It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 283: 2 volumes finished, the author is short!

   early September.

   In this time when most student parties are facing the horror disaster film "School" and "Military Training", the second volume of "Violet Evergarden" will be on sale in bookstores.

   After Su Chen and Leizhi Wenku sent out the news, readers quickly gathered under Weibo and stirred up the atmosphere.

   "The second volume will be on sale tomorrow."

   "Damn, I'm stupid every month."

   "Little ghost teacher, this speed is outrageous."

   "Look at the big vampire at a certain point."

   "Buy it directly tomorrow."

   "The two ghosts gradually assimilated 2333."

   "Is this the power of all of us blades?"

   "Wait...Look carefully, what the **** is the last sentence of this Weibo?"

   A sharp-eyed user replied below that in the last sentence of Su Chen’s Weibo, there was a sentence "This will be the final volume of "Violet Evergarden", thank you for your support so far...".

After    found out, all readers and fans were shocked.

   The big tactical backwards can no longer calm down.


What does    mean?

   Is the second volume coming to an end?

   It is clear that the first volume of the first volume contains nothing, just recalling the unfolding of Violet and Shao Zuo’s poignant life and death relationship...

   Then you told me that the second volume is over?

  ? ? ?

   This Nima is too short, right?

   Angry readers put the words "Little Ghost Short" on Weibo to express their strong protest.

   "The author is short!"

   "If I take it, can't such a beautiful novel be more watery?"

   "Above, can the best-selling author's business be called water?"

   "I seriously suspect that the author's trumpet is upstairs."

   "Teacher Xiaogui, look at the light novels of the same period. They are all seven or eight volumes and just started the plot."

   "Fuck, don't talk about the previous ones, the quality of the two is not the same level, but the little ghost teacher is really short."

   "You can show me this after you have bought all of my bookshelf?"

   "How can mmp finish the book with two volumes."

   "Gan, author, you are going to be unfinished, right?"

   "Strongly request more volumes!"

   The large number of responses on Weibo surprised Su Chen.

   Good guys, these people are actually starting to complain that they are short?

   Really, don’t you know that short works are good works?

   The long works are almost all water. There is a vast ocean in the book. Really, the ocean of the book can be filled with water... Are you so willing to be immersed in the ocean of the book?

   Moreover, I update so quickly that I can write a volume in a month.

   Is there any other light novelist who can do it?

   After reading the private messages and rumors on Weibo for a long time, Su Chen felt that this group of readers just owed that, and he couldn't get used to them. Like the original Xiao buried, he should come to an indefinite period of warning.

   Let them know that some things can only be understood if they are lost.

   Actually, the grapefruit of Lightning Strike Library was very opposed to this question.

   After all, the editor is not traditional literature. Who doesn't want the author under his hand to write more?

   You can see the reaction of Xinlan and Leng Feng in detail.

   But, light novels are different from online comics. They are in the form of physical books.

  The consumption model will definitely be much worse than the former two.

   So, after Su Chen assured Yuzu that after finishing the "Violet Evergarden", he could immediately submit the manuscript of the new book, and the other party would stop worrying about it.

   Anyway, the little ghost teacher is here. After finishing the book, open the next one, there is nothing wrong with it.

   She knows the strength of the other party, she has a good grasp of the emotion of the article, and she can draw god-level illustrations for herself.

   An author like this, no matter how much he wanders, it is impossible for him to jump on the street.

   Yuzu is very relieved.

   But the voice of the reader is very loud.

   Because, readers like the book itself, not the author.

   In the eyes of most readers, the author is just a tool for the production of novels, which is a fart. How can the content of the novel itself be real.

   The second point is that readers are not editors. Editors are pursuing high sales, high performance, and high profits. As a consumer, readers are definitely not pursuing these interests.

   The last point is also more important.

   That is the illustration problem.

   This novel is illustrated by a horrible comic gangster. From the reader's point of view, if you open a new book, who knows if you still have the selling point of illustrations?

  After thinking about it, Su Chen felt that it was necessary to disclose the news of the new book to the readers after understanding this.

   Otherwise, this group of people always feel that they are not serious about writing books, they are very headstrong, and it seems that something is really wrong.

   I am clearly a conscientious author!

   So, some language was brewed, and on a night of heavy traffic, Su Chen updated a dynamic notification on Weibo.

The general content is "My little devil is not unfinished", "Violet's finished book is not that I can't write it, but the story ends here" "There is a new book after writing Violet" "Although I wrote it short, I have to be faster" and so on. , Forcibly explain a wave to readers.

   This dynamic also attracted a lot of fan interaction.

   "Good guy, I don't know anything else, but I know Teacher Xiaogui, you definitely don't have a xing life, because you are not only short but also fast (dog head

   The first hot comment is fast cars.

The middle building under    is also very lively:

   "Owner, do you think the dog head can save your life? Be careful, teacher Xiaogui flips your sign."

   "Really, what is the truth of the original nonsense? (dog head

   "Danger, the original poster, danger."

   "Do you really think my little ghost teacher doesn't read the comments?"

   "Little ghost teacher feels very tired."

   silently gave this hot comment a There have been so many unsound comments Su Chen, but he didn't care much.

   In addition, most of the fans are discussing about the end of the two volumes.

   "Fuck, just after reading the first volume, the news came out after the book, what about my wife?"

   "What else can I do? Let's do the next work again, oh, Violet, my wife, don't accept any arguments."

   "The one in front of you looked at my fifty-meter-long sword and said it again."

   "Holding up Weimei is a 100-meter sprint."

   "A 100-meter sprint kicked upstairs and led Weimei away."

   "Oh, stop arguing, Violet is Shao Zuo's."

   "Speaking of the kid, what is this going to do? It is hard to come up with a phenomenon-level light novel, and in the end two volumes are going to end. Is it so capricious?"

   "Maybe this dog thief wants to sell blades to make a fortune."

   "Say okay first, if this guy doesn't write the third volume, I won't read his new book, or I will be a dog."

   can only say, complaining.

   After learning this news, in addition to the editors of Thunderstrike Library, some other websites, editors and authors of publishing houses were also very bewildered by this.



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