It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 61 Give Hong Ming a little genius shock

ten times!

Using dual strength to attack at the same time, my strength can only last ten times at most.

Su Chen muttered to himself and wrote down the test results he had just taken.

When using the double strength of the second layer of iron shirt, it can only be used five times at most.

But for the third time, Iron Clothes Shirt could be used ten times when using double power, doubling the number of times. This was good news for him.

However, except for the increase in the number of uses, there are no major changes.

After understanding his own strength, Su Chen returned to the house. He had been busy since last night and had not slept yet.

Lying on the bed, Su Chen quickly fell asleep.

at the same time.

Blue Leaf Town.

A headless body was brought back and placed in a courtyard.

After an unknown amount of time, a tall man with a beard walked in, lifted up the white cloth, and lifted Wei Jie's arm. When he saw the scar on his arm, his face darkened.

Who did it? He looked at Wei Jie's men and asked in a deep voice.

One of the men spoke and told the man what happened last night. After listening, the man murmured: One-armed, Yang Guo...

Give me the information about this person. After a moment, the man said.

Soon, two pieces of information were placed in front of the man.

One piece was information about Su Chen assisting the Fang family in killing the third leader of Lianyun Village.

One is Wei Jie's investigation of Su Chen's work for the government to kill Chu Ming.

When he saw these two pieces of information, the man slammed the table and shouted angrily: Yang Guo, what a Yang Guo!

Whether he killed the third leader of Lianyun Village or killed Chu Ming and Wei Jie, he was openly provoking the Religion of the Past.

Especially the latter, this person actually killed Wei Jie, he simply didn't take the Rebirth Cult seriously.


After getting angry, the man calmed down and read the first piece of information, but a look of suspicion appeared on his face.

This person is not only courageous, but also despicable. He likes to hide his strength. It stands to reason that Wei Jie will not be fooled if he knows the news. But as a result, Wei Jie not only lost his life, but also had his head chopped off by the other party.

Combining Wei Jie's information, the man immediately deduced that Su Chen had deliberately hidden his arm. While he was frightened, he also realized the strength of the other party.

If Wei Jie didn't know that Su Chen hid the severed arm, it would be understandable that he would be killed in a surprise attack. However, Wei Jie knew that he was killed anyway, which is worth considering.

Although Wei Jie's strength is only a small amount of strength training, he has been practicing for many years, and he is only half a step away from a full strength training. Moreover, his leg skills are so strong that even those who practice strength training are no match for him. Is this person's strength already a level of strength training? So powerful? When did such a master appear in Baishi City?

The man pondered for a long time and could not think of any of the many forces in Baishi City who met Su Chen's conditions.

That's all, no matter what your status is, if you dare to kill someone in our religion, you will definitely pay for it with blood.

Then the man called his men and told him, Go and spread the news that Yang Guo has been killed by this protector.


After the man left, a subordinate next to the man asked: Guardian Sun, will the government believe it?

It doesn't matter whether the government minister believes it or not. I just forced Yang Guo to show up. Sun Hufa shook his head and said without explaining too much, I will also inform you to evacuate Lanye Town tonight, and tell Zhu Hu and others that the plan will proceed as usual.


After sleeping until noon the next day, Su Chen woke up with his stomach growling.

After washing up, Su Chen went out and splurged at a restaurant. After eating and drinking, he did not go home, but planned to go to the martial arts gym.

Thinking about it, I haven't been to the martial arts gym for a month, so it's time to visit the martial arts gym.

Before entering the martial arts hall, Su Chen heard lively sounds coming from inside.

Senior Brother Qin Hao was so powerful this time. He defeated all the disciples from many martial arts schools by himself.

Yes, if Senior Brother Qin Hao and I hadn't come in in the same batch, I wouldn't have believed that he had practiced for less than half a year.

Senior Brother Qin Hao has done a great job for our martial arts school this time. You guys don't know how happy the master was at that time. The wrinkles on his smiling face have been reduced a lot.

Isn't that nonsense? Being able to have such an outstanding apprentice as Senior Brother Qin Hao, whoever it is will not be happy!


Everyone who was talking about it suddenly saw Su Chen walking in from the door. They were stunned and then shouted in unison: Senior Brother Su.

Su Chen was thinking about how to explain to Hong Ming at this time. When he heard everyone's words, he just nodded slightly and didn't say much.

After Su Chen left, everyone started discussing again.

Have you noticed that Senior Brother Su Chen seems a little unhappy?

I heard that senior brother Qin Hao and senior brother Su Chen started at the same time. They have always regarded each other as competitors. Now that senior brother Qin Hao is famous, it is no wonder that senior brother Su Chen is unhappy.

That's true. Recently, many big forces have invited Senior Brother Qin Hao. Senior Brother Qin Hao's social activities are non-stop every day. Compared with Senior Brother Qin Hao, Senior Brother Su Chen is much shabby, so naturally he feels uncomfortable. ”


Su Chen entered the inner courtyard and happened to meet Li Mo who was walking out of the inner courtyard. Li Mo was obviously stunned when he saw Su Chen, and then pulled Su Chen to the side.

You still know how to come to the martial arts gym! Li Mo whispered, looking back and seeing that Hong Ming's attention was not here, he felt relieved.

Su Chen scratched his head and asked awkwardly: Senior brother Li Mo, how is master?

I'm almost mad at you! Li Mo replied angrily. Apparently he already knew about Su Chen's promise to Hong Ming.

Hearing this, Su Chen showed a wry smile on his face.

Li Mo continued: You promised Master to go to the martial arts exchange meeting, but Master waited for you for a long time and didn't see you. He sent me to look for you, but I still couldn't find you. How did Master feel at that time?

After a pause, Li Mo ignored Su Chen's embarrassment, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and then the conversation changed:

But fortunately, Qin Hao came to your rescue and earned Master's face in front of all the seniors. Otherwise, you would have just waited to face Master's thunderous wrath.

Then, can I go in now? Hearing this, Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief and said hesitantly.

It's possible, but Master's anger has not subsided yet. You have to be prepared. Li Mo thought for a while and said.

Seeing Su Chen about to take a step, he grabbed him and said, No, are you really ready to go in? Are you not afraid of being scolded by Master?

When Su Chen heard this, he stopped, looked at Li Mo, shook his head and said with a smile, Probably not.

Ah? Li Mo was stunned after hearing this. How could he not? Just now Hong Ming was talking about Su Chen with a sullen look on his face.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Mo also followed Su Chen and walked in.

Su Chen? After Su Chen entered the inner courtyard, Qin Hao, who was practicing martial arts, saw him and was startled.

At this time, the originally lazy Hong Ming's eyes suddenly became sharp and he slowly sat up.

Li Mo's heart skipped a beat when he saw this scene.

Qin Hao also noticed Hong Ming's change, and the corners of his mouth curved into a subtle arc.

Before Hong Ming could say anything, Su Chen decided to take the lead and give Hong Ming a little genius shock: Master, I made a breakthrough!

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