the back of the enemy's Chinese army was scattered by Zhang Liao, the veterans of the first platoon did not seem to care about the riots in the rear, and when they saw that we had launched a charge, they raised their shields and insisted on catching up with us.

The shield collided with each other, making a different crashing sound, and our side was the initiator, so the momentum was relatively turbulent, and when they collided, they shook slightly. But it was only a slight effect, after all, there were still people in their back row, and the first charge did not open up a situation.

The brothers began to hand their spears through their shields, and the brothers in the first row also took the time to pull out their knives and slash them a few times, but the other side was like an impregnable wall, and could not open the gap in the slightest. I was also in the first row, gritting my teeth and carrying a shield there. I thought that with my martial arts, it would be a disaster for these ordinary soldiers, and when I made a move, a large group of people would inevitably be knocked down by me as if they were chopping melons and vegetables, but the reality was often not so wishy-washy, and I was almost trying my best to just hold up a shield under the human wall to prevent the other party from crushing me, and there was almost no time to use the knife to cut people again.

Soon we were suppressed, the first row of swords and shields could not be opened, and because the number of people was much smaller than the opponent, the middle part of the front row of the enemy was connected with us, and those who did not encounter the enemy on both sides surrounded and closed towards us, and soon became the initiator of the charge and fell into a situation of being surrounded.

I don't see that the form is good, if we are surrounded by groups, everything will be over, we can't even open the front row of the enemy, if we are surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside, we will never be able to get out again, and we will definitely be trapped here. I shouted behind me, "What about Hao Meng's people? Did you keep up?" Hao Meng answered from afar, and I asked his brother to come and carry it, and the sharp knife formed by the trapping camp was responsible for following me deep into the enemy formation to eliminate the predicament.

I also withdrew from the front row after the change of guard, and I was already tired from the exchange of hands after a short while. Hao Meng's training volume is not as good as ours, and as soon as we take over, we suddenly feel struggling, and it almost takes two layers of people to resist, but despite this, they are still pushed back slowly, and each roars to cheer themselves up. Hao Meng shouted at me at the top of his throat and asked me if I was ready if they couldn't hold it anymore, so I recovered a little and called Wang Shihao and they were ready to launch a surprise attack.

We exchanged glances, Fan Jianghui and Wang Shihao took shields to put me into steps, Wu Yanji helped me tie the knife and wrist together with strips of cloth, and instructed: "Be careful! We will be there later!" I didn't have time to pay attention to him, took a deep breath, there was an army of 10,000 people with swords and guns in front of me, and I didn't know what kind of changes I would encounter when I broke into the enemy formation, maybe a cold arrow, a negligent attack would kill me completely. But I can't wait any longer, the brothers can't afford it anymore, and I have to rely on my martial arts that are slightly higher than those ordinary soldiers to open a way out for the brothers!

I took a deep breath, the rag ran quickly, and suddenly opened my legs and stepped up the shield steps in two steps, and suddenly I felt that the field of vision in front of me was wide, I jumped into the air, at least I saw an endless number of human heads, and in the middle was Zhang Liao's cavalry cut a divided area, and the infantry behind were chasing Zhang Liao chaotically, and the front was single-mindedly confronted with us.

I aimed at where I was falling, and many of the spearmen had already raised their spears and pointed them at me, trying to stab me in mid-air when I fell. I put the shield under me and fell, and as soon as I touched the tip of the spear, I rolled and tumbled, and the shield was not bothered, and when my feet touched the ground, I turned and swept around, and at that time I cut down seven or eight people, and there was immediately a vacancy around me.

The enemy behind the first row was not well armoured, not as good as the anti-pressure equipment in the front row, and I cut it much easier, and because I was in the enemy formation, they did not dare to stab with guns and spears in a grand manner, but they just pasted up one by one and fought with me with knives. In this way, I took a great advantage, not only did I not panic at this time, but I was even glad that I learned the knife technique of close combat with Huang Haitang, if I changed to learn the gun with Tong Yuan, I would probably not be able to dance at this time; no matter how wonderful the swordsmanship I learned from Li Yan, that kind of light and elegant swordsmanship has no deterrent effect in the army; as for Li Jin's fist and palm technique, although it is powerful, but without his kind of internal force cultivation, it is no different from relying on a pair of flesh palms and looking for death.

Huang Haitang taught me this set of knife techniques, because my internal strength cultivation was really clumsy, so in desperation, Huang Haitang trained me in sword and shield fighting. This set of kung fu is very simple, so simple that it is almost a move. One move is to raise a shield to block the attack, and the other is to block the knife attack, to ensure that you are not harmed, to ensure that every knife can hurt the enemy, it is so simple and practical, and it is simply tailor-made when the two armies are facing each other.

I didn't dare to hold it up, so after cutting down a few more people, I quickly grabbed the big shield that had just fallen on the ground, and moved closer to us as I fought. The enemy in the front row and our brothers were a little flustered, although I was only one person, but I should have been hacked to death without a sound for such a long time, but under the shouting and shouting, I not only did not die, but also slowly approached the front row of soldiers, and everywhere I went, I was basically either dead or wounded, and many of the front soldiers looked back at me while resisting, with a panic in their eyes.

Just when I thought victory was in sight, Zhang Liao had already killed from the right flank, detoured back to the other side of the enemy and began to prepare for a surprise attack. The formation that had been chaotic by Zhang Liao gradually returned to stability, and slowly reorganized the formation and drove forward, and the defeated army that had been scattered by me before also gathered, at this time I still could not break through the defense of the enemy's front row, and I was about to be overwhelmed by the endless enemy troops gathered from behind.

At this moment, I suddenly saw several black shadows jumping high from our troops and falling near me, when I looked closely, it was Ren Qiang and Wang Shihao, who also followed my example and stepped on the shield steps and rushed in over the front platoon. They don't have the same kung fu as me, except for Ren Qiang, Wang Shihao, and they all suffered some scratches when they fell. Ren Qiang picked up a spear and quickly opened a gap, Wang Shihao, Fan Jianghui and Wu Yanji took the opportunity to fight with Ren Qiang, and the pressure on my side was suddenly relieved a lot. At this moment, dozens of black shadows jumped over from the front row, all of them were my brothers in the camp, their martial arts were not even as good as Wang Shihao and them, but at this moment, they all gave up their lives to help me open the enemy's defenses.

At this time, Ren Qiang and the others came to me, and Ren Qiang and I were responsible for resisting the enemy troops from the rear and pressing up, while Wang Shihao and the others turned around and cut off the soldiers who resisted in the front row. In this way, the two sides attacked at the same time, and the enemy's front line finally collapsed, and once the defense was broken through a gap, the camp quickly squeezed in, and then slashed left and right, finally breaking the enemy's front line defense. But although we have made a breakthrough, but there are too many enemies to follow, we can only fight and retreat, and soon the form becomes one-sided, even if the speed of retreat can not catch up with the fast form they pressed up, unconsciously there are enemies in front and back, left and right, shouting and killing to the sky, I can see that there are few people in the pitiful place, and I am about to lose my fighting spirit in the sea of people, and I am hacked to death in the enemy formation.

Fortunately, at this time, Zhang Liao led the troops to kill and came back, thinking that he climbed high and saw that we were in trouble, and he actually inserted a single knife into the infantry crowd despite the cavalry taboo. It stands to reason that cavalry generally only hits the flanks of the infantry, even if they go deep into the enemy formation, they are also charging the cavalry formation, if they rush into the infantry formation, it is very likely that the horse will hit a person or be injured by a spear and a spear, and the horse's body will lose its mobility and be captured and killed. Zhang Liao couldn't care so much about saving me at this time, but fortunately, this raid was more unexpected, and the enemy didn't expect him to dare to turn around and rush backwards from the place behind his abdomen. Zhang Liao shouted at the top of his voice: "Retreat! Retreat!" Later, he found that he could not disperse the enemy army by killing him back, so he simply jumped off his horse and brandished a hook and sickle to fight with us.

The battle was fought from noon to evening, each of us was fighting to the death, the enemy came up to kill and retreat a wave, taking the opportunity for us to retreat a little more, so repeatedly tossed for more than half a day, the enemy found that it was not worth it to take the troops for us so few people, and we were tired after a day of marching, so they let us collect our troops and no longer pursued.

We retreated for five or six miles in a row, until we were sure that no one would chase us again, and then we lay down and rested as best we could. The result of a day of fighting to the death was that although the enemy army was wounded, the impact was not great, and our side was already small in numbers, and after this heavy defeat, we would hardly have the ability to fight again for the next few days. At that moment, Zhang Liao arranged for a few people to sentry and most of them rested in place, but they didn't dare to stay too long, and continued to run around in the dark overnight, and they didn't let go until they were near Zuo Yun.

Zhang Liao asked the remnants of Yunzhong County to bring a letter to Bu Dugen, explaining in detail the victory or defeat of this battle, and telling him that we would return to Jinyang to make preparations, and if there was any movement near Pingcheng, the whole army would come.

In fact, this kind of words is just a polite gesture, at the beginning Ding Yuan did not allow us to send troops, we insisted on this to win this bit of soldiers and horses, but because of the disparity in troops, we ended up in a miserable defeat, but fortunately, it also gave Kebi Neng and others a signal, that is, if the chaos continues in the state, the Assassin History Department will not sit idly by. Fortunately, when we returned to Jinyang, although we did not win the war, the news came that Kebineng and they also prevented the army from attacking, and after grabbing enough things, they returned to Youzhou along Gaoliu, and only returned to the Liaoxi grassland after plundering on the border.

Although Ding Yuan was very angry about this defeat, thinking that the Xianbei tribe, who did not need to fight and would take the initiative to evacuate, would still go to face the battle, causing the loss of troops in vain, but Lu Bu gave full play to his ability to turn around and suppressed the matter, and then it was over. After this stop, there are no more than 30 brothers in the camp, and the aftermath for them has reached the end of the year, Ding Yuan has no intention of worrying about the affairs in the state, and hurries back to Beijing to contact the relationship, and the entire Jinyang falls into the hands of Lu Bu again, according to common sense, this period of time should be the most comfortable time for the brothers, first, the New Year will be celebrated immediately, and second, it is time to rest and rest after working hard all year long, but because there are too many brothers to lose, everyone feels that there is something invisible in their hearts, and they can't be happy.

At the end of the month, after Lu Bu gave enough New Year's food to all the men in the army, he invited me to drink with Zhang Liao and other brothers. Seeing this, Lu Bu told us: "The cruelty of war is irreversible, I think this is not the beginning or the end, there should be more sad things in the future, so in my opinion, every unsatisfactory today is better than the unpredictable tomorrow."

Everyone was moved, and Lu Bu stood up and raised his glass and said, "To the dead brother." We all stood up and poured the glass of water and wine on the ground. The land was so greedy that it sucked up the wine for a moment, leaving only a faint stain of water, like the blood that had been sucked dry outside the border gates.

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