It Would Be Great If I Could Be a Copywriter

Chapter 273: No one can escape the mysterious curse of the true incense law

   "Leng Feng, what the **** are you doing? Why did you arbitrarily report "Suspect X's Devotion" to Sanjiang Pavilion? Why did you recommend it to the editor?"

   "Give a one hundred and fifty thousand words, all free books and resources, don't you want performance this month?"

   At night, the editor-in-chief contacted Leng Feng.

   He just saw that this guy had reported a "eunuch book" to Sanjiang Pavilion for recommendation by Sanjiang, and almost bounced off the bed with anger.

   This 150,000-character book is obviously a scrap book cut off by a vampire.

   And he also read the first two chapters, the style of writing is very boring, it is destined to hit the street.

   Suspense Channel’s books didn’t have many Sanjiang locations. Now you’re just wasting a place on this kind of useless books and adding to the channel’s resources. Isn’t that a nuisance?

   waited a few minutes later.

   Leng Feng replied: "Because this book is a masterpiece, the editor in chief, you can see the comment I gave to the editor."

   The editor-in-chief quickly cut the screen and glanced at Leng Feng's comments.

  【This is the best book in recent years. 】

   A short line of words almost made the editor vomit blood three feet.


   What should he say?

   You are a pig with a green onion in the nose, pretending to be an elephant, you are really pretending to be?

   Give such an outrageous evaluation, can't attract a lot of boring people to spray? The next day, everyone in the editorial department knew everything about it.

  Everyone is under the same website. See you when you look up.

   will definitely make a foreign look, okay?

   The editor-in-chief's face is full of misery, like a bitter gourd.

   "What do you mean by this comment? Give you ten minutes, so I can withdraw it quickly."

   Leng Feng: "No withdrawal."

   "Quickly withdraw! It's still too late."

   "No withdrawal."

   "Why are you going to withdraw or not?"

   "No! I won't withdraw what you say."

   Leng Feng's position is very firm.

   God work is God work, I want to do my best to make the greatest promotion for God work, your editor counts as a jb?

   At this moment, Leng Feng's heart kept sighing his own greatness.

   Sacrificing one month's performance for the sake of a real god... Ah, what a great dedication this is!

  Stone God is nothing more than that, right?

   He would like to write a book if possible.

   is called "Devotion of the Responsible Editor x".

   Well, it can definitely be a big fire.

  The more he thought about it, the more Leng Feng felt that he was getting involved, so much so that he is now thinking about whether he should just switch to a full-time job after he is really fired.

   "Yes, Leng Feng, count your kid hard (smiling

   The editor-in-chief is completely angry now.

  'S message was accompanied by a big smile of death, which was very scary.

   When your boss ends with such a smiling face, you have to be careful.

   It is the big night now, and neither of them is in the company.

   Otherwise, the editor-in-chief has to carry Leng Feng to the office, 1v1 real men can't fight.

   "After the morning meeting tomorrow morning, you come to my office."

After    angrily and Leng Feng finished this sentence, the editor-in-chief went offline.

  Yes, I don’t want to have more bb with you.

   He has already decided that when he sees that boy Leng Feng tomorrow, he must be scolded.

   However, before that, he plans to read the text of "Suspect X's Devotion".

   This is so easy to find out the shortcomings of the book, and prepare the wording tomorrow to refute Leng Feng with reason and evidence.

   Not only must he be taken orally, but he must also be convinced.

   He made up his mind.

   Although Leng Feng kept telling him that this was done by his own mind, the editor-in-chief didn't take it seriously.

  His stinky boy is just a minor editor with a little experience in life. Can you see what God does or not?

   I have to have such a discerning and experienced editor to review it.

   And, I don’t believe it anymore. Can this book be completed with 150,000 words?

  The editor-in-chief will stand tall.

   As everyone knows, the last person who thought this way is now about to recite the true fragrance law.

   After opening the book "Suspect X's Devotion" in the background, unlike Leng Feng, the editor did not use the software to read it-those fancy book reviews, other than making him upset, had no substantial effect.

   It's not just a review that tells the quality of a work.

   Everyone's reading standards are different. It's a mule or a horse, and you have to pull it out to find out.

   The same is true for novels. Whether it is a magical work or a poisonous weed, you have to open it to find out.

   thinking so.

  The editor-in-chief poked the part he saw last time, and then looked at it.

   The whole plot is as plain and cold as before. The new character Yukawa is probably the important role of a detective in the novel.

  The setting is also quite plain and routine.

   Soon, I can see it halfway through, and the editor-in-chief also understands roughly.

   is the story of the male protagonist becoming an accomplice for love, and then fighting against the male second.

   Maybe this is the dedication the author wants to express?

   It can’t be said that the writing is not good, it’s just so-so.

   But considering that the author is a big vampire, if there is really only this thing in the book, then the regression would be too great. The editor thinks that there is nothing wrong with typing a "just this" at this time.

   This kind of reasoning is like the standard of a thousand equals in a web article.

   The young author may set this achievement as a goal, dreaming that one day he can reach a certain level of one thousand.

   For a great author, if the new book has only a thousand evenly determined results, it is already on the street. You can cut the book and not write it, tidy up and prepare for the next one.

  Different standards mean different values ​​of books.

   The author is the pen name of the three characters vampire.

   One emperor and the head of the four emperors, the largest row of noodles at a certain point.

   The standard is higher, isn’t it?

   Editor-in-chief continues to look down.

   Actually, he is a little sleepy now. It was already ten o'clock in the evening, and he had to get up early for work tomorrow. If Leng Feng hadn't done this for him, he would never have gone to see it. He would wash and go to bed a long time ago.

   is such a state of constant sleepiness The editor-in-chief can be regarded as finishing three-quarters of the book.

   This part is also quite boring, and I have created a love rival for the male protagonist, and I don't know what the meaning of this setting is.

   Continue reading to see the end of this chapter.

   Then he frowned deeply.

   The hero actually surrendered!

  ? ? ?

   What kind of magical development, how can it be written like this?

   This chapter refreshed the editor in an instant, and he couldn't wait to turn the page.

   Then at the beginning of the next chapter, he realized that the atmosphere was a little bit wrong.

   It was an unspeakable feeling. The style and details were still as plain as before, but it gave people a solemn feeling of wind and rain.

   He knows that this is a textual manifestation of the climax of a novel.

   The sleepy editor-in-chief kept looking down.

   Then, he read the scene where Yu Chuan reasoned out the truth of the matter, and told Jingzi the whole method of Shi Shen, and also told the reader in a disguised form.

   uncovered Shishen's supreme scam for all readers-to kill another person to cover up the truth of Jingzi's murder.



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