It’s a Bit Early To Cross

Vol 2 Chapter 721: all actors

Chu Heng rolled his eyelids speechlessly, and released the fragrant Avima in his arms with a single touch, and smiled and gave a gift, which was a wooden puppy with an abstract shape.

"This is a gift for you. It is the love work of a famous... um... abstract artist in our country. It is very rare. No one else can buy it with money!"

Listen to his bullshit.

This puppy was actually carved by this guy when he was idle and bored, according to his little black dog. It was so ugly that he couldn't see it, but it looked a bit like those mysterious works of art, which was quite bluffing.

And people like Avima who are keen to pursue the luxurious life of the upper class are mostly interested in artworks. Looking at this statue that looks like a dog but a dog, and a pig but not a pig, she said with joy. : "Oh! Thank you so much, Niubichu, I like it very much! I will definitely treasure it!"

"Tsk, what, can't you call me Niubi Chu? It sounds too awkward, so call me by my name." Chu Heng said with a headache.

"Haha, I thought you liked this name very much."

Avima's smiling branches trembled, and she was about to call him again, but found that she still didn't know the name of the handsome guy in front of her, so she blinked, tapped her fingers on his chest, and said charmingly: "Speaking of which, You are a little rude, and you haven't even told me your name."

"Didn't you say it?"

Chu Heng scratched his head and immediately smiled: "Then let's get to know each other again. My real name is Chu Heng, my nickname is Geun Suk, and my nickname is Ju Ji. You can call any of these three names."

"Oh, my God, your name is too complicated. I can't remember it at all. Let's just call you Chu." Avima exaggerated and showed a pained look, and then smiled and pulled Chu Heng's arm to the office building. Go: "Okay, don't go outside, let's come in."

With Chu Heng's versatile conversation skills and criminally handsome faces, the two seemed to be friends for many years, chatting and laughing affectionately, walking slowly through the office building, and came to a backyard with both neo-classical and elegant shapes. Baroque blue house.

There are many rooms in this building, which is their dining room, lounge and activity room, and occasionally guest rooms.

Avima led Chu Heng straight into the activity room. There was a huge space inside. There was a billiard table at the door, and there were sofas, wine cabinets, coffee machines, gaming tables and other furnishings.

At this time, there were already many people in the house, all of them were staff of embassies and agencies of various countries, and they knew Chu Heng.

There are five people in total.

Ishbel, the strong, bull-like Roman, was playing billiards with Malkin, the Hungarian, while Cobden, the Albanian, was sitting on the sofa drinking coffee with Claudius the Dane and Clive the Egyptian. .

Chu Heng glanced at the room and waved his hand with a smile: "Hello, friends!"

"Hey, awesome Chu!"

"What to drink? The coffee here is good, would you like a cup?"

"Friend, have you brought enough money? Don't lose your pants later!"

After laughing for a while, Chu Heng came to the wine cabinet, looked at the drinks in his eyes, chose a bottle of Tsingtao beer, took a few sips, and wiped himself to the pool table.

After watching for a few minutes, Ishbel the Roman lost five dollars to Malkin.

This bet is not small. The Bretton Woods system has not collapsed yet. The US dollar is still linked to gold, and the purchasing power is quite large. Just one US dollar can buy two movie tickets, or four or five simple tickets. meal.

"Damn, if I wasn't careless just now, you wouldn't have won!" Ishbell, who had lost several rounds in a row, took out his money and threw it on the table, his face very ugly.

From this point of view alone, this is a person with poor gambling skills and a bad temper...

Chu Heng stood by and looked at him secretly, but did not make a decision immediately.

Soon, a new round begins.

Malkin was calm and calm throughout the whole process, thinking carefully about every shot, but Ishbell, on the other hand, kept spouting trash talk, complaining a few times every time he was hit.

After a while, the game was over.

Not surprisingly, Ishbell lost again.

Just when Chu Heng was thinking about whether to play a couple of games, and when he had enough fun, Avima, who went out to pick up someone, went out and returned, bringing back a bloated middle-aged aunt, who was the Dane Bretton Woods Agreement Anna. Mitt is also an old gambler. It is said that he once stayed in the casino of Citiland for a full month and left with more than one million dollars!

"You're finally here, Anna, let's get started, I can't sit still." Seeing her coming in, Claudius, who was also a Dane, came up to hug her enthusiastically, and immediately roared. He took her to the poker table and sat down, shouting, "Hurry up, friends, I can't wait!"

This looks like a glass stick that sees a handsome guy...

"Come on! Friends, let's get started."

Avima is also very addicted to gambling. She rubbed her hands excitedly and greeted the big guys to come to the table and take a seat.

Chu Heng chose a side seat, with Anamit at the top and Ishbell at the bottom.


After being seated, Avima took out a deck of playing cards and put it on the table, looked sideways at the newcomer Chu Heng, and carefully explained the rules: "We play stud, everyone will take turns dealing cards, and the ante bet is one US dollar. Knives, the maximum can not exceed 20, is there any problem?"

"I have no problem."

Chu Heng took his hand into his arms with a smile, took out a stack of beautiful knives and put them in front of him. It looked very thick. In fact, there were more than 300 pieces in total. Except for one piece of the town market, the rest were one piece or two pieces. small change.

These alone have already copied the activity funds given above...

"Wow, it looks like you're rich!"

Anamit, who was sitting beside him, let out a strange cry, and then took out a stack of small bills and put them in front of him, the maximum denomination was only ten yuan.


At this time, Avima, who was in charge of dealing the cards, reminded everyone loudly. After all the money was placed, he quickly dealt everyone a hole card, which was a hidden card and did not need to be shown to others.

Then she dealt another card, which was to be revealed.

Chu Heng's card was ten of hearts, and his hole card was ten of spades.

Dude, it's already quite small.

He quietly put down the cards, observing the expressions and movements of other people. Some were expressionless, some frowned slightly, and some were cursing.

Just like Ishbell next to him, who is greeting God at this time.

Stud is not only about guts, but also about acting skills. It is very possible that some people play a good card but pretend to be very annoyed, and some people may play a bad card but look confident.

Not sure until the end.

At this time, the biggest one on the bright side is Anamit, and there is a king of hearts lying quietly on her hidden card, so she will decide the bet.

"Well... I think this K is worth two dollars." She pulled out two dollars with a smile and threw it in.

"I... still want to see the third card and decide!"

Chu Heng hesitantly followed, and UU reading looked like a bad deck of cards.

Because it was the first round, the others didn't quit either, and threw in two dollars in turn.

When the third card was handed out, Chu Hengming was already a pair of ten, which was bigger than everyone else. It was up to him to decide how many.

"Haha, a K is two dollars, so my pair should be worth ten dollars, right?"

He showed an ecstatic second-hand look, and threw ten dollars with a big hand.

"I don't follow!"

The next player, Ishbell, folded the cards and punched the table, expressing that he was annoyed, but Chu Heng found an imperceptible calm in his eyes.


old actor...

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