It’s a Bit Early To Cross

Chapter 160: we have a friend

Not long after Hu Zhengwen left, a scooter slowly came to the outside of the hospital.

This is the car of the state-run restaurant near the grain store, and it was here specially to deliver the ingredients used for the banquet tomorrow.

There are too many ingredients for the banquet, and it is not easy to blatantly take it from the warehouse. Chu Heng thinks it is troublesome to buy it, so he finds the restaurant manager Qiu Rong, and gives him all the money and tickets, and asks him to help buy it.

In this area, the only people who can instruct Qiu Rong like this are Director Chu of the Sanliang Store and Manager Ji of the non-staple food store.

One is in charge of the food, the other is in charge of the meat, vegetables, and seasonings, all of them are strangling his neck, and they have to hold each other to make friends.

There were two people from the state-run hotel. The hotel buyer, Lao Cheng, was in charge of pedaling, and the manager, Qiu Rong, rode a bicycle to **** them.

"It's hard work, Lao Cheng!" Chu Heng trotted forward and shook hands with Qiu Rong: "Oh, why did Manager Qiu come in person."

"How can I not be there for Director Chu's marriage?" Qiu Rong was a little fat and looked very kind. He smiled and took a bamboo shell warm pot from the scooter and handed it over: "I wish you an early birth of your son!"

"Thank you, thank you." Chu Heng stretched out his hand to take it, turned his head and shouted to Liu Guangtian who was sweeping the floor not far away, "Guangtian, bring a few people over to help move things and put them in the cupboard outside."

"Come on!" Liu Guangtian hurriedly put down his tools, greeted a few people, and ran over.

Chu Heng greeted Qiu Rong and Lao Cheng again: "Let's go, come in and drink some tea."

After the three entered the house, they did not go to join the group of women in the inner room, but sat directly on the temporary extra chairs in the outer room.

Seeing this, Zhang Yi hurried over with a hot pot filled with tea, and poured a cup of tea for one person.

Qiu Rong and the two didn't stay too much, they drank a cup of tea and smoked a cigarette, and after a while, Hara got up and said goodbye.

Chu Heng politely sent them to the door, and before he could return to the hospital, another guest came.

It was Liu Haokong and Shen Tian.

"Hey, Lord Liu and Young Master Shen are here. Peng Bi Shenghui, Peng Bi Shenghui, why didn't you two inform in advance, I want to change into a brocade dress to greet you." Chu Heng snorted. walked up, smiling and happy.

"Why does this sound so awkward to me?" Liu Haokong slapped him lightly and scolded with a smile, "All the people who are going to get married, why are their mouths so broken."

"Yeah, I'm just short of pumping." Shen Tian took off the thermos from the handlebar and threw it to him: "Next."

Chu Heng, who had just received a warm pot, twitched the corners of his mouth, hurriedly stretched out his hand to catch it, and said politely, "Come here if you come, whatever you want, I don't lack anything."

"If we don't give it away, you kid can talk about it for a lifetime!" Liu Haokong sneered at him and handed over a colorful set of quilts.

"I'm not that person, come here, let's not stand, go into the house and talk, go in and talk." Chu Heng smiled and led the two back to the house.

After taking a seat in the outhouse, Liu Haokong curiously looked at the four large wine jars placed against the wall, went to smell it, and asked, "You are all medicinal wine! What are you doing?"

Chu Heng tactically leaned back, glanced at the second uncle sitting in the back room, and said without changing his face: "That is tiger whip wine, aphrodisiac, my old Chu family's ancestral recipe, originally used by emperors, especially interesting."

The second uncle has already blown out the brilliance, he can't take down the stage, can't he? From today onwards, Lao Tzu will come, and this wine is also passed down by his old Chu family!

"Your family still has this inheritance!" Liu Haokong raised his brows and asked with a smile, "How energetic can you be?"

Chu Heng said meanly: "Let's put it this way, before drinking this, pee down the wind to moisten a shoe, and after drinking it, pee three feet against the wind."

"Can you be so fierce?" Shen Tian was surprised.

"It's so fierce, it's not me blowing it, you don't need to drink too much of this wine, just eat it for a dollar, and it's enough for you to breed horses." Chu Heng said while patting his chest.

"Cough, Hengzi." Liu Haokong coughed lightly, looked at him with a dazzling gaze, and said in a low voice, "I have a friend who used to have twenty minutes, but now it takes five minutes to drink. Can this be longer?"

"Your friend?" Chu Heng was stunned for a moment, then squinted at him with a weird expression, and said with a half-smile, "I must be able to, one coin of wine at a time, guaranteed for thirty minutes, if you insist on drinking for a while, you can almost be able to. Back to the peak."

"Hey." Shen Tian also came up, looked around thiefly, and asked in a low voice, "I also have a friend who urinates forks and always sweats, can you drink this?"

What's your physique? Why did you start making friends out of nothing in your thirties! ?

Chu Heng glanced at the two brothers with pity, and said with a smile, "No problem, ten days, at most ten days, you will be able to be strong."

"Then give me two pounds, I... I'll go back and try it for my buddy." Shen Tian said quickly.

"Two kilograms? Are you thinking of Chinese cabbage!" Chu Heng rolled his eyes and pointed to a few jars. There's not much left, I can give you a pound at most."

"Hey, you can also give my friend a pound." Liu Haokong also hurriedly said.


Chu Heng got up with a weird smile, went into the back room with a pretentious manner, and rummaged in the chest of drawers, took out two bottles of muddy tiger whip wine, and shared a bottle between Liu Haokong and Shen Tian.

The three chatted for a while, and when another guest came, they said goodbye and left.

At about nine o'clock, Hu Zhengwen finally picked up Sha Zhu. He was not alone. Besides Sha Zhu, there were also two of his apprentices.

"Guangtian, hurry up, help to move things." Chu Heng greeted Liu Guangtian who had just finished sweeping the yard, then hurriedly greeted him, took out a cigarette with a smile, and gave them a few scattered around: "Pillar Brother, you have been tired these two days, I will treat you to a good meal later."

"Don't be polite, brothers." Shazhu took the cigarette lightly and asked, "Have you delivered everything?"

Chu Heng nodded and said, "I'll put it in the kitchen cupboard."

"Then don't worry about it, just go with your business." Du Zhu waved his hand, put the cigarette in his mouth, greeted the next two apprentices, and went to set up the stove and prepare dishes.

"Sure, you can take some refreshments." Chu Heng didn't show any kindness to him, he wiped his body and went to greet the other guests.

Welcome to the delivery, the time will soon arrive in the evening.

The guests at Chu Heng's house had dispersed, leaving only the second uncle and his wife and Hu Zhengwen.

The room was also dressed up with the help of everyone, with brand-new bedding, exquisite window grilles, and bright red happy characters. There was a strong festive spirit inside and outside the house.

At this time, Aunt Er and Zhang Yi were cooking noodles in the kitchen, while Chu Heng and the three men were drinking tea in the room.

Hu Zhengwen, who had been busy all day, didn't know that he was tired, so he counted the things brought by the guests in the room, and at the end he was speechless: "Mom, there are only seven warm pots, plus the quilt, the spittoon, etc., the total is More than 40 copies! When will this be used!"

Seeing that his nephew made friends so widely, Chu Jianshe was very relieved and said with a smile, "You kid knows a lot of people."

"All Hu Peng Gou Friends." Chu Heng hung his sore calf with a tired face. He didn't rest much all day, and this one came again after leaving, and he almost didn't kill him.

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