It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 295: This is a qualified warrior of love

   is obviously a twists and turns of the plot, I am surprised to make you feel very sweet, but also funny enough.

   "Just take the liberty to ask, where do you see now?"

   So, Su Chen asked cautiously.

   "I haven't finished reading yet." Yuzi replied, "I have just finished reading Chapter 3 [Daily]. Oh, teacher Xiaogui, you are really good at controlling these trivial daily plots!"

   expressed a sincere admiration, Yuzu really likes the story of "Your Name".

   Not to mention the novel themes, the style is so vivid and lively.

   plus the beautiful breath that lingers from time to time...

   really fits the appetite of young female readers like him.

   Xiaogui teacher is really as always, very good at using words to please girls.

   When Su Chen heard this, he patted his **** calmly and stood up. In the curious gaze of Yuzu, he calmly said: "Then what, I went to the bathroom, and the cold lunch made my stomach hurt a little."

   "Oh." Yuzi didn't think too much, "Go out and turn left and walk to the end. Go and go back quickly. I will review the manuscript while waiting for you."


   pretended to be calm and calmly responded, and Su Chen left the meeting room as if escaping.

He has a hunch. After a while, when Yuzu sees the wonderful things, he will definitely stand up and force himself to change the essay. The last time he was reviewing "Violet Evergarden", he almost came close, but the editor in chief stopped him Down.

   No editor-in-chief was present this time, so Su Chen felt that he had to avoid unnecessary trouble a little bit.

   What is that cold joke that Su Xiaoxiao told him?

   Really smart species know how to avoid any unnecessary dangers, and the same is true of being human!

   My sister is sincere not to deceive me.

   in charge of the editor after watching the wonderful plot, with a horrible expression, he asked himself to change the text. This Nima is terrifying and dangerous!

   Decisively adopt early evasive measures.

   Turning around on the floor, Su Chen, who took off the grapefruit, didn't even want to go to the toilet at first, so he would just turn around in the company building.

   and the other side.

   Pomelo would never dream of it.

   Su Chen, this product is looking for an excuse Jin Chan escaped from the shell.

   She is still in a very satisfied state of reading.

   After reading Chapter 3, Yuzu continued to review it.

   At the end of Chapter 3, I exchanged the three leaves of the body and used Taki’s body to build a good relationship with the boss lady whom Taki had been longing for, and it was in full swing. He also agreed on a date for a date, which is comparable to a king’s leveling.

   Sure enough, a woman’s mind is easier to understand than a woman.

   But on the day of the date, I am not sure if I will be physically exchanged, so Mitsuba used a mobile phone memo to leave a lot of dating guides to Taki.

   [Speaking of which, you should never have an appointment at all?

   So below are links to reference materials that I have carefully selected.

   Link 1: How did I get my lover with social barriers.

   Link 2: Haven't been popular in a lifetime? Talking skills specially prepared for you like this!

  Link 3……】

   Hahahaha Taki had eyelids jumped at the time, and I just felt offended. Thank you.

   In addition to these, Mitsuba’s message has a follow-up:

   [After the date is over, I can just see the comet in the sky.

  Oh-so romantic, so looking forward to tomorrow?

   When the time comes, whether it's me or Taki, I have to come on! 】

   What a romance this is.

   The emotion and subtle sense of distance between men and women are perfectly interpreted by Xiaogui teacher.

   What a romance this is!


   Speaking of comets.

   That is a major foreshadowing.

   Taki felt very strange after seeing this place. If the comet's visit could be observed, it would have been reported in the news. Mostly Mitsuba made a mistake, right?

   Important foreshadowings are only interpreted through small details.

   Comet, I didn't let Yuzu care too much.

   She is still silly thinking that the plot will continue to be sugary.

   At the beginning of Chapter 4, as an intuitive editor, she finally realized something was wrong from the lines of the text.

   The daily life in front is just a silhouette of a beautiful fragment.

   Show these beautiful fragments to readers, and then tear them up in front of the readers mercilessly, so that the protagonist in the play can't love it. This is the novel that a qualified love warrior should write.

   The next content.

   seemed unremarkable, as usual.

   But Yuzu can feel the law that things must be contradictory from the wrong words.

   is like the peace before the storm.

   First of all, the article first explained that Tachibana Taki failed to date her boss Miss Sister. Without Mitsuba, he was ruthlessly sent a good person card by the Miss Sister.

   But this is not the point.

   However, since this day, there has never been a soul exchange between Tachibana Taki and Miyamizu Mitsuba.

   So, the perspective of the novel has completely shifted to the first perspective of the male protagonist Tachibana Taki.

After that, Taki became curious about Mitsuba.

   He first tried to dial Sanye's phone number, but it showed that the other party was down, off, or out of service area.

   Moreover, no matter what time Taki makes a call, it will always be a situation where the call cannot be reached.

   This is incredible.

   But considering that exchanging bodies is an unbelievable thing, Taki didn't think much about it. It's a big deal to ask about something next time I exchange bodies.


   Every time before entering his dream, Taki made a sincere wish, but he couldn't exchange his body with Sanye.

   I really can't worry about Mitsuba, Taki resolutely embarked on a trip to find Mitsuba-that is, by transportation, rushed to the town where Mitsuba is located.

   In the words of 0202, maybe this is called "meeting online dating".

  The never-before-acquainted heroes and heroines are connected through a wonderful fate, and then make a deeper Reading this, grapefruit is nervous.

   Judging from the exclusive alert of her old editor, the little devil, the otaku, may have to do something in the book, create a point of abuse, as the climax of the novel.

   is actually the same as she guessed.

   Yuzu could have guessed here, so she must have been mentally prepared in her heart.

   But when the plot really came, she still didn't hold on to it, she just looked confused.

   wading through the mountains and rivers came to Sanye’s small town, but learned that the small town was destroyed by a natural disaster—a comet hit the earth, and the entire town and its residents.

   The small town at the time was holding an autumn festival. Almost everyone gathered near the shrine where the comet fell. Almost no one was spared from this natural disaster.

   What is even more frightening is that this sensational natural disaster happened three years ago, but Taki exchanged bodies with Mitsuba a month ago.

   Why does this suddenly burn my brain?

   Yuzu frowned.

   In other words, the two protagonists not only exchanged their bodies, but also spanned a full three years of time and space?

   Otherwise, exchanging bodies with the dead, that's a plot that can only be found in the supernatural next door.



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