It’s a Bit Early To Cross

Chapter 283: absolutely not

Night, gorgeous.

It was just nine o'clock, and the Chu family's second room couldn't hold back the commotion in her heart. She quietly dressed herself, smeared fragrant cream on her little face, and slipped out of the backyard along the wall.

Chu Heng had just finished drinking a dozen cups of wolfberry, jujube and honey tea, and was lying on the bed, drowsiness brewing.

Between half-dreaming and half-awake, the familiar fragrance suddenly drifted into the room.

Before he could react, a soft and fragrant body plunged into his arms.

"Brother, I miss you today!"

The little girl's soft and soft voice is like a gentle spring breeze, and the willows by the river are shaking people's hearts.

"What a thought."

Chu Heng grinned, stretched out his arms and hugged Qin Jingru's waist, swung his arms hard, rolled over and threw her onto the bed.

What a cold senior, Ni Chen's hatchet, was all left behind by him.

Mr. Lu Shuren once said that when a peony flower dies, it is also romantic to be a ghost!

Lao Tzu has managed to be a human being in two lifetimes, so if he doesn't act arrogantly, wouldn't it be such a waste of time to travel through?

But there is one thing to say, today's supper is a bit of a comeback!


The next day, dawn.

When Chu Heng walked out of the house rubbing his swollen belly, he happened to meet Xu Damao with red eyes coming out of the courtyard.

These two guys hadn't slept well last night, and their spirits were a little bad, but out of the decency of successful men, they still greeted each other in high spirits.

Chu Heng waved his hands sickly, and said while yawning, "Ha~ Brother Da Mao didn't sleep well?"

"Hey, I'm going to die with two flies, and I haven't slept much all night." Xu Damao sighed with a sullen face, then raised his brows and said with concern, "Look at your complexion, you don't seem to have rested, okay?"

"I ate too much supper and didn't fall asleep for half a night." Chu Heng said with a smile.

"I still have to eat less at night, it's not easy to digest." Xu Damao shared his experience.

"That can't be done. My stomach is too big. If I don't eat a midnight snack, I feel uncomfortable. Besides, I usually don't do this. I just ate too much last night." Chu Heng continued to smile and became proud in his heart. .

"Youth is good, digestion is fast, unlike me, if you have a meal at night, you won't be able to slow down for three or five days." Xu Damao sighed for a while, remembering his green years.

"So, I have to eat more while I'm young, otherwise I won't be able to eat when I'm old." Chu Heng also shared his experience of being a human being in two lifetimes, and immediately raised his hand to check the time. Seeing that it was getting late, he said goodbye to him, took his wooden ox horse, peach blossom branch, and Shentu three fishing rods and left the courtyard.

Unless the sky collapses, no one can stop the fisherman from advancing.

The state is not good, it's just a matter of gritted teeth!

Xu Damao looked at Chu Heng's tall and straight posture, and couldn't help but envy for a while: "Hengzi's body is really strong enough."

At this moment, silly Zhu also came out of the Moon Gate. Seeing that he was also here, he rolled his eyes and walked over with the lunch box: "I said, Xu Damao, let me tell you something, wait a few days, buddy. When you get married, don't come here, and when my daughter-in-law is pregnant, I'll invite you."

Xu Damao's face changed in an instant, he glared back at him viciously, and groaned: "What do you have to be proud of when you marry a woman who has had enough fun?"

"Sun Thief, I think you need to clean up!" Si Zhu could hear this, and he rolled up his sleeves and rushed to beat him.

"Silly Zhu, let's wait and see, I'll see how long you can laugh!" Xu Damao knew that force was not enough, he let go of a ruthless sentence and ran out of the courtyard.

After he came all the way to the unit, he first held a meeting with Li Fugui and the others, and then gathered his men to prepare for a new day's work.

But he was always thinking about the marriage between Shazhu and Lou Xiaoe, and he was always a little absent-minded. In just one morning, he made several mistakes in his work, and was scolded by the deputy chief of the security department.

"Special girl!"

The **** Xu Damao who had just been scolded returned to the office, slapped the table and kicked the stool, and after a while, he calmed down.

He sat on the chair with a black face, and his whole body exuded a violent aura, which scared his subordinates who didn't even dare to take a breath, for fear that Chiyu would be affected.

After sitting like this for a long time, Xu Damao suddenly stood up and walked out, ready to ask the leader for leave.

He is really afraid that Silly Zhu will have children after marrying Lou Xiaoe. This is not only related to his reputation, but also to his marriage, so this matter must be stopped!

Xu Damao soon came to the office of the deputy section chief again, and asked for a two-day leave on the grounds that he was ill.

Then, he went back to the large courtyard non-stop, and when he entered the house, he started rummaging through boxes and cabinets to find things.

After a while, he found a piece of grass paper full of handwriting from the closet.

It records some important information to the Lou family, which he copied from a book that Lou Xiaoe kept hidden.

He originally wanted to use it to control the Lou family in the future, but the plan did not change quickly. For his own reputation and happiness, he could only use it in advance!

"Damn cook! I see how you're getting married!" Xu Damao sneered, unfolded the paper and glanced at it, then folded it and put it in his pocket, turned around and came to the side of the window, staring at the outside, waiting for Lou Xiaoe's appearance .

I don't know if this wait is all morning!

Lou Xiaoe went home today and was busy choosing her dowry, so she wasn't in the courtyard at all.

Xu Damao didn't realize this until noon, so angry that he almost clenched his teeth!

But this can't blame others, he can only blame himself for being too stupid.

So, after Xu Damao had eaten at noon, he rode his bike out of the courtyard again and ran to the vicinity of Lou's house, sneakily continuing to wait for Lou Xiao'e to appear.

He didn't dare to go directly to Lou's father, for fear that someone would make but he would not die. This scene happened to be caught by Liu Guangtian.

Seeing that Xu Damao's behavior was so suspicious, he couldn't help but leave a snack, and hid aside secretly, while monitoring the Lou family and Xu Damao at the same time.

The praying mantis and the oriole waited for a long time, and it wasn't until about three o'clock in the afternoon that Lou Xiao'e came out of the house with a bag of ingredients. She was going to let the silly Zhu cook some food at night, so I would like to thank some old ladies for this matchmaker. Bring some other neighbors in the yard who are nice to her.

Lou Xiao'e was thinking about who to invite at night as she rode her bike back.

Just as she passed an alley, Xu Damao, who had been waiting for a long time, suddenly appeared, stopped her, and directly threatened with the piece of paper that Lou Xiao'e and Sha Zhu were not allowed to marry, and asked the Lou family to prepare a seal of 20,000 yuan. fee!

Well, his eyelids are just like that. 20,000 yuan is already an astronomical sum for him.


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