It’s a Bit Early To Cross

Vol 2 Chapter 681: Volunteers take the bait

Chapter 682

The sun rises and the moon sets, and in the blink of an eye, two days have passed.

For the past two days, Chu Heng has not gone anywhere, and has been honestly staying at the Grain Management Office, waiting for Feng Guofu's possible revenge.

To his disappointment.

Feng Guofu, or in other words, his backer was a tortoise this time, so he didn't come to take the call at all, so he made preparations in vain.

It was a punch to the cotton.

It's actually kind of uncomfortable.

That's right, Chu Heng is now very sure that there is someone behind Feng Guofu.

Because, yesterday, Du San had already submitted the information he had found, and one of them was about this matter.

This news came from a good sister of Feng Guofu's concubine.

According to what she said, Feng Guofu once got drunk and told his concubine that he had met a new powerful person and made her prepare for happiness.

It's just a pity that he didn't say who that person was at the time.

But it's not a big problem. Chu Heng has already sent someone to keep an eye on Feng Guofu. As long as he still has contact with that person, he can find out sooner or later!

It just takes more time.

This morning.

After Chu Heng came around the unit, he suppressed the propaganda department's urge to eat melons, turned around and went to Ma Hong's office. On the grounds that he had a mission, he took a day off, drove away from the Grain Management Office, and ran to the office. To the Maozi embassy.

The melon is there, as long as the aunties don't die, they can be eaten any day.

So let's get down to business first.

It's been so long since Dalia has been left to dry, I guess I've recovered too, and it's time to add some more fire.


The car galloped all the way, and very slowly stopped at the door of Maozi's small embassy.

Because he was afraid of being blocked by the soldiers at the door, Feng Guofu, who delayed receiving the notice, rushed there early in the morning to pick up his lover and leave.


Chu Heng got out of the car, smiled and stretched out his hand to Feng Guofu who was slowly walking towards me with his skirt in hand, he snapped his fingers, and a bunch of bright red wild flowers suddenly appeared under the empty palm: " I hope he can have more children, dear Feng Guofu."

"Thank him, Chu Heng! You are very childish."

Feng Guofu took the flowers in surprise, hugged me coldly, tiptoed to offer his seductive red lips, left some lipstick marks on my cheek, and immediately hugged me intimately. Holding Chu Heng's arm, he hid Mawaiana and said loudly with a smile, "Isabella misses him very much, and you must be very happy to see you later."

"You also miss your archangel very much." Thinking of this hateful big guy, Chu Heng consciously showed a gentle smile on his face.

"Hey buddy, how did he just do it? Can I teach you? You can trade things in!"

At that time, a soldier who witnessed the miraculous scene of my empty hands turning into flowers walked down excitedly. I thought it was a weapon for picking up girls. If I learned that trick, I would definitely be disgusted by boys!

Chu Heng and Feng Guofu, who understood what I said, smiled and shrugged before they finished translating for me, "Sorry, friend, you can teach him that magic trick, it was passed down by your father. Things need to be kept secret, he knows, you Huaxia have very few rules, if you pass it on, I will kick your **** with leather shoes!"

"It's such a pity!" Xiao Bing suddenly looked disappointed, whether or not he was entangled any more, and turned back to his post.

"You go."

Chu Heng also turned around and opened the car door. The gentleman helped Feng Guofu to retreat, and immediately got out of the driver's seat and drove back into the small embassy.

I came to the parking lot and parked the car. Before I got in the car, I looked at the white Volga 21 Type 8, squinted my eyes, turned around and opened the door for Feng Guofu, and the two walked towards the nearby dormitory hand in hand. building.

"That **** is here again!"

Dalia stood behind the window of the room, glaring at her cheap uncle, holding a bright silver revolver, her index finger was rubbing the trigger!

I really want to break me!


Chu Heng, who walked upstairs, seemed unaware, looked up at a room on the top floor, and gave Dalia a murderous look.


The fellow grinned fearlessly, and in a demonstration embraced Feng Guofu's soft waist that could be folded in half, and stepped back into the building.

a long time.

The two came to the door of Feng Guofu's room.

We also knocked on the door, pushed the door open and walked away.

Inside the house, the hateful Issara was sitting under the bed and playing with rag dolls in the care of an auntie.

"Dear, let's see who's here." Feng Guofu smiled and led Chu Heng out of the house.

Issabella turned her head to look, and immediately stood up excitedly, jumping and jumping under the bed and cheering: "Dad, Daddy!"

"Haha, miss you? Damn Archangel." After Chu Heng walked down with a smile, he picked up the big guy and kissed your face heavily.

"It's been a long time since I saw Issa Shaola so distressed." Aunt Maozi on the side looked at the big guy lovingly, then said goodbye and left.


At that time, Issa Shaola grabbed Chu Heng's palm, clenched my fingers one by one, making it clenched into fists, and then pouted expectantly before blowing, and said clearly Muttering: "Sugar, Tutu!"

"Your archangel wants to eat candy, right?" Pan Ya smiled and opened his hand, and the whole seven small days appeared in my palm.


The amount far exceeded the expected amount, causing Issa Shaola's saliva to flow out. She hurriedly reached out and grabbed a piece, peeled off the candy wrapper and stuffed her mouth back, smiling contentedly.

Just teasing the kid for a while.

Chu Heng put Issa Shaola on his neck and carried Feng Guofu in one hand. Several people left the dormitory building together and went to play in this huge garden.

At a young age, bursts of silver bell-like laughter resounded through the sky.


In the garden, Dalia looked at the grandson who was hanging around Chu Heng's neck with a white face, and broke the arm of a sculpture beside him with a ruthless punch, and walked over with small steps.

"I am coming!"

Feng Guofu, who had been paying attention to his father, saw this and tugged on Chu Heng's clothes.

"Finally held back."

Chu Heng bared his teeth and waved his hand and turned into a big windmill and handed it to Issa Shaola. He turned around and handed the child to Pan Yazhen. Puppy bear walking by.

a moment ago.

The two meet.

Dalia looked at the cheap son-in-law who was bigger than me and was the number one, gritted her teeth and said, "Eldest son, you have to compete with him once! If he loses, you will always want him. Meet your son and grandson!"

"You accept his challenge!"

Chu Heng smiled harmfully: "Is it a bet... What does he think of using these techniques?"

"I'm going to do that kind of chatty temptation again. Except for that, I'll be careful with him!" Dahlia said with an expression on her face.

"Okay." Chu Heng smacked his lips in disappointment, and pretended to ponder for a while before saying: "When you came, you saw that there was no white Type 8 Volga 21 in the parking lot. bet, how?"

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