
Chapter 119

In February of the first year of Zhongping, Zhang Jiao, the leader of Taiping Dao, led the people to revolt, and the world responded in ten days, and the Beijing division was shaken. The Yellow Turban tribes attacked the counties and burned the official mansions, and the magistrates fled one after another, and for a time the entire court was in chaos.

The emperor hurriedly issued an edict ordering all prefectures and counties to train soldiers to straighten out their equipment, set up captains to guard the main passes, and at the same time appointed his relative He Jin as a general, and led the Yulin army to guard Luoyang in Duting. The surging force of the Yellow Turban Army was unexpected by the ruling group, Emperor Ling was completely panicked, the military meetings kept going, the ministers changed one after another, and no one had an immediate solution.

Huangfu Song, who was the Taishou of the Northern Land at the time, proposed to remove the party and distribute the money from the treasury and the stables of the West Garden to the army, and Emperor Ling agreed. So the imperial court sent the world's elite soldiers to select generals and commanders to fight the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

At that time, the main force of the Yellow Turban Army was mainly distributed in three regions, one was the Jizhou Department under the command of Zhang Jiao Brothers, the second was the Yingchuan Department under the command of Bocai and others, and the third was the Nanyang Department led by Zhang Mancheng. So the imperial court appointed the legendary Liu Bei's master, Dr. Lu Zhi, as the general of Beizhonglang, and led the soldiers of the northern counties to conquer Zhangjiao in Jizhou. Huangfu Song is the left middle lang general, and the right middle lang general Zhu Junfa Sanhe five schools and recruit more than 40,000 soldiers to recruit Yingchuan Bocai.

The five schools of Sanhe refer to the three places of Hedong, Hanoi and Henan respectively, and there are more elite infantry in the Sanhe area; and the five schools originate from the eight captains of the middle base, tun cavalry, infantry, Yue cavalry, Changshui, Hu cavalry, shooting sound, and tiger ben set up in order to strengthen the protection of Chang'an City during the period of Emperor Wu; when he arrived at the Guangwu Emperor, the middle base captain was omitted, and the Hu cavalry was merged into Changshui, and the tiger was merged into the shooting sound, and only the five school captains remained. All the captains took the defense of the Beijing division as their main responsibility, and also served as the task of guarding the court.

In this year, Cao Cao had just turned 30 years old, and was officially awarded the military rank of cavalry captain, and participated in the military operation against the Yingchuan Yellow Turban. The cavalry lieutenant is an official of 2,000 stones, which is much larger than the previous 600 stone councillor, and it can be said that this time is a very important turning point in Cao Cao's life, and it is also a very important promotion in his career.

Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun were defeated by the Yellow Turban Army led by Bo Cai and trapped in the Lonely City Changshe. Later, Huangfu Song used fire to attack the Yellow Turban Army at night, and Cao Cao arrived with troops at this time, and the two sides were combined in one place, breaking the Yingchuan Yellow Turban and beheading tens of thousands.

This battle made Cao Cao famous, and it also completely launched Cao Cao's fame. On the day I first met Lu Bu, Zhang Liao and he were repeatedly frustrated in a single confrontation, and after Lu Bu subdued Zhang Liao, he said: "Let's go to another state to rebel, and never see blood! You go to other states to see, Yingchuan Cao Cao, broke the enemy and beheaded tens of thousands; Cangting Huangfu Song, beheaded 7,000; Wancheng Zhu Jun beheaded tens of thousands; Anxi Liu Bei, beheaded thousands -- these people who were killed, which of them were not mediocre people, whether they were hiding from the war or being confused for a while, they were not all ordinary households. Now that we have been killed by princes and warlords from all over the country to invite merit, and each fief is rewarded with silver, is it wrong that we don't do this?"

Other states and counties treated the Yellow Turban Uprising with all their extermination, and they happily reported to the imperial court to ask for merit and reward. Only under the leadership of Lu Bu, we only quelled the rebellion, but never killed much. Usually we would kill the leader who was leading the trouble, and then send the other people home. In Lu Bu's view, these people are ordinary people who don't know the world, maybe they just can't live anymore, or they are just bewitched by others, even if they are wrong, they will not lose their lives. Moreover, the people are the most basic productive forces of the state and county, and if they are all killed, where can there be people who can resume farming, and what is there to talk about recuperation.

In my opinion, Lu Bu is almost an all-knowing and all-powerful person, his words are always right, and everything he does is solved from the standpoint of the people and the macro, so although he has been at odds with his immediate boss and Ding Yuan for a long time, Ding Jianyang has nothing to do with him, just because what Lu Bu does is very popular in Bingzhou. In addition, Lu Bu does have the ability to govern the whole state in an orderly manner, and Ding Yuan is not easy to complain even if he is dissatisfied.

But Huang Haitang said that Lu Bu is a woman's kindness. At first, I was very resistant, thinking that Huang Haitang and I were on the same side, but said that Lu Bu's was not, which made me very angry. But when I calmed down and thought about it carefully, Huang Haitang's words didn't seem to make sense. Although we have implemented a strategy of combining leniency and severity, the Yellow Turban Rebellion has not benefited well from the entire annexation of the state. During the year I was out, I heard Li Zhong and Ren Qiang say that the remnants of the Yellow Turbans in various parts of the state were all kinds of resurrections, and the big guys were almost not idle for a year, and they were peaceful here and extinguished there, but the people who rebelled always emerged in endlessly. And because Bingzhou borders Youzhou with Jizhou, and the northwest side borders with foreign tribes, many displaced people who were exterminated but not killed in Bingzhou all went to Jizhou and defected to Zhang Jiao's base camp; or went to Youzhou, and entered the arms of Liu Bei's group of underground forces in a daze.

Huang Haitang said that the problem cannot be solved without fundamentally solving the causes of these peasant uprisings. Simply send the people who have committed crimes back to their original places, those who should not be able to eat will still not be able to eat, and those who cannot pay taxes will still not be able to pay taxes. The so-called non-indiscriminate killing and non-unauthorized killing is just a self-deceptive act that treats the symptoms but not the root cause.

Lu Bu once said that if there is only one confidant in this world, this person should also be surnamed Cao. This sentence made Zhang Liao and I jealous, and sarcastically mocked Lu Bu with a long spear and a short cannon. Lu Bu didn't mind, just smiled and ignored us. Later, every time I thought about it, the more I felt that Lu Bu's words made sense, after all, no matter how good my dog son and I were with him, we were just brothers, and we didn't know anything about politics, and we didn't understand the general trend of the wider world.

Cao Cao is different. Although he and Lu Bu have never met, just these things circulating in the rivers and lakes and officialdom are enough to make Lu Bu admire him. Perhaps they were politically unanimous: attacking the eunuch group, protecting the Han family's foundation, stabilizing the Li people, and restoring peace to the world. At the beginning, when Lu Bu was fascinated by Cao Mengde, Cao Cao assassinated Zhang Rang alone, killed Jian Tu with a stick, complained about the party, and admonished the three dukes, which seemed quite naïve and meaningless to outsiders, and these behaviors that seemed quite childish and meaningless to outsiders were greatly sought after by Lu Bu. Maybe time has changed, and if Lu Bu was born in Luoyang's family background in the Gaomen family, he would also do exactly the same thing as Cao Cao, so this is the reason why Lu Bu spoke highly of Cao Cao, and it is also the allusion to what he called "the only confidant in his life".

But when did they start to disagree? Cao Cao had already led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to behead, and Lu Bu was still living in his peaceful dream of everyone being for me and for everyone.

——After the First World War of Changshe, Cao Cao made military merits and was promoted to the prime minister of Jinan. Since the Han Dynasty, the county system has been implemented, and the county is directly under the imperial court, and the country is the territory of the princes and kings. Later, the power of the kingdom was weakened by Emperor Jing, and the kings no longer participated in the rule, so the actual power figure of the princely kingdom was the minister appointed by the imperial court.

What did Cao Cao do after he took office as prime minister of Jinan?

First of all, he wrote a letter to dismiss eight-tenths of the corrupt officials and corrupt officials in the entire Jinan country! What kind of concept is this, which is equivalent to offending the entire Jinan country! At that time, the county officials and commanders were all corrupt and perverted the law, but the intertwined network of relations and family forces in the local area were there, and every inaugural state minister did not dare to take care of it. Cao Cao, the only one who did not play according to the routine, dismissed 80 percent of the corrupt officials as soon as he arrived; what courage and iron-fisted he was! He was so jealous of evil and so resolute, and he was so resolute in his efforts to uphold the law and advocate honesty and punish corruption, and he had become a benchmark figure who was not afraid of power and eunuchs at that time.

The second thing is to abstain from obscenity. Obscenity refers to indulgence and loss of temperance of the sacrifice, at that time it was particularly popular to Jingwang Liu Zhang's ancestral hall, Qingzhou counties are good, especially in Jinan, Liu Zhang alone set up more than 600 ancestral halls, luxury day even the people sit in poverty, because it involves the interests of the powerful and the family, but also touches the change of folk customs, so there has never been a national minister who dares to prohibit this matter.

However, Cao Cao did. He gave an order, smashed down the ancestral house, and under unprecedented tremendous pressure, destroyed the bad Xi in the Qingzhou area of Yanzhou by thunderous means, and explicitly forbade no official or civilian worship to be erected again.

Both of these things were highly praised by Lu Bu, and he even once said to us, "If there are a few more Cao Mengde in the world, it will be too peaceful", but Cao Cao did something that none of us could have imagined, that is, he took the initiative to resign.

It stands to reason that after he became the prime minister of Jinan, he did these good things for the benefit of the country and the people, and further suppressed the power of the local gentry and eunuch groups. But he seemed to see the current situation and the future clearly, and knew that he would not have greater achievements and achievements in officialdom, and would only be targeted by various forces, so he hibernated and waited quietly for the time to come.

It is rumored that he returned to his hometown of Yu County, and Xi autumn and winter hunting in spring and summer, seemingly indifferent to the world, but in fact Taoguang is obscure. Many warriors who came to him became close friends, and also laid a good foundation for him to compete for the world in the future. During this period, the imperial court twice recruited him into Beijing, but he resigned, and the dignified Dongjun Taishou and Yilang did not do it, and he also had to see the opportunity to go out of the mountain again.

Cao Cao just disappeared. disappeared in officialdom and disappeared in the rivers and lakes.

Lu Bu was lonely for a while. In his opinion, perhaps Cao Cao saw through the decay of officialdom and the darkness of the court, and from then on he was at ease to be a hermit, and he no longer asked the people about their lives. But in the past few years, Cao Cao's father Cao Song was becoming popular in the imperial court, and in the first year of Zhongping, Cao Cao resigned and returned to his hometown, but his father Cao Song was in the middle of the day. In the second year of Zhongping, Emperor Ling set up the West Garden Wanjin Hall to sell officials, and Cao Song paid 100 million yuan to buy the post of the third prince, which laid a complete foundation for Cao Cao's comeback in Qian County.

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