
Chapter 136

Although the students in the audience didn't know what was going on, they couldn't help but cheer on both sides when they saw that there was still excitement to see. Huang Haitang and Li Jin stood facing each other amid the cheers and applause from all sides, one with an angry face and the other sighing.

After Zhao Yun came down, he was stunned there for a while, and it seemed that he still couldn't figure out why Liu Bei suddenly admitted defeat, so he suddenly pushed aside the onlookers around him and walked towards Liu Bei's team. I was afraid that he would suffer a loss, so I followed, and I laughed at myself as I walked: I am not the opponent of Liu Bei in terms of eloquence or martial arts, so why am I following cautiously?

Liu Bei noticed Zhao Yun from a distance, as if it was expected that Zhao Yun came to ask him about it. Zhao Yun and I came to Liu Bei's side, only to see Liu Bei very respectfully arched his hand and said, "I don't know why the two of you came?" Zhao Yun saw that he was still pretending to be stupid, and couldn't help but be a little excited, rushed over and grabbed Liu Bei's collar and said: "Why did you suddenly give up the competition? Do you look down on me and think that I can't beat you? Tell you, master, I still have a stunt that I haven't shown...... Liu

Bei let him hold his neckline, didn't resist at all, just smiled and shook his head. Seeing him so gentle, Zhao Yun couldn't help but feel that he was too rude, so he put Liu Bei down and apologized with a flushed face.

Zhao Yun's every move seemed to be expected by Liu Bei, he saw that Zhao Yun had reckless temper, and probably guessed that the fish had been hooked, so he asked with a smile: "You can't guess why I deliberately lost to you, do you?" Although Zhao Yun was a little unconvinced, he still nodded hesitantly.

Liu Bei stretched out his hand to the side and said, "Brother, take a step to speak." So he left the onlookers and went to a clean place. Zhao Yun hesitated, looked back at me, then at Liu Bei, and pulled his legs to follow. I was in a daze and didn't know what Liu Bei was going to sell, so I had to follow.

The three of us stood under a canopy of trees, much farther away from the hustle and bustle of students. Liu Bei didn't seem to know me at all, and said to Zhao Yun humbly: "Brother, look at these people. The tone pointed in the direction where he was located.

Liu Bei said: "Brother Ben Chu is so ambitious, vain and arrogant, Brother Bogui is anxious for quick success and great success, the reason why they will vote for Mahayana Buddhism is nothing more than that they think it sounds good." Although Xuande is a reckless person, he is not a vulgar man who does not understand the world, and Hinayana Buddhism is more suitable for the people of today's day in terms of affection and reason. "

Zhao Yun and I were both moved by his sincere words, and even I thought that although Liu Bei was acting insidiously, he would also compromise in order to take care of the overall situation, so he inexplicably had a little more affection for him, and even left behind the fact that he tried to kill me a few hours ago.

Zhao Yun was speechless for a long time, and Liu Bei said: "That's all I have to say, I hope my brother can understand Xuande's painstaking efforts." Saying that, he looked at Yuan Shao's side and said to us: "I can't stay here longer, I look forward to reuniting with my brother in the future." With that, he bowed deeply and returned to their ranks.

Zhao Yun didn't speak after he came back, as if he was recalling what Liu Bei had just said. I told Zhou Yu about this, and Zhou Yu sneered after hearing this: "Hypocrisy, fake benevolence and false righteousness, he is nothing more than seeing that Brother Zilong is strong in martial arts, and he is just playing dim sum tricks to trap him." Liu

Bei's lofty image of taking the world as his own responsibility just now is still lingering in my mind, and I couldn't help but be surprised when I heard Zhou Yu say this, and questioned: "No, then Liu Bei is not determined to make a name for himself in this Luoyang City, and now he is willing to automatically give up the opportunity to be in the limelight and gain fame and fortune, there must be a reason for him

!". Zhou Yu dismissed my words and said, "What kind of character is Liu Bei, how can he be a person who covets this little profit." I think he saw through everyone present as soon as he came here in the morning, who can be friends and who cannot be friends, who is beneficial to him and who must be eradicated, and paving the way for the future, who needs to be secretly befriended and who needs to be co-opted in the open, these things have long been calculated in his heart.

I was dizzy and asked, "Wouldn't this be too conspiracy theory?" Zhou Yu saw that I was still not enlightened, so he slapped me on the back angrily, and pretended to be angry: " You know that he has a secret and has a personal grudge, and in order to prevent the leakage of secrets, he must kill you; he came here with Gongsun Zhan, and when he saw that Yuan Shao was rich and powerful, he was bound to show himself in a big way, leaving a good impression in front of the Yuan family, whose protégés and former officials were all over the world; when he saw Cao Cao's soapy clothes and cloth boots, he was obviously a person who had no official position and fame, and because Yuan Shao repeatedly provoked Cao Cao, he categorically understood that Cao Cao was a person who could be bullied, so he was ruthless when he defeated Cao Cao, in order to please Yuan Shao; he saw that Brother Zilong's martial arts were famous and had no master and power, so he took the first step to be a favor。 As for the dispute between Mahayana Buddhism and Hinayana Buddhism, how can he really care about it, anyway, everything he wants to show has already been done, and this low-hanging fruit but has no practical meaning is better to sell his favor to Brother Zilong.

I was still a little skeptical, and said, "Could it be an over-interpretation?" Zhou Yu snorted coldly and said: "That sword was not pierced on you, otherwise you should ask Brother Ziyi, who is still resting in the backyard, to see if Yu'er's words are true or false." "

This time I was completely speechless, after all, Zhou Yu's every sentence was justified, and I was blind, and I even wanted to help this person who had personally killed me not long ago. At this time, I suddenly woke up: Liu Bei really has a set of tricks in attracting people's hearts, if it weren't for his personal experience, it was really hard to imagine, no wonder Second Brother Guan and Zhang Fei would follow him with all their hearts.

At this time, I heard the applause of the students in the audience, and then I saw that Huang Haitang on the stage jumped up, waved his sleeves and brought out a strong wind, and actually broke the tree cover on Li Jin's head from more than a dozen feet, followed by the falling leaves, and there was a helpless person standing below.

Huang Haitang shouted: "If you don't fight back, the next knife will be on you!" Li Jin shook his head and said, "If you feel better in that case, you can do it."

Huang Haitang raised her eyebrows, raised her arms without hesitation, and saw that a whirlwind seemed to blow wherever her internal strength went, and went straight to Li Jin's front door.

At this time, two black shadows suddenly came out from the side, one fell next to Huang Haitang and pinched her wrist, and dissolved the sword qi of this palm with one stroke, and the other fell in front of Li Jin and pushed his palms flat, dissolving Huang Haitang's attack with the knife just now.

Where have the students in the audience seen such a level of confrontation, they only felt dizzy, and couldn't help but shout for a while, even a figure like Cao Cao and Yuan Shao had never seen the four peers in the world, and at this time they were also immersed in the crowd and shouted.

The person who caught Huang Haitang was An Shigao, and it was the Venerable Master who protected Li Jin. Huang Haitang saw that An Shigao was obstructing, so he said angrily: "Didn't you ask me to help you? Why are you helping them now?"

An Shigao hurriedly let go of Huang Haitang's hand, and said with a salute: "Lord Li has no resistance, you will kill him if you slap this palm." This is not possible. Huang Haitang said: "If you die, you will die, he chose it himself, how did you do it for him?"

An Shigao said: "Today's matter is only to fight for the priority of Buddhism, not to win the level of knowledge and the strength of martial arts." Now that we have taken the initiative in Hinayana Buddhism, we should give priority to the well-being of the people of the world, rather than murdering the officials of the imperial court here.

Huang Haitang's temper came up and no one listened, and turned to An Shigao and glared angrily: "Are you afraid of him?" Or do you often travel in Lingnan and have a good relationship with him, so you protect him

?" An Shigao was not angry when he heard Huang Haitang's nonsense, shook his head, and said with a smile: "Do you remember the hungry people on both sides of the road that we saw when we rode in the car that day?" Huang Haitang calmed down a little, but was just stunned. An Shigao said: "There are clouds in Mencius: there are fat meat, there are fat horses in the stables, the people are hungry, the wild are hungry, and this rate of beasts and cannibalism is also - do you remember our conversation at that time?"

Huang Haitang was silent, and at this time, he proclaimed the Buddha's name and said to Huang Haitang: "Since Master Li has no intention of facing the battle, it is better for the old monk to go out on his behalf." Hearing this, An Shigao replied: "Master Huang's internal injuries have not healed, how can he be the Master's opponent, or let the little monk teach the Master master's mastery." When

the students in the audience saw that the legendary two gods and monks were about to fight, they were even more afraid that this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity would be fleeting, so they used words to squeeze the two of them, for fear of missing this rare scene. Even Tong Yuan and Li Yan, who are the four best in the world, did not come forward to stop them, maybe they also wanted to see the true strength of the two gods and monks from the Great Moon Clan, after all, it was rumored on the rivers and lakes that their attainments had been perfected, and not everyone had the cultivation to see the two of them make a move.

Huang Haitang suddenly spoke: "Could it be that there is no internal strength, am I Huang Haitang a waste?" said that he blocked in front of An Shigao, stretched out his hand and grasped it out of thin air, and the wooden knife held by a little novice flew upside down, just being held by Huang Haitang in his hand.

This kind of kung fu similar to the performance of the rivers and lakes seems to be superficial, but in fact, it requires extremely high internal force cultivation. When the audience erupted in applause, several masters on the stage also shouted together, obviously the essence of what was seen on and off the stage was different, but it didn't matter anymore, the important thing was that Huang Haitang was about to fight with the master.

Huang Haitang said to Li Jin: "You don't fight, you shouldn't fight, everyone in the world says that you are the head of the four uniques, and you are a big hero who stands up to the sky, but in my opinion, you are an indecisive bastard."

When she said this, her tone was very resentful, and I was very surprised, I saw that the age difference between them was too big, and it was something that could not be believed if they had a private affair with their children, but at present, according to Huang Haitang's appearance, they did have something inexplicable.

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