It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 280: The King of Fighters Ninety-seven is really fun hahahahaha

   Probably until after two o'clock.

   The brothers and sisters finally finished all the thrilling items on the left and right of the guidebook.

  What kind of pendulum, bolide, jumping machine, space shuttle...none of them have fallen, a cool batch.

These projects basically don’t take much time, and the average one takes only a few minutes, so this also leads to the fact that before the agreed three o’clock in the afternoon, the two of them have nothing to play, so they came to the game hall early. Waiting.

   And at this time, Yinsha and Fengyu were still crying in the Liao Zhai and admiring the love scene that humans and ghosts are not in love. Most of the facilities they play are of a viewing nature, but there are more ink than stimulating facilities.

   Su Chen, who arrived at the game hall early, didn't bother the two of them. There was still plenty of time anyway, and it was not too late to wait until three o'clock.

   Another point is, saying that they are waiting for someone, it is impossible for them to sit and wait foolishly?

   bought some game coins from the front desk, and he played with Su Xiaoxiao first.

   The two first picked a shootout series game and played for a while.

   But there is a big technological gap.

   Su Xiaoxiao skillfully kills the enemy alone and pushes the plot, but Su Chen has been fiddling for a long time before he can figure out which is a bunker and which is a changer.

   No, not halfway through a game, Su Chen's character is gg.

   "Brother, you're too culinary, what's the difference between this and me playing alone."

   "Really, the shoot-out adventure game was played by you into a squat game."

   Su Xiaoxiao continued to mock him.

   Su Chen was taken aback, his face was all confused: "What the **** is squatting up in the game?"

"Look at it." Su Xiaoxiao pointed to the pedal under Su Chen's feet. "You always step on the bunker pedal. The characters look like they are up and down, aren't they just squatting? Say you are letting the npc play and play. Gopher..."

   "Am I special..."

   Su Chen was immediately delighted.

  What kind of curious metaphor is hitting a mole?

   Your game level is so unbearable?

   But... Does that pedal originally mean to look for shelter?

   It's not right, it's not important.

  The important thing is that he is an old arcade fan, and he was taunted by his younger sister when he came to a regular game hall. Is this tolerable?

   If I don’t show you my high level of play, I don’t think you can shed tears if you don’t see the coffin.

   So, after watching Su Xiaoxiao's two coins playing a shooting game for a long time, Su Chen asked: "Dare you play the King of Fighters 97 with me?"

   As he said, he also made a slap in the face of the arcade game area.

   "Huh, why don't you dare?"

   Su Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows and responded very readily.

   "You will know what one wears three."

After    gave Su Xiaoxiao a meaningful look, he took the lead and walked towards the arcade area.

   Su Xiaoxiao followed closely.

   After choosing a place with few people around and a newer location for the machine, the two of them dropped coins and sat down and began to enter the stage of selection.

   In fact, Su Xiaoxiao is quite confident about this game.

   In the live broadcast, she often even takes time out to play, and is very familiar with the combination of characters and nirvana.

   I know how to rub it.

  Compared with Su Chen, I can't say that June 4th opens, but it is also possible for 5th to 5th.

   But after getting the joystick, the little girl frowned deeply.

   The hand feel is far worse than the computer, especially in terms of controlling the direction. The computer only needs to press the corresponding key position, but the joystick needs to shake the direction by itself.

   is extremely unfriendly to beginners in video games.

  So that, in the next SOLO session, the three beautiful girl roles she chose, Chen Guohan selected by Su Chen ruthlessly stringed three, and were ridiculed continuously.

   Su Chen basically manipulated Chen Guohan to stand in place, constantly using his small skills, and the iron ball made a giant turn.

   Then the little girl's Athena will bump into herself, very happy.

   It can be said that the dishes are pretty stingy.

   Either it was a combo and the result was to put a heavy fist in place and punch the air, which was really stupid and made him want to laugh.

   "This, this... why can't my tricks come out?" Su Xiaoxiao.


   "What kind of plane do I do, where's my mental power ball?"


   "Is there something wrong with this machine, pause, I need to pause!"


   "What the hell?"


   "Fuck! Brother, are you stuck?"


  In the end, Su Xiaoxiao's Athena, Shiranui Mai, and Lily Sister were all knocked out by Su Chen's Chen Guohan's round sledgehammer.

   After one round, he lost less than half of his blood, and even the second round of the little girl’s Shiranui Wu hit less blood than he could reply.

   can be said to be very guasha.

   One wears three like drinking water.


   However, Su Xiaoxiao was obviously not convinced.

   At the end of one round, two coins were cast, and the second round of SOLO started angrily.

  啧, this little girl is even worse.

   Su Chen directly took out his life and eight gods, and after three rounds, he was almost harmless, ending the opponent's female fighter combination.

  The classic combo of crumb winds and sunflowers of running clouds and flowing water, and finally an eight-child girl to help cheer, and very smoothly kills the little girl's Chizuru in a second.

   "The game is over, cry, scream, and go to death! (Voice of the eight childish girls

   The Iori on the screen madly tore Qianzuru's body, and finally grabbed it domineeringly and released the flame to blow it up.

game over.

   Su Chen slowly tactically leaned back, jokingly squinting at Su Xiaoxiao who had been blown up by him.

   "On this level?"

   "Stop playing, grass!"

   angrily hit the command button, picking up the game coin angrily, Su Xiaoxiao left her seat with a puffed face.

   good fellow.

   Classic can't afford to lose.

   shrugged, Su Chen hurriedly followed behind the little girl.

   He knows that this state of the other party will continue for a while, UU reading www.uukanshu. com forgets the hatred after a while, and can still be crazy and don't want it.

   Yes, just like a child.

   Remember the grudge, but it won’t last long.

   Sure enough, ten minutes later, Su Xiaoxiao stepped on the dancing machine and twisted his body with excitement. While dancing to the music, he greeted him with him.

   It seems that the bun's face ten minutes ago was not hers.

   "Brother, come and play together~hahahaha~"

   laughed happily, happily like a pupil.

   Su Chen waved his hand, not embarrassed to go up and dance in public.

   After all, his music cell is really inferior to the monster like Su Xiaoxiao.

   Learn a dance, the other party will master all the details after just a few times, and they can jump out completely...

  This...he really can't do it on him.

   So, this little girl dances happily on it, which seems to fit the music incomparably, and is exactly the same as the demonstration of the characters on the screen.

  The cool dance and the petite and cute takeaways even attracted many other tourists. They stopped here in twos and threes to watch.

   It was so excited to see it, as if he was watching some street performance.



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