It’s a Bit Early To Cross

Vol 2 Chapter 785: did a good job

After coming out of the bathroom, Li Jiangqi didn't dare to stop, washed her hands hastily, rubbed her shriveled stomach, and hurriedly dragged her weak legs to the conference room.

The heavy chest put a lot of pressure on her balance, and coupled with her weakness, she stumbled several times along the way, and even once nearly fell and hit the wall.

Fortunately, she was experienced and quickly regained her balance, which prevented the tragedy from happening.

Not long after, she ran back to the conference room in a thrilling way.

As soon as he stepped in the door, he was stunned by the sight in front of him, and his open mouth could fit an egg and a half.

I saw that in the house, the old people of Huaxia party were leaning on the chairs to rest, only Chu Heng stood on the chair with his hips on his hips, spitting spit on the other group of furry guys who were blushing and thick-necked by him. At the same time, all kinds of foul language were incessant, and even more popular, he threw a cup at him, and even a very important person, after being greeted by his daughter, his head became hot, and he threw the manuscript out of his hand.

Judging from the comparison of characters, Chu Heng is clearly at a disadvantage, but looking at the group of angry people on the opposite side, she has the upper hand...

Li Jiangqi walked over with a confused look and sat beside Chu Heng. He was still spraying after the meeting, thinking that he didn't know that he was back, so he stretched out his hand and tugged at his trousers and whispered, "It's alright!"

"Stay aside!"

Chu Heng, who was arguing with joy, kicked her hand away with an unhappy expression, turned his head and snorted at the number two person on the other end, "Shut your mouth, I don't want to quarrel with you idiot, I He's a sensible adult, what are you arguing with a mindless juvenile like you!"

"Besides, if you really want to speak, please don't use your excretory organs to speak to me, it's very rude, do you understand? You stupid pig!"

"I I I..."

The rosacea covered his heart, like a stranded goldfish, his eyes widened, and he took a deep breath, but in the end he didn't get over it, his eyes rolled over and he fainted.

A few Maozi waiters saw him and hurriedly stepped forward, skillfully took out a bottle of medicine, poured out a few tablets, put it in his mouth, and then pushed the wheelchair out of the conference room.

The people from the Huaxia side watched with schadenfreude.

"Hey, three, three!"

"Little Chu is awesome!"

"Keep going, it's better to be **** off!"

Miss Li was stunned, her world view collapsed a bit.

Is it possible to negotiate like this?

Isn't it too playful!

If you really want to do this, you can change my mother!

"I've already seen that you're a short-lived ghost!"

Chu Heng glanced at the rosacea that had been pushed away, and was full of disdain for the gang's ability to withstand pressure.

Dare to come out and negotiate?

I'm going to bring Aunt Sun, and you all have to hold a 300-day banquet!

At this time, he aimed at Andrew again.

"You, yes, it's you, what's the use of you just staring at me?"

"No seeds!"

"Do you know who I am?"

"Chu Heng!"

"Sleeping with your daughter will ruin your reputation. In the future, you will be the Chu Heng of your granddaughter's stepfather!"

"Seeing that Tian keeps saying that he loves Dalia and Yinsadora more, you are a dog who lifts the curtain. It's all about your mouth. If you have the ability, take some practical actions!"

"Oh, I forgot, you did duel with me twice for your daughter, but you lost, and then you never dared to duel with me again. It seems that you don't love Dalia much!"

"So you should add the name of a coward!"

"Andrew Tolstoy Coward Driver?"

His words, like a knife, stabbed Andrew in the heart of Andrew. After a few words, the brown bear lost his mind. He stood up with a hula, and was about to turn over the table to find Chu Heng.

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

When the others saw this, they hurriedly pulled the person back, and they calmed the person down.

Chu Heng looked at Andrew, who was panting like a cow, and felt that the heat was almost there. This piece, let the whole embassy be buried with you, believe it or not? When the title of our land war king is fake? I'm not afraid of you!"

"If you really have the seeds, let's have a match. I won and gave us 800,000 of the technology. If I lost, I bought your technology for 1.2 million, and I won't contact Dalia and Yin for the rest of my life. Sadora!"

"Just ask if you dare! You, the so-called warrior!"

Andrew was trembling with anger, staring at Chu Heng with a gloomy face, and he also knew very well that this guy was using aggressive tactics with him.


This grandson's words are too heart-wrenching!

If he swallows this breath, it is estimated that he will not live long when he goes back, and he will be suffocated to death!

Moreover, if Yin Sadora knew that her beloved grandfather did not dare to fight someone to get her back, how sad she would be?

So this duel, he must answer!

Even if the outcome is likely to be lost!

But everything has an accident, what if you win?

Then he will be in trouble!

Besides, he can afford to lose.

The condition that the grandson on the opposite side offered was very clever.

Even if he loses, there is 800,000. Although it is far lower than the price in his heart, it will not make him unable to keep up with the explanation. UU reading www.

So, do it!

Andrew squinted his eyes and looked at Chu Heng who was full of arrogance. He couldn't help but get angry. Just when his mind was hot and ready to agree, he suddenly felt blessed and thought of the bottle that he had been locking in the safe. , and then saw the corner of his mouth tilted slightly without a trace, and immediately said: "Okay, let's duel!"

After speaking, he turned to look at the waiter next to him: "Go to Alexey and ask him to take out the wine in my safe!"

The waiter was a little confused.

Alexey fainted from anger, and he didn't know whether to live or die. How to find him?

To dream?

However, the question turned into a question, and the highly obedient waiter nodded obediently, turned around and walked out.

Chu Heng was very pleasantly surprised when he saw that this guy agreed so easily. He just excited Andrew with the mentality of giving it a try.

Others were also very surprised by this, and did not expect Andrew to agree so impulsively.

I've already lost twice, and it's obvious that I can't win, but I dare to gamble. Isn't this a fool!

For a while, the two sides were in chaos.

Mao Ziren tried to persuade Andrew, but the guy seemed to be eating a weight, hugging his arms and closing his eyes.

What do you like to say, I will never change my decision!

As for Hua Xia Fang, each and everyone had a happy look on their faces, and they were almost cheering.

Chu Heng's drinking capacity has been experienced before, and this is definitely stable.

800,000 won, which is far below the limit price, and I have to celebrate when I go back!

If you can't fix it, you have to send something.

Elder Meng looked at Chu Heng with admiration again.

"This thing is really talented!"

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