
Chapter 125

Soon an old monk spoke in stiff Chinese and told us that the teaching was about to begin, and asked everyone to go to the Daxiong Hall and sit in order. When I saw the old monk's high nose and deep eyes, I asked Zhou Yu: "Why are these monks not like the people here from us, are they all from the Yue Clan?" Zhou Yu was surprised: "I really didn't pay attention to this." Tai Shi Ci laughed and said: "I heard that when a monk can't eat meat and can't marry a daughter-in-law, we Central Plains people want to be monks when our heads are broken!"

Sun Ce laughed with Tai Shi Ci when he heard this, and the more the two of them laughed, the more lively they became, which attracted many people next to them to look sideways. Zhou Yu said: "That's not necessarily, it's just that the time hasn't come yet." I asked, "What does this have to do with time?" Tai Shi Ci and Sun Ce also stopped playing and stared at Zhou Yu together. Zhou Yu said: "Buddhism pays attention to the eight winds, the eight winds refer to the four good and four bad in life, that is, profit, decline, destruction, reputation, praise, ridicule, suffering, happiness, is a very high realm, I think now there are still some unaccessible places in words, but sooner or later there will be people in the Central Plains to understand the mystery and truth, and then they will escape into the empty door."

Sun Ce said with disdain: "What Taiping Dao, Wudou Rice Dao, and what Buddhas and ghosts and gods, all of them are deceptive and cults! My father said that these people will deceive the people, use the people's simplicity and kindness to satisfy their own selfish desires, expand their own power, and consolidate their power, our Sun family does not believe this!" Zhou Yu corrected him and said: "Anything that derives force and advocates divine power is a cult." Sun Ce waved his hand and said, "Hey, it's all the same!" Tai Shi Ci also added oil and vinegar to Sun Ce when he heard it, these two people have the right spleen and stomach, and they only knew each other for a while and began to wear the same pair of pants, Zhou Yu smiled and stopped arguing with them.

Many of us were guided by the monks through the hall of the Mahavira Hall, where a number of tables were placed in front of a large platform. Everyone found their own seats and sat down, Yuan Shao sat down in the middle with a big grin, and the one in the white robe followed him and sat down, his expression was very intimate, Liu Bei also sat next to the man in the white robe, and Cao Cao picked an inconspicuous position to sit down, Yuan Shao stood up and beckoned to him several times to invite him over, Cao Cao smiled and refused.

Zhou Yu and I were sitting nearby, and I heard Zhou Yu ask Sun Ce, "Ce'er, do you know who the man in the white robe and Yuan Shao holding hands with is who?" Sun Ce raised his eyebrows and glanced at it, and said: "The look is quite similar to my father, and it seems that he is also a general who can fight and break through." It's just that the kind of climbing attachment tends to be inflammatory, and the appearance is thousands of miles worse than my father. Zhou Yu said with a smile: "That's Duting Marquis Sun Zhan." Sun Ce's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he seemed to want to stand up and look at the case, and after sitting down, he secretly said to Zhou Yu: "I heard that he is a big hero who beats people and wails all over the field, why did you see Yuan Shao so groveling?" Zhou Yu said: "The big hero also has to be recognized by the imperial court, otherwise he will lead troops to fight outside all day long, it doesn't matter if he is in the court, where can he reason when others participate in your rebellion?" Sun Ce nodded and said: " Yu'er's lesson is that when I grow up, I will definitely have a good relationship with these wine bags and rice bags in the court, and I will not belittle them casually. Zhou Yu smiled with satisfaction: "Ce'er is really thorough.

Tai Shi Ci listened for a while, and suddenly asked, "Who is the guy with gloomy eyes next to Gongsun Zhan?" Zhou Yu followed Tai Shi Ci to see where he said, it was Liu Bei. Zhou Yu didn't know it for a long time, shook his head, Sun Ce didn't know, and said, "It doesn't look like a good person, whatever." "

I said in my heart that I knew, but the Liu Bei I knew had never done any good things, so I couldn't come up and expose Liu Bei's old background in front of others. Although Liu Bei is not very good, the relationship between Second Brother Guan and Zhang Fei and me is not bad, and it seems unreasonable for me to corrupt their eldest brother in front of outsiders, so I also pretended not to know Liu Bei and lay on the desk.

The sound of striking the bell sounded in the temple, and the loud and bright echoed brightly, and after a while, a number of old monks who came out of the back hall sat down opposite us, and finally came out a thin old monk wearing a faded robe and sat slowly in the middle, which seemed to be the master.

Then another monk began the tedious procedure, muttering and talking. The monk was followed by two court officials, and every time the monk spoke, they would take turns translating, and the monk spoke very fast, and the two officials were so tired that they were sweating profusely after only saying half a pillar of incense.

After one monk finished speaking, one monk said to another, those old monks actually had to take turns to speak over and over again, and seeing that it was almost noon, those old monks hadn't even finished speaking, let alone the Venerable Master who had been sitting firmly in the middle hadn't said anything. The two interpreters had already gone down to change their clothes and returned, and the boys kept coming forward to bring tea to the two of them, but they didn't pour much water for us.

The sun is in the middle, I am thirsty and hungry, the old monk on the stage is still squinting and talking endlessly, Tai Shici and I are a little unable to sit still, although we were a pair of red-eyed enemies before, but at this moment I heard the old monk say that Sanskrit is really a head and two big, we exchanged a look, are eager to run out and be lazy. At this moment, we are like comrades-in-arms who have fought together for many years, and we can understand each other's intentions with one look, where else is there such a grievance that I have ever beaten his master. It's just that because we both came on behalf of different states and counties, we went out rashly for fear of getting dark in the state, so we endured it with a hard head, and then we couldn't hold it anymore, and we almost wanted to fall asleep on the desk.

At the same time, the person who found the appearance of a dead dog was Sun Ce in front, who was lying on the desk, and his head looked at me and Tai Shici through the gap between his arms. The two of us realized his distress signal and found that he was really worse than us: if it weren't for Zhou Yu holding Sun Ce's wrist firmly with one hand, Sun Ce would have gone to which restaurant and which post house in Luoyang to spend all day drinking.

That's when I started to look at other people, and it didn't matter, and I finally realized the difference between me and these so-called big guys.

I saw the young Zhou Yu sitting there, holding Sun Ce in one hand to prevent him from running around, while listening attentively to the officials on the stage translating Buddhist scriptures; although Cao Cao was not conspicuous in the corner, a free and wild person like him actually took notes on bamboo slips while listening to the chanting, and often thought for a long time; as for Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zhan, and Yuan Shao in the front row, Gongsun Zhan, Liu Bei and the three of them, it stands to reason that they should be like us and can't sit still one by one, all of them are big and coarse, but who knows, that Yuan Shao not only listened to it with relish, but even talked with Gongsun Zhan and Liu Bei around him!

I convinced, what kind of world is this, what kind of people are these! Could it be that these people are really born to be great officials and seize great power? Such a boring, boring, unremarkable, like chewing wax, boring, dehumanizing, and restricting freedom of the old monk chanting sutras, these people can actually listen to them so indulgently and vividly! This in itself is an anti-human thing, but it has achieved positive results on this group of people who are even more negative and positive, and I am really shocked! I am not as good as them, I really can't do it, it seems that I will not be able to be a big official in my life. These people who stand at the top of the power themselves have sacrificed the most normal part of human nature, so they can get the kind of abnormal power and status that normal people can't get!

I raised my hand high, and the young scholars who were serving all around me came to me, and I thought that they would also be future officials, but they were still young, and now they can only exercise a little in such a place where big names gather, and when they reach the age in the future, they will become famous, and they will naturally be the next generation of influential figures.

A young scholar asked me, "Is there something wrong?" I felt that I would suffocate to death if I stayed here for another second, so I blurted out: "I want!" Tai Shi Ci next to him laughed out loud when he heard the "poof", and hurriedly raised his hand to the scholar and said, "I also want to untie my big hand!" Sun Ce couldn't hold it anymore, pulled his hand out from under Zhou Yu and shouted: "I, I, I, and me, I'm also anxious!"

A few of us giggled and came to the backyard, which was adjacent to the royal road, with lush trees, and the large branches and leaves outside the wall stretched out like umbrellas, which looked particularly cool. In fact, I didn't think much about it, but I was so aggrieved that I wanted to sneak out to breathe, and the two of them really felt like they were pretending to be a place, and I was left alone to wander aimlessly in the backyard.

Most of the monks went to help near Kodai, and the rest were either in charge of logistics or the periphery, and the temple was quite deserted. I wandered around for a long time and didn't see a monk in charge, so I glanced here and there, and suddenly a person turned out under the brick wall in front of me, blocking my way, I raised my eyes to look, and suddenly felt the hair on my back tightened, and the blood on my body seemed to be frozen.

I saw Liu Bei leaning against the wall and lazily asking me, "This brother, are you lost?" I heard his tone very polite, thinking that this bastard must have moved to kill, so I ignored him and turned around and ran away. You must know that Liu Bei is a person who has practiced a double-strand sword, a Xuanmen authentic swordsmanship that is like a dragon in his right hand, and a set of innate Qiankun steps under his feet, and these are all covered up by the Mozi swordsmanship in his left hand, so that when the enemy is distracted by his superficial bells and whistles swordsmanship and dazzling light skills, he will use his left-handed sword to kill with a surprise blow! Lu Bu said that Liu Bei's swordsmanship is completely disproportionate to the low fame, which shows that no one who has ever touched him in the past can survive! Now he said politely, isn't it just to kill me, what else can it be!

I was running, and I met Tai Shici, who was wearing a belt around his waist, coming out of the thatched house, and I didn't even have time to shout to run away, I felt a chill in my back, and fell straight to the ground. Tai Shi Ci hurriedly leaned over in front of me to check the wound, two fingers and a pliers, and took out a five-baht coin, first exclaimed in a low voice: "What a big hand!" Then he was furious, turned to Liu Bei and scolded: "Where did the thief come from! He actually dared to openly kill people in the White Horse Temple!"

I was hit by this copper coin to the acupuncture point in the back of my heart, and I was sore and unbearable for a while, and I was weak to speak: "You run quickly, you bumped into him and wanted to kill me, I'm afraid even you have to kill you......" Tai Shici suddenly changed color and said:" He has to have this ability!" I still wanted to persuade him to come, but I saw Tai Shici bending his knees and rushing towards Liu Bei.

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