It’s a Bit Early To Cross

Chapter 217: Hit someone!

Five twenty in the afternoon.

Director Chu, who had held a conference all day, went into the hospital with a cart exhausted, slumped like an eggplant wet with dew.

Little Ni, who was distressed for the man, followed him step by step, and the crucian carp hung on the bicycle handle and tied with grass ropes slapped a few times from time to time, telling the world of his stubbornness.

When I was eating at Guo Kai's house yesterday, Chu Heng accidentally mentioned that he hadn't eaten crucian carp for a long time. The girl took it in her mind at the time. As soon as she went to work this morning, she went to the non-staple food shop to find the dead fish eye that had no name but was more active. He informed him and asked him to leave a few notes, intending to reward the precious man who worked hard for the meeting at night.

Well, double reward.

After the couple returned home, Ni Yinghong began to pick up the fish, preparing to make a steamed crucian carp, the man's favorite.

Chu Heng was paralyzed on the reclining chair like a piece of dead meat, humming and chirping, looking like he was going to fart at any time.

Sitting for a whole day is already quite tiring, and in addition to being stuffy in the house on a hot day, no one can stand it!

At the meeting today, I fainted for five in the morning, all of which were due to heatstroke. Fortunately, Shen Yuqin found out in the afternoon, gave some anti-heat medicine to the big guy, and opened the supply of cold water, otherwise Chu Heng I might have to go to someone's dinner tonight.

"elder brother!"

At this time, Liu Guangtian ran into the courtyard, holding a handful of cream popsicles in his hand, he happily got into Chu Heng's house, first distributed one to Ni Yinghong, and then ran into the house to Chu Heng: "Brother, eat popsicles, Creamy and sweet!"

Chu Heng, who was a little angry, took a bite without thinking. He glanced at the more than a dozen popsicles in the hands of the guy opposite, and asked doubtfully, "You kid got rich? Why did you buy so many!"

"It's a fortune." Liu Guangtian said brightly, "I sold the watch yesterday for ten dollars!"

"Fuck! You idiot!" Chu Heng rolled his eyelids, and there were countless grooves in his heart that he wanted to vomit.

The gold watch is an imported product from the mid-Qing Dynasty, and from the glyphs and emblems on the watch, it is likely that France paid tribute to the royal family. If you get it in a cultural relic store, you can sell it for 60 yuan with your eyes closed. Which grandson was fooled by this idiot.

"What are you scolding me for?" Liu Guangtian was scolded with a bewildered expression, but he was not stupid, he quickly reacted, and hurriedly asked, "Brother, my watch is cheap?"

"No, I just think it's a pity to sell such a good thing, it's better to keep it as a treasure." Chu Heng didn't tell him the truth, for fear that this kid would taste the sweetness and do something wrong.

"Hey, I thought I was stunned. That thing can't be eaten or drunk, what a pity." Liu Guangtian breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately got up and left.

"Come on, I won't talk to you anymore, I have to go home to deliver the popsicles, or they will melt in a while."

"Get out, get out." Chu Heng waved his hands in disgust, and when he was out, he threw the popsicle he just took a bite out of the window.

He thinks this is dirty!

After Liu Guangtian left from here, he ran home in a hurry. It just so happened that at this time, silly Zhu was also going out with his ancestral kitchen utensils on his back.

The two happened to meet at the Moon Gate in the middle courtyard. If it was the usual way, Liu Guangtian would definitely turn sideways to make way for the foolish fool, but this time he was used to being arrogant and domineering outside, and the whole person was a little fluttering. So he was not ready to give way, and walked over straight ahead.

Silly Zhu thought that he would let go, but he continued to walk forward as usual.

The shoulders of the two collided heavily, and the popsicle in Liu Guangtian's hand almost fell to the ground. He turned around angrily to look at the silly pillar, and scolded his eyebrows, "You don't have long eyes."

Silly Zhu was stunned for a moment, and then immediately became angry: "How do you talk about bastards?"

"What's wrong with just talking like that? Can you be honest with me, take care of you!" Liu Guangtian snorted.

"Just you? Come here, let me see how you dealt with me!" Si Zhu laughed angrily, but he practiced wrestling since he was a child, and his skills were not very good. The box, stepped forward directly, grabbed Liu Guangtian with both hands, and threw it out with a fall over his shoulder.



Liu Guangtian, even with his ice lolly, was smashed to the ground, lying on his back, and he fluttered a few times before he got up. He only felt that the bones were scattered.

"No big or small bastard, I will teach you a good lesson for you today!" Du Zhu had seen him upset for several days, rolled up his sleeves and rode up, his arms turned with big mouths.

Liu Guangtian tried to resist a few times, but he was easily suppressed. In the end, he could only lie on the ground and shout, "Silly Zhu beat people, help, silly Zhu beat people!"

Liang Zaiheng, who was pretending to be dead at home, became energized when he heard the movement, jumped up from the reclining chair with a swish, and ran out to watch the fun.

When he arrived at the door, he saw that Liu Guangtian had been beaten, and this time he rejoiced at the misfortune, and squatted at the door of the house to eat melons and watch a play.

He also saw that this kid was upset for several days, but there was no reason to beat him.

After Silly Zhu hit a few more times, Liu Haizhong and the other neighbors in the courtyard also ran out.

When they saw their son being beaten by someone riding underneath, the old couple hurried up and grabbed the silly pillar, each hugging one arm.

"Stop! What are you doing to beat my family!"

"What are you doing? Your son scolds me, shouldn't I beat him?" Silly Zhu, who could no longer do anything, had to let Liu Guangtian go, got up and glared at Liu Haizhong, pulling him without letting go, and asked, "How can you be a good man? Even if your son is not well educated, can you manage our compound well?"

Liu Haizhong looked at his son who just got up from the ground with a dark face, and asked, "Did you scold him?"

"I'll just scold you for what's wrong! You wait for me, silly Zhu, and see how I deal with you!"

"Little brat, I think you've beaten it lightly!" Silly Zhu could bear his temper, and as soon as he broke free from the old couple, he would go up and beat him.

When the old master Yi Zhonghai saw it, he hurriedly shouted, " Stop me!"

In this courtyard, silly Zhu was afraid that Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady would see that since he had come forward, he knew that he would definitely not be able to beat that **** today, so he picked up the box on the ground, glared at Liu Guangtian and wiped his body away.

"Don't let me hold you, brat!"

"Wait for me!" Liu Guangtian was also about to leave, planning to find his brothers to find a place.

"Come back to me!"

At this moment, Liu Haizhong went up and licked his ear, and pulled him home abruptly.

Liu Guangtian stomped his feet in a hurry: "Dad, why are you arresting me, I have to teach you a lesson today!"

"He's really red, how do you teach him?" Although Liu Haizhong, who had just been lectured by silly Zhu, was also very unhappy, but he could see it better than his son. He glanced at Liu Guangtian, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face. I got to the bottom of it with him: "You can be honest for a few days, and I will clean him up in a few days."

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