
Chapter 127

A few of us hurried to see Tai Shici, but Zhou Yu said unhurriedly to the place where Liu Bei fled just now: "I don't know which friend on the rivers and lakes made a righteous move, since I don't want to meet, this kindness Yu and write down, if there is a need to use the little brother in the future, whether it is Wujun or Lujiang, just mention the three words of White Horse Temple." There

was no one else on the tree except for the sound of the breeze, and Zhou Yu waited a little longer to make sure that the man was gone before turning around and coming back to take care of Tai Shici with us. Sun Ce was so anxious that he wanted to notify the doctor to help, but Zhou Yu stopped: "Since you agreed with Liu Bei not to leak the matter, it's better not to make everyone know." "So Zhou Yu first helped Tai Shi Ci stop the bleeding, and personally invited an official in charge, we secretly transferred Tai Shi Ci to a side room in the hospital, fortunately, the emperor attached great importance to this award, and at the same time equipped with a medical officer here, the medical officer came to see and said that it was good that the rescue was timely, otherwise it would be too much blood loss for a while and a half and would be powerless to return to the sky.

After settling down with Tai Shi Ci, I was very upset, and the cause of this incident was all because of me, but it caused Tai Shi Ci to almost lose his life. After the medical officer and the official in charge left, I told Zhou Yu and Sun Ce in detail the ins and outs of the matter, although I don't know why I, an adult, want to be concerned about two children, but from them, I don't know why I have a feeling that I can be relied on, and it is also possible that these two children are literate and martial, and unconsciously remind me of Lu Bu and Zhang Liao, and I can't help but substitute them for them.

After listening to this, Zhou Yu said: "I can't imagine that this Liu Bei is unknown, he can be dormant and cultivated for so many years, he must have the intention to plot bigger things in the future, so it's better not to make enemies with him for the time being." Sun Ce said angrily: "I'm not afraid of any underground organization from him, there is a kind of coming to me, I will kill one ......" Zhou Yu smiled: "That's not what I said." We've been away from the venue for too long, so don't be suspicious, let's go back as soon as possible. I wanted to stay and take care of Tai Shici, but Zhou Yu stopped me and said: "It's better for Ce'er to stay, they have similar tempers, and they also have something to say, and they won't feel too embarrassed when they wake up and see Ce'er." "

I thought about it too, after all, a few days ago, Tai Shi Ci was still yelling to beat me to my knees and kowtow on the street, and now I was stabbed and unconscious. And Zhou Yu's words were punns, and at the same time reminded me that if Tai Shi Ci had three long and two short during my stay, such as violent death or poisonous hair, then everyone in the world would have to say that it was my secret poisonous hand, and I would take advantage of Tai Shi Ci's coma to announce my personal vendetta.

So I had to leave Sun Ce behind, and Zhou Yu and I returned to the venue together. After going for so long, those old monks were still chattering endlessly, and it was not the turn of the Venerable Master to speak. I was just about to go back to my seat when Zhou Yu pulled me and said, "Look at the time, it should be about to rest, and we will go back when everyone gets up and walks around, so as not to attract too much attention." "

This kid is more attentive than I can imagine, in other words, I can't stand it, I have to wear me to death with so many things in my head. Sure enough, after the last old monk finished speaking, an official came up and said that he would rest for a while, and wait for the Venerable Master to officially open the altar. People left the table lively, at this time there were boys to lead the way, respectively to take people to the thatched house, and there was a road to the north, I asked Zhou Yu: "What is there doing?" Zhou Yu glanced at it and said: "Oh, that's the dining room, prepare a snack to satisfy your hunger, you can go over to eat some if you are hungry halfway, and then a little later will officially arrange the meal."

I listened to my index fingers, and I couldn't help but say happily: "Do you still take care of the food after listening to the class?" Zhou Yu asked rhetorically: "Doesn't Brother Gao know?" I was confused and asked, "What do you know?" Zhou Yu sighed, as if he was the adult, and I was the child who didn't understand bullshit. Zhou Yu said: "The Venerable Master will preach for seven days and seven nights in a row, and during this period, we will not be able to leave the White Horse Temple until the end of the teaching.

I was startled and asked, "Who has this lack of moral rules, why don't you allow people to go home?" Zhou Yu glanced at me, I quickly shut up, Zhou Yu said: "Emperor Lao Tzu has it, you can pay attention to what you say, Luoyang is not as good as the state, there are eyes and ears everywhere." I didn't believe it and said, "Whose ears and eyes are so terrible?" Zhou Yu said with a calm face: "It's because I don't know whose ears and eyes are it that it's terrifying." "

Zhou Yu and I also followed the crowd to the dining room, and I was in a very bad mood when I saw some vegetarian melons and fruits, and even the types of dim sum were very few, and even a pile of Hu cakes dared to claim to be dim sum, which made me quite disdainful of Luoyang's style. I told Zhou Yu about my complaints, and Zhou Yu smiled: "The monks are all vegetarians, and of course they are all green vegetables and tofu! I

was very depressed when I heard this, but I inadvertently saw Liu Bei, Gongsun Zhan and others also eating on the side. Just now, he wanted to kill me while people were not paying attention, but he didn't expect to meet me again in the dining room. I touched Zhou Yu and wanted to tell him the news of Liu Bei, but I didn't expect him to know it a long time ago, and said: "As soon as I came in, I was looking for him to be absent, and I had already discovered him, presumably he was the same, but everyone knew it."

After eating snacks and tea, everyone went outside the room to eat. I lived in a corner with Zhou Yu, and listened to him tell me something about this big family and that of the noble family, I was not interested in these things, and he was distracted while talking about me, until another boy came to invite, and everyone returned to the broad platform to continue listening.

This time, I changed the withered master to teach, and I saw him sitting in the center wearing that thick robe, and he didn't need an official to translate, but he came up and spoke a proficient Chinese language, and began to explain without hurry. Everyone below silently admired him silently in their hearts when they saw that his Chinese language was so refined, and they thought that the old monk of the Yue Clan had really worked hard in the Central Plains.

It's just that the old monk didn't open his mouth, he started to speak, the tone of the light as water and the tone without bullying were like hypnosis, and after talking for a while, the two of us began to fight, maybe the fight with Liu Bei just now was too violent, and this time I was a little out of strength when I was idle, and I was unconscious after a while.

I don't know how long I slept, but I was suddenly awakened by a chaotic noise. I wiped my saliva and got up in a daze to look, only to see that there were many more gray-clothed monks in the broad platform at some point, each with a high nose and deep eyes, and a curvy beard and extremely luxuriant, although it was a person from the Yueshi country at a glance, but from the perspective of dress and demeanor, it was definitely not a person from the White Horse Temple in Luoyang. Opposite the Venerable Master stood a thin monk who was also dressed in cloth, but he was much taller than the Venerable Master, and was quickly debating something with the Venerable Master in Sanskrit.

Everyone present at the lecture made way for the front row, and stood in two columns, a group of people headed by Yuan Shao were all well-dressed big families, including Gongsun Chan and Liu Bei who were full of speculative mentality, and on the other side, Cao Cao, who may have a weaker family background but was not from a low background, stood in this group of people, and because he was short, he was not conspicuous at all. But in any case, Cao Cao has a feeling that cannot be despised on him, although he stands there quietly, but the people around him consciously or unconsciously give him a little space, and finally make him monopolize a large piece of open space, anyone can see at a glance that he is the leader of this faction.

Zhou Yu said next to me, "You are awake." "I realized that Zhou Yu didn't come forward when I was asleep, but kept staying by my side, probably because I was afraid that Liu Bei would take advantage of the chaos to harm me. I scratched my head and said, "Hasn't Ce'er come back yet?" Zhou Yu smiled: "I'm worried, I sent someone to contact me just now, Tai Shici has also woken up, and there is nothing big at present." I said, "Then I have to thank you for protecting me." Zhou Yu just smiled.

The two monks on the stage spoke more and more fiercely, and the translation official stood aside and couldn't answer at all, so he could only stare at this and look at that. I asked

Zhou Yu, "What happened?" I was startled, and when I opened my eyes, I thought that the Yellow Turban Thieves had entered the city!" Zhou Yu covered his mouth and laughed, and after a while he smiled and said: "Brother Gao may not know that the person who is now talking to the Venerable Master of the Buddha is the legendary An Shigao......" I was taken aback when I heard it, and hurriedly grabbed the words: "The prince of fart phlegm?!" Now it was Zhou Yu's turn to close his mouth, and said in surprise: "It is indeed Prince Bitan...... Brother Gao, how do you know?" "It is estimated that in Zhou Yu's opinion, after all, I am a person who doesn't even know Luoyang, east, west, north and south, and it is indeed unexpected to be able to tell An Shigao's origin.

I thought to myself that I couldn't explain this to him, after all, Lu Bu and Zhang Liao had given me special training before I came, but at present, I only cared about one thing, and asked Zhou Yu: "Since An Shigao is here, is the world's four absolute here?" Zhou Yu was even more surprised at this time, and said: "Brother Gao, do you even know these rivers and lakes?" I scolded in my heart that I didn't just know each other. So I looked at the front of the crowd in a panic, hoping to see if I could find the person I had been thinking about for a long time.

To my disappointment, An Shigao only brought a group of bald monks, and there were no people from the world's best on either side. At this time, an official who looked like a steward stepped forward and said respectfully to An Shigao: "Abhidharma, it is the emperor's intention to let the Venerable Master give lectures and teachings, and you can't say that you want to replace it!"

An Shigao behind an old monk stepped forward, took out a scroll of paper with a bull's horn scroll from his arms, and presented it to the official with both hands. The official's face was frightened when he saw the paper scroll, and he hurriedly knelt on the ground, and shouted several times before raising his hands above his head to take it, and after he finished reading it, he knelt down and returned it as it was, and the old monk took it and put it back in his arms again.

The official got up and said to the Venerable Master, "Abhitama first met the Holy One and received the Decree and the Holy Decree before coming here. The emperor means that you two are invited to communicate with each other......" The Venerable Master sighed and said, "This matter of purifying sentient beings is related to the core consciousness of my sect in the Middle-earth Continent in the future, please think twice." The official shook his head and said, "The Holy Lord has spoken, and the official is powerless."

An Shigao said at this time: "I recited the immeasurable monks in the past, and in front of the burning lamp Buddha, it was worth 84 trillion yuan of all the Buddhas who were provided for, and there was no empty one. There should not be a big or small difference between the big and the small, but this is closely related to the beliefs of the people of a country thousands of years later, and the Mahayana Buddhism is too profound and long-term, and it is only suitable for Xi people like you and me who have practiced for many years, and it is not suitable for ordinary people who have just come into contact with it, so it is more practical to learn Hinayana Buddhism. The

master waved his hand, and a child ran quickly to the backyard. The Venerable Master said, "When I heard that you appeared in Luoyang, I expected that there would be something today. An Shigao folded his hands and said, "The Venerable Master has insight." "At this time, a group of people came to the backyard, dressed but all looked like rivers and lakes, but the leader was an elderly official, and he was followed by Li Yan, the sword god who was beaten by me in Hengshan last year!

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