It’s a Bit Early To Cross

Vol 2 Chapter 765: you are noble

After Chu Heng was dragged to a small corner next to the meeting room by Xie Jun and the others, they stopped.

Xie Jun looked around vigilantly, and quickly asked, "Did you get the photo? How did it go?"

"I got it, but I haven't looked at it yet." Chu Heng spread his palms with a smile, revealing the pocket camera he had been clutching in his palm: "The main reason is that I can't go to a photo studio to wash this thing. I just got it. I just sent it."

Hearing this, Mr. Meng showed an imperceptible smile on his face, and immediately coughed pretendingly, raised his hand to look at his watch, and said to the two of them: "Hey, there is a darkroom in the basement. If you want to develop photos, you can do it there. If you have something to do, let's go first."

After saying that, he left Shi Shiran, as if he didn't know anything.

"What the **** are you running again!"

Xie Jun stared at him speechlessly and took a deep breath, but he was helpless, so he simply smashed it.

Anyway, I have carried the blame for so long, so this time is not bad.

He turned his head and led Chu Heng to the darkroom in the basement of the office building.

Li Jiangqi, who was hiding not far away and listening to the wall, was even more puzzled.



What's the meaning?

So the little girl who was so curious followed.


Xie Jun and Chu Heng came to the small door on the side of the office building.

Pushing open the solid wooden door painted with black lacquer, you can see concrete steps leading directly to the ground.

The two of them went down the stairs, and there was a long corridor at the bottom, which turned eastward at the end, and it was unknown where it led.

The air here is very dry, and the ventilation is very good. On both sides of the corridor are rooms with closed doors. Under the light of the yellow light emitted by the light bulbs on the roof, they can be clearly seen. The number plate on the door of that room.

Archives room 1, archives room 2, material room, equipment room, photo washing room...

"Da da da…"

The two wearing big leather shoes walked along the corridor and came to the door of the grooming room.

Xie Jun didn't move, Chu Heng consciously raised his hand and gently knocked on the door.

"Winter Dongdong!"

"Who is it?"

There was an echoing sound from inside, and soon the door opened, and a thin, pale-faced middle-aged man with black-rimmed glasses pushed the door open and came out.

Seeing Xie Jun coming, the man couldn't help wondering: "Leader Xie, why are you here?"

"There are a few special photos that need to be developed." Xie Jun said with a smile.

"Oh." The man hurriedly opened the door to get out of the way: "Please come in."

Chu Heng and the others nodded at him, and stepped into the door.

Because of the need to avoid light, there was a curtain to cover them after they entered, and the darkness blocked their eyes, giving them a sense of oppression.

"God Comes"

This is a good time to assassinate...

Chu Heng grinned self-consciously, stretched out his hand to push aside the curtain and walked forward, only then did he see the true face of the darkroom.

The room is very big, about 60 to 70 square meters. There is a row of workbenches on the east wall. At this time, two people are standing there busy working. The whole room is illuminated by red laser lights. Sense of sight.

Thin ropes hang between the north and south walls, on which are printed photos hung with clips.

Chu Heng took a look. There were many foreigners among them, except for some ambassadors from various countries he had seen and some familiar leaders, he basically didn't know them.

At this time, the middle-aged man came to Xie Jun's side and asked respectfully, "Leader Xie, what photos do you want to develop?"

"Here." Chu Heng hurriedly handed over the camera.


Seeing that it turned out to be a pocket camera, the middle-aged man who had done this kind of work several times immediately understood what was going on. After reaching out to take it, he hurriedly turned his head and said to the other two people who were busy at the workbench: "Xiao Wang , Xiao Fan, you two go out for a while and come back in an hour."


The two brothers looked at each other without asking any further questions, and honestly put down their work, walked past Chu Heng and the others, and left the darkroom.


Li Jiangqi walked in calmly.

She found that she could no longer sneak around, so she just showed up directly.

"Why are you here, girl?"

Xie Jun frowned and looked over.

"Let me see what you are doing." Li Jiangqi said directly, with a cold expression on her face and a tone that could not be refused. This is going to give her another small leather whip...


Xie Jun knew that the photo might be a bit unsightly, so how could he let her stand aside, waved his hands and started to chase people away: "Go, go, this is not what you should know, hurry up and go."

Li Jiangqi stood there silently, her bright eyes were full of stubbornness, very similar to the stubborn donkey who didn't want to grind in the production team, her thin lips were lightly pressed together, expressing her attitude silently.

Xie's family is family friends with Li's family, and she urinated on Xie Jun when she was a child, so she is not afraid.

"You girl!"

Xie Jun suddenly had a headache. He couldn't train or fight, and couldn't fight. There was really nothing he could do.

"Come on, Uncle Xie, let her see."

Knowing that this woman was coming for him, Chu Heng pulled Xie Jun with a smirk, then turned to the middle-aged man and said, "Excuse me, hurry up and develop the photos."


The middle-aged man secretly glanced at the beautiful little donkey who looked like a painting, turned around and took his orders.

When he came to the workbench, he carefully took out the hand-in paper from the camera. After some operations, it was developed, and then he was dumbfounded.

He has been photographing and developing photos for many years, and he has developed a pair of abilities that can make up photos by looking at the negatives.

This piece of white flowers...


The middle-aged man only felt that his mouth was dry, his blood was boiling, and his face was flushed red, but the red laser light concealed him so well that others couldn't see it at all.

He silently put down the film, turned his head and glanced at Chu Heng and the others who had already gathered behind him, and after hesitating for a moment, he couldn't help but suggested to Li Jiangqi: "Then what, Xiao Li, I think you'd better go out. "

Li Jiangqi glanced at him lightly, her hair was shaking slightly, her body was graceful and graceful, like a willow tree with twisted roots.

have to!

You asked for it.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man stopped persuading him, but instead, a wicked taste surged up in his heart, and he turned his head to speed up the washing process.

Teacher Chu watched from the sidelines with wide-eyed eyes. Seeing him doing this, doing this, and doing that again, he easily developed a photo, and suddenly felt that he could do it too.

And he secretly planned to change to a bigger house in the future and lower the entire darkroom, so that he could wash out the art photos of Xiao Ni and Erfang, as well as Dalia, who could not pass through the hands of others.

"This one is ready, isn't it?"

At this time, Xie Jun saw the middle-aged man took out a wet photo with tweezers, but because of the lighting problem, it was a bit unrealistic, so he moved his head curiously.

The same is true for Chu Heng and Li Jiangqi.

In the photo, Andrew buried his head in the fields, and Avima stared in pain, opening her mouth wide, like a dying fish.


Chu Heng admired in his At the same time, he wisely covered his ears with his palm


Soon, Li Jiangqi's exclamation sounded in the room, and immediately the little stubborn donkey ran out of the darkroom in a hurry with a red face.

After Xie Jun read it, a smile appeared on his face, knowing that the matter was settled, then he rolled his eyes, took out a small notebook from his pocket, quickly tore off a piece of paper on it, patted it in Chu Heng's hand, and then With a serious face, he yelled loudly: "You son of a bitch, what the **** are you? Huh? Nonsense! Let's see how I deal with you when I go back!"

After saying that, he turned around and left in an 'angry' manner.

Chu Heng looked at the piece of paper in his hand, saw that it was a Citigroup's phone number, and rolled his eyelids speechlessly.


You are all noble!

I'm dirty!

: https://, !

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