It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 95 Clear out Baishi City and break out of the siege (please subscribe)

There were swordsmen inside and archers outside. It was obvious that Tao Dingfang had planned this banquet and planned to catch everyone in one fell swoop.

Tao Dingfang, don't you just want money? If we are willing to give you the proceeds from the medicine gang, can you let me live? A warrior shouted while avoiding the attack of the swordsmen.

Huh, idiots, if I kill you, I will naturally get all your wealth, so why bother? Tao Dingfang's cold voice sounded.

You, you have offended the entire warrior force in White Rock City. Aren't you afraid that we will escape and retaliate against you? Another warrior said with great sadness and anger.

Haha, what a person to offend all the martial arts forces in Baishi City. To tell you the truth, I'm really not afraid. Besides, you can't replace all the martial arts forces in Baishi City. Tao Dingfang laughed loudly after hearing this. He really didn't expect that these people were about to die. You can't see the situation clearly even if you're dead.

Not only did he, Tao Dingfang, not care about the warrior forces in White Rock City, on the contrary, he was eager to eliminate the warrior forces in White Rock City. Only in this way could his uncle revive White Rock City.

Killing these so-called warrior forces will not only bring huge wealth to the army, but also help my uncle. Why not do it.

Since you want to kill the fish and defeat the net, we will kill you first! Zhao Baiyu took advantage of Tao Dingfang's conversation with everyone, and stepped away and flashed behind Tao Dingfang. He knew how powerful Tao Dingfang was, but he had no choice now. He could only coerce Tao Dingfang. go out.

So when he made a move, he had no reservations. The sharp sword skills of his hand were as continuous as a violent storm. The sound of howling through the air sounded overwhelmingly, and then turned into aftershocks to attack Tao Dingfang.

Tao Dingfang noticed Zhao Baiyu's attack, with a sneer on his lips: Humph, you don't overestimate your capabilities!

Before he finished speaking, he bent his fingers and concentrated his palms. A ray of light and shadow was fixed in Zhao Baiyu's pupils like a dream, and then a very destructive palm wind struck him, hitting his chest with a devastating blow. There was only a bang, His whole chest seemed to explode, causing him to fall backwards. He could no longer maintain his stability and fell to the ground.

There is a side entrance here. If everyone doesn't want to die, just rush out with us!

At this time, a warrior shouted with all his strength that the effect of the cartilage powder was taking effect. He could feel the energy around him being pulled away like silk. Although it was weak, it was extremely fast.

Master, let's follow him quickly.

Wei Ping and Wu Hai were guarding the front, with Li Mo and Qin Hao separated on the left and right. Zhou Tao, Liu Fang and others were behind, and the group quickly rushed towards the side courtyard.

Bang bang bang!

Tian Captou.

While everyone was rushing on their way, one person quickly noticed them. It was Tian Yi who had previously wiped out Tongshan Hall alongside them.

Tian Yi did not speak. While fighting with everyone, he pretended to retreat, and his eyes signaled several people to follow him quickly.

Under the cover of Tian Yi, Hong Ming and others quickly passed through the crowd and arrived at the side courtyard.

There are archers here, be careful!

Hong Ming reminded him that there were already warriors fighting with the government officials and soldiers in the courtyard, but the situation was not optimistic.

Not to mention that they were poisoned, but they also had to fight against the government officials while being wary of hidden arrows. If this went on for a long time, they would definitely be in trouble.

call out!

No, Master, get out of the way!

Even with Tian Yi's cover, so many people suddenly appeared in the yard, and they suddenly became the target of public criticism.

A cold arrow shot out suddenly, breaking through the void with lightning speed, and suddenly shot towards Hong Ming. Fortunately, Wei Ping found it in time and dodged.


Another series of cold arrows were shot out, with fierce killing intent, and they came mercilessly, blasting away the people gathered together.

What a fool, labor and management will fight with you! Not far away, a warrior roared.

The sharp arrow pierced his body, and he couldn't live much longer. The anger in his heart couldn't be restrained and spewed out, and a touch of cruelty was vented with the roar.

There was a sting.

The closer he got to death, the crazier he became, with murderous expressions in his eyes.

Junior Brother Qin Hao!

Suddenly, a scream rang out.

When Hong Ming and others heard the words, they followed the sound and saw that Qin Hao, who had been fine just now, had been pierced by an arrow. After a while, he became a target.

Qin Hao!

Hong Ming lost consciousness for a moment, his pupils trembled, and he couldn't help shouting.

Master, we don't have time, let's escape first! Wei Ping grabbed Hong Ming and led Li Mo and others forward quickly.

Facing the soldiers attacking from the front, he said angrily: Get away!

The soldiers snorted coldly and drew their swords. The long sword was like a dragon, sweeping across all directions and attacking from all directions.

Bang bang bang.

Li Mo, Wu Hai and others on the side saw this, their expressions suddenly changed, and they immediately stood up to help. At this moment, a cold light passed in front of their eyes.

Wu Hai!

Li Mo!

Two arrows, one hit Wu Hai's back and the other hit Li Mo's arm.

Both of them were shaken by the huge impact and fell down. Li Mo resisted the pain and stood up, but saw the soldier slashing at him with a knife. Fortunately, at the critical moment, Liu Fang took action in time and saved him.

But Wu Hai was not so lucky and was hacked to death with random knives.

Wei Ping stared at the hacked Wu Hai with splitting eyes. He wanted to free his hands to help, but was unable to do anything. He could only watch Wu Hai being killed. His grief and anger instantly ignited his entire chest.

Wei Ping, what are you doing?

Hong Ming on the side became increasingly weak. When he saw Wei Ping rushing out, his expression suddenly changed.

We'll kill you!

Wei Ping seemed to have lost his mind and was in a crazy state. His unorganized but fierce moves caused a lot of casualties to the soldiers.

This is completely a way of exchanging injuries for injuries!

Wei Ping like this instantly attracted the attention of the soldiers. Their stern eyes turned to Wei Ping, and his figure kept getting closer.

Hong Ming, who was not far away, saw this and shouted: Wei Ping, be careful!

However, Wei Ping turned a deaf ear. Every time he took action, a soldier would be taken away, but more and more injuries were left on his body.

When he broke the neck of a soldier, there was a stabbing sound, and a long knife penetrated his body, and blood spilled in all directions like rain.

Wei Ping!

Hong Ming, who had always regarded Wei Ping as his own, was heartbroken when he saw Wei Ping fall to the ground, and wanted to step forward, completely ignoring the glare of swords and arrows that filled the sky.

Master, no!

At this moment, Li Mo grabbed Hong Ming's arm and pulled him.

Master, now is not the time to be impulsive. We have to leave quickly! Liu Fang said breathlessly. Although she was not injured, her body was getting tired and she was afraid that she would collapse if she could not hold on for long.

After hearing everyone's words, Hong Ming took a deep breath, looked around, and finally settled on the exit, saying in a deep voice: Let's go!

The sound of fighting continued, and the situation became increasingly serious.

Hong Ming and others were speeding towards the exit, but they didn't know that they had already been targeted by the archers.


As a few people took steps, the sound of several arrows piercing the night sky rippled like ripples, and fell into everyone's ears like a ray of arrow light, as if it was about to fall at the end of their lives.

Tsk tsk tsk!

At this moment, three tall bodies formed a human wall and landed in front of Hong Ming and others.

The sharp arrows hit these three figures, just as they took away the lives of others, they also took away their lives at this time.

It's Junior Brother Su!

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