Chapter 386 What kind of shit luck, it’s a deep-sea fish!

Xiaogang called out loudly.

In an instant, Lao Hu started to get confused.

He immediately grabbed the fishing rod with both hands, his face was full of excitement.

“Haha, it’s a big one, boss, it’s a big fish!”

Lao Hu pulled the fishing rod with both hands and found that the fish under the water was very powerful.

He tried hard, but he didn’t pull it up.

The fishing line was hooked and hooked instantly, and the fishing rod was directly pulled like a rubber band, and the curved arc was about to break.

“En? Really a big fish!”

Wang Yun glanced at the degree of bending of the fishing rod, and the phantom of the fish that was struggling frantically under the water not far away.

I looked at it with God-level vision, because the light is not so good, but the size of the fish can still be vaguely seen.

A rough estimate is about fifteen catties.

“Old Hu, I’ll help you!”

Xiao Gang yelled, put down his fishing rod hurriedly, and went directly to hold Lao Hu’s fishing rod with both hands.

“Ah, the strength of this fish is really not small, try hard!”

Lao Hu started to exert his strength now, this fish is more powerful than he thought.

And he found that his arrogant strength was actually caught by a fish.

No matter how hard he gritted his teeth, the fish just won’t move in the water.

Not only that, the entire fishing rod also swayed back and forth with the fish, shaking violently.

“Fuck, the boss is here to help, this fish is really strong, I feel this fishing rod is about to break!”

After Xiaogang joined the drag for a minute, his face flushed, and he had to ask Wang Yun for help.

Wang Yun looked at the scene of the two of them, and became temperamental.

A fifteen catty fish, logically speaking, can be pulled up hard by two adults.

It doesn’t require skill at all, why this is a bit laborious!

“No, you two elders, can’t you pull a fish?”

Wang Yun said, and walked over with a smile.

At the same time, Xiong Sheng, who was on the side, looked at Wang Yun with a smile.

Become serious, but this look is with the taste of scrutiny.

“Boss, it’s not that we can’t, it’s that this fish is too big!’

Lao Hu turned his head and spit out a word with difficulty on his suffocated Ziqing face.

“Okay, come and rest, I’ll sizzle, it’s really not too exciting!”

When Wang Yun got started, he realized that he had made a mistake in his judgment!

To be precise, it was God-level vision that was wrong!

Wang Yun clearly felt that a powerful force shuttled back and forth in his hands.

And this force directly exceeded my expectations.

In terms of the weight that Wang Yun can lift with both arms, facing fishing, it only needs to show three-tenths of it.

But for this one at the moment, he needs to use eight tenths of his energy.

Even, take out all!

“Hua! At least sixty catties or more!”

Wang Yun let out a low growl, his face full of shock.

That’s right, he really missed it just now.

At his angle just now, along the moonlight, the shadow was part of the file.

Now standing at the angle of Lao Hu, a huge fish under the water appeared in front of them.

The mouth of this fish is huge, with beards all over the side.

The scales on the body are black, the eyes are indeed like a slit, and the flat ones are almost invisible.

Those two cheeks were fluttering at this time, but it was strange that the droplets of water that had been beaten out were pouring under the water.

So that they couldn’t see any drops of water at all on the surface of the water.

And its body is about one meter!

This is the year to swallow fish!

Deep sea high pressure fish!

“This f*ck, what kind of feed did you put, Lao Hu, actually caught the deep-sea fish!

Wang Yun began to become serious, but still couldn’t help but vomit.

“What! Deep-sea fish!””


Lao Hu just finished yelling, the next sentence Xiong Sheng interrupted directly.

“Ms. Wang Xu is wrong. We are in the freshwater area, tens of thousands of miles away from the deep sea area.

“How can it be possible to catch the next year swallow fish, and the smallest size of the next year swallow fish is about 80 centimeters, and their strength in the water is immense.”

“Don’t say that the three of you are now, even if five of you are here, it is impossible to pick it up.

Before Xiong Sheng saw Lao Hu dragging a fish on the side, he didn’t even want to step forward to help.

Wang Yun stepped forward and pulled the fishing rod, but this guy didn’t move at all.

-437 pair should be prepared to see the appearance of their jokes.

Now Wang Yun has said all the fish species, but Xiong Sheng has begun to pour cold water again.

Upon hearing this, Wang Yun was immediately upset.

Just thinking about the past, Xiao Gang on the side was a step faster than him.

“How can it be impossible? There was an earthquake just the day before yesterday, and the fish in the deep sea is very likely to be shaken over!

“Also, Mr. Xiong, you came to teach us fishing this time. Since it was responsible for teaching us, the three of us have now caught a big fish. Mr. Xiong will stand aside and talk jokes without helping.”

“When you go back, you must respond to the show team, whether you are here to be a teacher or an uncle!

After Xiao Gang had finished speaking, he couldn’t stop gritting his teeth and pulling the fishing rod vigorously again.

Now, Xiong Sheng put his arm down.

He hurriedly stepped forward with a smile, pretending to grab the fishing rod.

“I don’t want you to experience it, and then demonstrate it in person.

“It just so happens that the opportunity is here, let go, let me show you the most important thing about fishing.

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