Chapter 276 The thermal detector detects four thermal sensing points!

Wu Yaoming looked around when he heard Zhao Youcheng’s words.

There was a chill on the soles of the feet.

What does this show?

“Then Wang Yun is very likely. He is still nearby and hasn’t gone far?”

Wu Yaoming asked in surprise.

Zhao Youcheng nodded and sighed long.

“Well, since he picked up all these fallen items, it is very likely that Wang Yun is still around here.”

“He looked at your embarrassed appearance throughout the whole process, set up a circle around, catching turtles in the urn.

“He is very smart and a respectable opponent. If I were him, I would not leave here easily, I would still wait here.”

When Zhao Youcheng said this, his eyes were full of brilliance.

“I didn’t expect it, I can still meet such a cunning opponent after retiring. It’s wonderful, it’s wonderful!”

Zhao Youcheng murmured, he was a little excited.

This feeling of excitement hasn’t appeared in more than ten years.

For a long time, the strength of the Dragon Kingdom has made all kinds of foreign countries frightened.

So there is no way to show up. Dafan 02 is fighting or commanding, so that he himself is seldom excited.

The feeling of passion a few decades ago is now realized again after retirement.

This made Zhao Youcheng very excited, and at the same time very fortunate to have come to this show.

“This little bastard, where does so much wickedness come from!”

Wu Yaoming scolded viciously.

Zhao Youcheng smiled, “Don’t you think this is fun?”

“Well, let’s take a break here for the time being. There is nothing safer than this in the entire jungle.”

With that said, Zhao Youcheng personally took out the compressed tent from his backpack.

Wu Yaoming hurriedly joined hands.

The realgar and the powder to disperse poisonous insects on the ground make people feel a bit choking when standing here.

Not to mention the poisonous insects.

Time flies quickly because everyone didn’t rest much last night.

So Zhao Youcheng and Wu Yaoming simply slept in the tent for five hours.

When they wake up, the sun is already above their heads.

The sun in this season is the most poisonous. In addition to tropical areas, they are all sweaty after waking up.

“Go, go to the river for a cool meeting.

Zhao Youcheng got up and said to Wu Yaoming.

With the flowing of the river, it can also bring bursts of cool breeze.

There are five program inspectors sitting on the shore.

They have been staring at the screen, lest they miss any figures.

“How are you looking, have you noticed?”

Wu Yaoming stepped forward and asked.

The five nodded in loss, “No, we didn’t dare to move too fast. The river is too fast, and some pictures can’t be seen clearly.”

Said one of the program inspectors.

“Don’t worry, it’s hard to hide the figure of an adult. Don’t be so serious. You can change your shift. You can’t stand your eyes for a long time.”

Zhao Youcheng waved his hand.

Five other program inspectors came over and took their posts.

Qian Guosen also walked over from a distance at this time.

He holds a machine in his hand.

Panting, just came over at the first glance.

“Lao Zhao, you won’t tell me when you come to the forest yourself, if there is anything wrong, how can I explain to my sister-in-law?

Qian Guosen’s sweat was obviously gone for a long time.

Zhao Youcheng turned his head and looked at Qian Guosen also coming, raising his eyebrows slightly.

“Why do you come here, you kid, you just need to be in charge of the investigation outside. You are a person who uses your brain, and you don’t use our physical strength like us.”

Zhao Youcheng teased.

At the same time, he greeted Qian Guosen and handed him a piece of bread.

Qian Guosen waved his hand, directly picked up the mineral water on the side, and slurped it down.

“Stop talking nonsense with you, I found a strange place.”

At this time, Qian Guosen put the computer-like machine in his hand on the ground.

Point to a red dot on the screen.

“This is a hot spot sensor, which can sense a range of ten kilometers.”

“Originally, this guy is not very useful, and the operation is very troublesome. I heard that you came in, so I thought to help.”

“I brought this thing here, and it really made me discover the clue.

Qian Guosen explained.

The three of them looked at the screen with their gazes.

“What’s the clue?”

Wu Yaoming asked.

“The red dot on the screen represents the sensation of heat. Only those with vital signs will emit a sensation of heat.”

“I didn’t find the heat in this area at the edge of the jungle. I only discovered it after halfway through.”

“Look, there are one or two red dots in the other surrounding heat, which means that one or two creatures are gathered together.

“But only in the south direction, there are four red dots, and they are very empty.”

“The hotspot closest to them is below them. I have investigated. The four red dots are located in the middle of the mountain.”

“It should be a cave or something.”

Qian Guosen said a lot in one breath, in great detail.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Youcheng took the machine in his hand.

He turned his body, and the position on the screen changed again.

Around him, there are countless red dots, but these red dots all come from the river in front of him.

Following the direction of the red dot, you can clearly see the direction of the river.

Then, above the river twenty kilometers away from them, it was the location of the four red dots!


Zhao Youcheng got up directly, as if thinking of something.

He strode to the half-hillside beside him.

This half of the hillside blocked all the roads, like a mountain that appeared impressively.

And this river passes under the mountain peak.

“Old Zhao be careful.

Wu Yaoming said hurriedly behind.

“Someone will help me and pull out all the weeds!’

Zhao Youcheng pointed to the pile of weeds in front of him and said.

Behind the weed is the half-hill mountain peak.


The program inspector came over immediately, holding the dagger in his hand, and waving it forward.

After only pulling off the front layer of weeds, a vague path appeared in front of them.

“This is! There is actually a path!”

“No! There is actually a way hidden behind this weed!”

When this path appeared in front of them, the three people were instantly shocked.

Joy immediately appeared on Zhao Youcheng’s face.

“Sure enough, Wang Yun and the four of them fled along this road to the front.”

“The red dot on your screen is pointing in the direction they are running away.”

Zhao Youcheng shouted in surprise.

The road in front of you is amazing!

Who could have imagined that on a mountainside that was nearly ninety degrees vertical, there would actually be a chiseled path!

This path is also very narrow, only one person can pass at a time, and the stones on the side have to be dragged. If the center of gravity is careless, it will fall directly.

“Captain, there are still rocks here!”

After the program inspector cleaned up the weeds in front of him, a few big rocks suddenly appeared under the path.

It is placed at the entrance of the path like a ladder.

In this view, people step on the stone with the help of a stone, and then on the path.

Because the path is five meters high from the ground.

Said it is a small road, it is actually a long rock that suddenly stretches out from the waist of the mountain. .

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