
Chapter 147

Liu Bei's cavalry was not large in number, and it killed thirty or fifty people, and after a short time after the enemy attacked from behind, the opponent's encirclement shrank again.

Liu Bei was stunned when he saw that it was a few of us fighting to the death, but as if he didn't see me, he commanded the people behind him: "First block the horse thieves who are tearing the people, and then organize a formation counterattack."

As soon as Liu Bei's words fell, a person came out from behind him, tall and mighty in a green robe and long beard, carrying a bright and dangling big knife, but it was the second brother Guan. He looked at me condescendingly for a while, and then suddenly smiled, "Xiao Shun'er did a good job!" and then led a dozen people to the front of the refugee team, and it didn't take long for the crying and shouting in front, but the wailing did not come from the people.

Liu Bei continued to arrange for his men to engage the horse thieves who were looting around him in batches, and I took the opportunity to catch my breath and look at the people he had brought. Some strong men are familiar, I pondered for a while and suddenly realized, it turned out that when I was begging for food with Zhang Fei under the ancient wall, Second Brother Guan had brought them to pick them up, thirty-six Kansai big men, each with big shoulders and round waists, are the personal guards of Second Brother Guan, but they usually don't get on the horse, so they didn't recognize each straddle on the horse today. After that war, Second Brother Guan thanked me for my kindness in letting Zhang Fei live, and gave me thirty-six pairs of basin collar iron armor, which are still stored in Jinyang City, and I think it is the equipment that these Guanxi Han did not have time to take away.

This group of Guanxi Han was divided into two groups, one followed Second Brother Guan to the front of the team, and the other group tied their horses and walked under the command of Liu Bei, and slashed into the nearby horse thief's den with a big knife. In addition, Liu Bei was accompanied by more than a dozen immovable cavalrymen, their eyes were empty, they didn't care about the scene of the battle around them, and looked left and right idlely, as if they were here for sightseeing. Liu Bei didn't plan to use them, but he was giving orders to the thirty-six Guanxi Han, and he didn't move anyone around him, thinking that it was his own personal guard, and he was reluctant to wear it out on such an occasion.

In fact, I have been secretly on guard, for fear that after Liu Bei makes proper arrangements, he will issue an order to the dozen or so expressionless cavalrymen under him, and he will be caught off guard by killing a few of us. But Liu Bei didn't seem to care about me at all, just like the assassination in the backyard of the White Horse Temple had never happened, he was so calm and calm, and in the howls of many people, he was as powerful as a god descending from heaven, and his whole body exuded a savior's brilliance.

The people nearby couldn't help crying and bowing down when they saw Liu Bei's demeanor, I was so unconvinced, damn it, I just took the brothers to fight to the death to protect you, and in the end there was no one who said a hot word, Liu Bei just brought more people than me, a little more majestic than me, so easily enveloped the hearts of the people, not to mention that he didn't personally come down to engage in the battle, just dispatched back and forth, I was angry and didn't know what to say for a while, and I had the meaning of throwing my sleeves away.

Soon the horse thieves who were mixed in the ranks were repulsed, and the infantry gradually withdrew behind the cavalry, and the group of horsemen began to form a group, and the horses were not restless. Liu Bei breathed a sigh of relief, turned a blind eye to the horse thief cavalry who was about to charge

, glanced down at me, and said with a smile: "Are you still afraid?" I was furious when I heard this, and I wanted to jump up and scold him, but my body was full of new and old wounds, and it was difficult to even move, so I half-leaned on the carriage and replied to him: "Lao Tzu has been like this, have you ever been afraid

of it?" Liu Bei laughed, shook his head, and only after a while did he restrain his smile, staring at me gloomily for a while, and seeing that I was hairy. I knew he wasn't referring to the horse thief but himself, but the more I did, the more I couldn't shrug it, and I tried to straighten my back and catch his gaze.

Liu Bei and I looked at each other for a few seconds, and suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "With the second child here today, I won't touch you, but next time I guess you won't be so lucky." I said stiffly: "If you want to fight or kill, just let the horse come, I'm afraid that you won't succeed?" Liu Bei smiled and ignored me.

In fact, I was very panicked, not to mention that I can't move now, even if I am here in a good manner, I can't withstand a few tosses from him. Liu Bei's martial arts practice is not the same as others, people Xi martial arts either for physical strength or self-protection, and most of the courtesies with people are still exchanged, and almost no one comes up like Liu Bei and kills just to kill. Maybe I can fight with the sword god Li Yan or Lingnan King Li Jin for a few rounds, and take advantage of it, not that my martial arts are good, it's just that I took advantage of the loopholes in other people's etiquette, if I run into Liu Bei, it is estimated that he will be stabbed to death in the street before I have time to say two sentences.

Second Brother Guan brought people back after dealing with the matters ahead, squinted at the horse thief who was about to move, exchanged glances with Liu Bei, and immediately ordered all the members of the Guanxi Han to get on the horse and follow him out after getting permission.

Although Liu Bei is an old yin, the second brother Guan has always been good to me, seeing that he was about to rush into the army of thousands of people with thirty-six people, which was no different from killing himself, so he immediately shouted: "Second brother!

How can Guan fight a battle with no chance of winning, brother, you are optimistic, look at our rampant fighting style. As

soon as he said this, I remembered that before we went to Dingxiang County to ask for thieves, Guan Erge's troops were stationed in Longshou Mountain all the year round, constantly fighting with foreign tribes, and they have always won more with less, so even if they went to the border area, it was relatively stable, and the Xianbei clan occasionally plundered the two states of Youji, and the other foreign tribes were all obedient to the previous education of Guan Erge, and they still dare not make trouble.

It's just that I've only heard of the kind of play he said, but I haven't seen it with my own eyes. Second Brother Guan asked an entourage beside Liu Bei: "See clearly?" The man didn't answer, stretched out his hand and pointed far away, Second Brother Guan looked for it, nodded after a while, greeted his subordinates, and after finishing speaking, he grabbed the belly of the horse, and took the lead in rushing towards the horse thief cavalry.

My heart tightened, and I just wanted to shout something to cheer him on, but I saw that the thirty-six Guan Xihan behind Second Brother Guan maintained a lineup of long snakes, and stabbed straight towards the horse thief like a sharp knife. The horse thieves were overjoyed when they saw that these thirty or so people rushed over as if they were not going to die, and shouted and scattered to attack and began to encircle, and in a blink of an eye, a long line of the second brother Guan was drowned in the crowd of horse thieves.

I couldn't help but be angry, and said angrily to Liu Bei: "You are so ruthless, you actually let your sworn brother do such a dangerous thing!" Liu Bei paid close attention to the battle ahead, and had no intention of dealing with me. When I saw him like this, I was even more angry, and asked him, "Why are you so ruthless and unrighteous?

Seeing this, Liu Bei shouted: "The enemy leader is dead! all charge with me!"

Fan Jianghui moved over, leaned on the board of the car, grinned in pain, and said for a long time: "He's bragging, right, just a little person can go in and cut down the boss?" Wang Shihao sighed faintly and said: "Can you just pretend to be a force." Fan Jianghui asked, "Pretending to be forced with your life?" Wang Shihao thought so and nodded.

But the front was not as they ridiculed, I saw that Second Brother Guan's party and Liu Bei were connected, and dozens of people maintained the long snake formation in the team of horse thieves and rushed left and right to kill repeatedly, those horse thieves were in a mess without the command of the leader, and they met Second Brother Guan and Liu Bei and others, who had strong individual combat ability, and were immediately killed and scattered, and fled by the way.

When we were still watching here dumbfounded, Liu Bei and Second Brother Guan had already turned back with their people, although they were a little colorful, but there were a lot of people, and the momentum was very compelling. I propped myself up and said to Second Brother Guan: "It's amazing! So few people can beat them to the ground!"

They ignored me, Liu Bei rode his horse to look back for a while, and said to Second Brother Guan: "The horse thief has not gone far, the defeated army is gathering." Second Brother Guan also stared at that side, frowned and said, "It should be the one who took over." Liu Bei nodded and said, "I didn't expect it to be so fast."

Then the two of them didn't talk much, and seemed to have reached some kind of consensus, Second Brother Guan went directly to the front of the refugee team, and his Kansai Dahan also went with him, without even saying hello to Liu Bei. Liu Bei stayed in place, watching the movements of the horse thieves opposite.

Under the guidance of Second Brother Guan, the refugee team began to move forward slowly, and people were praising Liu Xuande's good name, and seeing him personally stay in the palace, Liu Bei's name was in the limelight in the huge refugee team for a while.

Wang Shihao put the carriage on the way, and Fan Jianghui and Wu Yanji got into it one after another. Fan Jianghui lifted the curtain and stretched out his hand to me to pull me up. I looked at Liu Bei's back, he was much thinner than when I knew him before, but compared to the soldiers who had been under him by the refugees, he was still more like a rich businessman than the leader of an underground force who had been fighting for many years.

I asked him: "What, do you really want to stay in the palace?" Liu Bei looked back at me, his eyes were contemptuous and arrogant, and he said: "It's not as beautiful as you defeated the King of Lingnan, but it's enough."

Liu Bei shouted to the dozen or so guards beside him: "Bai Yu!" The dozen or so people shouted in unison, and then they all took out a white feather from their waist and stuck it in the sideburns next to their ears. Liu Bei nodded, didn't say anything, and walked slowly to the front of the team, while the dozen or so personal soldiers named Bai Yu remained motionless in place, staring indifferently at the horse thief troops that were gathering in front of them.

When I got into the car, Fan Jianghui also saw this scene, and said in disbelief: "These dead soldiers with white hair on their heads? Wu Yanji was also shocked, and said: "I didn't even have a command to fuck them, they seem to be very skilled! Then Liu Bei only called their names, and they seemed to understand what was going on." "

The carriage began to jolt forward with the refugee team, I lifted the curtains, and saw that the horse thief troops in the distance had already set up a formation, and these dozen or so Bai Yu guards did not contact each other, but let out a strange cry like a big bird in their mouths, and they howled and charged towards the horse thief troops, and the momentum was completely different from when they fought with Liu Bei before. Soon they were surrounded by the enemy, and they could no longer be seen, but it was evident that the horse thieves were also shocked by the death charge, and until we turned the hill and did not see the horse thieves catch up, we thought that they had also suffered some heavy losses.

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