Facing Hu's mother's slight change, Zhang Yi was excited, she blinked at Hu Zhengwen secretly, and hurriedly helped to pack her things. When she was done, she took the initiative to go outside to find a boss.

After a while, Hu Zhengwen bent down and walked to the hospital door step by step, struggling to get on the scooter, wrapped in a quilt, and a group of people rushed home.

Zhang Yi rode his two bags and followed closely. When he encountered a bumpy road, he immediately asked the man nervously, "How are you? Did you get any wounds?"

Hu Zhengwen smirked and looked at the beauty beside him, shook his head: "How can you be so squeamish, it's alright."

"Still be careful."

Zhang Yi distressedly instructed Mr. Ban, who was riding the bicycle, "Master, please slow down when you are tired. His wounds are not yet healed."

"Okay." Mr. Ban smiled embarrassedly, and quickly slowed down. He really forgot about this just now, and he thought he was pulling goods.

Hu's father and Hu's mother on the side looked at them with different thoughts.

When Hu Zhengwen arrived at the door of the house, the neighbors in the courtyard hurried out to help and carried him into the house in a hurry.

At the end, the group of seven aunts and eight aunts surrounded Zhang Yi and praised him in a mess.

"You're Xiao Zhang, right? I heard about you, so good!"

"Give us lesbians long faces!"

"You girl is thin and weak, and you are really brave."

"When you have time, go to auntie's place and tell us how to catch the enemy special!"

The thin-skinned Zhang Yi stood in the crowd with a blushing face, and really wanted to run away, but this matter was related to her and Hu Zhengwen's happiness. She could only pretend to be calm and follow Chu Heng's instructions, not to. He waved his hand, admitting neither denying it: "Let's not talk about this, let's not talk about it."

"Oh, we have to keep it a secret, can't tell if it's true?" The aunt next to him nodded suddenly, and quickly said to the sisters: "Don't spread the word about this matter, in case Xiaozhang provokes special revenge from the enemy, but it will be a big deal. If you have sinned, you must protect our heroic women and comrades!"

"Don't worry, I definitely won't take it out to say a word."

"We must protect Xiaozhang!"

"If the special enemy dares to come, let him come and go!"

The aunts promised again and again, as if they didn't know that this matter had spread all over the four-nine cities.

Zhang Yi dealt with these aunts nervously for a while, but in the end, she couldn't stand it anymore. After explaining a few precautions to Hu Zhengwen, she hurriedly left the Hu family.

When the aunts saw that the protagonist had left, they asked a few words about Hu Zhengwen's situation, and then left one after another.

The attitude of the sisters made Mother Hu's mind even more chaotic. After she cooked some porridge for her son, she sat at home and hesitated for a long time, and then decided to go to the police station to confirm the matter again.

If it was really a misunderstanding, she might as well hurry up and make amends.

But before she could leave, Mu Yu, who carefully dressed up, came to the large courtyard.

He didn't wear work clothes today, just an ordinary tunic suit, but with his upright face, it made him look even more dignified.

Mu Yu easily found the Hu family after inquiring in the courtyard. He walked slowly to the door, sorted out his expression, took a deep breath, raised his hand and knocked on the door a few times.

"Dong dong dong."

Mother Hu, who had just put on her bag and was about to go out, heard the sound and came over to open the door. When she saw a strange young man who looked like a leader, she asked politely, "Who are you looking for?"

"Is this the home of Comrade Hu Zhengwen?" Mu Yu asked with a serious expression.

Mother Hu thought it was her son's comrade-in-arms or the leader of the unit, and quickly stepped aside: "Yes, yes, come in quickly."

"excuse me."

Mu Yu walked into the house and quickly closed the door with a guilty conscience. He immediately raised his hands to salute Hu's father and Hu's mother, and took out his genuine work certificate from his body and handed it to him: "Hello, uncle and aunt, I'm here. It's Mu Yu from the Chongwen Branch, who was assigned by his superiors to condolence to Comrade Hu Zhengwen."

The old couple was stunned for a moment. This was a sub-bureau, and it was a condolence.

They took the certificate and glanced at it. It was real, so they couldn't help but be more respectful.

Thinking of the previous rumors, Mother Hu already had guesses in her heart, and she asked hopefully, "Hello, Comrade Mu, I want to ask, what happened to my family's text, would you please come to offer my condolences?"

"It's like this. The leaders heard that Comrade Hu Zhengwen was injured when he was cooperating with Comrade Zhang Yi and Comrade Chu Heng to capture the enemy's special agent. They specially assigned me to let me visit and see if there is any difficulty at home and need help."

Fully prepared, Mu Yu Baba spoke his lines, and finally opened the leather bag he borrowed from his father, took out a certificate of merit and handed it five yuan, and said embarrassedly: "By the way, this is I hope you don't dislike the certificate and five yuan condolences issued by the bureau for Comrade Hu Zhengwen, our funds are really limited."

"Don't dislike it, don't dislike it! It's what we should do to contribute to the country." Hu's mother was immediately excited, and hurriedly took the certificate and money, only feeling that it was heavy.

At this time, the people have a stronger sense of collective honor, and to receive such an award, the ancestors all have light!

And she didn't bring any flowers with her, so she had to keep it with the certificate and keep it for family heirloom!

After looking over and over at the certificate of merit and five dollars, Mother Hu suddenly remembered what the police station comrade told her about the case, and hurriedly asked her doubts: "Comrade Mu Yu, I want to ask why the police station said that my family's daughter-in-law is Zheng Zheng. Did she meet a hooligan? She also said that she was violated by a hooligan!"

You see, the effect is so remarkable that even the daughter-in-law called it.

Mu Yu, who had forgotten the words, was stunned when he heard the words~www.wuxiamtl.com~ thought about the words in his heart, then bowed apologetically to the old couple, and said solemnly: "Speaking of this, I I have to apologize to you on behalf of the above, because the police station below does not know the truth because of confidentiality reasons, so there are some misunderstandings, which has caused a lot of damage to Comrade Zhang Yi's reputation."

"Oh, hey, this is a mess!" Mother Hu felt remorse and blamed herself so much that she couldn't help but complain: "You can't hide it from us, no matter how secret it is, we all thought we had really met a rogue. It's over."

"I'm really sorry." Mu Yu saluted again, and immediately said with a bluff: "Auntie, our confidentiality is also for the safety of Comrade Zhang Yi, so please don't leak this matter to the public. The enemy's revenge."

Father Hu, who was on the side, hurriedly said, "Don't worry, comrade, make sure you don't reveal a word, and I don't even mention it when I'm talking in my sleep."

"That's good."

At this time, Mu Yu opened the bag again, and took out a certificate and five dollars for them: "Oh, by the way, since Comrade Zhang Yi and you are a family, then this certificate and condolence money will trouble you. Hand it over."

Counting the ten yuan for Sun Mei, and the money spent on meals and tickets, the big dog lost.

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