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Facing Zhang Yi's undisguised disgust, Chu Heng was not angry either. He was still a bit arrogant about what he was like. Although he was considered to have entered the room, he was still a hundred and eighty different from the old men in the room. Thousands of miles.

With a shy face, he grinned happily, pointed to Qingyuan inside, and said with a smile: "Hey, my master, come and join in the fun."

"What I said."

Zhang Yi nodded suddenly, and then laughed and joked: "You haven't learned your skills, you're embarrassing your master!"

"Hey, I just got started not long ago."

Chu Heng took out a lighter to light a cigarette for him, and said with a smile, "Let's stop putting this pestle on, and hurry up and sit in the room."


He glanced at the cigarette in a cheerful manner, tucked the painting scroll in the cotton bag under his arm, and walked into the room with him.

At this point, the participants are finally all together.

After Chu Heng poured a cup of tea for Zhang Yi and Yan Muze alone, he slid to the corner and sat down, quietly waiting to watch the group of old men pretend to be aggressive.

A group of people politely talked about the conversation, and after a while of business nonsense, they quickly got to the point.

The old man, as the host, was naturally the first to come, and saw him walking to the table in the center of the room with a smile, bending over and taking out a brocade box from under the table covered by the tablecloth and gently placing it on the table.

He didn't open the box the first time, but cupped his hands towards the others and said with a bright face, "I came across this thing by chance when I went to visit relatives in the countryside a few years ago. I'm going to ask you to give your palms and eyes."

"I said that lord, don't sell it, take it out quickly, let us know what it is."

"That is, we knew each other before the founding of the People's Republic of China, so don't make fun of us here."

"Hey, I seldom see that master act like this, I guess it's not a bad thing!"

All the people present here are forced by old pretense, so naturally they won't believe Qingyuan's rhetoric.

Can't you see that Qingyuan dares to take it out?

Isn't that shameful here?

Shame on him!

"Okay, I'll show everyone." That Qingyuan smiled wrinkled, gently opened the lid, and took out a square Tian Huangshi seal, the size of a child's fist. , which is engraved with a cross dragon button.

Chu Heng stretched his neck and looked there, looking left and right, secretly guessing the origin of this seal.

Tian Huangshi is very precious, but this is not uncommon, and it is not enough to make the old man become like this.

So the value of this seal should belong to all its former owners, and I don't know which historical celebrity it belongs to.

"Could it be..."

Zhang Yiyan's expression changed, he slowly got up and walked over. He looked around the seal and said to Qingyuan, "Master, let me take a look."

"Even if you look at it." Then Qingyuan took out the ink pad and a piece of straw paper from the box and put it on it, and said with a smile: "Daoyuan is notorious for being a chronologist, so I will trouble you today."

"I see, I see!"

"Who is this famous person?"

"Looking at the style of this button, which emperor is 80% of it."

The others also got up and came over and surrounded the table. Chu Heng also leaned forward and stood outside the crowd, staring on tiptoe at the situation inside.

At this time, Zhang Yiyi had already held the seal in his hand. After looking over and over for a few times, he pressed the seal on the printing pad and placed it on the grass paper next to it.

When he picked up the seal, four small characters appeared on the paper.

Supreme Emperor!




A group of old men exclaimed again and again, and the expressions on their faces were also wonderful, ranging from envy and jealousy to greed and surprise.

Chu Heng, who was standing at the back, pouted, his face full of disgust. All of them are still collected by everyone, and even the interjection is so lacking, the girl is literate!

He didn't know what these old men were lying about, and after hesitating, he asked weakly, "Whose seal belongs to?"

"Master Qianlong!"

I don't know who replied to him.

"He's his mother!"

The literate Director Chu also exclaimed, his eyes glowing green.

want to!

I'm a fool and have a lot of money, sell me quickly!

"That's right, it's indeed a jade seal made by the Emperor Qianlong." Zhang nodded firmly, put down the seal gently, looked at Qingyuan with envy on his face, and asked with a smile, "Master, are you releasing this seal today? "

"Don't sell, don't sell expensive or cheap!"

The old man waved his hand quickly and said with a smile, "I plan to keep this thing as a family heirloom."

"It's superfluous to ask. Who would be willing to sell this thing? Haven't read it yet? Hurry up and show it to me when you're done, I'm also in the dragon's breath." An old man leaned forward and pulled Zhang Yiqi over , gently picked up the seal and looked at it.

After a long time, he reluctantly let go.

Then the others came together to play, and just passed it on one by one, and Director Chu was lucky enough to get started at the end.

But before he could take a closer look, the old man snatched the seal from his hand like a thief, and put it back into the brocade box.

"Hey, I haven't finished it yet!" Chu Heng quit and said anxiously, "Give me a second look!"

"Go, go, go, can you spot a six? Stop messing around here!" The old man waved his hand like chasing flies, turned to look at the others, and asked with a smile, "Who's next?"

"I'm coming, old man."

An old man in his 60s returned to his original position with his hands behind his back, and picked up a wooden box from the ground. He didn't have as much ink as the old man, and simply took out the A gilt Buddha statue of the Tang Dynasty, with a plump, plump and sturdy body, a slightly larger head, a slightly shorter body, a plump and square face, and a dozen gems inlaid on the base, which are colorful and gorgeous.


Chu Heng was greedy and sour as he watched from the sidelines, trying his best to suppress the urge to collapse the old man in the house.

After everyone touted and discussed around the Buddha statue, it was soon the next person's turn.

This time, it was Master Zhang Yiyi, and he brought a copybook, which came from the hands of Mi Fu, a famous master of the Northern Song Dynasty, and it was also a rare good thing.

Loud constant continued lemon.

After a few more rounds, Yan Muze finally appeared. He solemnly placed the long wooden box he brought on the table, and took out a bronze short sword from it.

The shape is simple and elegant. The length of the ridge of the sword body is parallel to the two edges, and it is sharpened to the front. The thick grid is in the shape of an inverted concave. There are two hoops on the round stem. Li Douwen commonly found on bronze ware.

"I heard that Yan Ye has a fine bronze sword in his hand, and today you are finally willing to take it out!"

An old man in a leather jacket stepped forward in surprise, and the monkey hurriedly picked up the bronze short sword.

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