It’s a Bit Early To Cross

Chapter 246: If you don't want me, cei

The night sky is boundless, the moon is bright and the stars are rare.

Just after twelve o'clock in the morning, Chu Heng got up in a rustling manner. He didn't turn on the lights. After feeling the dark and getting dressed, he went out to carry his bicycle and sneaked out of the courtyard.

Tonight's moon is round and bright, and the silver-white moonlight shrouds the whole city, like daytime.

He dodged and dodged all the way, and soon came to the vicinity of Qingyuan's house.

Chu Heng stopped the car not far away, took out some of the food that had already been prepared from the warehouse and hung it on the car before coming to the door.

Looking at the two vermilion gates with many more potholes, he raised his hand with a complex face and gently pushed the gate.


The old wooden door slowly opened, and some rusted door shafts made a harsh sound in the night sky.

Chu Heng's brows instantly wrinkled, and he quickly reached out to pull the door, fearing that the movement would be too loud to attract the attention of others.

Before he could touch the door, several pairs of big hands appeared behind the door, firmly grasped the door, and opened the door with gentle movements, making the sound much quieter.

After opening a gap where one person could live, the boss of the family came out. He looked at the large and small bags of food on Chu Heng's car in surprise, and hurriedly took a step forward with a grateful expression on his face. Said: "I am tired, Hengzi, hurry up and enter the hospital."

"Alas." Chu Heng hurriedly pushed the car and got in through the crack of the door.

At this moment, a lot of people gathered in the front yard. Apart from the children at home, the old and young of the family were basically there, and even the old lady who was not very convenient was standing by the pond on crutches and waiting.

As soon as Chu Heng entered the courtyard, a few young men gathered around him, unloading the things from the car, carrying them up and running to the backyard.

That Qingyuan looked at the large and small bags and bottles and jars that were unloaded from the car. These were obviously not the 100-pound stick noodles he wanted. The old man's gray eyebrows slowly frowned, and he asked him in a low voice, "You What's going on here?"

Chu Heng grabbed the old man's thin shoulders and said with a smile, "There are old people and young people in your family, how can you just eat stick noodles? Besides the 100 catties of stick noodles you asked for, I also brought you some refined grains, oil, and meat. It's too public, so I didn't bring it to you, but I still have some lard at home, and I brought it to you."

"You kid!" Qingyuan's eyes immediately turned red, he already understood what Chu Heng meant, obviously this kid didn't intend to ask for money!

"Old man, let's go into the room and say something, don't stand here." The old lady hurriedly reminded the two of them when they saw that they were chatting.

That Qingyuan grabbed Chu Heng's wrist and turned to go to the backyard: "Go, let's go inside and talk."

Chu Heng knew that there must be some entanglement after entering the house. How could he go in with him, he gently shook the old man away, and said, "I won't go, and I have to deliver something to Yan Ye's house."

"It's not too late, it's not too late for you to leave after entering the room and talking." The old man grabbed his wrist tightly, turned his head and said to the eldest son, "Boss, help him put the car away."


The boss stepped forward, grabbed the bicycle from his hand, and parked it aside.

Then Chu Heng was taken to the backyard by the family, surrounded by the prisoners.

When he entered the main room, the old man told his sons to take good care of him, wiped himself off and went to the study, and when he came out again, he had a small brocade box in his hand.

The old man walked up to Chu Heng with the things, and shoved the brocade box into his hand with a sense of expression: "This is worth the things you brought."

"What is it?" Chu Heng opened the brocade box curiously, and saw that Fang Qianlong's seal was inside, he closed the brocade box with a wry smile, and put it back into the old man's hand: "I can't ask for this, and I gave it to me. Things are meant to be filial to you, but I never thought about receiving money."

That Qingyuan had guessed that he would do this long ago, and saw him slowly opening the brocade box, taking out the jade seal from it, holding it high above his head, and smiling faintly: "Forget it, I didn't teach you in vain, filial piety is my heart. Yes, but you have to accept this thing today, or I will smash it in your face!"

"No, you're an adult, it's fun to play this!" Chu Heng looked at the old man with tears in his eyes, but he didn't expect him to play this game.

The old man raised his eyebrows: "Do you think I dare not break it?"

Seeing this, Dongzhen on the side quickly persuaded: "Brother Hengzi, hurry up and put it away. My father always said that he was absolutely right. He really dared to fall."

The old lady also said, "Hengzi, hurry up and keep it. This thing is not worth much now. If it really counts, our family is taking advantage of you."

"Do you think there is something wrong with you old man!" Chu Heng also knew the old man's temperament, and reluctantly took the jade seal from his hand, and reluctantly said: "You don't want it for nothing, you have to take it. Change things, your brain must be flooded, let me tell you!"

"Is there a special mother who talks to her master like this?" The old man blew his beard and stared.

"What master? I didn't kowtow, and I didn't serve tea. Where did you get such a master? You old man, don't talk nonsense." Chu Heng rolled his eyes at him, turned to bow his hands to the old man's daughter-in-law, and said: " Old lady, I still have to go to Yan Ye's place, so I won't stay any longer, and if there is anything missing at home, just talk."

"Drink a cup of tea and go." The old lady hurriedly held her back.

"No, no, business matters." Chu Heng waved his hand, wiped his body and left the hall.

The old man also knew the priorities, so he did not keep him and sent him out of the house with the others.

"Go back, if you have something in the future, just come to me, I will never be vague about what I can do."

Chu Heng told the old man again, waved at the family, and then rode into the car and rushed into the dark night.

Looking at his blurred back, the old lady couldn't help but sigh: "Little Chu is a sincere person."

"Huh." The old man grinned and declined to comment.

That kid is really nice, but if you tell the truth, it's pure nonsense.

Chu Heng, who didn't know that he had obtained a good person card, was traversing the streets at a high speed at this time.

About twenty minutes he arrived at Yan Muze's house.

In fact, it only took more than ten minutes to drive from Qingyuan home to this place. The reason why he took so long is because he got lost on the way...

He had come to Yan Muze's house once, and he still followed him. He didn't even enter the door. It had been so long, how could he still remember it clearly? After walking around for a while, he found it based on his impression. Right place.

At this time, the Yan family was already waiting eagerly, and old man Yan even led his two sons out of the door, for fear that Chu Heng would not come.

The moment he appeared, the Yan family breathed a sigh of relief, then hurried up to meet him and invited him into the yard.

After unloading the goods, Yan Muze took Chu Heng into the main house where he lived.

The house is not very big, only about 20 square meters. There is a heated kang next to the north wall. At this time, there are more than ten pieces of antiques on the kang, including porcelain, pottery, calligraphy and painting, ancient books, and jade.


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