It’s a Bit Early To Cross

Chapter 153: What a coincidence

After being mangled for a few words by Zhang Yi, Chu Heng ran out of the store in despair.

That old guy speaks so bluntly, he doesn't know how to be euphemistic at all, and he really can't go on talking today.

When he returned to the grain store, it was just in time for lunch.

The workers have already started to eat lunch. Some people eat wotou pickles, some people cook steamed buns, but generally they are very dull, and you can't see the oil star, even if it is still in the middle of the year.

Director Chu strolled around the room, cared about the masses, and returned to the office.

Miss Ni didn't eat at the moment, she was lying on the table in a daze, pursing her lips and smiling from time to time, not knowing what she was thinking about.

Hearing the familiar footsteps, she hurriedly sat up and looked back. Seeing that her own man was back, the girl smiled with crooked brows and eyes, and got up to help the male silver with the bag: "You're back."

Chu Heng handed her the bag, kissed the **** the cheek again, and asked, "Why didn't you eat?"

"Waiting for you." Ni Yinghong wiped her body and put the bag on his table.

After hearing this, Chu Heng was a little moved. He stepped forward and patted the girl's big ass, causing a wave of flowers: "If you need to eat, I will eat yours. What should I do, what should I do if my **** is hungry and thin?"

"Oops, it hurts."

The girl rubbed her buttocks, turned around to gouge him out, and walked towards the small kitchen: "You sit for a while, and I'll go get some food."

"This stupid woman."

Chu Heng suddenly felt a little remorse for himself, knowing that the girl was waiting for him, he would not give Hala a glance.

Feeling ashamed, Director Chu hurriedly picked up the kettle and poured a cup of honey water for the little girl Ni, and finally made himself some tea, then moved to a chair and sat next to Ni Yinghong's seat, waiting eagerly for dinner.

After a while, Ni Yinghong came in with two aluminum lunch boxes.

Smelling the fragrance of honey in the air, the girl subconsciously glanced at her water glass. After seeing the hot honey water in it, she smiled sweetly at the caring man and put the lunch box on the table: "Eat it quickly."

Ni Yinghong looked very hungry, eating wotou in big mouthfuls, and her small mouth was bulging all the time, like a certain moment...

Chu Heng saw it in his eyes, and it hurt in his heart. He stretched out his chopsticks and flipped through his box of fried bacon with cabbage slices that had specially put less oil and meat in order to cater to Miss Ni. He picked up two pieces of meat from the bottom of the lunch box and put them in. On the nest in the girl's hand, she said, "You can eat before I come back. You don't have to wait for me, I'll show you that you're hungry."

Ni Yinghong's bulging pink cheeks squirmed a few times, swallowed the food in her mouth forcefully, and said softly, "I want to wait for you to eat together, nothing I eat will taste good without you."


Chu Heng smacked his lips, feeling moved, he reached out his hand to touch the girl's head with love in his eyes, and solemnly promised, "As long as everything is fine in the future, I will definitely come back for dinner."

"Well, then I'll be waiting for you." The girl smiled sweetly, picked up a piece of meat from the head of the nest, and put it in front of the man: "You can eat it too."

A simple lunch, just eaten by these two people into a dog food bureau, can make a person tired.

It didn't take long for the two to have enough to eat and drink.

After Little Ni finished brushing the dishes, Director Chu went to close the door and locked it.

The two of them kept warm for a while, and then the guy came up with the idea of ​​eating ice cream.

At first the girl resisted, but then she couldn't stand the man's obsession, so she reluctantly ate one.

Immediately, the two of them could not extricate themselves from the study of flower arrangements.

After a long time.

The exhausted Ni Yinghong leaned back on the chair and rolled her eyes, while Chu Heng rubbed the male dog's waist and wiped the water stains on the ground with a mop.

The stove is hot today, and the house is very damp.


The sun and the moon are turning, and in an instant, the sun and the sun have passed away.

The genius was bright, and Chu Heng rode his car to the pigeon market. He had been there for several days, but he had never found the old man who sold wine, and he didn't know if he could get anything today.

It didn't take long for him to get there.

After walking into the market for a while, he habitually glanced at the place where the old wine seller often set up a stall, and immediately there was a look of surprise on his face, as if he had seen Baba's dog.

The old man finally came. At this time, he was sitting on a pony and greeting the guests. His voice was still loud and could be heard from far away.

Chu Heng was no longer in a hurry, he took out the cigarette and lit it, smoking one after another, standing not far away, waiting for the guests to leave.

It didn't take long for the guest to complete the transaction with the old man, gave a dollar and took a piece of Polygonum multiflorum.

Seeing this, Chu Heng hurriedly closed his eyes and walked forward, squatted down and bowed his hands to the old man with a smile, and handed him a cigarette: "Happy New Year, man."

"happy New Year."

The old man smiled and gave a salute, took the cigarette, lit it, and said, "Tiger whip wine will have to wait for a while, do you want to order something else? I just got some cistanche."

"Hey, I want to buy something else today." Chu Heng leaned forward and whispered to the old man, "Man, I want to buy your recipe for tiger whip wine!"

"Go play with your eggs!"

The old man rolled his eyes at him, waved his hand and said, "This is nothing to talk about, don't sell it, don't sell it for a lot of money, what are you doing?"

"Don't worry, just listen to me." Chu Heng, who was supported by Chu Jianshe, was full of confidence, he said with a smile: "I want it sincerely, as long as you are willing to sell, the conditions are up to you. If you want money for money, if you want work for work, if you want to be promoted, I can also think of ways to do activities.”

In fact, money is not the number one priority these days. A decent job is what people pursue. It would be even better if he could become an official.

Hearing this, the old man was hesitant. He frowned and hesitated for a while, then looked at Chu Heng and asked, "Any conditions?"

Chu Heng didn't dare to say too much, for fear that the old lion would open his mouth: "You can say it first and see. I will definitely not hesitate to do it. If it can't be done, we'll just study it."

The old man snorted, but he didn't say the conditions first, but said to him: "This is an ancestral recipe, originally used by princes and Chu Heng rolled his eyelids and said: "You don't need to come to this set, I know how good the tiger whip wine is, so you can directly say that the conditions are satisfied. "

"Then I'll say it." The old man grinned, showing his white teeth, shining like a butcher's knife: "I have three conditions, one is to give me two thousand yuan, and the other is to give my boss a share. The house, the third is to get a job for my grandson, as long as you can do it, you can take this recipe, and I can teach you how to match wine!"

Chu Heng asked quickly, "Where does your boss work?"

For these conditions of the old man, money and work are easy to deal with, but he does not dare to make a deal for the house. If he has no acquaintance with Chu Jianshe in the old man's eldest son's unit, or the relationship is not hard, this matter can be Not difficult to do.

"Rolling mill, they are going to build a building this year, do you have a way?" The old man stared at Chu Heng. Among these conditions, he cared about the house the most. There were a dozen people in his family, old and young, all crowded. In the three small rooms, the youngest is now talking about the object, because the house matter has been delayed.

Chu Heng laughed when he heard it, this is really a coincidence.

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