It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 93 The murderous intention hidden at the celebration banquet (please subscribe)

The strength actually enters the viscera!

The attempt just now made Su Chen a little embarrassed, but he couldn't suppress his joy.

Sure enough, just as he had guessed, the strength of the fifth layer of iron cloth shirt could temper the internal organs.

Although there is only a trace, it is a big step for Su Chen to move towards the next level. As long as it can penetrate into the internal organs, Su Chen can find a way to improve.

But when he saw the changes in the panel, the smile on his face gradually solidified. Today's panel has become much cleaner due to the integration of many techniques.

The above shows:

[Martial Arts: Iron Cloth Shirt·Remnant (5th level 1%) Wild Wave Knife Technique (Extreme) Bone Shrinking Skill (Extreme)]

[Simple mode: Iron Cloth Shirt·Remaining 0 times (none), Wild Wave Knife Technique 0 times (any complete knife technique/door) Bone Shrinking Kung Fu 0 times (none)]

Iron Shirt can't be improved?

Looking at the content displayed on the panel, Su Chen was stunned for a long time and muttered to himself.

No, the level shows that it is only the fifth level, and there is still progress, but the simple mode cannot be turned on. Does it require a new skill to turn it on?

After observing for a while, Su Chen quickly discovered the problem. There was progress but there was no simple mode. This was completely different from the bone shrinking technique.

Bone Shrinking Kung Fu shows ‘limit’ and ‘nothingness’, but Iron Clothes Shirt does not.

Looks like I need to find a new technique to try!

Su Chen thought in his mind, now he has money and medicine, but he lacks the skills, but he has no choice, after all, the skills are not that easy to find.

In addition to new martial arts, I also need to find a sword technique.

After a while, Su Chen put on his clothes, tidied the room briefly, and then put all the money and some medicinal materials into the package.

I’ve been in Yao Town for a while, and it’s time to go back.

Baishi City, county government.

This time we wiped out the medicine gang and gained a lot. In addition to one hundred thousand taels of silver, there are also many medicinal materials.

Tao Wenxuan looked at the account books summarized by Tao Dingfang, with a happy expression on his eyebrows, and said this as he read.

If coupled with various medicinal materials and treasures, the value of these things exceeds two hundred thousand taels of silver.

Thinking of this, he put down the account book with an incomprehensible expression and sighed softly. After hearing this, Tao Dingfang asked in confusion: What's wrong, uncle?

Although there was a lot of money and supplies seized, too much was allowed out, Tao Wenxuan said meaningfully.

Haha, it turns out that this is what you care about, uncle. Don't worry. These things will be returned to their original owners within three days at most. But I would like to ask uncle...


How are your preparations going? Tao Dingfang asked with a smile.

Tao Wenxuan was stunned for a moment, then chuckled and said: Haha, uncle has already been prepared and is waiting for you to take action.

In that case, let's invite them tomorrow night, just in time to turn their celebration party into a death party!


The Hong Family Martial Arts Hall temporarily regained its brief tranquility.

Four days had passed and there was still no news from Su Chen. This made Hong Ming a little worried. Although he knew that Su Chen was already a martial arts practitioner, there were still remnants of the Puritan Cult fleeing outside Baishi City. If Su Chen met him, he might be... Two fists are no match for four hands.

Master, there is news. Li Mo walked in hurriedly.

How is Su Chen? Hong Ming put down his cattail leaf fan and stood up quickly and asked.

No, it's not from junior brother, but from the government. Li Mo scratched his head and said with a wry smile, Master, with junior brother's ability, what do you have to worry about? Even if you meet a powerful person, with junior brother's character, you can't defeat him. Can you still escape?

Well, what's the news from the government? Hong Ming nodded and asked.

This is an invitation from the government. Li Mo handed an invitation to Hong Ming.

Hong Ming opened the invitation and saw that it was not bad news, but that the government was planning to hold a celebration banquet and invited people like Hong Ming who had contributed before to attend.

Master, we have some too. Li Mo took out the invitation and said.

Hong Ming nodded and looked at the time: Tomorrow night.

The city gate.

Although the flow of people was not large, order was barely restored. At least there was no need to worry about the siege of the Rebirth Cult in Lianyun Village.

The city guards' inspections have also become more relaxed. Except for some weird people who will be interrogated, ordinary people are basically allowed to go.

At this time, a man wearing a bamboo hat came towards the city gate, which immediately attracted the attention of the city guard.

Stop, who is it?

The knife catcher, Yang Guo!

Yang Zhuangshi?

The city guards had heard of Yang Guo, but weren't there rumors that Yang Guo was killed by someone from the Rebirth Cult?

Thinking of this, he looked at the visitor carefully. The other person's dress was very similar to the Yang Guo they had seen, and he also had a broken arm.

Didn't you say that you were killed by people from the Rebirth Cult? A city guard asked doubtfully.

This is a rumor they spread. The visitor's hoarse voice sounded.

I see, I'm offended. The city guards looked at each other and let him go.

After Yang Guo left, one of the city guards said, Follow him. I'll tell Master Tao that Yang Guo has appeared.


Easily getting rid of the city guard behind him, Sun Yun changed his clothes at the extreme corner and resumed his original appearance.

But his face still didn't look like his own. After all, there was still a wanted order for him in Baishi City, so it was not appropriate to reveal his identity.

He walked all the way and soon entered an abandoned ancient house.

Guardian Sun, please come inside. A man welcomed him inside.

When we came to the courtyard and entered the room, there were already people waiting inside.

You shouldn't show up at this time. The man said calmly.

Why can't you show up? Tao Dingfang has killed so many of us, how can we let him go so easily? Sun Yun sneered, Or have you forgotten your identity?

If I forgot who I am, I wouldn't take the risk of coming to see you.

Sun Yun sat down and the other party said: Tomorrow night, Tao Dingfang invites a group of warriors to a banquet. It is the best time for you to take action.

What do you mean, you don't want to take action with me? Sun Yun asked with a raised brow.

It's not that I don't want to, but it's not necessary. A mere Tao Dingfang is not worth exposing me to. If it were Hong Yue, it would be possible. The man shook his head.

Okay, but I need your help.

no problem.

After receiving the answer, Sun Yun was about to leave. As soon as he got up, the man stopped him and asked, Do you know where Zhu Bao is?

Sun Yun turned back and looked at the man deeply, then shook his head and said, I don't know. Why, are you interested in him?

It's not me, but the King who is interested. Don't forget, there are only a few of them left in Lianyun Village now, and the wealth of Lianyun Village and half of the Lin Family Fort is tied to him.

Hearing this, Sun Yun was silent for a while, and then said: I don't know where he is, but you might as well send someone to Lianyun Village to investigate. Maybe we can find some clues.

The man didn't speak. Seeing this, Sun Yun turned and left.

Soon, the banquet began.

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