It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 59 If I don’t have that knife, I have another one!

You, you are so insidious!

Wei Jie tried his best to stop the flowing blood, but there was still a dripping sound.

He pursed his lips and gritted his teeth, his face turning pale due to heavy blood loss.

Looking at Su Chen's calm expression, he struggled to utter a sentence. This sentence was full of his anger and resentment at the moment.

Even if he pretends to have a broken arm, he still has a short knife hidden in his sleeve. How can there be such a despicable and shameless person in the world?

It is really rare in his life!

Facing Wei Jie's abuse, Su Chen looked as usual and did not refute. Instead, he launched another attack, hoping to completely eliminate the opponent.

I originally thought that the Xiuli Dao, as a weapon, could kill with one strike, but the current scene told Su Chen that it would be a bit difficult for the Xiuli Dao to kill a martial artist of Wei Jie's level with one strike.

When he took action, he had already used the speed of drawing the knife to the extreme. Unfortunately, Wei Jie only lost an arm by one move.

But at this moment, it is not about the defect of the knife in the sleeve, the top priority is to deal with Wei Jie as soon as possible.

He has not forgotten that Wei Jie also has two accomplices, one of whom even he cannot see through the strength of one of them.

When Wei Jie saw Su Chen's approaching figure, his eyes froze, and he turned around and ran away, ignoring his fallen arm.

Damn it, if you let me run away this time, I will definitely kill this person in this life!

The suffering in Wei Jie's heart can be described in words. Fortunately, his leg skills are amazing. Losing an arm did not stop him from practicing martial arts. Otherwise, life would be worse than death!

Rustle rustle.

Two figures quickly shuttled through the forest, chasing each other one after the other.

Although Wei Jie was very fast, he was injured and could not get rid of Su Chen immediately.

And as time goes by, his strength will no longer be able to contain his injuries. By then, even if Su Chen doesn't catch up, he will bleed to death.

Facing Su Chen's relentless pursuit, Wei Jie's face showed an anxious look, and his breath became chaotic.

Hold on, we're almost at Zhu Hu's location!

Wei Jie gritted his teeth and persisted, as if he had condensed his will to the extreme. At the critical moment of life and death, he burst out with a strong belief in survival.

Suddenly, Wei Jie stumbled, losing his balance and accidentally falling to the ground.

Such a mistake made Wei Jie suddenly panicked. He tried to stand up despite the huge pain.

However, before Wei Jie fell down, Su Chen, who was following closely behind him, had already caught up with him.

Strange, why can't my eyes see clearly...

At this time, Wei Jie had already seen Su Chen's figure, but suddenly realized that he could not see Su Chen's face clearly.

In an instant, the world seemed to be covered with a veil.

Su Chen walked towards him step by step. He knew clearly that danger would befall him if he didn't run, but his whole body became weak.

It was as if all the energy in the body had been drained away.

The knife is poisonous!

Wei Jie's remaining sanity suddenly made him think of something. He pointed at a tree next to Su Chen, as if he thought it was Su Chen, and exclaimed.


However, what responded to him was Su Chen's merciless knife. Facing Su Chen's lightning-fast knife, Wei Jie had no time to dodge and was directly killed by one blow.

Without that knife, I would still kill you!

Su Chen's calm voice sounded and became the last voice Wei Jie heard before he died.

After a clang, Wei Jie's life sank along with his consciousness, but he was afraid that he would never be able to wake up from this sinking.

After killing Wei Jie, Su Chen hurried to Wei Jie's side and groped around on him for a while.

He quickly fumbled for dozens of taels of silver, put it in his arms, and fumbled again. After fumbled for a while, Su Chen frowned slightly.

Suddenly, Su Chen seemed to remember something, so he turned his attention to Wei Jie's feet. After checking, he found a secret book on the inside of his boots.

Rustle rustle.

Just when Su Chen was about to open the secret book, suddenly there was a sound of footsteps not far away. It was the two men in black from before. They seemed to have heard the movement here, so they rushed over.

With my current strength, it's okay to fight against one, but I'm afraid I won't be able to fight against two. Anyway, Wei Jie is already dead, so let's retreat first.

After putting the secret book away, Su Chen took away Wei Jie's head, then stood up and left without hesitation, disappearing into the bushes in the blink of an eye.

After a while, a voice came from the area where Wei Jie was.

Brother, look at it!

Seeing Wei Jie's body, the two men in black were startled and looked at each other with a hint of surprise in their eyes.

It's Wei Jie, he's dead!

The man in black, who was called Big Brother, looked at the headless body of Wei Jie with a gloomy expression, It was the one-armed Yang Guo who did it!

Brother, what should we do now? Another man in black said solemnly. Once Wei Jie died, all their plans were disrupted.

After hearing this, the man in black thought for a moment and said: Leave first and take his body away. Let Protector Sun handle this matter!


After staying away from the place where Wei Jie died, Su Chen returned to the place where they fought before, picked up the steel knife, and then simply treated Wei Jie's head to prevent the blood from attracting the enemy.

Although the forest is dark, there is no guarantee that these people will go crazy looking for the murderer after learning that Wei Jie is dead.

After taking care of it, Su Chen quietly left the forest. On the way back, as he expected, Wei Jie's death caused quite a stir. Some people held torches and searched for traces of him in the forest.

It's a pity that these people were doing nothing but a useless effort. Su Chen easily shook them off and left.

Because he was worried that people from the Rebirth Cult would come, Su Chen did not stay, but returned directly to Baishi City.

When he returned to Baishi City, the east was white, a ray of sunshine shone through the clouds into the earth, and the morning glow draped over his shoulders, warming his heart.

When the city guards saw Su Chen's appearance, they didn't stop him too much. After paying the money, Su Chen came to the county government office unimpeded.

At this time, the county government officials had just arrived. When they saw Su Chen, they were obviously stunned.

Please wait a moment, strong man.

The two people's eyes suddenly shifted from Su Chen's body to the package in Su Chen's hand. There was a trace of blood on the knotted part of the package. This made the two of them feel nervous, and one of them immediately said respectfully.

Su Chen nodded and stood at the door. Not long after waiting, the yamen servant came out, bowed and said, Strong man, please follow me.

He led Su Chen all the way to the lobby, but at this time, Tao Wenxuan and Master were not in the lobby. They must have not gotten up yet.

Seeing Su Chen's arrival, a maid picked up the teapot and poured a glass of water for Su Chen. Su Chen didn't pay attention, but sat down and closed his eyes to rest.

Yang Zhuangshi! The master was the first to arrive. When he saw Su Chen, his expression froze, and then he said hello.

Walking into the lobby, the master saw the package in Su Chen's hand at a glance, and was immediately shocked. Could it be Wei Jie's head in this package?

The county magistrate is still busy. Please wait a moment, Mr. Yang. Your Majesty will be here soon.

Seeing Su Chen looking at him, the master said quickly, and then chatted with Su Chen. Most of the time, he was talking and Su Chen was listening.

I said that when I woke up early in the morning, I felt like I heard the cry of magpies. It turned out to be Yang Zhuangshi here!

Before anyone arrived, the sound came first, and as a hearty laughter rang out, a slightly lazy and hurried figure walked quickly, it was Tao Wenxuan.

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