Chapter 361 Thousands of people are moved, this is the people’s hero!

The front end of Wang Yun’s shoe has been split.

His excessive effort just now made his toes arch forward due to inertia.

In this arch, the head of the thumb directly touched the ground.

The current temperature on the ground has almost reached sixty-five degrees.

Put the meat on at sixty-five degrees and it only takes five minutes to cook.

Similarly, it only takes about thirty seconds to change the color of the meat.

All the cells and fibers inside are roasted to death!


This is the first time that Wang Yun made a painful sound.

At the same time, he looked down at his toes.

The toes of the thumbs are already smoking white smoke.

Anyone with common sense knows that this is a signal that the meat needs to be cooked.

The white smoke coming out is the moisture inside evaporating outside.

When will the white smoke disappear, the color will change, and when will it really be cooked.

“Big Brother! What else can Big Brother save! Do you want to cut it off!”

“Damn, I can’t watch it, this is to save these sand sculptures with my own life!”


“Brother hold on! How painful this is!”

“I broke my nails just now, and I feel painful and anxious. Big brother, he cooked his own meat raw!”

“Oh, I’m crying, when will the fireman brother come? I don’t want to watch it!”

At this moment, all the people who watched Wang Yun’s video, at this moment, all have red eyes.

The barrage was more violent than the one just now, and everyone was shouting loudly.

It seems that I want to express my own voice through words.

At this moment, no one’s heart is not tugging.

Human hearts are grown in flesh!

Wang Yun is just an ordinary person who participates in the show, maybe he has better luck and better ability than ordinary people.

He can completely ignore it and survive one day and get 20 million rewards!

He is now worth hundreds of millions.

But such a person, when faced with his captured subordinates, he would try his best to set a trap and exchange the lives of a dozen people for his subordinates.

But such a person, in the face of the death of his men, he will also fight for his life to protect them.

But such a person, when he sees his subordinates being hungry and sleepy, he will sacrifice his rest time to help his subordinates find food.

Just such a person, he can clearly achieve the decisiveness and arrogance of the real thugs, but he chose to take his heart out of his own people.

Now, he is once again caught in the fire, using his own life in exchange for the safety of the other six passers-by.

At this moment, everyone forgot that they were watching an escape variety show.

Everyone thought that they were watching a documentary.

The name of the documentary is called.

People’s Hero!


With a shout, everyone’s emotions were pulled over.

“Come up! Husband, hurry up!”

The short-haired girl was pulled up smoothly.

She didn’t see the person who rescued him in front of her, how pale she was.

Instead, he turned his head and beckoned excitedly at the husband below the river.

However, Wang Yun’s big toe, which had already touched the ground, pulled back vigorously just now.

Now, the bleeding has continued.

It was as if a piece of meat that had been glued to the cutting board was torn off raw.

As the saying goes, ten fingers connect to the heart.

Wang Yun was already sore that cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

“Hurry up, handsome guy, the temperature in this water is too high!”

“Hurry up and get my husband up too!”

After the short-haired girl came ashore, she hurriedly said to Wang Yun.

But the yellow-haired girl in the river saw the short-haired girl succeeded.

I didn’t care if the water was hot, and walked directly towards Wang Yun.

“I just said, girls come first!”

With that, she stretched out her hand to block the boyfriend of the short-haired girl.

“Boys go first!”

At this time, Wang Yun spoke in a deep voice.

If you listen carefully, his voice trembles a bit.

“Grass, it hurts so much!”

Wang Yun muttered softly.

He endured the pain and strode over.

His toes no longer dared to touch the ground.

“What do you mean, you just said that girls go first, why are you going back!”

“I am a girl with delicate skin. I can’t stand the water temperature anymore!”

“Boys with thick skin can still support them!”

The yellow-haired girl yelled sharply.

The short-haired girl is not happy to hear it 417.

“I just called you that you didn’t want to, but now you are willing again! Handsome guy, just drag me!’

Women with short hair are not at all outdated.

Wang Yun didn’t want to listen to them arguing for a moment, bang!

A handful of branches stuck into the water.

At the same time stretched out in front of her boyfriend with short hair.

“Come up quickly.

As soon as the short-haired boyfriend saw the branches stretched out, he pulled it back without saying a word.

This caused the yellow-haired woman to yell at the side.

The last one was a girl who was light in weight.

Wang Yun has already exerted all his strength.

This time, he was going to fight once to pull up the boy who weighed twice as much as the girl in front of him.

Wang Yun clasped his hands on the branches, and at the same time moved back.

Once again made a tug of war.

The veins of the hands violently violently, this time violent, not because it is too heavy.

But he is too tired!

It hurts too much!

The big toe, once again, used the bleeding part, the injured location, and stepped on the hot ground!,

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