
Chapter 103

Huang Haitang taught me how to use a knife for more than half a year, and I didn't remember much about the knife technique, but the knife movement made the knife technique clear. After fighting Zhang Liao a few times, he also discovered this problem, and said in surprise: "You firing squad guy is a lot faster!" I was very proud and said to him: "Then you have to take care of your head." "

I was taken by Zhang Liao with more than a dozen knives in a row, and from time to time I wanted to use the tip of the gun to cover my knife. This Zhang Wenyuan really didn't deceive people, others immediately turned into dozens of sets of marksmanship when they got to the ground, this dog son is good, he immediately got off the horse with that shot or just that shot, relying on the barb under the head of the gun to do everything possible to seize people's weapons.

While avoiding his hook and sickle, I wondered whether to use my pig killing three to pay him, but after thinking about it, in addition to my intimidating slash in the head, the robe and the autumn wind were too dangerous, and I was afraid that it would be inappropriate to use such a desperate trick compared to my own brothers. How do you know that Zhang Liao stabbed me in the ribs with a shot, and after I dodged it, the head of the gun twisted, and he stabbed my ass with the hook and sickle! Zhang Liao pretended to be surprised and said: "I learned this after going out for a year?"

I got so angry that I came up and yelled at him: "I'm going to make a fucking big move next, you pay attention to me! Don't pay attention to the dog's head and let me break it!" Zhang Liao scolded with a smile: "Even if you let the horse come, the dog son can touch me and make the head of the city defense captain for you!" I was overjoyed and asked, "Is this true?" Feng Xian'er is there no problem there?" Zhang Liao shook his gun in his hand and said, "If you can win me, I will kowtow to you!"

Saying that, the hook and sickle spear attacked again, and it seemed that Zhang Liao was also serious, and this gun suddenly became fast and ruthless. I blocked a few shots in a row and found that this guy's marksmanship is completely different from others, like Tong Yuan's Hundred Birds Chaofeng Gun, first from the Feiyan gun practice, a few points of truth and a few false, and then hundreds of guns of true and false mixed together, dizzying. But there seems to be no false trick in Zhang Liao's marksmanship, the guns are real, and every shot is for life, direct and decisive. Although it is said that it is easier to defend and save effort, but it can't withstand his fierce attack, as if he has inexhaustible strength, so I found out that anyone who is good at using this kind of energy-consuming and not saving physical strength and not playing tricks, because he himself is a monster with inexhaustible strength and physical strength!

I made dozens of moves with him, and found that his gun was getting heavier and heavier, and at the same time I had to guard against being caught by his hook and sickle, so the more I fought, the more uncomfortable I became, and the more I hit, the more I was not an opponent. Zhang Liao also saw that I was powerless, and wanted to take advantage of the situation to give me a step down, so the gun in his hand slowed down a little, and said: "The dog son is good, now he can take so many guns from me and still has not been defeated, you must know that when you fought with me last year, you still shrank behind the turtle king's eight shells and didn't dare to show up!"

I was heartbroken, thinking that if I didn't take something real out and let alone say that the captain of the city defense had flew, I would have to let this dog son coax him to step down in the end, which would be too boring. I shouted, "Be careful

!" Zhang Liao smiled and said, "Come on, come on!" I saw Zhang Liao slashing at me head-on with another shot, drew his knife to block it, and immediately stepped forward and raised his knife. Zhang Liao pretended to be surprised when he saw this: "Yo, kill the pig knife!" I knew that he was going to laugh at me for stabbing me straight up and down, so he didn't say anything, and after shaking it for a while, he stabbed him diagonally on his left shoulder. I called it a robe, because it looked very similar to the clothes worn by the old monks, so I made up such a tongue-twisting name.

Zhang Liao thought that this was my pig-killing knife again, and he easily turned sideways and wanted to let go, but he knew that my knife was chopped down diagonally, and the place where he fell happened to be the position he moved. This frightened the dog's son so much that his face changed, and he rolled on the ground with his neck retracted, which was barely dodging, and I didn't allow him to breathe, so I stabbed with a knife when I followed. Although Zhang Liao was on the ground, his marksmanship was not chaotic, and he took a few stabs from me and kept his distance before slowly getting up. After this round, Zhang Liao was obviously sweating on his forehead, and his breathing was not as smooth as just now.

Zhang Liao rubbed his chest and said, "The dog son is dead! If the knife just now had been cut in half, wouldn't Lao Tzu have to be halved now?" I smiled at him: "Didn't I tell you to be careful?" Zhang Liao hated and cursed after hearing this, turned the gun in his hand, and grabbed it again.

After dismantling more than a dozen moves, I gradually found that Zhang Liao's strengths are also his weaknesses, although he has a long strength and is good at fighting a protracted war, but the single marksmanship and inflexibility make him suffer a lot from the characters in the rivers and lakes, maybe Zhang Liao's marksmanship is a good one when thousands of troops and horses are fighting, but once he gets off the horse and compares with those of us who go to the rivers and lakes with a knife and a gun, it seems much weaker, no wonder Zhang Yan was blocked by Zhang Yan last year and couldn't come back, no matter what, he couldn't break Zhang Yan's Feiyan gun.

This time, I connected the pig-killing knife and the robe, which made Zhang Liao a little confused, but after all, I only had these two moves, and Zhang Liao also found that my robe would only knife from the left shoulder of the person, and I, a fool who also didn't know how to be flexible, still had the mind to count Zhang Liao's single move. Zhang Liao gradually adapted to my attacking rhythm, focusing mainly on defending the left side of the body, and then launching an offensive on his right flank. Unable to break through his left defense, I was slowly pushed backwards by him, and the crowd of onlookers kept moving, and several times I almost hit the wall behind me, startling the people to scream.

I thought to myself that it was not a way to retreat like this, in case he bit the head of the knife with a shot, he would immediately lose his armor, and my strength was not as long as his, after fighting for so long, this dog son was not tired at all, but the more he fought, the more energetic he became, the strength of the gun was a little greater than at the beginning, so that I really had to look at Zhang Liao with admiration. Really, when I didn't know martial arts before, I only knew that he was powerful, but now I learned some fur kung fu and then contacted him to know that this dog son is so powerful!

So I don't think I can hide it anymore, although I will only have these three knives to watch the house, and I was going to keep a hand and find a chance to play it in the future, but if I don't drag it out today, I'm afraid that I will be beaten to the ground again, and Zhang Liao was only wholeheartedly defending the left side by my pig-killing knife and robe, which happened to provide a good prerequisite for my autumn wind.

I broke off: "Be careful!" Zhang Liao was startled, then laughed again, and said: "Dog son Hugh wants to lie to me!" As he spoke, the spear that came over was twisted, and the hook and sickle scraped up like a small sickle, which frightened me to raise my leg to avoid it, Zhang Liao's gun fell down and stabbed my other foot, and a few shots came in a row, making me jump around, causing the onlookers to laugh.

This short knife is against the spear, and if you open it, you will suffer from the short knife, and if you get closer, you will have to fight the spear. I concentrated on drilling into Zhang Liao's gun fence, and Zhang Liao tried his best to keep me out of the gun fence. So every time, he took the lead in hitting me, stabbing me in a hurry, and it was easy to catch the gap and I cut in, and I had to cut him to a set of random slashes. Seeing that I cut into his middle again, Zhang Liao put the gun on the left side of his body to prevent my first two moves, I shouted in my heart, rushed over with inertia to make a robe of the starting hand, and coldly smashed him sideways with all his strength!

This knife is called fighting the autumn wind, which I realized when I was fighting with the leader of the big meat mountain in the bandit's den, because some time ago I exchanged weapons in a fight with a bandit, and the thief used my knife as a stick to fight, and I used the thief's stick as a knife, so I had this confused but powerful knife, plus my nine-ring goose wing knife was originally heavier than the ordinary big knife, and the nine rings were round and such a guy swept over - ho, when I performed this trick for Huang Haitang, I smashed down a big tree!

- Seeing that Zhang Liao took the knife, he didn't even have time to scold a dirty word, and even someone flew out with a gun, and rolled on the ground several times before stopping castration. Where can I give him a chance to regroup and do it again, after all, my three stunts of pressing the bottom of the box and watching the house have all been used up, and if I fight this dog son again, I feel embarrassed and hard to get it back, then I only have the ability to be beaten on the ground.

I rushed over and stepped on the hook and sickle that he rolled aside, took the knife and said, "You Laozi, can I go out to practice for a year?" Zhang Liao turned over and sat on the ground stunned for a while, and then laughed and said: "Amazing, I'll go to Feng Xian to kowtow to you and ask the official!" I also followed Da Le, went up and reached out to pull him up, and the two of us hooked our shoulders and went back.

When Lu Bu came back that night, I had already been poured by Zhang Liao, Lu Bu did not spare and opened another table, and Cheng Lian, Wei Xu, Hao Meng, Song Xian, Wei Yue, Wu Long and others came to accompany the wine, and now these people are in important positions in the state under Lu Bu's arrangement, and both the military and political sides can share a lot of pressure for Lu Bu, Ding Yuan also understands that if you want to achieve anything in Bingzhou, you must see Lu Bu's face, otherwise he can't command a single soldier.

We drank until it was white, and when I was put down, they let me sleep on the table for a while, and after a while they pulled me up and yelled and drank and made a fuss. I don't remember how I drank or vomited during this period, and when I woke up, it was already the afternoon of the next day, Ren Qiang and Li Zhong were waiting for me in the room, and after washing me, they would take me to the school field, saying that Lu Bu had something to call me.

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