"I can promise you... But ah, one question is, I have completed the script for this animated film independently."

   Su Chen shrugged.

   "Even if you want to participate in scripting, it is not necessary."

   "What? Is it done?"

   At this hearing, both Manager Xu and Sun Wujiang were both taken aback.

   This Nima is a movie script anyway.

   It’s only a week.

   Are you kidding me? !

   Sun Wujiang couldn't help but shook his head and laughed.

   "Teacher Mao Xuewang, this script was completed so hastily. Isn't it too inappropriate?"

   "Yes, it's an original script anyway, with so much investment, in terms of conception, I need to do my best, right?"

   Manager Xu couldn't help but agree.

   Generally speaking, even if a script writer writes something, the content is completely self-thinking and almost non-existent.

   I just want to think of a story and propose something I want to do when I die.

   The script of a work is equivalent to a script, outline and other products, which are the top priority of the entire structure. Any production team needs to be revised repeatedly and brainstorming.

   Such a person has full power to entrust him, and there is a kind of attitude that is too strong, too nonsense, and too sloppy.

   As for why "Deathnote" was packaged by Su Chen, this is because, anyway, he is the original author, the person who knows the essence of the work best, and there is nothing wrong with being solely responsible.

   But now that you have an original script, you have set it all by yourself. This requires other people in the production team, as well as the company's boss, how much trust you have.

   Of course, all of this is considered from a conventional perspective.

   But from the perspective of Su Chen.

   What kind of brainstorming is nothing but a fart.

   He directly followed the plot of "The Oath of the Flower and the Evening", and just drew down the script completely, just like copying homework, without any waves.

   As for what you said would be a problem, please, this is already a complete script, there is no such thing as "wrong" or "bad" flaws.

  If there are any serious flaws, this movie won't win so many awards on the earth-even Gangma even wandered around the scene of the awards ceremony. By the way, real people are indeed much more attractive than photos.

   "It's okay, I have brought the script, if you two are not at ease, you might as well watch the wave later." Su Chen was calm and relaxed.

"You don’t have to worry about these Mr. Xu. The main problem now lies with Teacher Sun Wujiang. I only have one condition. As long as he and the art supervisor can completely obey my management during the production process, everything will be fine. It's easy to say."

   "No problem, Mr. Mao Xuewang, you are a creator I respect. As long as I can participate in this film production, I will leave it to you, grandson."

   Before Xu Wenchang could speak, Sun Wujiang agreed without even thinking about it.

   There was a zeal that was completely incompatible with his age temperament flashed in his eyes.

  ——It seems that this is not only for free, but also a fan and an enthusiast.

   Su Chen, who got the answer, nodded repeatedly, and then cast his gaze on Manager Xu.

   At any rate, the production team is all Bilibili, so naturally I have to listen to Xu Di's opinion at this time.

   folded his palms for a moment, thinking in his head, and finally, the cautious businessman compromised first.

   "That's good!" Store Manager Xu waved his hand.

"On the issue of supervision and scripting, let's make it first! Anyway, there are two teachers helping out, and I am still very confident...Well, when the supervisor arrives, everyone will go to the production team first, and take a look at Su. Morning your script."


   Su Chen is also quite satisfied with this result.

   If Sun Wujiang had used him as a tool man, he believed that the production process would be very smooth.

   In addition, the other party is relatively well-known in the industry, and it may be able to release news during the promotion period and attract more audiences.

Isn't    two blossoms?

   Sure enough, the tool people gave for nothing is incense!

   "So, I can work with Uncle Sun this time?"

   After listening to the conversations of a few people, Su Xiaoxiao was also stunned and excited.

   Sun Wujiang smiled sincerely, the wrinkles on his face grinned: "Haha, please advise me, little girl."

   Just as a few people in the meeting room were enjoying themselves, a knock on the door sounded.

   "Please come in."

   Store Manager Xu answered.

   Another uncle man came in.

   "Lao Ye, here it is, this is Mr. Xu, this is the teacher Mao Xuewang I mentioned to you."

   Sun Wujiang stood up enthusiastically.

   "Teacher Mao Xuewang, this is the art supervisor I often partner with. Supervised by Ye Qingyun, he has extremely high technical skills and once held the post of art design for "Yi Meng Huaxu"."

   "Hello, Teacher Mao Xuewang."

   Ye Qingyun was surprised to see Su Chen so young, but he didn't say much about his good professionalism.

   Su Chen also shook hands politely with the other party, her face blooming with joy.

   These are all real tool people!

   There are two more powerful tool people in the production team, can he be unhappy?

   After getting acquainted with each other, Ye Qingyun's eyes were thoughtful, and he glanced at Su Xiaoxiao suspiciously and said, "Is this little girl a relative brought by Mr. Xu?"

   "No, this is Teacher Xiao Su, an illustration lecturer from Thunderstrike Library. This time I will be responsible for the art and technology of the film."

   Sun Wujiang said in a weird tone.

   It's nothing to call Su Chen a teacher, but calling Su Xiaoxiao, a girl who looks like a minor, a teacher, makes him a little uncomfortable.

   This look that hasn't graduated from junior high school is really not linked with the teacher.


   Ye Qingyun heard it.

   "It turns out that the instructor of the mysterious Lightning Strike Library is this little girl?"

   The eyes of the art supervisor became hot, as if he had met some celebrity.

   Su Chen had seen this look. When the little girl saw Sun Wujiang for the first time, she had such an excited look.

   Could it be...

   "This world is really small, my old club is Thunderstrike Library!" Ye Qingyun.

Indeed, he used to be a design illustrator. With his excellent art skills, his position in the Lightning Strike Library is very important~www.novelmtl.com~ However, he later felt that the light novel industry has not developed much, and the bigger jobs he receives every year The less he came, he took advantage of his peak age and switched to the animation industry.

After that, his contributions to the animation industry are obvious to all. Ye Qingyun has been appreciated several times, participated in the art design and color composition of several movies, and met Sun Wujiang. The two took care of each other. After ten or eight years, they also It's a little famous.

   After a lapse of today, he still has a certain degree of concern about the internals of Lightning Strike Library. After all, it is his old club.

   So when he learned that Su Xiaoxiao was the young and talented lecturer of Thunderstrike Library, his heart was full of surprises.

   Su Xiaoxiao thought for a while, and then tapped his palm: "Aoao! Uncle Ye, I have heard of you, Lao Wang seems to have mentioned you in the QQ group!"

   "Pharaoh... Are you talking about Wang Runhe?"


   "Haha, brother Wang was recruited to join the Thunderstrike Library at the same time as me. At that time, the kid was shaking with nervousness when he raised his paintbrush during the assessment." Ye Qingyun showed a joyous chuckle of nostalgia.

   "Really? Is Lao Wang so bad?"




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