It’s all about martial arts, why did you turn on the simple mode?

Chapter 56: Extreme Bone Shrinking Skill, Disguise Yourself (Third update, please follow up)

Blue Leaf Town.

Su Chen was walking on the street. The more he walked, the more he felt something was wrong. He always felt like a thorn in his back.

This feeling has been vague since walking into Lanye Town. After walking for a while, it has become clearer.

Even my heart started to become restless.

Something's wrong. Get out of here first.

Su Chen looked around with a scrutinizing gaze, scanning the faces of passers-by one by one, but did not notice anything unusual.

However, as the inner uneasiness became more and more intense, Su Chen made a decisive decision and left.

Someone is watching me.

The moment he turned around, the sense of voyeurism became stronger, as if there were countless pairs of eyes staring at him from behind.

He didn't hesitate and quickened his pace.

Not long after leaving, Su Chen frowned slightly. There were suddenly more people on the street, which made him feel something was wrong even more.

So he squeezed out of the crowd and plunged into the alley, walking quickly while keeping an eye on what was behind him.

After entering the alley, although the sense of voyeurism weakened, the uneasiness in my heart did not decrease much.

After turning left and right, Su Chen jumped up, climbed over the wall, and took a shortcut out of Lanye Town.

Arriving outside the town, the uneasiness gradually disappeared.

Su Chen glanced behind him, and several eyes immediately looked at him. Within a second, these people looked away.

There is something weird in this Blue Leaf Town. Some people are deliberately disguising themselves as vendors and pedestrians. If I hadn't been proficient in the art of disguise, I would have been hard to detect.

After such a long time, Su Chen has already mastered the art of disguise and can use many methods to determine whether a person is disguised.

It seems that I was exposed. There may have been many people from the Rebirth Cult hidden in Lanye Town, so they were able to target me as soon as I appeared.

Su Chen thought about it. After standing there for a moment, he had an idea in his mind and turned around to leave.

The speed was very fast and disappeared in the forest path in a blink of an eye.

Upon seeing this, those who were spying in secret immediately dispersed, trying to find traces of Su Chen.

Not long after, a group of people appeared, and Wei Jie led them out of the town.

Where are the people? Wei Jie asked, his eyes scanning.

He discovered us and has left now. Our people did not catch up. One of his men replied.

As expected of the government's knife hunter, with this keenness and caution, no wonder he was able to kill Chu Ming. However, I am not afraid that you will show up, I am afraid that you will not show up! Wei Jie was not angry, but smiled coldly,

Then, he said to all his subordinates: He will appear again. Keep an eye on me. If he appears next time, you don't need to fight him. Just try your best to keep him in Blue Leaf Town.


After explaining, Wei Jie left with his men.

Not far away, deep in the woods, a figure poked its head out and took in everything.

When he saw Wei Jie, Su Chen had a smile on his face: It's really you, Wei Jie!

After realizing something was wrong, Su Chen guessed that all this was a trap set up by Wei Jie, and now it seems that it was indeed the case.

It's a pity that this situation was discovered in advance by the keen Su Chen.

This time he came to Lanye Town to try his luck and see if he could find Wei Jie.

After all, the news he got from the county government was delayed for a long time. Maybe Wei Jie had left Lanye Town long ago.

Unexpectedly, Wei Jie not only did not leave, but instead laid out the overall situation in Lanye Town, waiting for the opportunity to be put into the trap.

Fortunately, Su Chen had a lot of experience in the art of disguise and was very powerful. He got rid of these people and walked out of Lanye Town, using his plan to lure Wei Jie out.

After confirming that Wei Jie was in Lanye Town, it was Su Chen's hunting time.

If you enter again dressed as 'One-Armed Yang Guo', I'm afraid you will still be discovered. I don't know how many Wei Jie's men there are in Lanye Town, so it's best to change your identity.

After making up his mind, Su Chen stood up from the forest and left. Lanye Town was currently inaccessible. He needed to change his identity in another town, and then enter Lanye Town to investigate Wei Jie's residence.

After walking for more than ten kilometers, Su Chen came to a small town and changed his clothes in the town.

He originally planned to leave, but after thinking about it, Su Chen hesitated.

Since I still have money on me, why not just use the bone-shrinking skill to the limit?

Just in time to see if I can reduce my height. Otherwise, after entering Blue Leaf Town, I will still stand out a bit.

Just do it if you think of it. Anyway, after this mission is over, Su Chen can get three hundred taels in reward, which is more than enough to buy krypton gold and iron cloth shirts.

So Su Chen went to the bank, exchanged his silver for gold, and then left the town. After spending some time, Su Chen practiced the bone shrinking skill to the limit.

I didn't expect that if you practice the bone shrinking technique to the extreme, you can reduce your height by about 20 centimeters, and you can also slightly change the muscles on your face. If this is combined with my disguise technique, wouldn't it be even more powerful!

Su Chen briefly tested the effect of the Bone Shrinking Technique. His height suddenly changed from 1.88 meters to 1.68 meters, which was a direct shortening of 20 centimeters.

Moreover, Su Chen can also simply control facial muscles to change his appearance.

Although it is just a slight adjustment, if combined with the disguise technique, it will be no different from a different person.

It's even more outrageous than makeup, one of the four evil arts.

Before the disguise, he was still a handsome, elegant and elegant young man. After the disguise, he became a seven-foot middle-aged greasy man. The difference was like a natural chasm.

With this double guarantee, Su Chen entered Lanye Town again.

After entering Lanye Town for a while, Su Chen could still detect a vague sense of peeping, which made him feel confused.

It's strange, I've become an old guy, why do Wei Jie's men still notice me?

Although this peek is not as obvious as before, it is still there.

Su Chen didn't believe in evil, so he walked around Lanye Town and finally discovered that there were prying eyes all the time.

It seems that I have far underestimated the control that Wei Jie and others have over Lanye Town. No matter what I do, as long as I am not from Lanye Town, I will probably be targeted!

It wasn't until he walked out of Lanye Town that those prying eyes disappeared, which made Su Chen even more sure of his judgment.

Looking at the sky, Su Chen shook his head: Let's give up today and think of a solution tomorrow. There are so many people in Lanye Town, and I don't believe that Wei Jie can keep an eye on everyone!

Afterwards, Su Chen left Lanye Town and stayed in a nearby town for one night.

At dawn the next day, Su Chen changed his clothes again and became a farmer. He took the food grown at home and followed people from other villages into the town.

This time, Su Chen didn't notice the strange eyes, so he dutifully sold food on the street.

After selling, Su Chen used the money to buy other daily necessities while looking around for targets.

Soon, he set his sights on a slightly burly young man.

He had seen this person in Wei Jie's team.

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