It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 305: Isn't this too irritating?

   After starting the game, after listening to the ethereal and terrifying bgm on the menu page for a while, Su Chen called out to infiltrate people, so he controlled the mouse and officially entered the first chapter of the game.

   The screen started to darken, and bgm stopped abruptly.

   Seeing this, Su Chen took a sigh of relief, his expression calmed down a lot-no matter how horrible, there would be no scary plot at the beginning of the game, right?


   Just as he was waiting for the game to load, a big, vague face suddenly appeared on the screen.

   "Hello, welcome to..."


   Su Chen never expected that this game would have an open-screen lightning strike. He shivered unnaturally in front of the camera, and was startled by the sudden face.

   For an instant, I lost my face in front of millions of viewers.

   Li Zhenshou on the side was laughing desperately, and was amused by Su Chen's reaction.

In fact, the plot of the game just entered the game, strictly speaking, it is not to be scary, that is, the photographer is shooting the female anchor Jiahui, but the distance of this face is too close, and when it is loaded, it is directly one. A big face will really startle the timid players.


   [What the hell? Is Mao Bao so courageous? 】

   [I was scared at first but I didn’t expect it]

   [The game didn’t scare me, but I was so surprised by your reaction]

   [To be honest, I was also scared]

   [mmp my cabinet moved, I didn’t look at it]

   The barrage ridiculed him mercilessly.

  The number of online users is rising.

   After being slightly startled by the human face, Su Chen found that this paragraph seemed to have no high energy, it was just listening to the woman named "Jiahui" in front of him.

   Take a closer look, in addition to the gloomy scenery, the girl named "Jiahui" in this game is really cute, her chest is not small, and the feelings of CV are also in place.

  The whole Su Chen wanted to dig people to Bilibili.


   took the time to glance at the barrage, and when he found that it was full of cynicism, he became a little unhappy.

  Why? I just react instinctively. Can you guys laugh for ten minutes first?

   "What are you guys talking about?"

   glanced at the camera with disdain, Su Chen looked at the game content on the screen for a few times, and felt nothing.

   "It's just a mere factual record of the tricks, it's a piece of cake for someone Mao."

  【Classic dead duck with hard mouth】

  【Remember this sentence, I have to test】

   [Mao Bao, don’t broadcast my mother’s fear]

  【Is the body's instinctual reaction okay? 】

  【A piece of cake (referring to be frightened)】

  【Beat my brother on the public screen, I am afraid】

   didn't bother about the barrage anymore. It wouldn't work if the live broadcast was just going to the interactive audience. Su Chen quickly watched the episode at the beginning of the next chapter.

   I like to hear and hear the haunted house, looking for urban legends, but in the process, I encounter a real ghost, and all the people except the protagonist are gg.

   "So, I am a photographer, am I?"

   Su Chen murmured according to his own way of understanding.

   "Along with this host named Jiahui to die?...Can I just leave her and walk by myself?"

  【Do you listen to others? 】

  【The courage is really small】

  【Jiahui is so cute! 】

   [Immediately, Ms. Jiahui will bring you all the **** sharks]

   Accompanied by the barrage, the opening animation soon ended. In the process, after simply explaining the operation methods and action goals, the characters in the game can move freely.

   "So, I just follow the game prompts now, so I can keep up with Jiahui?"

   After carefully familiarizing himself with the operation method, Su Chen turned his head and asked Li Zhenshou.

what? Why don't you ask the barrage?

   Please, the barrage old guys are very bad, even if they are fans on the boat, they will probably cheat him in a different way, not the truth.

   Don’t you just want to see how frightened you are? This group of fans is really hateful.

   "This, yes, teacher, just follow the instructions in the game."

   "Is there no knife, club, shotgun or something? What should I do if I encounter a ghost while walking?"

   Li Zhenshou could not laugh or cry: "No, Mr. Mao Xuewang, the protagonist of the game is just an ordinary photographer, and this is an exploration puzzle game, not an action game."

   "Grass, then this is too insecure, right?"

   Su Chen manipulated the character to spin around, complaining.

   The gloomy picture even made him afraid to walk out of the first alley.

   can be said to be quite refreshing and refined.

   "Then you can give me a spoiler...For example, if I go out now, is there anything high in energy..."

   "...Teacher Mao Xuewang, I think it's better to explore this game by yourself, spoilers are boring."

Under the mask, Su Chen rolled his eyes.

   It seems that Li Zhenshou is unreliable, so he can only face the fear himself.

   As for the bullet screen.

   In the barrage full of screen, one or a few high-energy fronts popped out from time to time. I don't know if it's misleading myself, and it's also unreliable.

   manipulates the characters and recommends step by step along the alley. The atmosphere is gloomy and scary throughout, and the picture is dark and deadly.

   But fortunately, he found a flashlight on the way.

   Just when he was complacent about this, he thought it would make the game brighter, and when he opened it, he found that it was a flashlight, but it was actually a small white dot when it was turned on, and it couldn't illuminate the background at all.

   On the contrary, when the flashlight is turned on, the difference between light and darkness is too big, but it makes the game atmosphere more terrifying!

   Strange flashlights have been added!

   This Nima has a mentality too!

   can only say, is it a flashlight for horror games?

   "I broke this flashlight. Why not give it to me."

   With a complicated expression on his face, he carried a flashlight. While walking along the way, Su Chen used the flashlight to check the clues around him. After all, it was essentially a puzzle game, and he was quite familiar with the routines of this game.

   So, under his "exploration", a section of the road that could have been walked in ten seconds, he just walked for two minutes before it reached the end.

   [I'm taking it, Mao Bao, are you going shopping here? 】

   [Is it too special]

  【What is the ink, you go faster! 】

   [I didn't expect to see the small advertisement of the game in the game]

   [Jiahui: I have been waiting for you for a long time]

   ignored the barrage After fans watched every second, Su Chen finally came to the end of this road.

   He found nothing but a flashlight along the way, not even Jiahui.

   Damn, does this woman not exist on the map? No wonder it becomes a ghost behind.

   Just as he was thinking about it, at the end of the road there was an iron gate with the prompt words "need to find the switch" on it.

   After careful observation, Su Chen found that the iron gate could not be opened, but a yellow line was connected to the switch of the iron gate, extending far away, indicating that the player should follow the yellow line to find the switch.

   Harm, this is too simple, right?

   There is no scary plot for a long time, except that the atmosphere is a little scary, this game seems to be no big deal.

   The so-called Eastern style horror, this is it?

   The face under the mask gradually relaxed, and Su Chen felt that he could do it again.

   took a few steps along the yellow line with ease and pleasure, and soon, he found a hole under the pipe on the side.

   Looking along the entrance of the cave, you can vaguely see a gate-like device.

   It is estimated that this is the electric switch of the iron gate in all likelihood.

   Without a word, he squatted down according to the prompts, and he began to crawl slowly toward the entrance of the cave.


   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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